Socialism-the BIGGEST plight/failure to this world, EVER.

Do you think Hitler could have rounded up 6,000,000 people and killed them all in the 5 or so years with a small and limited government??

Prove that he did with a small and limited government and I will agree with you that Facism is a conservative ideology.....
Do you think Hitler could have rounded up 6,000,000 people and killed them all in the 5 or so years with a small and limited government??

Prove that he did with a small and limited government and I will agree with you that Facism is a conservative ideology.....

Nice one

One of the greatest lies by the left is that Fascism is not related in any way to socialism
Oh the other, that FDR economic policies worked

Oh I almost forgot

the other is Papa Obama's Pork Bill worked
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Do you think Hitler could have rounded up 6,000,000 people and killed them all in the 5 or so years with a small and limited government??

Prove that he did with a small and limited government and I will agree with you that Facism is a conservative ideology.....

MaggieMae wrote:

You are clinically a moron. I think this is one of the few times I've seen someone actually cherry pick Adolph Hitler's brain to suit his own agenda, at least on this board. The first glaring point should be what constitutes "a citizen" in this manifesto, which should be remembered as you read through all 25.
All you did was ramble on bout what constitutes a German citizen or not, you even helped my case by pointing out what else was done for the "common good"

I could further humiliate you by reminding you that Hitler, and his Germany were no Christians, as he saw himself God, and killed or jailed clergy who disagreed + oh I dunno, killing millions upon millions of Christ's people, but thanks anyway for providing further humor.

It's common knowledge that Hitler implemented those practices I mentioned, your spam doesn't change that.

The "common" good of the pure white Christian German people, you idiot. If anything, "Socialism" embraces all races, all creeds, because it's primary focus is on EQUALITY. What part of that simple definition is escaping your infinite wisdom, genius?


Is that like when your kids can go to private school while you deny poor black kids from going there as well?

Is that like when members of Congress exclude themselves from PapaObama Care?

Do you really think the politicians' friends and family are going to have the same doctor as you?

If you do then I have some "Hope and Change" to sell you

Socialism spreads misery equally for those outside the "inner party"

Indeed, we will all be equal some will just be more equal than others

Did you know Stalin killed more of his own people than Hitler? (something tells me you didn't)
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A little definition always helps.

Socialism: State ownership of the means of production. The nationalization of all land and minerals, public transportation, trade, banking and factories - with profits going to the people as a whole rather to capitalists or landlords.

Financial Capitalism: Profits are derived from the investment of money.

Anarchism: The support of no system of government; the belief that government controls, regulations and authority are oppressive.

Economics: The study of the ways in which people make a living; the study of human wants and their satisfaction; the science of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Basic agents of production in the market system: Land (natural resources); Labor (human effort); Capital (the physical necessities for production - buildings, maqchinery, tools, equipment and supplies).

Management (to plan, coordinate and direct production).

Now put the emotion aside, stop posting unproven axioms which you hear but can't explain, and post your own theory of economics which best fits the culture of our nation.

My guess is the vast number of Americans would choose a mixed economy. Not laissez faire capitalism, not government control of the means of production, but a pragmatic approach to satisfying the needs and wants of our people.
A little definition always helps.

Socialism: State ownership of the means of production. The nationalization of all land and minerals, public transportation, trade, banking and factories - with profits going to the people as a whole rather to capitalists or landlords.

Financial Capitalism: Profits are derived from the investment of money.

Anarchism: The support of no system of government; the belief that government controls, regulations and authority are oppressive.

Economics: The study of the ways in which people make a living; the study of human wants and their satisfaction; the science of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Basic agents of production in the market system: Land (natural resources); Labor (human effort); Capital (the physical necessities for production - buildings, maqchinery, tools, equipment and supplies).

Management (to plan, coordinate and direct production).

Now put the emotion aside, stop posting unproven axioms which you hear but can't explain, and post your own theory of economics which best fits the culture of our nation.

My guess is the vast number of Americans would choose a mixed economy. Not laissez faire capitalism, not government control of the means of production, but a pragmatic approach to satisfying the needs and wants of our people.

