Socialisms failure in Venezuela

Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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I wonder why the DNC media hasn't reported much on Venezuela.

Oh and look almost the same bs going on in Germany, what's funny is the asses will protest the G 20, but aren't doing this over their women getting raped and the open borders being flooded with Muslims. Oh no we wouldn't want to do that now would we.
G20 Hell: Hamburg Explodes in Fire, Chaos

View attachment 137588

It's Antifa who are violently rioting at the G20 so considering the Antifa support the Kebabs and the African savages and are working with the NGOs to ship them into the Continent why would they protest against it?

They should all just be shot where the stand, if Venezuela is allowed to shoot people on the streets at The Usual Suspects are SILENT ie. The UN, Human Rights groups and um "Others", then Western nations should begin to shoot people who are violently rioting, torching vehicles and putting members of the public in danger.
I liked your suggestion to drop them into the jungle and force them to drink their own piss and eat bugs. Too early for your martini?

Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
WHY no martinis? You're not, are you?
Or even worse, you aren't protesting with them are you?

No no Martini's because I have been drinking San Pellegrino and quadruple Espresso.

Why would I protest with them? Bizarro.
Oh and look almost the same bs going on in Germany, what's funny is the asses will protest the G 20, but aren't doing this over their women getting raped and the open borders being flooded with Muslims. Oh no we wouldn't want to do that now would we.
G20 Hell: Hamburg Explodes in Fire, Chaos

View attachment 137588

It's Antifa who are violently rioting at the G20 so considering the Antifa support the Kebabs and the African savages and are working with the NGOs to ship them into the Continent why would they protest against it?

They should all just be shot where the stand, if Venezuela is allowed to shoot people on the streets at The Usual Suspects are SILENT ie. The UN, Human Rights groups and um "Others", then Western nations should begin to shoot people who are violently rioting, torching vehicles and putting members of the public in danger.
I liked your suggestion to drop them into the jungle and force them to drink their own piss and eat bugs. Too early for your martini?

Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
Take it a little easy, Lucy. When I heard about the riots this a.m. and how violent they were, I immediately thought of Antifa. I was amazed so many people in Germany (I know some of them came from other countries) are opposed to capitalism. It's kind of scary. And their behavior is even scarier.
The UN does that to its own workers?
I thought you were being creative.

What's going on in Venezuela has nothing at all to do with capitalism. Their problem isn't economics, it's government run amok; a totalitarian regime not much different really from North Korea or Cuba where a ruthless despot will resort to any means necessary to stay in power.
Oh and look almost the same bs going on in Germany, what's funny is the asses will protest the G 20, but aren't doing this over their women getting raped and the open borders being flooded with Muslims. Oh no we wouldn't want to do that now would we.
G20 Hell: Hamburg Explodes in Fire, Chaos

View attachment 137588

It's Antifa who are violently rioting at the G20 so considering the Antifa support the Kebabs and the African savages and are working with the NGOs to ship them into the Continent why would they protest against it?

They should all just be shot where the stand, if Venezuela is allowed to shoot people on the streets at The Usual Suspects are SILENT ie. The UN, Human Rights groups and um "Others", then Western nations should begin to shoot people who are violently rioting, torching vehicles and putting members of the public in danger.
I liked your suggestion to drop them into the jungle and force them to drink their own piss and eat bugs. Too early for your martini?

Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
WHY no martinis? You're not, are you?
Or even worse, you aren't protesting with them are you?

No no Martini's because I have been drinking San Pellegrino and quadruple Espresso.

Why would I protest with them? Bizarro.
I'm glad to hear both.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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I thought it was the mistake of putting all your eggs in one basket. Oil. Then the price of oil tanked. Economy went with it.

That's part of the problem but it's not the reason for the shortages.

The government dramatically increased spending when the price of oil went way up. When oil collapsed, rather than cut spending, the government started to print money, causing inflation. The government then blamed companies for raising prices and implemented price controls. Price controls caused companies to operate at losses. Because companies couldn't make money on their products, they stopped selling them, causing shortages. In the meantime, inflation led to capital flight, causing the currency to collapse, leading to more inflation and fewer goods.

It's happened many times before.
Oh and look almost the same bs going on in Germany, what's funny is the asses will protest the G 20, but aren't doing this over their women getting raped and the open borders being flooded with Muslims. Oh no we wouldn't want to do that now would we.
G20 Hell: Hamburg Explodes in Fire, Chaos

View attachment 137588

It's Antifa who are violently rioting at the G20 so considering the Antifa support the Kebabs and the African savages and are working with the NGOs to ship them into the Continent why would they protest against it?

