Software 'Glitch' In Michigan Erroneously Gave 6000 Trump Votes To Biden; Up To 47 Counties Compromised


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I watched the video as well. They had to switch 6,000 votes in a county after hand counting them, this software is used in 47 counties. Search out the video, I saw it live.

I don't know if there was broad corruption or not, but that seems like a HELL of alot of counties that could have major voting discrepancies.

Software 'Glitch' In Michigan Erroneously Gave 1000s Of Votes To Biden; Up To 47 Counties Compromised

I watched the video as well. They had to switch 6,000 votes in a county after hand counting them, this software is used in 47 counties. Search out the video, I saw it live.

I don't know if there was broad corruption or not, but that seems like a HELL of alot of counties that could have major voting discrepancies.

Software 'Glitch' In Michigan Erroneously Gave 1000s Of Votes To Biden; Up To 47 Counties Compromised

And I posted the response. Again. It was one county. User error. Not software error. All fixed.
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It's funny how all these "glitches" only happen to favor trump. The same equipment can never err against Biden.
I watched the video as well. They had to switch 6,000 votes in a county after hand counting them, this software is used in 47 counties. Search out the video, I saw it live.

I don't know if there was broad corruption or not, but that seems like a HELL of alot of counties that could have major voting discrepancies.

Software 'Glitch' In Michigan Erroneously Gave 1000s Of Votes To Biden; Up To 47 Counties Compromised

Fake news.
God is able to work miracles!

Stop The Blue COUP!

Pray, Protest, Report Fraud and Irregularities
Weird how all these "glitches" increase Democrat totals.

Stay the course on election contests and litigation – Almost 70 million Trump voters deserve the effort.

Issues & Insights: Why Trump Keeps Fighting: America’s Future Is At Stake.

Never Trumpers, Democrats, the Big Media, Big Tech, and progressive government officials have all been unanimous in criticizing President Donald Trump for insisting state election officials do their jobs, which is to enforce election law fairly and equitably. With his willingness to fight, Trump once again shows why his voters remain so intensely loyal.

Trump is demanding that we “make every legal vote count,” and is seeking recounts and going to court to make it happen.

This election, which has only been delayed because of vote-by-mail rules put in place by Democrats trying to take advantage of the COVID-19 panic, isn’t over by a long shot.

Legitimate questions have been raised about the integrity of vote counts in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. In Wisconsin, a sudden trove of Biden votes miraculously appeared early Wednesday, erasing a comfortable Trump lead.

Big Tech — primarily Twitter and Facebook — have engaged in blatantly unfair censorship of a major American political figure and presidential candidate, not for cause but for entirely spurious reasons.

Media Research Center documents that Facebook and Twitter censored Trump and Trump campaign social media posts at least 65 times. Biden wasn't censored a single time.

“Twitter is the worst, accounting for 98% of the censorship,” notes a recent piece in the Washington Times. “Which should be no surprise. Open Secrets, which tracks campaign donations, reports that Facebook and Twitter have given more than 90% of their federal-level political contributions to Democrats for the 2020 cycle, according to The top recipient? Joe Biden.”

The three major networks showed absolutely no attempt to be objective this election season, with 92% negative coverage of Trump, but 66% positive coverage for Biden. That includes a virtual lockdown on any news about Biden’s China, Ukraine and Russia scandals, despite mountains of convincing evidence and no denials even by Biden himself.

Those are the reasons why Trump fights now for every vote. His voters, and Americans in general, have been ill-served by a biased media and a Democrat Party that condones election cheating and trickery as long as it serves their increasingly far-left ideological leanings.

In 2000, Democrats tried to steal the election by rigging the recount rules in Florida in their favor. In 2016, an even-more brazen Hillary Clinton enlisted the aid of the CIA, Justice Department and FBI to spy on her opponent, a blatantly illegal act that remains unpunished.

Today, using the far-left Democrats’ control of elections in most major cities, Biden’s campaign hopes to use vote-counting legerdemain to eke out a win where both Al Gore and Hillary Clinton failed.

So fight on, Donald Trump. Don’t give in, not an inch. Election rules and laws must mean something, or our republic will not survive. That’s something to fight for.

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