Socialist Utopia: Child gangs fight fpr quality garbage with machetes in Venezuela

This is why commies must be defeated and drive out of our country by force if necessary.

There are no communists. Never have been. Communism can't exist. You mistake corrupt out of control other forms for it but communism doesn't exist.
There are Marxists. I call them communists because there is practically no difference. Anarchy cannot exists, but that doesn't stop some from calling others or themselves anarchists.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.
Really? High moron. Do you even know history you pile of crap?

We know California is rapidly turning into a feudalist state with their feudalist policies (better known as socialism in today's lingo.)

Of course for much of the country that still has FREE MARKET PRINCIPLES the poor people are fat. Able to still choose where they want to eat and what they want to eat. Yeah, things sure are horrible for the poor in a free market. No wonder so many poor people are desperate to get out of here to go to a place that is completely void of all opportunity for the poor in those feudalist countries (socialism in today's lingo.)

Don't worry though, the rich elite leftists that love the divide between the rich and the poor are just fine. Much like the barrons or nobles or royalty under the old FEUDAL SYSTEM (socialism in today's lingo.)

Happy news for the rich elite leftists like pelosi and all of Hollywood. Skid row is growing exponentially in California.

Pretty soon it will be exactly what sean Penn wants. An American Venezuelan system. The rich and the completely fucked.
Venezuela is the third world country that depends totally on oil andand has no lessons or relevancy for us. Check out Canada Australia New Zealand and the EU... They have healthy middle classes and little poverty. There is no reason why we can't have a living wage, good vacations, good daycare, good health care, Etc. We are the richest country in the world, but after 30 years of GOP BS and pander 2 the rich tax rates, we are a mess of inequality and suffering. Great job.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.
Really? High moron. Do you even know history you pile of crap?

We know California is rapidly turning into a feudalist state with their feudalist policies (better known as socialism in today's lingo.)

Of course for much of the country that still has FREE MARKET PRINCIPLES the poor people are fat. Able to still choose where they want to eat and what they want to eat. Yeah, things sure are horrible for the poor in a free market. No wonder so many poor people are desperate to get out of here to go to a place that is completely void of all opportunity for the poor in those feudalist countries (socialism in today's lingo.)

Don't worry though, the rich elite leftists that love the divide between the rich and the poor are just fine. Much like the barrons or nobles or royalty under the old FEUDAL SYSTEM (socialism in today's lingo.)

Happy news for the rich elite leftists like pelosi and all of Hollywood. Skid row is growing exponentially in California.

Pretty soon it will be exactly what sean Penn wants. An American Venezuelan system. The rich and the completely fucked.

What part of every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism do you refute? Is it the progressive tax systems, the healthcare, tax subsidies? Which is it? Or were you tasked with randomly working 'fedual system' into a post? You did nothing to dispute my point.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



What the hell are you raving about?
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



What the hell are you raving about?

That red states get more in federal dollars than they give. A redistribution of wealth so to speak.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

Indeed it does. The best countries for their people are those that have a healthy mix of capitalist, and socialist ideologies working together. The problems arise when one form takes over. If it is capitalism that takes over the workers are oppressed. If it is progressivism that takes over, they are killed.

No, you're confusing progressivism (you mean socialism but we'll let it pass) with tyranny or outright communism. Many workers have died at the hands of capitalism in our country alone, just ask the Chinese who built our railroads or any workers before the labor movement.

That is true, but progressive socialists have murdered orders of magnitude more. Stalins Collectivization of the farms killed at least three million people. Far more than all of the victims of capitalism combined in the USA.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



What the hell are you raving about?

That red states get more in federal dollars than they give. A redistribution of wealth so to speak.

That meme is a lie based on the unwillingness of the left wingers to admit to the fact that those red states that get all of the money also have tons of military bases that soak up huge amounts of cash. It ain't welfare going to those states, it's defense dollars. Get your facts straight.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

Indeed it does. The best countries for their people are those that have a healthy mix of capitalist, and socialist ideologies working together. The problems arise when one form takes over. If it is capitalism that takes over the workers are oppressed. If it is progressivism that takes over, they are killed.

No, you're confusing progressivism (you mean socialism but we'll let it pass) with tyranny or outright communism. Many workers have died at the hands of capitalism in our country alone, just ask the Chinese who built our railroads or any workers before the labor movement.

That is true, but progressive socialists have murdered orders of magnitude more. Stalins Collectivization of the farms killed at least three million people. Far more than all of the victims of capitalism combined in the USA.

