Socialized Medicine, as demonstrated by Socialized Mail Delivery.

maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.
not the unions fault the way its run......blame your congress....and prove the tax thing....


Why is it they no longer have stamp machines in the lobby?
Was it the unions?

It is pain in the ass to have to spend 20 minutes in line just to buy a book of stamps
RW that was the big question all of us carriers had when they took them out,and many a customer had the same question.....ready for the stupid answer we got?....because they did not want to maintain the machines and it was part of their cost cutting.....they said you can now buy stamps elsewhere for the same price... the guys who used to maintain the machines said these machines did not have high the PO gives the supermarket a discount on the stamps they buy so the market can sell them to you at the regular price and make a small how did that benefit the PO? the 80's we had a Post Master appointed from the private sector named Preston Tisch, a billionaire who owned CBS i believe at the time....this guy was the only PM that i can recall who worked out a contract with the Unions without going into binding arbitration....anyway Congress wanted him to cut costs of operating,no problem he said and presented them with a plan....congress said need to cut window services....Tisch said you dont cut things that affect the public,you let us cut things inside that we will work around.....he was over ruled and resigned a few months later saying something to the effect of its hard enough to have to run a business that can make money and yet HAVE to hopefully break even,i cannot work with a bunch of people micromanaging me,who know next to nothing about what goes on in this he resigned and then the board of gov's promoted some postal big shot to the job who also did not last that long and he retired....the PO does not care about customer service....if you get treated good its because of the workers in your PO not middle or upper management,they can give a rats ass....

Makes no sense to me

It is frustrating standing in line behind some lady sending all her Christmas packages out when all I want is to buy a book of stamps that takes about 15 seconds of the clerks time. I know some supermarkets sell stamps but I have to wait in line to find out if they do or not and I am trading a post office line for a supermarket line

Seems they could automate much of what the postal clerk does. Have self serve where I can weigh the package and automatically print out the right postage.
but then you would find many people wont know how to operate the machines or will enter the wrong info and then you have that mess.....
Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available..
they dont have plenty of people to man those stations....the only clerks that can take money are ones who have been vetted and ok'd by the inspection service..
the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer
90% of the people i worked with were very responsible to their employer....its not their fault if postal middle management sucks...
Hmm... That's something a socialist would say
how is what i said here socialist? to explain that?...

You're implying that management is the enemy... When in reality, this in truth, the issue is not management, it's the union that has tied the hands of management.

Such deceit is a core trait of left-think, Left-think is the species of reasoning that governs socialism.
so keys you seem to imply that you know how the PO long have you worked there?....have you ever been on a work room floor?.....the Unions have nothing to do with how the PO wastes the money they make.....these assholes bought land here in the Anaheim hills and built a facility on it for the 92808 zip code people a growing area in 2001....all in all they spent 10 million on this building and land.....during the downsizing of the last few years they decided this nice new building was no longer needed,the people here can drive the 7 miles to the 92807 building,even though the 08 office made money,lots of customers in a wealthy area.....they sold the whole thing 3 years ago for 4 million.....they made out on that deal....the unions were fighting to save the place.....Diane Feinsteins husband made out though....the only people who know who wastes money in this place are the workers and who is responsible,i have witnessed so many jobs in management that are useless and not needed and these people are making 70-90 thousand a year walking around with a clip board and have nothing to do with helping the mail flow,its just a job created for someone,and that person will do whatever to justify their job and why its so important....thats management not the union....and im not saying the Unions are not responsible for certain things that happen,but they dont control what the PO wastes money on....i can go on for 2 pages on the stuff i have seen in my 33 years about you keys,what have you seen?...
To be fair most people feel that way about middle management in everywhere, owing mainly to a lack of understanding about what they do
middle management in the PO is pretty fucked would have to see some of the "jobs" these people have to understand what i am talking about,and the workers on the floor know exactly what they are i said before,they are not doing anything to facilitate the mail flow or to improve on something and many like the District managers with their "ideas" many times make things worse and its the front line supervises and the workers who then have to deal with their shit.....
The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

Yes... That's because the Democrats, specifically the unions have raided the USPS Pension fund for decades and it was on the brink of bankruptcy. So... given the absurd obligations to which the USPS has conceded, having a funded pension is essential to the pensions of the thousands of 50 year olds that retire from the USPS every year.

