Socialized Medicine, as demonstrated by Socialized Mail Delivery.

The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

Yes... That's because the Democrats, specifically the unions have raided the USPS Pension fund for decades and it was on the brink of bankruptcy. So... given the absurd obligations to which the USPS has conceded, having a funded pension is essential to the pensions of the thousands of 50 year olds that retire from the USPS every year.

Now... with that said, the photograph shows THE PROBLEM. Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available... where those people standing in line waiting for more than a half hour to exchange THEIR MONEY for shipping services... the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer, who's paying those salary and pensions... from BOTH ENDS.
Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available..
they dont have plenty of people to man those stations....the only clerks that can take money are ones who have been vetted and ok'd by the inspection service..
the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer
90% of the people i worked with were very responsible to their employer....its not their fault if postal middle management sucks...
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.
not the unions fault the way its run......blame your congress....and prove the tax thing....
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.

The Post Office is perhaps the MOST "audited for efficiency agencies" in existence.
All one has to do is go and observe the Supervisors watching the clerks like a hawk.
In so far as an entity increasing our taxes, any entity that pays it's employees minimum wage and trains them how to apply for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid is just as much a cause.
supervisors that i worked with dont watch the clerks,they dont need to.....their are cameras everywhere in any facility,and i mean everywhere....except the bathrooms...
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.

The Post Office is perhaps the MOST "audited for efficiency agencies" in existence.
All one has to do is go and observe the Supervisors watching the clerks like a hawk.
In so far as an entity increasing our taxes, any entity that pays it's employees minimum wage and trains them how to apply for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid is just as much a cause.
supervisors that i worked with dont watch the clerks,they dont need to.....their are cameras everywhere in any facility,and i mean everywhere....except the bathrooms...

I guess it depends on the Facility.
In my town the Supervisors pop up when there's more than about 6 people waiting.
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.

The Post Office is perhaps the MOST "audited for efficiency agencies" in existence.
All one has to do is go and observe the Supervisors watching the clerks like a hawk.
In so far as an entity increasing our taxes, any entity that pays it's employees minimum wage and trains them how to apply for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid is just as much a cause.

But honestly... look who's inspecting them for efficiency... the least efficient organization on earth.

Put it this way, few of those working for the USPS, have a future at Fed-Ex or UPS.
why would anyone working for the PO want to work for Fed-x or UPS?......
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.

The Post Office is perhaps the MOST "audited for efficiency agencies" in existence.
All one has to do is go and observe the Supervisors watching the clerks like a hawk.
In so far as an entity increasing our taxes, any entity that pays it's employees minimum wage and trains them how to apply for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid is just as much a cause.

But honestly... look who's inspecting them for efficiency... the least efficient organization on earth.

Put it this way, few of those working for the USPS, have a future at Fed-Ex or UPS.

I love UPS; I can order 6-10 delivery on Amazon and still get my package in 1 day.
I hate FedEx; they'll hold the package in the truck outside my house until day 6.
All three use each other to handle the load.
I don't know why you feel the USPS is so inefficient.
GW's Congress screwed them with the 75 years crap.

LOL! I can't see a way to get through to you, that which the photo in the OP demonstrates in inescapable terms.
The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

Yes... That's because the Democrats, specifically the unions have raided the USPS Pension fund for decades and it was on the brink of bankruptcy. So... given the absurd obligations to which the USPS has conceded, having a funded pension is essential to the pensions of the thousands of 50 year olds that retire from the USPS every year.

Now... with that said, the photograph shows THE PROBLEM. Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available... where those people standing in line waiting for more than a half hour to exchange THEIR MONEY for shipping services... the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer, who's paying those salary and pensions... from BOTH ENDS.
Did someone help you post something so utterly stupid or do you claim sole responsibility???

I not only posted it... I took the photo and created the Meme, from my photo and comments from career postal workers.

And I want you to know that I see your desire to deny reality, despite having no means to do so.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.

The Post Office is perhaps the MOST "audited for efficiency agencies" in existence.
All one has to do is go and observe the Supervisors watching the clerks like a hawk.
In so far as an entity increasing our taxes, any entity that pays it's employees minimum wage and trains them how to apply for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid is just as much a cause.

But honestly... look who's inspecting them for efficiency... the least efficient organization on earth.

Put it this way, few of those working for the USPS, have a future at Fed-Ex or UPS.
why would anyone working for the PO want to work for Fed-x or UPS?......

Not only would such a person not want to... They're technically unqualified to do so, given their demonstrated limitations in the attitude and skills required by UPS and FedEx.

I had to run to the post office today and when I got there I found this line. You're only looking at the few people closest to the counter, there were 30+ people behind the camera.

