SOCIALIST Sen. Bernie Saunders wants a Dem. CHALLENGER to Pres. Obama

The Far Left, whom Obama does not speak for, no Sir, not at all, needs to run their own Candidate in 2012. They cannot allow any more Conservatives like Obama speak for them
This doesn't surprise me in the least. Why? Because Barry Oblammy has bent over backwards to seem "bi-partisan" in to Republicans over and over. That's why left-leaners are mad at Obama.

But like a battered spouse, Obama keeps coming back for more abuse from the Republicans who won't negotiate...and instead stamp their foot like a petulant child. "It's MY ball! I dont want to play kickball. I want to play dodgeball!"

Obama has capitulated on Guantanamo, on rendition, on military spending, on more wars, on no single-payer option, ... the list goes on and on.

Why would Republicans ever stop? Someone keeps handing you their lunch money, you don't turn it down.
Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?

George Washington - (Deist, Revolutionary)
Abraham Lincoln - (Enacted radical change that collapsed a whole industry (Slavery) and caused the civil war)
Franklin Roosevelt - (Sweeping social changes)
John F Kennedy - (Began to enact sweeping social changes)
Lyndon Banes Johnson - (Civil rights reform)
William Clinton - (Tried and failed to enact single payer)

Pres. Washington actually valued the Constitution and understood the purpose of LIMITING Government.

Abraham Lincoln fought to preserve the American Union.

FDR was pretty far left, but not as far as Pres. Obama.

JFK embracing social changes doesn't make him more liberal than Pres. Obama.

LBJ: ditto what I just noted about JFK.

Bubba: a lefty without doubt, but not even remotely on par with Pres. Obama.

Washington wasn't "status quo".. He was a REVOLUTIONARY.. That in itself makes him far left. He fought against the most FAR RIGHT government ever conceived..a Monarchy. And by the way..he wanted a STRONG CENTRAL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The Whiskey Rebellion proved that.

Status quo again..would have been maintaining slavery. It was a radical departure to advocate Freedom for people not considered full human beings.

The rest of your assertions are pretty much nonsense.

Lets baseline the terms.

con·serv·a·tive   /kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ Show Spelled
[kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv] Show IPA

1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
2. cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
3. traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
EXPAND4. ( often initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to the Conservative party.
5. ( initial capital letter ) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative judaism.
6. having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative.
7. Mathematics . (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar.
8. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
9. a supporter of conservative political policies.
10. ( initial capital letter ) a member of a conservative political party, especially the Conservative party in Great Britain.
Conservative | Define Conservative at

lib·er·al   /ˈlɪbərəl, ˈlɪbrəl/ Show Spelled
[lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA

1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
2. ( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
EXPAND4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
6. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
7. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
8. open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
9. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.
10. given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.
11. not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.
12. of, pertaining to, or based on the liberal arts.
13. of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.
14. a person of liberal principles or views, especially in politics or religion.
15. ( often initial capital letter ) a member of a liberal party in politics, especially of the Liberal party in Great Britain.
Liberal | Define Liberal at

In a nutshell Conservativism is about Tradition and Status Quo.

In a nutshell Liberalism is about Change and Progress.
Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?

George Washington - (Deist, Revolutionary)
Abraham Lincoln - (Enacted radical change that collapsed a whole industry (Slavery) and caused the civil war)
Franklin Roosevelt - (Sweeping social changes)
John F Kennedy - (Began to enact sweeping social changes)
Lyndon Banes Johnson - (Civil rights reform)
William Clinton - (Tried and failed to enact single payer)

Pres. Washington actually valued the Constitution and understood the purpose of LIMITING Government.

Abraham Lincoln fought to preserve the American Union.

FDR was pretty far left, but not as far as Pres. Obama.

JFK embracing social changes doesn't make him more liberal than Pres. Obama.

LBJ: ditto what I just noted about JFK.

Bubba: a lefty without doubt, but not even remotely on par with Pres. Obama.

I have to disagree with FDR.

FDR was far more a leftist than obama. Obama copied fdr's useless ideas, fdr created them with no historical bs to back up his plans.
This doesn't surprise me in the least. Why? Because Barry Oblammy has bent over backwards to seem "bi-partisan" in to Republicans over and over. That's why left-leaners are mad at Obama.

But like a battered spouse, Obama keeps coming back for more abuse from the Republicans who won't negotiate...and instead stamp their foot like a petulant child. "It's MY ball! I dont want to play kickball. I want to play dodgeball!"

Obama has capitulated on Guantanamo, on rendition, on military spending, on more wars, on no single-payer option, ... the list goes on and on.

Why would Republicans ever stop? Someone keeps handing you their lunch money, you don't turn it down.