Now... with that said, the photograph shows THE PROBLEM. Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available... where those people standing in line waiting for more than a half hour to exchange THEIR MONEY for shipping services... the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer, who's paying those salary and pensions... from BOTH ENDS.
Did someone help you post something so utterly stupid or do you claim sole responsibility???

I not only posted it... I took the photo and created the Meme, from my photo and comments from career postal workers.

And I want you to know that I see your desire to deny reality, despite having no means to do so.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
My only concession to you is that your post is the epitome of concentrated and willful ignorance...
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.
not the unions fault the way its run......blame your congress....and prove the tax thing....


Why is it they no longer have stamp machines in the lobby?
Was it the unions?

It is pain in the ass to have to spend 20 minutes in line just to buy a book of stamps
RW that was the big question all of us carriers had when they took them out,and many a customer had the same question.....ready for the stupid answer we got?....because they did not want to maintain the machines and it was part of their cost cutting.....they said you can now buy stamps elsewhere for the same price... the guys who used to maintain the machines said these machines did not have high the PO gives the supermarket a discount on the stamps they buy so the market can sell them to you at the regular price and make a small how did that benefit the PO? the 80's we had a Post Master appointed from the private sector named Preston Tisch, a billionaire who owned CBS i believe at the time....this guy was the only PM that i can recall who worked out a contract with the Unions without going into binding arbitration....anyway Congress wanted him to cut costs of operating,no problem he said and presented them with a plan....congress said need to cut window services....Tisch said you dont cut things that affect the public,you let us cut things inside that we will work around.....he was over ruled and resigned a few months later saying something to the effect of its hard enough to have to run a business that can make money and yet HAVE to hopefully break even,i cannot work with a bunch of people micromanaging me,who know next to nothing about what goes on in this he resigned and then the board of gov's promoted some postal big shot to the job who also did not last that long and he retired....the PO does not care about customer service....if you get treated good its because of the workers in your PO not middle or upper management,they can give a rats ass....

Makes no sense to me

It is frustrating standing in line behind some lady sending all her Christmas packages out when all I want is to buy a book of stamps that takes about 15 seconds of the clerks time. I know some supermarkets sell stamps but I have to wait in line to find out if they do or not and I am trading a post office line for a supermarket line

Seems they could automate much of what the postal clerk does. Have self serve where I can weigh the package and automatically print out the right postage.

Many post offices have just that. Seriously, are you living in 1991?
The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

Yes... That's because the Democrats, specifically the unions have raided the USPS Pension fund for decades and it was on the brink of bankruptcy. So... given the absurd obligations to which the USPS has conceded, having a funded pension is essential to the pensions of the thousands of 50 year olds that retire from the USPS every year.

Now... with that said, the photograph shows THE PROBLEM. Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available... where those people standing in line waiting for more than a half hour to exchange THEIR MONEY for shipping services... the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer, who's paying those salary and pensions... from BOTH ENDS.
Did someone help you post something so utterly stupid or do you claim sole responsibility???

I not only posted it... I took the photo and created the Meme, from my photo and comments from career postal workers.

And I want you to know that I see your desire to deny reality, despite having no means to do so.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
My only concession to you is that your post is the epitome of concentrated and willful ignorance...

Oh my... A Re-Concession? Aren't you sweet.

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
The Post office will pick a letter up at my house in NJ and deliver it to my cousins house in California for under 50 cents

There isn't a private company that would deliver a letter across town for 50 cents
The same device on which you posted that would-be "contribution", will send a letter to your cousin, and do so virtually instantly, at no additional charge whatsoever.

Let's be honest here... The need to send personal correspondence through a post service, is long gone.
and yet there are still millions of cards and letters at Christmas,Father and Mothers day,birthdays.....and still millions of letters going business to business as well as to residential homes....yep its long gone......

LOL! So ... You exist to deliver Christmas cards?

Grab a clue... You're screwed.
im retired so what happens with them is no longer my how come you did not mention the millions amount of mail that goes from business to business?...i thought this mailing things was long gone?...grab a clue yourself....

Because that mail is irrelevant.

The only reason that the Post Office remains in existence is that it is the USPS that the GOVERNMENT uses to harass the citizenry. As already and repeatedly noted... the USPS, no longer serves a legitimate public service and as such, remains simply, yet another socialist anchor around the neck of the citizenry.
The Post office will pick a letter up at my house in NJ and deliver it to my cousins house in California for under 50 cents

There isn't a private company that would deliver a letter across town for 50 cents
The same device on which you posted that would-be "contribution", will send a letter to your cousin, and do so virtually instantly, at no additional charge whatsoever.

