Soft Targets at home


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2015
We all hope there are no attacks anywhere in the US, no one can argue that.

I'm wondering, if we do see a fairly large scale attack like the one in Paris in some city in the US, if there will be one or more people there that are carrying a concealed weapon will take action. Its easy for anyone to say 'hell yah' when you are typing it on a message board, but the reality is something else.

I'd like to think this is still the home of the brave, and many people claim to conceal carry and will act, but will they? Say there are multiple shooters with full auto AK47s spraying a crowd. It isn't too easy to see that and then pull out a pistol and fire back, knowing you will likely die where if you ran you would likely survive.

I said this before, I think some of the 'militias' around the country, properly vetted and trained, could be used to walk as visible deterrent at malls and places like this. Properly vetted means weeding out the crazies of which there will be plenty. But I think there are retired military in some of these groups who would serve a good purpose doing this. Their task would be only to engage any attack by one of these terrorists or groups. No police work, no arresting anyone, just civil defense which is what a militia is supposed to be.

And please leave out the partisan meme crap. Can we have a normal discussion on this (or anything).
If there is an attack I would look for it at a sporting event or a movie theater where people are closely confined. As far as I know those are both weapon free zones.

I would agree....anything where you have a lot of people together, especially where this a lot of attention on what is going on (like a game).

An event that would have a lot of military members and their families attending and not carrying.


I think a lot more people are gonna be carrying now that our dear reader has invited the terrorists into our country. Soon all bets will be off.

Might need to change base security protocol so that members who have access to the base and a civil permit to carry can bring their personal arms on base... That's if it hasn't been changed to that already.


Thankfully, I do not live in a soft target area. Not enough people to do enough damage. But places like disneyland? Fishermans wharf in SF, an outdoor jazz festival sorta thing, etc...those would be targeted maybe. And, if I did happen to be in those areas and saw 3 masked men on a hill or wherever, you bet your ass I would fire at them. Would I be killed in the defense of the defenseless? Probably. Do I care? Nope.
If there is an attack I would look for it at a sporting event or a movie theater where people are closely confined. As far as I know those are both weapon free zones.

Wherever it is. You could list a hundred 'soft targets'. It wouldn't take much to have some defense presence at every mall, school, theatre, sporting event etc.

What is the thought on the militias taking part. I mean that wouldn't be on the radar for any US president, but I think it should be.
First off, the military on military bases need to be allowed to carry firearms. That would be a good start.
Thankfully, I do not live in a soft target area. Not enough people to do enough damage. But places like disneyland? Fishermans wharf in SF, an outdoor jazz festival sorta thing, etc...those would be targeted maybe. And, if I did happen to be in those areas and saw 3 masked men on a hill or wherever, you bet your ass I would fire at them. Would I be killed in the defense of the defenseless? Probably. Do I care? Nope.
Disneyland would be a major soft target. Had not thought of that one.
Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, San Diego Zoo, Sea World. All have metal detectors I think, but whats to stop someone from targeting the FRONT of those in the car lots. Ever see the lines in front where people are trying to get IN? And look how many refugees are heading to San Diego and the general LA area. LA is huge...and there are LOTS of soft spots. LOTS. And lots of hidey holes as well.
The way for all of us to stay safe is to stay wary while going about our usual day to day activities. Stay alert. Know where you are. Play being a CIA agent. Scope out exits before entering anywhere. Watch people around you. If weapons are allowed, be armed but discreetly. Avoid highly populated areas where a couple of hundred can be taken out with two suicidal assholes with bomb vests or snipers have a good vantage point. Don't let the assholes win by hiding, but be alert, cautious, wary, and know where you are at all times with an exit in mind if needed to be used.
Yes, it has come down to us to protect ourselves and each other because our POTUS and his administration damn sure won't.
Stop with the blacklivesmatter stuff and the racist crap.
Terrorists don't give a fuck what color you are. If you are are the enemy. We all need to band together now. I would like to hope that we all would if it came down to that.
The way for all of us to stay safe is to stay wary while going about our usual day to day activities. Stay alert. Know where you are. Play being a CIA agent. Scope out exits before entering anywhere. Watch people around you. If weapons are allowed, be armed but discreetly. Avoid highly populated areas where a couple of hundred can be taken out with two suicidal assholes with bomb vests or snipers have a good vantage point. Don't let the assholes win by hiding, but be alert, cautious, wary, and know where you are at all times with an exit in mind if needed to be used.
Yes, it has come down to us to protect ourselves and each other because our POTUS and his administration damn sure won't.
Stop with the blacklivesmatter stuff and the racist crap.
Terrorists don't give a fuck what color you are. If you are are the enemy. We all need to band together now. I would like to hope that we all would if it came down to that.
Media plays a major role where terrorists are concerned. If its a large event and media is there or close it should make you pay a little more attention to who is around you.
Hell, downtown Rodeo Drive would take out hundreds. All those nightclubs the celebs go to? Lines down the block where people wait to see if they pass the "good looking enough" to get past the bouncers. LINES of them. Hundreds of people wanting in those clubs to rub shoulders with celebs.

Parks. Big ones. Ski areas in Big Bear or those similar. Lake tahoe. Safari Parks. Museums. Friday nights downtown SLO is MASSIVE. Cal Poly students everywhere on Thursday nights. HUNDREDS of them, for Farmers Market that isn't really a Farmers Market but more of a street faire. Speaking of....colleges. All soft targets, lots of people in one spot.

Like I aware of your surroundings. We have to rely on ourselves now.

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