Give this man a CIGAR. :clap2:
George Washington - (Deist, Revolutionary)
Abraham Lincoln - (Enacted radical change that collapsed a whole industry (Slavery) and caused the civil war)
Franklin Roosevelt - (Sweeping social changes)
John F Kennedy - (Began to enact sweeping social changes)
Lyndon Banes Johnson - (Civil rights reform)
William Clinton - (Tried and failed to enact single payer)

Pres. Washington actually valued the Constitution and understood the purpose of LIMITING Government.

Abraham Lincoln fought to preserve the American Union.

FDR was pretty far left, but not as far as Pres. Obama.

JFK embracing social changes doesn't make him more liberal than Pres. Obama.

LBJ: ditto what I just noted about JFK.

Bubba: a lefty without doubt, but not even remotely on par with Pres. Obama.

Washington wasn't "status quo".. He was a REVOLUTIONARY.. That in itself makes him far left. He fought against the most FAR RIGHT government ever conceived..a Monarchy. And by the way..he wanted a STRONG CENTRAL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The Whiskey Rebellion proved that.

Status quo again..would have been maintaining slavery. It was a radical departure to advocate Freedom for people not considered full human beings.

The rest of your assertions are pretty much nonsense.

Lets baseline the terms.

con·serv·a·tive   /kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ Show Spelled
[kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv] Show IPA

1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
2. cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
3. traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
EXPAND4. ( often initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to the Conservative party.
5. ( initial capital letter ) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative judaism.
6. having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative.
7. Mathematics . (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar.
8. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
9. a supporter of conservative political policies.
10. ( initial capital letter ) a member of a conservative political party, especially the Conservative party in Great Britain.
Conservative | Define Conservative at

lib·er·al   /ˈlɪbərəl, ˈlɪbrəl/ Show Spelled
[lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA

1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
2. ( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
EXPAND4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
6. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
7. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
8. open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
9. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.
10. given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.
11. not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.
12. of, pertaining to, or based on the liberal arts.
13. of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.
14. a person of liberal principles or views, especially in politics or religion.
15. ( often initial capital letter ) a member of a liberal party in politics, especially of the Liberal party in Great Britain.
Liberal | Define Liberal at

In a nutshell Conservativism is about Tradition and Status Quo.

In a nutshell Liberalism is about Change and Progress.

Wrong nutshell, wrong conclusion. Since Conservatives today are staining to get the government to live within the BOUNDS set by the Constitution, they are showing more fidelity to the "liberal" precepts of the Founders and Framers than today's "liberals" are even trying to show.

There is nothing wrong with caring about THAT "tradition."

And it may be change, but is far from "progress" to seek to deviate from those Constitutional bounds and limits.
It is quite obvious that while Obama does present an ultra-Liberal facade he is what may be called a republican Trojan Horse in that he is about to enable something even Bush couldn't do, which is the compromise of Social Security and Medicare.

In my opinion, the apparent conflict between Boehner and Obama is a choreographed performance the outcome of which is exactly what the finance industry and the banks, from which Obama draws his political life blood, want.

So I am in favor of drafting Bernie Sanders for President. I believe him to be the only hope the American middle class has to survive.
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Remarkably, the Socialist wants a challenger to the ultra liberal President Obama to serve as an anchor, of sorts, to stop the President's alleged drift to the RIGHT! ". . . I think one of the reasons the president has been able to move so far to the right is that there is no primary opposition to him . . . ."


Sanders: Would be 'good' for Obama to face primary challenge - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

This President (with a couple of exceptions which I concede) has been as far left as anybody could possibly be and still be an American President.

There has never been as far left a flaming lib in the Oval Office as this President.

Yet for the Socialist Senator from the lame State of Vermont, that's not far ENOUGH left. :cuckoo:

Putting his "reason" aside, who agrees with ol' Bernie?

SHOULD the President get a CHALLENGER from within the ranks of the liberal Democrat Parody?

I do. Maybe the problem is we have had too many far right leaning presidents, and arguments from the left are dismissed without debate?

LIEability's post is an example of someone on the right - far right if one considers his intolerance of ideas which conflict with his own - unwillingness to listen to and consider ideas and policy which do not fit into the dogma which has framed the conservative movement for 40 years.

Why do 'conservatives' fear ideas? Why still use "Red Scare" tactics now that Russia (no longer the USSR) and China have foresaken the economic theories of Marx and Engles? Both are conservative countries who reject revolution and are now Authoritarian and conservative.

What is wrong with universal preventative healthcare provided to all citizens? Why is that idea considered far left?

