Socialism: Your Questions Answered


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
To's 'Socialism vs. Humanity'....mutually exclusive, it's one or the other.

In a recent thread much was made of how different socialism is from communism.
It isn't.
There is no real difference between socialism and communism. When the former is strong moves to become the latter.

And, of course, no difference in the aims of the two above with Liberalism/Progressivism.

1. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

a. Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.
Singling out one group made Nazism non-exportable. By making its violence random, communism produced near-identical results everywhere.

2. Insight into the way socialist/communist leaders view human beings can be found in this, from Figes:
. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

When I describe what Lenin meant by "what we want him to be," you will be disgusted with socialism/communism.

Disgusted and repulsed.
1. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."
weak and generalized.....

look in a dictionary if you need a less opinionated description of a political ideology...
Yet you see communistic nations today and see less of the tyrants from the 18th and 19th centuries.....
Socialism is just communism lite.

Communism is usually forced on people with the barrel of a gun.

Whereas, socialism is a slower process.

The frog in increasingly warmer water phenomenon. But the end goal is still communism. ....... :cool:

There is another society in competition right now, and it smells better. It is called the Birch John Society.
To's 'Socialism vs. Humanity'....mutually exclusive, it's one or the other.

In a recent thread much was made of how different socialism is from communism.
It isn't.
There is no real difference between socialism and communism. When the former is strong moves to become the latter.

And, of course, no difference in the aims of the two above with Liberalism/Progressivism.

1. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

a. Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.
Singling out one group made Nazism non-exportable. By making its violence random, communism produced near-identical results everywhere.

2. Insight into the way socialist/communist leaders view human beings can be found in this, from Figes:
. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

When I describe what Lenin meant by "what we want him to be," you will be disgusted with socialism/communism.

Disgusted and repulsed.
Personally, I don't like Obama-ism either.
I love these threads... It just shows us how wrong and deranged the OP and supporters are like...

He is actually trying to pretend he is some sort of expert...

Then he paints this picture of the Red Buggyman...
To's 'Socialism vs. Humanity'....mutually exclusive, it's one or the other.

In a recent thread much was made of how different socialism is from communism.
It isn't.
There is no real difference between socialism and communism. When the former is strong moves to become the latter.

And, of course, no difference in the aims of the two above with Liberalism/Progressivism.

1. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

a. Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.
Singling out one group made Nazism non-exportable. By making its violence random, communism produced near-identical results everywhere.

2. Insight into the way socialist/communist leaders view human beings can be found in this, from Figes:
. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

When I describe what Lenin meant by "what we want him to be," you will be disgusted with socialism/communism.

Disgusted and repulsed.
Personally, I don't like Obama-ism either.
Obama-ism, the word is so kewl it's hyphenated....
I love these threads... It just shows us how wrong and deranged the OP and supporters are like...

He is actually trying to pretend he is some sort of expert...

Then he paints this picture of the Red Buggyman...
you do know the OP lived in a communism world right? She was born into it, I enjoy how you were born in a free country and want communism.
And Hitler was a dictator for life, not a socialist....

Hitler, as much as Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, was a scion of Karl Marx.

1. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler...and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...."
NYTimes, November 27, 1925.

2. Shortly thereafter the Nazis found it more useful to stress differences, and the earlier campaign posters showing similarities disappeared, posters with both the hammer and sickle and the swastika.

a. "Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

b. "Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

Your constant stream of inaccuracies and errors does serve a purpose.... gives me an idea for a future OP.

This one should compare Hitler and Stalin.

In terms of doctrine and methodology, it is hard to find a difference.
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To's 'Socialism vs. Humanity'....mutually exclusive, it's one or the other.

In a recent thread much was made of how different socialism is from communism.
It isn't.
There is no real difference between socialism and communism. When the former is strong moves to become the latter.

And, of course, no difference in the aims of the two above with Liberalism/Progressivism.

1. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

a. Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.
Singling out one group made Nazism non-exportable. By making its violence random, communism produced near-identical results everywhere.

2. Insight into the way socialist/communist leaders view human beings can be found in this, from Figes:
. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

When I describe what Lenin meant by "what we want him to be," you will be disgusted with socialism/communism.

Disgusted and repulsed.
Personally, I don't like Obama-ism either.
Obama-ism, the word is so kewl it's hyphenated....
Yea, it's definitely cute to the max. I think it fits nicely.
Hitler raised his own army for his dictatorship, Stalin inherited it.....
To's 'Socialism vs. Humanity'....mutually exclusive, it's one or the other.

In a recent thread much was made of how different socialism is from communism.
It isn't.
There is no real difference between socialism and communism. When the former is strong moves to become the latter.

And, of course, no difference in the aims of the two above with Liberalism/Progressivism.

1. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

a. Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.
Singling out one group made Nazism non-exportable. By making its violence random, communism produced near-identical results everywhere.

2. Insight into the way socialist/communist leaders view human beings can be found in this, from Figes:
. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

When I describe what Lenin meant by "what we want him to be," you will be disgusted with socialism/communism.

Disgusted and repulsed.
Personally, I don't like Obama-ism either.
Obama-ism, the word is so kewl it's hyphenated....
Yea, it's definitely cute to the max. I think it fits nicely.
The only problem is Oblama is doing exactly what the capitalist want him to do...I see no socialist or communistic actions.................
Socialism is just communism lite.

Communism is usually forced on people with the barrel of a gun.

Whereas, socialism is a slower process.

The frog in increasingly warmer water phenomenon. But the end goal is still communism. ....... :cool:

Whose end goal? Are you implying that the Swedish people who embrace democratic socialism secretly want to become a Stalinist dictatorship?
To's 'Socialism vs. Humanity'....mutually exclusive, it's one or the other.

In a recent thread much was made of how different socialism is from communism.
It isn't.
There is no real difference between socialism and communism. When the former is strong moves to become the latter.

And, of course, no difference in the aims of the two above with Liberalism/Progressivism.

1. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

a. Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.
Singling out one group made Nazism non-exportable. By making its violence random, communism produced near-identical results everywhere.

2. Insight into the way socialist/communist leaders view human beings can be found in this, from Figes:
. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

When I describe what Lenin meant by "what we want him to be," you will be disgusted with socialism/communism.

Disgusted and repulsed.
Personally, I don't like Obama-ism either.
Obama-ism, the word is so kewl it's hyphenated....
Yea, it's definitely cute to the max. I think it fits nicely.
The only problem is Oblama is doing exactly what the capitalist want him to do...I see no socialist or communistic actions.................
I don't know what's going on behind closed doors. Sometimes, the consequences take years to become obvious as to what was done that we didn't know about.

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