Should add

Statism- concentration of controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry. Sovereignty is vested not in the people but in the national state, and that all individuals and associations exist only to enhance the power, the prestige, and the well-being of the state

Crony Capitalism- A description of capitalist society as being based on the close relationships between businessmen and the state. Instead of success being determined by a free market and the rule of law, the success of a business is dependent on the favoritism that is shown to it by the ruling government in the form of tax breaks, government grants and other incentives.

My guess is the vast number of Americans would NOT choose either of the above, but a pragmatic approach to satisfying the needs and wants of our people.
Righteous1 gave a perfect demonstration of idiocy today on the thread. Her Claim: “Socialism” killed more people than any other ism in history. Proof: Some stats but no comparisons. None. Comparative Analysis: none Direct argumentation of contradictions: none One estimate, in contrast, estimates hazily that more than 800 million people have died because of religion. Deaths over history: religious vs. nonreligous Bookrate

Claim: Hitler was a socialist Proof: None. Comparative Analysis: none Direct argumentation of contradictions: none. Counter Proof: could not give one example of an industry that Hitler nationalized.

Righteous 1, in other words is just another Tea Party Samurai, bigrebnc1775, US Army Retired. She is full of fury and nonsense, saying much but meaning nothing, and flatly unable to either carry or defend an OP. When called out, she instead of responding to facts simply attacks personalities, calls opponents spammers and trolls.

Conclusion: In other words, knowledgeable folks find it a lot of fun for those who are informed about these matters to taunt the dolts like Righetous1.
A little definition always helps.

Socialism: State ownership of the means of production. The nationalization of all land and minerals, public transportation, trade, banking and factories - with profits going to the people as a whole rather to capitalists or landlords.

Financial Capitalism: Profits are derived from the investment of money.

Anarchism: The support of no system of government; the belief that government controls, regulations and authority are oppressive.

Economics: The study of the ways in which people make a living; the study of human wants and their satisfaction; the science of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Basic agents of production in the market system: Land (natural resources); Labor (human effort); Capital (the physical necessities for production - buildings, maqchinery, tools, equipment and supplies).

Management (to plan, coordinate and direct production).

Now put the emotion aside, stop posting unproven axioms which you hear but can't explain, and post your own theory of economics which best fits the culture of our nation.

My guess is the vast number of Americans would choose a mixed economy. Not laissez faire capitalism, not government control of the means of production, but a pragmatic approach to satisfying the needs and wants of our people.

Should add

Statism- concentration of controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry. Sovereignty is vested not in the people but in the national state, and that all individuals and associations exist only to enhance the power, the prestige, and the well-being of the state

Crony Capitalism- A description of capitalist society as being based on the close relationships between businessmen and the state. Instead of success being determined by a free market and the rule of law, the success of a business is dependent on the favoritism that is shown to it by the ruling government in the form of tax breaks, government grants and other incentives.

My guess is the vast number of Americans would NOT choose either of the above, but a pragmatic approach to satisfying the needs and wants of our people.

From earlier today. I just came home from other duties. Neo earlier asked: "you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?"

So let's nuance the term. Definition: stat•ism noun \ˈstā-ˌti-zəm\ Definition of STATISM: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry First Known Use of STATISM 1919 Statism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That fits your definition, for sure, Neo, and also describes every major government since 1900. Fascism, like every ism of the 20th century, centralized government functions, as did the major democracies of the time, and particularly in and since Reagan’s administrations in the United States.
A little definition always helps.

Socialism: State ownership of the means of production. The nationalization of all land and minerals, public transportation, trade, banking and factories - with profits going to the people as a whole rather to capitalists or landlords.

Financial Capitalism: Profits are derived from the investment of money.

Anarchism: The support of no system of government; the belief that government controls, regulations and authority are oppressive.

Economics: The study of the ways in which people make a living; the study of human wants and their satisfaction; the science of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Basic agents of production in the market system: Land (natural resources); Labor (human effort); Capital (the physical necessities for production - buildings, maqchinery, tools, equipment and supplies).

Management (to plan, coordinate and direct production).

Now put the emotion aside, stop posting unproven axioms which you hear but can't explain, and post your own theory of economics which best fits the culture of our nation.

My guess is the vast number of Americans would choose a mixed economy. Not laissez faire capitalism, not government control of the means of production, but a pragmatic approach to satisfying the needs and wants of our people.

