Socialism: Your Questions Answered

In other words, no it isn't. Kind of shoots a big fat hole in the OP's idiocy that socialism is no different than Communism doesn't it...

It takes time for the state to destroy the people........and as the states go bankrupt and money becomes less available, then the government starts to clamp morons think if it doesn't happen over night it doesn't exist........that is because you don't read or understand history, the truth or reality......

What democratic socialist countries have evolved into Communist dictatorships?

Wow....these countries have been lucky...their welfare states have been propped up by the U.S. providing protection since the end of World War they haven't had to actually pay for their own they have been able to live the fat and happy life of small wealthy countries with generous benefits.........and when the U.S. no longer protects them and the immigrants moving into their countries create discord and crash their welfare states....then you will see them moving toward stricter government is already happening across Europe...give it another 20 think the socialists in Greece that are coming into power are not going to be duplicated elsewhere in Europe...just wait.....moron.....

So your answer is 'none' after you claimed history had proven otherwise.

Fuckinay you're retarded.

Moron.....did you forget Germany, Russia, China.....and the rest history shows that countries who preach socialism and communism end up in bad places....moron....and the next ones to go will be all those wonderful welfare paradises in Europe.....moron....

Germany became a Communist dictatorship when?
How successful have socialist, communists, Liberals, or Progressives been in creating their 'new man'?

6. "So where, in this landscape, do we find them, the New Men? Where is homo Sovieticus, that new breed of ‘fully human' human beings?"
Martin Amis

"In the gulags, there were the 'dokhodyaga,' the goners.

a. "Goner' (доходяга) — camp slang for prisoner who was so exhausted by work and wasted by disease that he had little to live for, commonly used in Soviet gulags. " The Goner

a. One finds them "rummaging thorough the garbage, eating rancid scraps of meat, chewing fish skeletons- -such behavior was so common that no one noticed."

"Man Is Wolf to Man: Surviving the Gulag,"byJanusz Bardach(Author),Kathleen Gleeson
b. The goners became ‘semi-idiots,'‘whom no amount of beating could drive from the refuse heaps'. Consider that: no amount of beating. If the scraps were thrown into the latrine, then the goners went in after them. ‘The namedokhodyagais derived from the verbdokhoditwhich means to arrive or to reach,' writes Petrov:

At first I could not understand the connection, but it was explained to me: the dokhodyagas were ‘arrivistes', those who had arrived at socialism, were the finished type of citizen in the socialist society. "It Happens In Russia," byVLADIMIR PETROV

"I knew that we would find them, the New Men. There they are, beaten, beaten, and, once again, beaten, down on all fours and growling like dogs, kicking and biting one another for a gout of rotten trash.
There they are." Koba The Dread," Martin Amis, p. 81

And here, too. In America, there are those who are beaten, who smile and give government the authority to take their property, their rights, their souls.

They are trained like dogs....just as Lenin said they would be.
How successful have socialist, communists, Liberals, or Progressives been in creating their 'new man'?

6. "So where, in this landscape, do we find them, the New Men? Where is homo Sovieticus, that new breed of ‘fully human' human beings?"
Martin Amis

"In the gulags, there were the 'dokhodyaga,' the goners.

a. "Goner' (доходяга) — camp slang for prisoner who was so exhausted by work and wasted by disease that he had little to live for, commonly used in Soviet gulags. " The Goner

a. One finds them "rummaging thorough the garbage, eating rancid scraps of meat, chewing fish skeletons- -such behavior was so common that no one noticed."

"Man Is Wolf to Man: Surviving the Gulag,"byJanusz Bardach(Author),Kathleen Gleeson
b. The goners became ‘semi-idiots,'‘whom no amount of beating could drive from the refuse heaps'. Consider that: no amount of beating. If the scraps were thrown into the latrine, then the goners went in after them. ‘The namedokhodyagais derived from the verbdokhoditwhich means to arrive or to reach,' writes Petrov:

At first I could not understand the connection, but it was explained to me: the dokhodyagas were ‘arrivistes', those who had arrived at socialism, were the finished type of citizen in the socialist society. "It Happens In Russia," byVLADIMIR PETROV

"I knew that we would find them, the New Men. There they are, beaten, beaten, and, once again, beaten, down on all fours and growling like dogs, kicking and biting one another for a gout of rotten trash.
There they are." Koba The Dread," Martin Amis, p. 81

And here, too. In America, there are those who are beaten, who smile and give government the authority to take their property, their rights, their souls.

They are trained like dogs....just as Lenin said they would be.

Everybody thinks this is hyperbole but, I'm telling you, dimocraps would be perfectly happy with this type of scenario. They seriously would.

They would be the happiest of happy were they the Kim Jong Uns to our North Korea.

You think I'm kidding but I'm not. You just don't understand the dimocrap mind.

I can only warn you so many times.
There is no such thing as democratic socialism.
Lots of links for something you say doesn't exist? democratic socialism - Google Search

There's that damn reality thing again. Just always getting in your way...

Then define it. It doesn't exist. Except in that tiny little brain of yours as a theory.