They should all just be shot where the stand, if Venezuela is allowed to shoot people on the streets at The Usual Suspects are SILENT ie. The UN, Human Rights groups and um "Others", then Western nations should begin to shoot people who are violently rioting, torching vehicles and putting members of the public in danger.
I liked your suggestion to drop them into the jungle and force them to drink their own piss and eat bugs. Too early for your martini?

Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
Take it a little easy, Lucy. When I heard about the riots this a.m. and how violent they were, I immediately thought of Antifa. I was amazed so many people in Germany (I know some of them came from other countries) are opposed to capitalism. It's kind of scary. And their behavior is even scarier.
The UN does that to its own workers?
I thought you were being creative.

What's going on in Venezuela has nothing at all to do with capitalism. Their problem isn't economics, it's government run amok; a totalitarian regime not much different really from North Korea or Cuba where a ruthless despot will resort to any means necessary to stay in power.
That's what I had pretty much heard, too.
I heard in passing this a.m. (no particulars whatsoever) that folks got in and beat up some pols in the legislature or something?
This will not end well, but it sounds like the people are going to take him out one way or the other.
Oh and look almost the same bs going on in Germany, what's funny is the asses will protest the G 20, but aren't doing this over their women getting raped and the open borders being flooded with Muslims. Oh no we wouldn't want to do that now would we.
G20 Hell: Hamburg Explodes in Fire, Chaos

View attachment 137588

They are also violent just to be violent, they are there violently rioting against Capitalism and Globalism and the same crowd fanatically support Open Borders ie. Globalism.

The thing Antifa are most terrified of is for the black face coverings to come off and then their face is shown, they know within a few hours they will be identified and this includes the Antifa in America or wherever, that human filth in Berkley at the University Antifa violent rioting, several lost their face coverings and within a few hours had been identified by Patriots and one of the Antifa filth was a Professor at Berkley.

The situation is Antifa can hide, but they are going to have NOWHERE to run to for protection, we already know their end so they should enjoy their violent rioting while they still can, because a Zero Tolerance operation will be going into effect, these are filthy criminals and Marxist Subversives working to destroy our social fabric in The West, they are Domestic Terrorists, any nation they are in they are Domestic Terrorists and their time is now very short.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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I thought it was the mistake of putting all your eggs in one basket. Oil. Then the price of oil tanked. Economy went with it.

The primary problem is Chavez nationalized the oil fields that were producing loads of oil, and turned them over to his toadies. Who, unsurprisingly don't know how to run things. Thus the oil production has plummeted. Add to that the drop in oil and they're screwed. Mismanagement is a hallmark of socialism.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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This is what the End Game looks like, this is what the International Globalists want for ALL Western nations, this is why they are not screaming for intervention in Venezuela, it's what they WANT.

They must be stopped and destroyed, the International Globalists are as much of a menace to civilisation as Radical Islam is, it's why International Globalists fund and support Radical Islam and want these Kebab savages in ALL Western nations, to help destroy Western nations.

The protestors are anti-capitalists. They are leftists. It's the same rabble who've been protesting the G-7/G-20/WTO for decades.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

This is what the End Game looks like, this is what the International Globalists want for ALL Western nations, this is why they are not screaming for intervention in Venezuela, it's what they WANT.

They must be stopped and destroyed, the International Globalists are as much of a menace to civilisation as Radical Islam is, it's why International Globalists fund and support Radical Islam and want these Kebab savages in ALL Western nations, to help destroy Western nations.

The protestors are anti-capitalists. They are leftists. It's the same rabble who've been protesting the G-7/G-20/WTO for decades.

It's not the same rabble, they have had protests at these Summits for years yes, but the violence is not the same people.

The situation is you cannot or should not tolerate violent extremists throwing Molotov Cocktails, torching vehicles, torching private property and attacking law enforcement and also members of the public.
It's Antifa who are violently rioting at the G20 so considering the Antifa support the Kebabs and the African savages and are working with the NGOs to ship them into the Continent why would they protest against it?

They should all just be shot where the stand, if Venezuela is allowed to shoot people on the streets at The Usual Suspects are SILENT ie. The UN, Human Rights groups and um "Others", then Western nations should begin to shoot people who are violently rioting, torching vehicles and putting members of the public in danger.
I liked your suggestion to drop them into the jungle and force them to drink their own piss and eat bugs. Too early for your martini?

Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
Take it a little easy, Lucy. When I heard about the riots this a.m. and how violent they were, I immediately thought of Antifa. I was amazed so many people in Germany (I know some of them came from other countries) are opposed to capitalism. It's kind of scary. And their behavior is even scarier.
The UN does that to its own workers?
I thought you were being creative.

