Socialist / Muslim Radicals set to expand power and Congressional Control


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?
Hopefully there is a massive turn out of anti-collectivist voters like in 2010 and democrooks are swept out of power.

Absolutely laughing.
You really think America is not great enough to shrug off this little coterie of ideological misfits?

LMAO.... were the same guy laughing when she ran for Congress.
Then you laughed when she won saying "One Term".... 'Then you laughed when she ran again.....and won
The squad is literally laughing at you.

Do I think America is great enough to shug them off? has it shrugged of the Socialist movement and riots?
has it shrugged off the assault on the 2nd?
Actually, I think they might be strong enough to shrug YOU off.

When was the last time YOU held ANY seat in Congress?

Laughing at the opposition, while they eat you alive is exactly what happened in Venezuela.
people never learn.

It's called Cocky arrogance.
let me guess....all your life you also "laughed" at Progressives and Communist China? :gay:
The problem with too many people is that they either aren't smart enough to know when they are in danger....or they are over confident and underestimate their enemy.
Many Jews stayed in Europe thinking "we've been persecuted before and lived."

That's the position we are all in now, but Jews should be especially careful because the left will go after them first.
Many Jews stayed in Europe thinking "we've been persecuted before and lived."

That's the position we are all in now, but Jews should be especially careful because the left will go after them first.
Christians will be sent to Concentration Camps along with Jews in my opinion. I wont be shocked if i spend my last days in a Concentration Camp.
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?
Thought they controlled it already when that socialist radical muslim Kenyan guy became president
Many Jews stayed in Europe thinking "we've been persecuted before and lived."

That's the position we are all in now, but Jews should be especially careful because the left will go after them first.
Christians will be sent to Concentration Camps along with Jews in my opinion. I wont be shocked if i spend my last days in a Concentration Camp.
then you are a weakling...
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?

Clutching pearls this early? Yes, I am laughing. But not because I'm worried about any of your "ism" coming true. I'm laughing because you're scared. At what, I have no idea. I think it may be because there is a demographic shift going on right now. The political candidates are getting younger and more progressive. They are coming in with fresh ideas. And those baby boomers who have given us the wildly successful ideologies such as "conservatism" will slowly start to be pushed out. And there just aren't enough younger politicians coming into the Republican party. If you combine that with the fact that the Republican party has become a home for every whack job and now even QAnon believers, you start to see why candidates like AOC are popular. They are the future...whether you like it or not. :)
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?

Clutching pearls this early? Yes, I am laughing. But not because I'm worried about any of your "ism" coming true. I'm laughing because you're scared. At what, I have no idea. I think it may be because there is a demographic shift going on right now. The political candidates are getting younger and more progressive. They are coming in with fresh ideas. And those baby boomers who have given us the wildly successful ideologies such as "conservatism" will slowly start to be pushed out. And there just aren't enough younger politicians coming into the Republican party. If you combine that with the fact that the Republican party has become a home for every whack job and now even QAnon believers, you start to see why candidates like AOC are popular. They are the future...whether you like it or not. :)

Let's say I am frightened about the prospect of people like AOC and Omar etc gaining significant power and influence.
Is that a laughing matter? Seriously?

seems to me ALL of you people are deathly afraid of trump.

If you aren't afraid of the push for Marxist ideals, then it might be more an indication of your ignorance of history than anything else.
I mean, what kind of imbecile WANTS oppression and loss of rights? You?
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?

Clutching pearls this early? Yes, I am laughing. But not because I'm worried about any of your "ism" coming true. I'm laughing because you're scared. At what, I have no idea. I think it may be because there is a demographic shift going on right now. The political candidates are getting younger and more progressive. They are coming in with fresh ideas. And those baby boomers who have given us the wildly successful ideologies such as "conservatism" will slowly start to be pushed out. And there just aren't enough younger politicians coming into the Republican party. If you combine that with the fact that the Republican party has become a home for every whack job and now even QAnon believers, you start to see why candidates like AOC are popular. They are the future...whether you like it or not. :)

Let's say I am frightened about the prospect of people like AOC and Omar etc gaining significant power and influence.
Is that a laughing matter? Seriously?

seems to me ALL of you people are deathly afraid of trump.

If you aren't afraid of the push for Marxist ideals, then it might be more an indication of your ignorance of history than anything else.
I mean, what kind of imbecile WANTS oppression and loss of rights? You?