Should add

Statism- concentration of controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry. Sovereignty is vested not in the people but in the national state, and that all individuals and associations exist only to enhance the power, the prestige, and the well-being of the state

Crony Capitalism- A description of capitalist society as being based on the close relationships between businessmen and the state. Instead of success being determined by a free market and the rule of law, the success of a business is dependent on the favoritism that is shown to it by the ruling government in the form of tax breaks, government grants and other incentives.

My guess is the vast number of Americans would NOT choose either of the above, but a pragmatic approach to satisfying the needs and wants of our people.

From earlier today. I just came home from other duties. Neo earlier asked: "you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?"

So let's nuance the term. Definition: stat•ism noun \ˈstā-ˌti-zəm\ Definition of STATISM: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry First Known Use of STATISM 1919 Statism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That fits your definition, for sure, Neo, and also describes every major government since 1900. Fascism, like every ism of the 20th century, centralized government functions, as did the major democracies of the time, and particularly in and since Reagan’s administrations in the United States.

Fits but it is incomplete. Not really, in statisim the state is supreme not the individual

I hope you are not trying to argue that statism is good or that well we have been doing it so it must be ok

If you want to argue that the gov't of Coolidge was a true Statist gov't
I would love to hear it

Truthfully, you are the first poster I have every seen that has even tried to equate our system in with fascism. socialism and communism all at once. I assume that was not
your intention. It seems more like you are trying to parse the definition to suit you needs (whatever that may be)

Here are some more complete and accepted definitions: with link
(your "focused" definition is noted- when I google it I had to go down a few links to find your definition )

the theory or practice of concentrating economic and political power in the state, resulting in a weak position for the individual or community with respect to the government


1. the principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty.

2. support of or belief in the sovereignty of a state, usually a republic.


centralized political control: the theory, or its practice, that economic and political power should be controlled by a central government leaving regional government and the individual with relatively little say in political matters


So Jake, now back to question using the most common and accepted use of Statism (which I stated first in my post to other poster by the way)

Again, Jake in the question below assume them to be pure in the theoretical sense.

you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?

The question still waits for your answer. Jake under the complete definition, this should be easy

You know Jake, I am starting to get the feeling that you have the inability to say anything negative about socialism

Why would that be ?
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.....Wow, JakeStarkey, after being humiliated repeatedly and ran off the forum by yours truly, has the nerve to come back, lol.

Let's see what other amusing, delusional, and predictable spam he posts now.

I've already proven, with help from my boy Net, beyond a shadow of a doubt that far-left ideologies have killed more people than anything else, ever, and that Hitler was a socialist, A NATIONAL SOCIALIST (NAZI) by posting points from the Nazi Manifesto (which he implemented), which he continues to run from:lol::lol::lol:

Ding ding! Round 2 bad joke, let's see how he manages to run and lie himself into a corner now.:lol::lol::lol:
I agree that Socialist, and Facist, and Communist governments were all based on forms of stastism, as were all the western democracies. What is your point, Neo? That some statist governments were worse than others?
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Righteous1 simply lies. Going to a church finance meeting is not getting run off the board by a moron like you. So, no, you did not prove that socialism killed more people than other forms of governments. You did lie repeatedly. You lost the OP, girl. You remind me of the cartoon character who was pitching, had his fastball knocked over the center field fence, and started jumping up and down screaming, "I struck the bum out!"

You are a delusionary doofus who brings great amusement to the board. Keep trolling, kiddo. :lol:
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Righteous1 simply lies. No, you did not prove that socialism killed more people than other forms of governments. You did lie repeatedly. You lost the OP, girl. You remind me of the cartoon character who was pitching, had his fastball knocked over the center field fence, and started jumping up and down screaming, "I struck the bum out!"

You are a delusionary doofus who brings great amusement to the board. Keep trolling, kiddo. :lol:

Annnnd this is how he plans on lying and shaming himself into a corner folks.:lol:

He won't argue the statistics I've posted, as he knows HE CAN'T, as it's common knowledge that Hitler killed 6 million, Mao 65 million, etc. Instead he calls the kettle black, a troll suggesting Ima troll.:lol::lol::lol:

Coupled with the latter part of the diarrhea that just came off his keyboard, he again, offers nothing but spam, flaming trolling, and a complete denial of reality, IE the mental disorder that is liberalism.

