Solar for 2015

LOL. Henry, what are you smoking tonight? Very few volcanoes have world wide reach. You are talking a Toba sized eruption, and they are few and far between. Ten of thousands of years between.
LOL. Henry, what are you smoking tonight? Very few volcanoes have world wide reach. You are talking a Toba sized eruption, and they are few and far between. Ten of thousands of years between.

Yeah, and they happen right on time according to your schedule and only then. Got it.
2.0 kw continuous power output
3.3 kw peak output...........

One good volcanic eruption and you'll be peddling a stationary bike to power your laptop.

Where in HELL are all the volcanoes when we need them most?
Ok pal,
I think you've just overdone yourself. Assuming a volcanic eruption large enough to cover the most of the earth happened any time soon :

a) Obscurity only lasts for a few days unless it is a supervolcano
b) Solar cells work even with partial light
c) If it lasted long enough , solar cells would be the least of our problems. As you probably know plants require solar energy to live. No sunlight = no plants = food chain collapse = ecological and humanitarian disaster.
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