Not deathly afraid of Trump as a person. He's just a gaslighting, incompetent fraud that backed into the office. But he's been that for all of his adult life. What I do fear is that Trump and the cult of Trump (his supporters and right wing media) which includes the Republican party are trashing norms and completing the destruction of political discourse that started when Newt Gingrich came to power. None of the individuals you've named frighten me. The move to green, renewable energy, the standardization of healthcare, the push for environmental responsibility. hell maybe even concepts like Universal Income are going to be a reality. Those are coming whether you like it or not. Some of them are going to happen just because that's the way the industries are moving. Some of them are going to come faster because of the pandemic. It's all in the demographics. As the boomers die off, they'll be replaced by more forward thinking, more progressive people.
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?

Clutching pearls this early? Yes, I am laughing. But not because I'm worried about any of your "ism" coming true. I'm laughing because you're scared. At what, I have no idea. I think it may be because there is a demographic shift going on right now. The political candidates are getting younger and more progressive. They are coming in with fresh ideas. And those baby boomers who have given us the wildly successful ideologies such as "conservatism" will slowly start to be pushed out. And there just aren't enough younger politicians coming into the Republican party. If you combine that with the fact that the Republican party has become a home for every whack job and now even QAnon believers, you start to see why candidates like AOC are popular. They are the future...whether you like it or not. :)

Let's say I am frightened about the prospect of people like AOC and Omar etc gaining significant power and influence.
Is that a laughing matter? Seriously?

seems to me ALL of you people are deathly afraid of trump.

If you aren't afraid of the push for Marxist ideals, then it might be more an indication of your ignorance of history than anything else.
I mean, what kind of imbecile WANTS oppression and loss of rights? You?

Not deathly afraid of Trump as a person. He's just a gaslighting, incompetent fraud that backed into the office. But he's been that for all of his adult life. What I do fear is that Trump and the cult of Trump (his supporters and right wing media) which includes the Republican party are trashing norms and completing the destruction of political discourse that started when Newt Gingrich came to power. None of the individuals you've named frighten me. The move to green, renewable energy, the standardization of healthcare, the push for environmental responsibility. hell maybe even concepts like Universal Income are going to be a reality. Those are coming whether you like it or not. Some of them are going to happen just because that's the way the industries are moving. Some of them are going to come faster because of the pandemic. It's all in the demographics. As the boomers die off, they'll be replaced by more forward thinking, more progressive people.

Trump is a fraud?........but Hunter Biden was employed by the Chinese for millions.....but did nothing. Hmmmm
Joe Biden created a TRUE QUID Pro Quo when he coerced a Ukrainian official to remove a prosecutor from Hunter's pending case.
But...."Trump is a fraud"
Biden did NOTHING in his 8 years as VP. He also did nothing for his 41 years in Politics. But "Trump is a fraud"

There is no such thing as "renewable" energy. Worldwide it provides .03% of the worlds power demands.
It is a pipe dream and a means of controlling people.
It's is dangerous, ecologically harmful and depends on winds and sunlight. When there is neither, you get ZERO power.
The ONLY reliable safe "renewable energy' is hydroelectric.

Universal income??? You mean Universal Welfare. You are unrealistic and a dreamer.

Unfortunately you are correct, your type are becoming the norm.
And your generation and younger will suffer enormously and never have the stability or resources
the older generation created.
ENJOY your 3rd world life. You earned it.
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?


Bless your heart. Yes you are.
But what if I told you the Shit's BEEN hitting the fan for about 25 years now ????

I wonder if it will take another 25 years for that push back?
At the rate we're going....What will America be like in 25 years before the push back?
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?

Clutching pearls this early? Yes, I am laughing. But not because I'm worried about any of your "ism" coming true. I'm laughing because you're scared. At what, I have no idea. I think it may be because there is a demographic shift going on right now. The political candidates are getting younger and more progressive. They are coming in with fresh ideas. And those baby boomers who have given us the wildly successful ideologies such as "conservatism" will slowly start to be pushed out. And there just aren't enough younger politicians coming into the Republican party. If you combine that with the fact that the Republican party has become a home for every whack job and now even QAnon believers, you start to see why candidates like AOC are popular. They are the future...whether you like it or not. :)

Let's say I am frightened about the prospect of people like AOC and Omar etc gaining significant power and influence.
Is that a laughing matter? Seriously?

seems to me ALL of you people are deathly afraid of trump.

If you aren't afraid of the push for Marxist ideals, then it might be more an indication of your ignorance of history than anything else.
I mean, what kind of imbecile WANTS oppression and loss of rights? You?