So I post this to social media... and the comment you see above, was offered by a Post Office 30 year man, who is incapable of seeing the problem, for what it is.

in liberal utopia

no one has to work

so standing in a line for hours is A-OK
The Post office will pick a letter up at my house in NJ and deliver it to my cousins house in California for under 50 cents

There isn't a private company that would deliver a letter across town for 50 cents
The same device on which you posted that would-be "contribution", will send a letter to your cousin, and do so virtually instantly, at no additional charge whatsoever.

Let's be honest here... The need to send personal correspondence through a post service, is long gone.
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.

things like that dont matter

when you are in a liberal utopia

if you lose 3100 bucks an hour

it is A-OK if you need more money

just ask for it
The Post office will pick a letter up at my house in NJ and deliver it to my cousins house in California for under 50 cents

There isn't a private company that would deliver a letter across town for 50 cents
The same device on which you posted that would-be "contribution", will send a letter to your cousin, and do so virtually instantly, at no additional charge whatsoever.

Let's be honest here... The need to send personal correspondence through a post service, is long gone.

long gone
The republican Congress forced the USPS to, over 10 years, fully fund its retirement program for the next 75 years. That's not "spend 75 years putting money in the bank," it's "have 75 years' worth of money in the bank within 10 years."

It's drained the USPS' operating funds to the point where it can barely function. The good news is that the timeframe will be up in a few more years and the USPS will be able to go back to normal.

Why did Congress do this? To force privatization of mail delivery. Somebody stood to make a shitload of cash from that.

Yes... That's because the Democrats, specifically the unions have raided the USPS Pension fund for decades and it was on the brink of bankruptcy. So... given the absurd obligations to which the USPS has conceded, having a funded pension is essential to the pensions of the thousands of 50 year olds that retire from the USPS every year.

Now... with that said, the photograph shows THE PROBLEM. Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available... where those people standing in line waiting for more than a half hour to exchange THEIR MONEY for shipping services... the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer, who's paying those salary and pensions... from BOTH ENDS.
Despite having PLENTY of people to man those Point of Sale stations available..
they dont have plenty of people to man those stations....the only clerks that can take money are ones who have been vetted and ok'd by the inspection service..
the Post Office Management has created an environment which wholly disregards any sense of responsibility to their employer
90% of the people i worked with were very responsible to their employer....its not their fault if postal middle management sucks...
Hmm... That's something a socialist would say
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.
not the unions fault the way its run......blame your congress....and prove the tax thing....


Why is it they no longer have stamp machines in the lobby?
Was it the unions?

It is pain in the ass to have to spend 20 minutes in line just to buy a book of stamps
Our postmaster told me that the computerized system slowed the whole process down.
your post master was lying to you.....
For a small town I don't think he was lying. I watched the process he had to go through verses just stamp the envelope and toss it in the proper bin.
you would have to explain what process you are talking about Rod.....there is no proper bin for mail at the local PO....letters all go into the same bin as well as all parcels in their bin....everything is separated at the processing plants and i assure you,automation through computerization has speeded up the process greatly to the tune of a lot less clerks being needed for the mail processing part of moving the mail.........
Now... over the half hour I was in there... there was easily 50 people in line when I got there and when I left it was probably close to 100... with people waiting in line OUT THE DOOR... standing in the sun. How many saw that line and drove on by is anyone's guess.

Seven people ahead of me... Two people working the counter... the guy on the Left was still serving the same guy that was there when I got there, when I left.

My bill was $17.00 to ship a package to NY.

So... easy math indicates that TODAY, that post office had the opportunity, the equipment, facility and personnel to produce an easy $3400/hour.

Which, due to pure incompetence, it instead earned $272/hour.

And THAT folks is the net result of socialized: ANYTHING.
maybe they need a scale that prints out weight as a bar code.

Maybe they need to put some of those postoffice employees into those Point of Sale Stations.

The Post Office is operated as a social program and not a business... and as a consequence, it's an albatross that is being subsidized to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars a year, by the US Taxpayers. It should be shut down or the Union should be shut out, so that it can be managed as a business.

The Post Office is perhaps the MOST "audited for efficiency agencies" in existence.
All one has to do is go and observe the Supervisors watching the clerks like a hawk.
In so far as an entity increasing our taxes, any entity that pays it's employees minimum wage and trains them how to apply for Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid is just as much a cause.
supervisors that i worked with dont watch the clerks,they dont need to.....their are cameras everywhere in any facility,and i mean everywhere....except the bathrooms...

I guess it depends on the Facility.
In my town the Supervisors pop up when there's more than about 6 people waiting.
to see about getting the lines down...a good windows supervisor or Station Manager will do that....

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