Since Fly Catcher has no intellectual integrity (actually no integrity of any kind) we can all see the result: slovenly "thinking" and silly conclusions like his mindless post.

He replaces thinking with mindless platitudes then dislocates his own shoulder to pat himself (baselessly) on his own back.

Pathetic mindless dishonest Fly Catcher is not that untypical of "modern American 'liberal'" thinking.
Yup, I said he was a conservative. I also said he wasn't a liberal at all. Way to take things to extremes to try and make a point. Emphasis on "try".

Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?

Oh, so you're comparing him to past presidents and not to the current landscape of the country? I see. So that would be like saying "Obama is ultra black". Compared to past presidents you can easily say that.

But Obama has not been an Ultra liberal president no matter what you want to believe. If he was, he would have insisted on only tax increases without entitlement cuts, or he would have insisted on single payer instead of handing more patients to private insurance.

Maybe you just are so far right, you think everyone is ultra liberal.

His cuts don't lower the debt now or in the future.
Wrong nutshell, wrong conclusion. Since Conservatives today are staining to get the government to live within the BOUNDS set by the Constitution, they are showing more fidelity to the "liberal" precepts of the Founders and Framers than today's "liberals" are even trying to show.

There is nothing wrong with caring about THAT "tradition."

And it may be change, but is far from "progress" to seek to deviate from those Constitutional bounds and limits.

Fidelity to the Constitution? The Constitution is a very liberal document. :lol:

And it's been the same argument for quite some time. Conservatives didn't want to pay for warships to battle pirates shortly after the revolution either. just got to pony up. :lol:
The Far Left needs to run a Candidate that will run on a 90% Tax rate and Single Payer HealthCare, closing Gitmo -- for real this time, gutting the US military, etc.
Wrong nutshell, wrong conclusion. Since Conservatives today are staining to get the government to live within the BOUNDS set by the Constitution, they are showing more fidelity to the "liberal" precepts of the Founders and Framers than today's "liberals" are even trying to show.

There is nothing wrong with caring about THAT "tradition."

And it may be change, but is far from "progress" to seek to deviate from those Constitutional bounds and limits.

Fidelity to the Constitution? The Constitution is a very liberal document. :lol:

And it's been the same argument for quite some time. Conservatives didn't want to pay for warships to battle pirates shortly after the revolution either. just got to pony up. :lol:

The Constitution is a very CONSERVATIVE document. This is why guys like the President want to constantly "reinterpret" it to get around the restrictions it puts on the tendency of liberals to make the Government the nanny of all.

And whether somebody doesn't want to pay for war supplies and costs is not relevant to the topic.
The Far Left needs to run a Candidate that will run on a 90% Tax rate and Single Payer HealthCare, closing Gitmo -- for real this time, gutting the US military, etc.

There is a parallel universe, somewhere, where the outcome of that suggestion would be to run CANDIDATE Obama 2008 against President Obama 2012.

In a utopian universe, both of them would lose.
The Far Left needs to run a Candidate that will run on a 90% Tax rate and Single Payer HealthCare, closing Gitmo -- for real this time, gutting the US military, etc.

Frank - The king of arguing through exaggeration.

Because he can't make a point otherwise. Be proud.
No. Of course. Bernie's right. That must be it.

The President isn't a liberal at all. Yeah yeah. That's it. He's a CONSERVATIVE.


Yup, I said he was a conservative. I also said he wasn't a liberal at all. Way to take things to extremes to try and make a point. Emphasis on "try".

Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?

It goes to show how far right the right has gone when they continue to insist that a President who supported extending the Bush tax cuts and even made further tax cuts is considered a far left wing ultra-liberal. Honestly, it's flippin hysterical.
Yup, I said he was a conservative. I also said he wasn't a liberal at all. Way to take things to extremes to try and make a point. Emphasis on "try".

Well, at least you can admit the point was to mock your denial of the term "ultra liberal."

That sort of gets you a bonus point -- kinda sorta -- for having a hint of integrity.


Anyway, CAN you name any other American President more liberal than President Obama?

It goes to show how far right the right has gone when they continue to insist that a President who supported extending the Bush tax cuts and even made further tax cuts is considered a far left wing ultra-liberal. Honestly, it's flippin hysterical.

Oh nozies.

You have identified that his actions and decisions do not coincide with his rhetoric and his beliefs.

And yet you loony goober lefties will absolutely slavishly bow before him.
The Far Left needs to run a Candidate that will run on a 90% Tax rate and Single Payer HealthCare, closing Gitmo -- for real this time, gutting the US military, etc.

Frank - The king of arguing through exaggeration.

Because he can't make a point otherwise. Be proud.

He made a good point and it's obviously one you can't handle. :lol:

You have nothing to be proud of.

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