What's going on in Venezuela has nothing at all to do with capitalism. Their problem isn't economics, it's government run amok; a totalitarian regime not much different really from North Korea or Cuba where a ruthless despot will resort to any means necessary to stay in power.
That's what I had pretty much heard, too.
I heard in passing this a.m. (no particulars whatsoever) that folks got in and beat up some pols in the legislature or something?
This will not end well, but it sounds like the people are going to take him out one way or the other.

I just hope that whoever follows the current guy in charge (Maduro) will return that country back to a democratic republic that it used to be instead of a brutal dictatorship. My impression is that Maduro won't go peacefully, so things could worsen until there's a coup.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

This is what the End Game looks like, this is what the International Globalists want for ALL Western nations, this is why they are not screaming for intervention in Venezuela, it's what they WANT.

They must be stopped and destroyed, the International Globalists are as much of a menace to civilisation as Radical Islam is, it's why International Globalists fund and support Radical Islam and want these Kebab savages in ALL Western nations, to help destroy Western nations.

The protestors are anti-capitalists. They are leftists. It's the same rabble who've been protesting the G-7/G-20/WTO for decades.

It's not the same rabble, they have had protests at these Summits for years yes, but the violence is not the same people.

The situation is you cannot or should not tolerate violent extremists throwing Molotov Cocktails, torching vehicles, torching private property and attacking law enforcement and also members of the public.

Yes, the violent extremists should not be tolerated.
Oh and look almost the same bs going on in Germany, what's funny is the asses will protest the G 20, but aren't doing this over their women getting raped and the open borders being flooded with Muslims. Oh no we wouldn't want to do that now would we.
G20 Hell: Hamburg Explodes in Fire, Chaos

View attachment 137588

They are also violent just to be violent, they are there violently rioting against Capitalism and Globalism and the same crowd fanatically support Open Borders ie. Globalism.

The thing Antifa are most terrified of is for the black face coverings to come off and then their face is shown, they know within a few hours they will be identified and this includes the Antifa in America or wherever, that human filth in Berkley at the University Antifa violent rioting, several lost their face coverings and within a few hours had been identified by Patriots and one of the Antifa filth was a Professor at Berkley.

The situation is Antifa can hide, but they are going to have NOWHERE to run to for protection, we already know their end so they should enjoy their violent rioting while they still can, because a Zero Tolerance operation will be going into effect, these are filthy criminals and Marxist Subversives working to destroy our social fabric in The West, they are Domestic Terrorists, any nation they are in they are Domestic Terrorists and their time is now very short.
One of the towns out West decided they weren't going to allow masks at a protest being planned there. It had been said it was going to be a real big protest, cops in riot gear, the whole nine yards.
Somehow they enforced that no masks rule, and it ended up being a very big, very uneventful protest. Maybe the Antifa slugs just didn't show up. I don't know. They didn't stay, that's for sure.
If you belong to an organization where you need to wear a mask, maybe you need to find a different organization.
I liked your suggestion to drop them into the jungle and force them to drink their own piss and eat bugs. Too early for your martini?

Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
Take it a little easy, Lucy. When I heard about the riots this a.m. and how violent they were, I immediately thought of Antifa. I was amazed so many people in Germany (I know some of them came from other countries) are opposed to capitalism. It's kind of scary. And their behavior is even scarier.
The UN does that to its own workers?
I thought you were being creative.

What's going on in Venezuela has nothing at all to do with capitalism. Their problem isn't economics, it's government run amok; a totalitarian regime not much different really from North Korea or Cuba where a ruthless despot will resort to any means necessary to stay in power.
That's what I had pretty much heard, too.
I heard in passing this a.m. (no particulars whatsoever) that folks got in and beat up some pols in the legislature or something?
This will not end well, but it sounds like the people are going to take him out one way or the other.

I just hope that whoever follows the current guy in charge (Maduro) will return that country back to a democratic republic that it used to be instead of a brutal dictatorship. My impression is that Maduro won't go peacefully, so things could worsen until there's a coup.
Why oh why is it so hard for the countries in South America to elect a reasonable leader?
I feel bad for the Venezuelans.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

This is what the End Game looks like, this is what the International Globalists want for ALL Western nations, this is why they are not screaming for intervention in Venezuela, it's what they WANT.

They must be stopped and destroyed, the International Globalists are as much of a menace to civilisation as Radical Islam is, it's why International Globalists fund and support Radical Islam and want these Kebab savages in ALL Western nations, to help destroy Western nations.

The protestors are anti-capitalists. They are leftists. It's the same rabble who've been protesting the G-7/G-20/WTO for decades.

It's not the same rabble, they have had protests at these Summits for years yes, but the violence is not the same people.

The situation is you cannot or should not tolerate violent extremists throwing Molotov Cocktails, torching vehicles, torching private property and attacking law enforcement and also members of the public.

Yes, the violent extremists should not be tolerated.