Let's be honest here... The need to send personal correspondence through a post service, is long gone.
and yet there are still millions of cards and letters at Christmas,Father and Mothers day,birthdays.....and still millions of letters going business to business as well as to residential homes....yep its long gone......

LOL! So ... You exist to deliver Christmas cards?

Grab a clue... You're screwed.
im retired so what happens with them is no longer my how come you did not mention the millions amount of mail that goes from business to business?...i thought this mailing things was long gone?...grab a clue yourself....

Because that mail is irrelevant.

The only reason that the Post Office remains in existence is that it is the USPS that the GOVERNMENT uses to harass the citizenry. As already and repeatedly noted... the USPS, no longer serves a legitimate public service and as such, remains simply, yet another socialist anchor around the neck of the citizenry.
its irrelevant?.....if it was irrelevant it would not matter to anyone,why dont you go to a business that gets 12 tubs of mail everyday and tell them you dont need this mail....its irrelevant,see what they tell you...your posts about something you know nothing about are what is irrelevant...
"Socialized Medicine, as demonstrated by Socialized Mail Delivery."

And this thread demonstrates a premise that fails as a false comparison fallacy.

This idiocy of the right knows no bounds.
The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

Yes... That's because the Democrats, specifically the unions have raided the USPS Pension fund for decades and it was on the brink of bankruptcy. So... given the absurd obligations to which the USPS has conceded, having a funded pension is essential to the pensions of the thousands of 50 year olds that retire from the USPS every year.

Now... with that said, the photograph shows THE PROBLEM. Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available... where those people standing in line waiting for more than a half hour to exchange THEIR MONEY for shipping services... the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer, who's paying those salary and pensions... from BOTH ENDS.
Did someone help you post something so utterly stupid or do you claim sole responsibility???

I not only posted it... I took the photo and created the Meme, from my photo and comments from career postal workers.

And I want you to know that I see your desire to deny reality, despite having no means to do so.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
My only concession to you is that your post is the epitome of concentrated and willful ignorance...
it may not be there for long.....not all are gone yet....
The Post office will pick a letter up at my house in NJ and deliver it to my cousins house in California for under 50 cents

There isn't a private company that would deliver a letter across town for 50 cents
The same device on which you posted that would-be "contribution", will send a letter to your cousin, and do so virtually instantly, at no additional charge whatsoever.

Let's be honest here... The need to send personal correspondence through a post service, is long gone.
and yet there are still millions of cards and letters at Christmas,Father and Mothers day,birthdays.....and still millions of letters going business to business as well as to residential homes....yep its long gone......

LOL! So ... You exist to deliver Christmas cards?

Grab a clue... You're screwed.
im retired so what happens with them is no longer my how come you did not mention the millions amount of mail that goes from business to business?...i thought this mailing things was long gone?...grab a clue yourself....

Because that mail is irrelevant.

The only reason that the Post Office remains in existence is that it is the USPS that the GOVERNMENT uses to harass the citizenry. As already and repeatedly noted... the USPS, no longer serves a legitimate public service and as such, remains simply, yet another socialist anchor around the neck of the citizenry.
of course it serves a purpose; not everyone can afford private sector delivery. or, there may not be enough service to justify regular service.
The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

Yes... That's because the Democrats, specifically the unions have raided the USPS Pension fund for decades and it was on the brink of bankruptcy. So... given the absurd obligations to which the USPS has conceded, having a funded pension is essential to the pensions of the thousands of 50 year olds that retire from the USPS every year.

Now... with that said, the photograph shows THE PROBLEM. Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available... where those people standing in line waiting for more than a half hour to exchange THEIR MONEY for shipping services... the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer, who's paying those salary and pensions... from BOTH ENDS.
Did someone help you post something so utterly stupid or do you claim sole responsibility???

I not only posted it... I took the photo and created the Meme, from my photo and comments from career postal workers.

And I want you to know that I see your desire to deny reality, despite having no means to do so.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
My only concession to you is that your post is the epitome of concentrated and willful ignorance...

Oh my... A Re-Concession? Aren't you sweet.

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
As is your willful ignorance of the facts...
Yes... That's because the Democrats, specifically the unions have raided the USPS Pension fund for decades and it was on the brink of bankruptcy. So... given the absurd obligations to which the USPS has conceded, having a funded pension is essential to the pensions of the thousands of 50 year olds that retire from the USPS every year.

