Socialism vs. Capatalism in a nutshell.

Then STFU complaining.
I love my country and hate seeing it go to hell just like you.
You just seem to have a twisted version of who's to blame.

Those that put into place social welfare programs. The results of such things are horrendous. Every time you turn around, some group is demanding (fill in the blank) is a right. Funny thing is when that happens, they want someone else to foot the bill for it, usually those of which they're jealous and claim have too much money.
Those that put into place social welfare programs. The results of such things are horrendous. Every time you turn around, some group is demanding (fill in the blank) is a right. Funny thing is when that happens, they want someone else to foot the bill for it, usually those of which they're jealous and claim have too much money.
That really amounts to Pentagon propaganda actually.

Those that put into place social welfare programs. The results of such things are horrendous. Every time you turn around, some group is demanding (fill in the blank) is a right. Funny thing is when that happens, they want someone else to foot the bill for it, usually those of which they're jealous and claim have too much money.
That really amounts to Pentagon propaganda actually.

It amounts to people expecting someone else to do for them what they refuse to do for themselves. It isn't society's place to pay for someone's unwilling to do the basics on their behalf.
It's clear why you don't like capitalism. You've realized you're such a failure that you'll never be able to do for yourself and know the only way you'll ever have something is because someone earned it and had it taken from them.
Whatever you say Huckleberry.:26:
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Here is what happens when you replace capitalism with socialism.


You see, without the wealthy providing for a middle class, governmental control of capitalism leads to this.
It amounts to people expecting someone else to do for them what they refuse to do for themselves. It isn't society's place to pay for someone's unwilling to do the basics on their behalf.
I don't want to pay for your wars in the Middle East, or $100 billion a year for NSA to spy on me every year, or to have 5 million prisoners locked up here.
It amounts to people expecting someone else to do for them what they refuse to do for themselves. It isn't society's place to pay for someone's unwilling to do the basics on their behalf.
I don't want to pay for your wars in the Middle East, or $100 billion a year for NSA to spy on me every year, or to have 5 million prisoners locked up here.

My wars?

There's an easy way to keep from locking up 5 million. Convince them to stop committing crimes.

Conspiracy theorist?
According to what you posted, everyone is being targeted. In fact, based on how you expressed it, they're seeing what you and I type now.
Snowden said that in one of his interviews.
I can tell you this --NSA has everything Hillary ever sent out. The infamous emails
are like a false red herring if you will. The server that was downloaded inside the DNC --not by Russians- that's all a smokescreen. NSA has it all. Which means they may or may not share it with FBI, CIA or whoever else. And they certainly won't admit it publicly, what Clapper lied about in Congress.
According to what you posted, everyone is being targeted. In fact, based on how you expressed it, they're seeing what you and I type now.
Snowden said that in one of his interviews.
I can tell you this --NSA has everything Hillary ever sent out. The infamous emails
are like a false red herring if you will. The server that was downloaded inside the DNC --not by Russians- that's all a smokescreen. NSA has it all. Which means they may or may not share it with FBI, CIA or whoever else. And they certainly won't admit it publicly, what Clapper lied about in Congress.

Better hide, the boogey man is coming for you.

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