Troll spammers like Starkey, and to a lesser extent Maggie and Shintao, again, reconfirm to me every negative stereotype bout the left, liberalism:

*A deranged inability to admit when they've lost, which devolves into the trolling and subsequent humiliation.

*A near automatic resort to making up facts, historical revisionism, putting words in one's mouth, and petty name calling when those fail.

*A complete denial of reality, the political mainstream, and simple points in one's argument that they can't refute, so they twist.

I should make a thread on this.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"-Michael Savage.
Sigh, the troll continues to lie, citing the irreligious Michael Savage? OK, we are in la la land here. She can't prove that her figures somehow are larger than the 800mm killed by religion. She ignores that many of the war deaths of the 20th century were caused by Christians or those claiming to be Christians. Righteous1 continues to spam and troll. She can't carry an argument.

Please do not go away, girl. Your posting continues to unmask the sickness of the far reactionary nonreligious right. :lol:
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Sigh, the troll continues to lie, citing the irreligious Michael Savage? OK, we are in la la land here. She can't prove that her figures somehow are larger than the 800mm killed by religion. She ignores that many of the war deaths of the 20th century were caused by Christians or those claiming to be Christians. Righteous1 continues to spam and troll. She can't carry an argument.

Please do not go away, girl. Your posting continues to unmask the sickness of the far reactionary nonreligious right. :lol:

And the delusional troll, now obviously on something for thinking Ima girl, somehow knows my religion:cuckoo: tries to twist the argument AGAIN.

Notice folks, this debate was socialism vs. capitalism, which has killed more? Unable from his mental disorder to admit I'm right, he tries desperately to change the subject IE religion, and of course, anti-Christian bigotry, natural for a liberal.

He refuse to refute the facts I've posted, and others have:
liebuster wrote:
Do you think Hitler could have rounded up 6,000,000 people and killed them all in the 5 or so years with a small and limited government??

Prove that he did with a small and limited government and I will agree with you that Facism is a conservative ideology.....
Anymore comedic routines Starkeytroll? Or are you done for the day?

Anymore facts to run from? Words to twist?

I got an idea. Why don't you keep up with your keyboard diarrhea a lil longer. I'm compiling a very amusing list of your retarded posts that I think I just may showcase......
I agree that Socialist, and Facist, and Communist governments were all based on forms of stastism, as were all the western democracies. What is your point, Neo? That some statist governments were worse than others?


Again, you are agreeing to your flawed definition. (how noble of you)

All Western Democracies? Sorry, the US Republic was based in individual rights being supreme.

So, I can not agree with your statement above.

However, if you are arguing that the US is moving towards Statism (in the common and accepted definition ) then you may have something interesting to discuss.

Again, I am amazed at what appears to be your need to defend socialism at all cost that you are attempting to lump the US in with Fascism and Communism. Pretty weak - good luck with that one

Sorry Jake, but the "moral equivalence" thing won't work for me.

The real question is still open (your avoidance is noted)
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I agree that Socialist, and Facist, and Communist governments were all based on forms of stastism, as were all the western democracies. What is your point, Neo? That some statist governments were worse than others?


Again, you are agreeing to your flawed definition. (how noble of you)

All Western Democracies? The US democracy was based in individual rights

So, I can not agree with your statement above.

However, if you are arguing that the US is moving towards Statism (in the common and accepted definition ) then you may have something interesting to discuss.

Again, I am amazed at what appears to be your need to defend socialism at all cost that you are attempting to lump the US in with Fascism and Communism. Pretty weak - good luck with that one

Sorry Jake, but the "moral equivalence" thing won't work for me.

The real question is still open

I think you're asking waaaay too much from that mental infant. He rewrites history, and twists arguments, and flat out lies to "make points"

Your better off asking Hindu Patriot.:eek:
Anymore comedic routines Starkeytroll? Or are you done for the day?

Anymore facts to run from? Words to twist?

I got an idea. Why don't you keep up with your keyboard diarrhea a lil longer. I'm compiling a very amusing list of your retarded posts that I think I just may showcase......

You are a liar, kiddo, period, whom I will have no trouble unmasking. S/he is fun to kick around.
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