

Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Rather than tell you how stupid of a system it is, rather than debate the topic with 2nd rate mentalities, here's some pictures.......

Caracas one year ago --


One day ago --



Totally and completely thanks to socialism.

Freely elected (the only Country in history to do so initially).

They can't even feed their own people....... The Country with the WORLD'S LARGEST OIL RESERVES!!!!!!!


This is the system that every dimocrap in here promotes, defends, wants and will IMPOSE it on you if they get a chance. Then maintain their hold on power by whatever force they need to do so.

You vote dimocrap, you are one stupid human being.
I'm bumping this because it is a perfect illustration of dimocraps.

They promote, fight for, vote for, defend and shield socialism. But when presented with the actual harm it does, they run and hide like the little bitches they are.

So typical.

And trust me, people. dimocrap scum WILL inflict socialism on you if they get the chance. You can take that to the bank.

Because you won't be taking anything else.

dimocrap FILTH are not about making people's lives better. They are about power. They want absolute power. Over you, over me, over..... Everybody. Even their 'friends'

And the ones pushing for it now? They'll be socialism's first victims.
Most people on the left aren't actually asking for socialism. That label is widely abused and misunderstood. They want to emulate Nordic capitalism.
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It is obvious that our righties don't have the brainpowers to understand the difference between Government style socialism where the government owns all business. And socialistic programs that benefit all Americans. They know better but just don't seem to have the brainpower to understand.
Most people on the left aren't actually asking for socialism. That label is widely abused and misunderstood. They want to Nordic capitalism.

I could go along with the 'Nordic Capitalism' model because it isn't totalitarian.

But you better wake up and look around.....

the dimocrap scum in the papers the most are serious socialists. They ain't shittin' around.

Will they try to force a 'Top-Down' socialism on us? No. They're not that stupid. We'd pull a Mussolini/Petacci on them and they know it.

But you put dimocrap FILTH in Office and, I'm telling you, socialism is just around the corner. They'll infiltrate and take control of the Police forces (DoJ, anyone) which obama was well on his way to doing that. Again, wake up, look around. Yes he was.

Then they'll infiltrate and take control of the US Military. Probably with Lawyers. Even now, we have Lawyers telling Combat Troops what to do. Trump is trying to fix that but they are firmly established. A LOT of dimocrap sympathizers in the Officer Corps. More in the General/Flag Officer ranks than anywhere else. Not so much in the combat units........ Yet

It'll take twenty years, but they'll get it. There's a thousand books written by smarter people than I about how they'll do it.

But they'll do it. Believe it.

Unless you want your children to be slaves to people like Maduro, Castro, etc (Stalinism is dead) -- Vote Republican.

They are FAR from perfect but they're the only viable alternative.


Don't let the Perfect be the enemy of the Good.

You have two choices most of the time -- Okay and total scum.
the fastest way to destroy an individual and their freedom.... socialism
Rather than tell you how stupid of a system it is, rather than debate the topic with 2nd rate mentalities, here's some pictures.......

Caracas one year ago --


One day ago --



Totally and completely thanks to socialism.

Freely elected (the only Country in history to do so initially).

They can't even feed their own people....... The Country with the WORLD'S LARGEST OIL RESERVES!!!!!!!


This is the system that every dimocrap in here promotes, defends, wants and will IMPOSE it on you if they get a chance. Then maintain their hold on power by whatever force they need to do so.

You vote dimocrap, you are one stupid human being.
Why didn’t capitalism work? It’s just another corruptable ISM you know
the fastest way to destroy an individual and their freedom.... socialism
No one wants socialism unless we are talking about schools and Medicare for all Americans.

I heard two funny stories about socialism. The second one made me laugh so hard I got tears in my eyes and couldn’t stop laughing.

Joke one. You know rustic, you’re the best socialist. I bet if you had two homes you’d give me one wouldn’t you? Yes you say.

And I bet if you had two boats you’d give me one? Sure you say.

And I bet if you had two bicycles you’d give me one? And you say “Wait a second! Do You know I have two bikes?”

2nd joke. When we pass socialism everyone will have a big home and everyone will have a boat. And everyone will have a rolls Royce. And you say, “but I don’t like rolls Royce” and I say in a very threatening way, “after the movement you’ll take a rolls Royce and like it!”

The way the British guy told it it was so funny. How he went from being a sweet socialist to dictator. Lol
the fastest way to destroy an individual and their freedom.... socialism
No one wants socialism unless we are talking about schools and Medicare for all Americans.

I heard two funny stories about socialism. The second one made me laugh so hard I got tears in my eyes and couldn’t stop laughing.

Joke one. You know rustic, you’re the best socialist. I bet if you had two homes you’d give me one wouldn’t you? Yes you say.

And I bet if you had two boats you’d give me one? Sure you say.

And I bet if you had two bicycles you’d give me one? And you say “Wait a second! Do You know I have two bikes?”

2nd joke. When we pass socialism everyone will have a big home and everyone will have a boat. And everyone will have a rolls Royce. And you say, “but I don’t like rolls Royce” and I say in a very threatening way, “after the movement you’ll take a rolls Royce and like it!”

The way the British guy told it it was so funny. How he went from being a sweet socialist to dictator. Lol
Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results... insanity.

Socialism fits that bill perfectly
Rather than tell you how stupid of a system it is, rather than debate the topic with 2nd rate mentalities, here's some pictures.......

Caracas one year ago --


One day ago --



Totally and completely thanks to socialism.

Freely elected (the only Country in history to do so initially).

They can't even feed their own people....... The Country with the WORLD'S LARGEST OIL RESERVES!!!!!!!


This is the system that every dimocrap in here promotes, defends, wants and will IMPOSE it on you if they get a chance. Then maintain their hold on power by whatever force they need to do so.

You vote dimocrap, you are one stupid human being.

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