It doesn't exist.

If it does, define it then tell me where it is being used.

You dirtbags have completely derailed this thread.

Like you do with everything in here. You don't like it, you come into it and shit all over it.

I don't know the powers that be put up with childish bullshit.

Post me a definition of democratic socialism and where it is practiced so I can make you look even stupider than you already do
For the sake of argument, let's just go with the top link:

"Democratic socialism is a political ideology advocating a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system, involving a combination of political democracy with social ownership of the means of production."
democratic socialism - Google Search

And in the US we find these guys, who seem to have a plan: Democratic Socialists of America

You or one of your reach around buddies said Denmark is a democratic socialist Country.

I said democratic socialism doesn't exist except in theory.

Gee you had a different view in January:

They're social democracies. A couple of them are democratic socialist.

Eh, fucktard?

The difference between capitalism and socialism in a nutshell Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It takes time for the state to destroy the people........and as the states go bankrupt and money becomes less available, then the government starts to clamp morons think if it doesn't happen over night it doesn't exist........that is because you don't read or understand history, the truth or reality......

What democratic socialist countries have evolved into Communist dictatorships?

Wow....these countries have been lucky...their welfare states have been propped up by the U.S. providing protection since the end of World War they haven't had to actually pay for their own they have been able to live the fat and happy life of small wealthy countries with generous benefits.........and when the U.S. no longer protects them and the immigrants moving into their countries create discord and crash their welfare states....then you will see them moving toward stricter government is already happening across Europe...give it another 20 think the socialists in Greece that are coming into power are not going to be duplicated elsewhere in Europe...just wait.....moron.....

So your answer is 'none' after you claimed history had proven otherwise.

Fuckinay you're retarded.

Moron.....did you forget Germany, Russia, China.....and the rest history shows that countries who preach socialism and communism end up in bad places....moron....and the next ones to go will be all those wonderful welfare paradises in Europe.....moron....

Germany became a Communist dictatorship when?
Must have been around the time when they were arresting and killing the communists, as well as outlawing their party Those damn Nazis were sneaky, being communists while banning it.
8. The fact that National Socialism (Nazism) and International Socialism (communism) are both varieties of socialism is but one resemblance.

Mass murder, the path to 'Utopia,' another.

"Even if we add the total losses of the Second World War (40-50 million) to the losses of the Holocaust (c. 6 million), we arrive at a figure which, apparently, Bolshevism can seriously rival.

Civil War, Red Terror, famine; Collectivization accounted for perhaps 11 million, Conquest suggests; Solzhenitsyn gives a figure (‘a modest estimate') of 40-50 million who were given long sentences in the gulag from 1917 to 1953 (and many followed after the brief Khrushchev thaw); and then there is the Great Terror, the deportations of peoples in the 1940s and 1950s (‘the specially displaced'), Afghanistan…

The ‘twenty million' begins to look more like the forty million. Of course, the figures are still not secure, and they vary dismayingly. But these are not the ‘imaginary' zeros of the millennium, and we will certainly need seven of them in our inventory of the Soviet experiment.

Koba The Dread," Amis, p. 82-83

Perhaps we may never know the true totals. The mass graves now being discovered can present additional difficulties of tabulation. In Night of Stone Catherine Merridale writes:
‘The bodies, a twisted mass in death, have rotted now, and the skeletons are impossible to separate. It is inadvisable to rely on a skull-count because most of the skulls were damaged, if not shattered, by the executioners' bullets… When you have finished, you count the femurs and divide by two." "Night of Stone: Death and Memory in Twentieth-Century Russia," Merridale,

This was the situation to which Franklin Roosevelt bonded America.

Y'think Roosevelt knew? And...if he did...why didn't he care?
What to say to the fools who yearn for that paradise that humanity would find at the end of the socialist rainbow?

9. "During the earlier years of the 1920s Stalin had presented himself as a godfearing centrist. Then, with the opposition defeated, he veered wildly Left.

Collectivization (1929-33) was the opening and defining phase of Stalin's untrammelled power: it was the first thing he did the moment his hands were free. As a crime against humanity it eclipses the Great Terror,... During Collectivization Stalin is reckoned to have killed about 4 million children. For the man himself, though, and for the man's psychology, the most salient feature of Collectivization was the abysmal depth, and gigantic reach, of its failure.....

Lenin had tried to socialize the countryside. Grain requisitioning was enforced by terror - and followed by famine. His agrarian policies also gave rise, in 1920-21, to a vast national uprising that proved a greater threat to the regime than all the armies of the Whites: part of a failed but genuine revolution that utterly dwarfed those of 1905 and February 1917.

Let us laboriously imagine that the ‘paradise' Trotsky promised to ‘build' suddenly appeared on the bulldozed site of 1921. Knowing that 15 million lives had been sacrificed to its creation, would you want to live in it? A paradise so bought is no paradise."
Martin Amis, Op. Cit.

You've been fooled, lied to, manipulated by every Leftist.....socialist,communist, Liberal, Progressive....

Look who you voted for.

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