Now... with that said, the photograph shows THE PROBLEM. Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available... where those people standing in line waiting for more than a half hour to exchange THEIR MONEY for shipping services... the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer, who's paying those salary and pensions... from BOTH ENDS.
Did someone help you post something so utterly stupid or do you claim sole responsibility???

I not only posted it... I took the photo and created the Meme, from my photo and comments from career postal workers.

And I want you to know that I see your desire to deny reality, despite having no means to do so.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
My only concession to you is that your post is the epitome of concentrated and willful ignorance...

Oh my... A Re-Concession? Aren't you sweet.

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
As is your willful ignorance of the facts...

Oh! There are facts, which of course decide the truth... but which sadly are not available for consideration, therefore, the ignorance of those secret-facts precludes the means of the opposition to carry the day.

Reader... ^THAT^ is what we call argumentum ad ignorantum... OKA: The Appeal to Ignorance. It's a classic fatal flaw which was recognized some 3500 years ago, yet its found in current use throughout the Ideological Left... every single day.

With that said, the Re-Re-Reconcession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Socialized medicine (which the U.S. does not have...yet, but y'all keep whining about the PPACA and we'll get there), as demonstrated by - wait for it - a country that actually has socialized medicine (apples to apples comparison - what a concept!):






Source: United States vs. Denmark, in 17 Charts

Nice to see so many of your Rightists agreeing with Hillary - we're not Denmark.
Did someone help you post something so utterly stupid or do you claim sole responsibility???

I not only posted it... I took the photo and created the Meme, from my photo and comments from career postal workers.

And I want you to know that I see your desire to deny reality, despite having no means to do so.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
My only concession to you is that your post is the epitome of concentrated and willful ignorance...

Oh my... A Re-Concession? Aren't you sweet.

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
As is your willful ignorance of the facts...

Oh! There are facts, which of course decide the truth... but which sadly are not available for consideration, therefore, the ignorance of those secret-facts precludes the means of the opposition to carry the day.

Reader... ^THAT^ is what we call argumentum ad ignorantum... OKA: The Appeal to Ignorance. It's a classic fatal flaw which was recognized some 3500 years ago, yet its found in current use throughout the Ideological Left... every single day.

With that said, the Re-Re-Reconcession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
So in other words you can not factually support your statement...
Try something new...
I not only posted it... I took the photo and created the Meme, from my photo and comments from career postal workers.

And I want you to know that I see your desire to deny reality, despite having no means to do so.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
My only concession to you is that your post is the epitome of concentrated and willful ignorance...

Oh my... A Re-Concession? Aren't you sweet.

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
As is your willful ignorance of the facts...

Oh! There are facts, which of course decide the truth... but which sadly are not available for consideration, therefore, the ignorance of those secret-facts precludes the means of the opposition to carry the day.

Reader... ^THAT^ is what we call argumentum ad ignorantum... OKA: The Appeal to Ignorance. It's a classic fatal flaw which was recognized some 3500 years ago, yet its found in current use throughout the Ideological Left... every single day.

With that said, the Re-Re-Reconcession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
So in other words you can not factually support your statement...
Try something new...

When I'm asking for a statement to be factually supported, I like to cite the statement. It seem to help move the conversation along.

You've cited numerous statements, which are you claiming to not be factual? And on what basis does your claim rest?
Socialized medicine (which the U.S. does not have...yet, but y'all keep whining about the PPACA and we'll get there), as demonstrated by - wait for it - a country that actually has socialized medicine (apples to apples comparison - what a concept!):






Source: United States vs. Denmark, in 17 Charts

Nice to see so many of your Rightists agreeing with Hillary - we're not Denmark.

Golly... Denmark? ROFL! A tad over 5 million people shoved into 16k sq miles... Compared to Colorado that has a similar population, but which is spread over 105k sq miles.

But MAN that was cool.

Any other irrelevant examples?
Socialized medicine (which the U.S. does not have...yet, but y'all keep whining about the PPACA and we'll get there), as demonstrated by - wait for it - a country that actually has socialized medicine (apples to apples comparison - what a concept!):






Source: United States vs. Denmark, in 17 Charts

Nice to see so many of your Rightists agreeing with Hillary - we're not Denmark.

Golly... Denmark? ROFL! A tad over 5 million people shoved into 16k sq miles...

So your argument is about geography? If you put five million Americans into a territory of 16,000 square miles, would they be as well off?

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