Not deathly afraid of Trump as a person. He's just a gaslighting, incompetent fraud that backed into the office. But he's been that for all of his adult life. What I do fear is that Trump and the cult of Trump (his supporters and right wing media) which includes the Republican party are trashing norms and completing the destruction of political discourse that started when Newt Gingrich came to power. None of the individuals you've named frighten me. The move to green, renewable energy, the standardization of healthcare, the push for environmental responsibility. hell maybe even concepts like Universal Income are going to be a reality. Those are coming whether you like it or not. Some of them are going to happen just because that's the way the industries are moving. Some of them are going to come faster because of the pandemic. It's all in the demographics. As the boomers die off, they'll be replaced by more forward thinking, more progressive people.
In other words, communism.

Bless your heart. Yes you are.
But what if I told you the Shit's BEEN hitting the fan for about 25 years now ????

yes-----but the PUSHBACK is still pending.-----uhm---as for the shit----it's been more like 45 years. I date
Absolutely laughing.
You really think America is not great enough to shrug off this little coterie of ideological misfits?

LMAO.... were the same guy laughing when she ran for Congress.
Then you laughed when she won saying "One Term".... 'Then you laughed when she ran again.....and won
The squad is literally laughing at you.

Do I think America is great enough to shug them off? has it shrugged of the Socialist movement and riots?
has it shrugged off the assault on the 2nd?
Actually, I think they might be strong enough to shrug YOU off.

When was the last time YOU held ANY seat in Congress?

Laughing at the opposition, while they eat you alive is exactly what happened in Venezuela.
people never learn.

It's called Cocky arrogance.
let me guess....all your life you also "laughed" at Progressives and Communist China? :gay:
The problem with too many people is that they either aren't smart enough to know when they are in danger....or they are over confident and underestimate their enemy.
It may not have been intentional, but this has me laughing anew.
Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers
'Squad' membership likely to grow following progressive primary wins

Progressive Democrats roar in primaries, as 'Squad' beats back challengers

You may think it's funny, you may think Ocasio Cortez is stupid, but what she is NOT is a loser.
Her cause and her power in Congress are growing at impressive rates.

The Squad represents some of the most radical ideologies planned for America from Sharia Law, to Socialism to Communism.

It's no longer a fad or short term situation. The "Squad" is here to stay and they will very likely dramatically change the landscape and culture of America.

Are you still laughing?

Clutching pearls this early? Yes, I am laughing. But not because I'm worried about any of your "ism" coming true. I'm laughing because you're scared. At what, I have no idea. I think it may be because there is a demographic shift going on right now. The political candidates are getting younger and more progressive. They are coming in with fresh ideas. And those baby boomers who have given us the wildly successful ideologies such as "conservatism" will slowly start to be pushed out. And there just aren't enough younger politicians coming into the Republican party. If you combine that with the fact that the Republican party has become a home for every whack job and now even QAnon believers, you start to see why candidates like AOC are popular. They are the future...whether you like it or not. :)

Let's say I am frightened about the prospect of people like AOC and Omar etc gaining significant power and influence.
Is that a laughing matter? Seriously?

seems to me ALL of you people are deathly afraid of trump.

If you aren't afraid of the push for Marxist ideals, then it might be more an indication of your ignorance of history than anything else.
I mean, what kind of imbecile WANTS oppression and loss of rights? You?

Not deathly afraid of Trump as a person. He's just a gaslighting, incompetent fraud that backed into the office. But he's been that for all of his adult life. What I do fear is that Trump and the cult of Trump (his supporters and right wing media) which includes the Republican party are trashing norms and completing the destruction of political discourse that started when Newt Gingrich came to power. None of the individuals you've named frighten me. The move to green, renewable energy, the standardization of healthcare, the push for environmental responsibility. hell maybe even concepts like Universal Income are going to be a reality. Those are coming whether you like it or not. Some of them are going to happen just because that's the way the industries are moving. Some of them are going to come faster because of the pandemic. It's all in the demographics. As the boomers die off, they'll be replaced by more forward thinking, more progressive people.
In other words, communism.

nope JOINERISM----nutty people who NEED TO JOIN----whatever lousy destructive IDEOLOGY is on
the top of the HIT PARADE (remember the hit-parade?? uhm cousin brucie...??) There is a HIT
PARADE of groups for those afflicted with JOINERISM. This summer----it is BLM

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