No because they are Communists and Anarchists.
Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
Take it a little easy, Lucy. When I heard about the riots this a.m. and how violent they were, I immediately thought of Antifa. I was amazed so many people in Germany (I know some of them came from other countries) are opposed to capitalism. It's kind of scary. And their behavior is even scarier.
The UN does that to its own workers?
I thought you were being creative.

What's going on in Venezuela has nothing at all to do with capitalism. Their problem isn't economics, it's government run amok; a totalitarian regime not much different really from North Korea or Cuba where a ruthless despot will resort to any means necessary to stay in power.
That's what I had pretty much heard, too.
I heard in passing this a.m. (no particulars whatsoever) that folks got in and beat up some pols in the legislature or something?
This will not end well, but it sounds like the people are going to take him out one way or the other.

I just hope that whoever follows the current guy in charge (Maduro) will return that country back to a democratic republic that it used to be instead of a brutal dictatorship. My impression is that Maduro won't go peacefully, so things could worsen until there's a coup.
Why oh why is it so hard for the countries in South America to elect a reasonable leader?
I feel bad for the Venezuelans.

Some say we haven't had a reasonable leader here for awhile either. Maybe that should be plural to include both parties.
Take it a little easy, Lucy. When I heard about the riots this a.m. and how violent they were, I immediately thought of Antifa. I was amazed so many people in Germany (I know some of them came from other countries) are opposed to capitalism. It's kind of scary. And their behavior is even scarier.
The UN does that to its own workers?
I thought you were being creative.

What's going on in Venezuela has nothing at all to do with capitalism. Their problem isn't economics, it's government run amok; a totalitarian regime not much different really from North Korea or Cuba where a ruthless despot will resort to any means necessary to stay in power.
That's what I had pretty much heard, too.
I heard in passing this a.m. (no particulars whatsoever) that folks got in and beat up some pols in the legislature or something?
This will not end well, but it sounds like the people are going to take him out one way or the other.

I just hope that whoever follows the current guy in charge (Maduro) will return that country back to a democratic republic that it used to be instead of a brutal dictatorship. My impression is that Maduro won't go peacefully, so things could worsen until there's a coup.
Why oh why is it so hard for the countries in South America to elect a reasonable leader?
I feel bad for the Venezuelans.

Some say we haven't had a reasonable leader here for awhile either. Maybe that should be plural to include both parties.
Well, we haven't let anyone go hogass wild like Maduro. At least we seem to have checks and balances still working to some degree.
Wow, they must be taking lessons from ANTIFA, funny we have the same behavior starting to happen here and the leftist goon squads ( protestors) chanting let them in. Are so g.d. blind they can't even see it unfolding right in front of them.

It completely upset the equilibrium in my brain when I see this type of out of control violent rioting or any type of disruptive behaviour. Any society needs law and order and discipline, if not that society will descend into anarchy, so any and all measures should be employed to restore order and to remove from society those who wish to bring that society into anarchy.

Most people do not want all this trouble that these Communists are bringing.
Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
Take it a little easy, Lucy. When I heard about the riots this a.m. and how violent they were, I immediately thought of Antifa. I was amazed so many people in Germany (I know some of them came from other countries) are opposed to capitalism. It's kind of scary. And their behavior is even scarier.
The UN does that to its own workers?
I thought you were being creative.

What's going on in Venezuela has nothing at all to do with capitalism. Their problem isn't economics, it's government run amok; a totalitarian regime not much different really from North Korea or Cuba where a ruthless despot will resort to any means necessary to stay in power.
That's what I had pretty much heard, too.
I heard in passing this a.m. (no particulars whatsoever) that folks got in and beat up some pols in the legislature or something?
This will not end well, but it sounds like the people are going to take him out one way or the other.

I just hope that whoever follows the current guy in charge (Maduro) will return that country back to a democratic republic that it used to be instead of a brutal dictatorship. My impression is that Maduro won't go peacefully, so things could worsen until there's a coup.
Why oh why is it so hard for the countries in South America to elect a reasonable leader?
I feel bad for the Venezuelans.

The only reason Maduro is still there is because Chavez bought the Armed Forces with bribes and Maduro continued the bribes.

A situation like Venezuela, that only is allowed to continue from within if the Dictator still has the Armed Forces siding with him, if the Armed Forces turn against them they are finished.

This is the reason why there hasn't been a Revolution, because the people are not that stupid they will attempt a Revolution knowing that the Armed Forces will brutally crush them.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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Sorry. Please explain how something working perfectly as planned is a "failure". Socialism always end with a prosperous political class ruling over impoverished peasants. Venezuela nailed it!

Bernie pointed to Venezuela as a Progressive success and country we should aspire to become, where's the Failure?

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