Cool, Stalin has nothing whatsoever to do with modern democracies who in part have incorporated socialist policies to include the United States. Actually many of those counties fought the Soviet Union in the cold war. So shut up.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



What the hell are you raving about?

That red states get more in federal dollars than they give. A redistribution of wealth so to speak.

Yeah, I can just imagine the games they play with those numbers.
Unfettered capitalism became so onerous that it was finally brought to heel in the nineteenth century. Capitalism is not 'evil', but without restraints on it, the vile side of human nature takes over. This is something capitalism has in common with other practices of power, economic or otherwise.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



What the hell are you raving about?

That red states get more in federal dollars than they give. A redistribution of wealth so to speak.

That meme is a lie based on the unwillingness of the left wingers to admit to the fact that those red states that get all of the money also have tons of military bases that soak up huge amounts of cash. It ain't welfare going to those states, it's defense dollars. Get your facts straight.

Technically the meme doesn't mention anything about wealth redistribution.

Why does Mississippi only have 8 military bases and California has 32 yet Mississippi gets more in federal dollars than it gives?
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



What the hell are you raving about?

That red states get more in federal dollars than they give. A redistribution of wealth so to speak.

Yeah, I can just imagine the games they play with those numbers.

Cool thought, bro.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



What the hell are you raving about?

That red states get more in federal dollars than they give. A redistribution of wealth so to speak.

That meme is a lie based on the unwillingness of the left wingers to admit to the fact that those red states that get all of the money also have tons of military bases that soak up huge amounts of cash. It ain't welfare going to those states, it's defense dollars. Get your facts straight.

Technically the meme doesn't mention anything about wealth redistribution.

Why does Mississippi only have 8 military bases and California has 32 yet Mississippi gets more in federal dollars than it gives?

Oh gee, the bases are in general higher population (main cost) than those in CA. Also NCBC is responsible for world wide operations so a tremendous amount of cash is funneled through that one base alone. The california bases while large, are out in the desert and have fairly low personnel needs. Add to that the fact that california has a huge population base compared to 'ole Miss and a thinking person would get the point that comparing a mouse to an elephant is probably amusing, but doesn't actually get to the heart of the matter.
I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



What the hell are you raving about?

That red states get more in federal dollars than they give. A redistribution of wealth so to speak.

That meme is a lie based on the unwillingness of the left wingers to admit to the fact that those red states that get all of the money also have tons of military bases that soak up huge amounts of cash. It ain't welfare going to those states, it's defense dollars. Get your facts straight.

Technically the meme doesn't mention anything about wealth redistribution.

Why does Mississippi only have 8 military bases and California has 32 yet Mississippi gets more in federal dollars than it gives?

Oh gee, the bases are in general higher population (main cost) than those in CA. Also NCBC is responsible for world wide operations so a tremendous amount of cash is funneled through that one base alone. The california bases while large, are out in the desert and have fairly low personnel needs. Add to that the fact that california has a huge population base compared to 'ole Miss and a thinking person would get the point that comparing a mouse to an elephant is probably amusing, but doesn't actually get to the heart of the matter.

Great, can you back any of this up?
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.
Really? High moron. Do you even know history you pile of crap?

We know California is rapidly turning into a feudalist state with their feudalist policies (better known as socialism in today's lingo.)

Of course for much of the country that still has FREE MARKET PRINCIPLES the poor people are fat. Able to still choose where they want to eat and what they want to eat. Yeah, things sure are horrible for the poor in a free market. No wonder so many poor people are desperate to get out of here to go to a place that is completely void of all opportunity for the poor in those feudalist countries (socialism in today's lingo.)

Don't worry though, the rich elite leftists that love the divide between the rich and the poor are just fine. Much like the barrons or nobles or royalty under the old FEUDAL SYSTEM (socialism in today's lingo.)

Happy news for the rich elite leftists like pelosi and all of Hollywood. Skid row is growing exponentially in California.

Pretty soon it will be exactly what sean Penn wants. An American Venezuelan system. The rich and the completely fucked.

What part of every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism do you refute? Is it the progressive tax systems, the healthcare, tax subsidies? Which is it? Or were you tasked with randomly working 'fedual system' into a post? You did nothing to dispute my point.
First of all, the word DEMOCRACY does not appear in the constitution or the Declaration of independence. We are a republic, which is distinctly different.

Second, who the hell said there should not be ANY government? We are talking OVER REGULATION and the deliberate stifling of the free market in order to create slaves by making people more and more DEPENDENT on government. Far different than same line of shit you people always give

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