Solar scientists say the "Grand Minimum" will cause a mini ice age next few years..

Cool high pressure is moving into midatlantic and as it moves out it will open up the eastern seaboard for something tropical. Be on the lookout for the 7-10 day
Got going a bit earlier but good call. System has developed off Sc/ga coastline and is already displaying an eye characteristic. Gotta watch this for further development and the track-will it move north or northeast?
The high I talked about is strong so that will aid the easterly flow and winds
Would not be surprised to see mouth of the Chesapeake bay experience 50mph winds or gusts and even D.C. Gets some 15-20 sustained with gusts to 30. These values do not anticipate unexpected strengthening but that has to be a consideration to watch
Good call..

The western high is just holding Harvey over Texas. It looked like it was weakening but heat off of the desert reinforced the high pressure. I have never seen two blocking highs in close proximity until now.
It could also be that all the wind farms in West Texas have disrupted wind flow.
Wind Power Found to Affect Local Climate
Wind farms can alter the nearby rainfall and temperature, suggesting a need for more comprehensive studies of future energy systems
Wind Power Found to Affect Local Climate
Even arch-denier Roy Spencer says that SSDDs "it's just the mass of the atmosphere!" theory is loopy.

Why Atmospheric Pressure Cannot Explain the Elevated Surface Temperature of the Earth « Roy Spencer, PhD

If Roy Spencer is debunking your fraud, you know it must be mega-fraud. I suggest SSDD read it, especially the two thought experiments.
Great article. I especially like the part where he said:

"I continue to maintain that the major source of error in global warming predictions based upon the IPCC models is not in the physics of the greenhouse effect, but in the realm of feedbacks: especially, how clouds respond to a warming tendency. All of the 20+ models predict clouds will enhance warming; I believe they will reduce warming.

Unfortunately, determining cloud feedbacks from our observations of the climate system is an exceedingly difficult problem. Even more difficult is publishing any evidence of negative cloud feedback in the peer reviewed literature."
Dr Spencer is correct and this is why all modeling fails to date.
Cool high pressure is moving into midatlantic and as it moves out it will open up the eastern seaboard for something tropical. Be on the lookout for the 7-10 day
Got going a bit earlier but good call. System has developed off Sc/ga coastline and is already displaying an eye characteristic. Gotta watch this for further development and the track-will it move north or northeast?
The high I talked about is strong so that will aid the easterly flow and winds
Would not be surprised to see mouth of the Chesapeake bay experience 50mph winds or gusts and even D.C. Gets some 15-20 sustained with gusts to 30. These values do not anticipate unexpected strengthening but that has to be a consideration to watch
Good call..

The western high is just holding Harvey over Texas. It looked like it was weakening but heat off of the desert reinforced the high pressure. I have never seen two blocking highs in close proximity until now.
It could also be that all the wind farms in West Texas have disrupted wind flow.
Wind Power Found to Affect Local Climate
Wind farms can alter the nearby rainfall and temperature, suggesting a need for more comprehensive studies of future energy systems
Wind Power Found to Affect Local Climate
Yes, very interesting. If we study this well enough and learn enough about it, we may actually be able to use these effects to our advantage.
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288

This cooling will not be enough to offset global warming. And when it's done, the globe will be hotter again and still warming.
Got to call your post a pile of BS.. Prove your assertions..
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288

This cooling will not be enough to offset global warming. And when it's done, the globe will be hotter again and still warming.
Got to call your post a pile of BS.. Prove your assertions..
That's fine, you can call it anything you like. You already call the scientific consensus a pile of BS, so I doubt I would change your mind if I buried you in facts or not. I learned that here pretty quickly. Anyone who truly wants to know the truth of my post will look it up themselves.
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288

This cooling will not be enough to offset global warming. And when it's done, the globe will be hotter again and still warming.
Got to call your post a pile of BS.. Prove your assertions..
That's fine, you can call it anything you like. You already call the scientific consensus a pile of BS, so I doubt I would change your mind if I buried you in facts or not. I learned that here pretty quickly. Anyone who truly wants to know the truth of my post will look it up themselves.
I'll see your pile of crap and raise you FACTS..

Below are two rates of warming from the Hadcrut3 lower troposphere. One is from the period 1900 through 1950 and the the other is 1951 through 2000. Below each is the rate of warming.


The trend for the period 1900-1950 is 0.51 deg C or 0.103/decade

This trend occurred before CO2 became a rapidly increasing according to the IPCC and is near or is the Natural Variational rate.

The trend for 1951-2000 is 0.50 deg C or 0.100 deg C/decade.

This means that the two rates of warming are statistically insignificant DESPITE the rapid rise in CO2 and equal to NATURAL VARIATION..

Where is this warming you say you can attribute to man?
Cool high pressure is moving into midatlantic and as it moves out it will open up the eastern seaboard for something tropical. Be on the lookout for the 7-10 day
Got going a bit earlier but good call. System has developed off Sc/ga coastline and is already displaying an eye characteristic. Gotta watch this for further development and the track-will it move north or northeast?
The high I talked about is strong so that will aid the easterly flow and winds
Would not be surprised to see mouth of the Chesapeake bay experience 50mph winds or gusts and even D.C. Gets some 15-20 sustained with gusts to 30. These values do not anticipate unexpected strengthening but that has to be a consideration to watch
Ever since the first very cool high moved off Maine the eastern seaboard got exposed and that set up is continuing and here comes Irma
We have friends in Sf Eustacius and they did Ok on southern side of volcano
St Maarten got ripped. Reminds me of just after Andrew when people questioned "it's quiet from those areas"
Shredded causes quiet. Even though involved with weather business for 40 years never could "root" for these storms as it is just too devastating.
So if Irmas remnants do meander through sw Virginia should not hurt D.C., Isabel was closer .
Bad feeling for South Beach especially if eye is 5-10 miles west but off coast slightly more likely but very slim margins
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288

This cooling will not be enough to offset global warming. And when it's done, the globe will be hotter again and still warming.
Got to call your post a pile of BS.. Prove your assertions..
That's fine, you can call it anything you like. You already call the scientific consensus a pile of BS, so I doubt I would change your mind if I buried you in facts or not. I learned that here pretty quickly. Anyone who truly wants to know the truth of my post will look it up themselves.
Fort Fun, you should know that when dealing with Silly Billy, you dealing with someone totally out of touch with reality. He has been 180 degrees wrong on the ENSO three times, insisting even when the reports of water temperatures were out, that he was still correct.
Your argument are ridiculous, your "evidence" misrepresented, and you are spreading lies. You cherry pick data to create a general argument about theories supported my more data than you cherry pick by a factor of millions. You imply the absurd claim that climate scientists labor under the ignorance of their own discoveries. You completely ignore the work of the community dedicating their lives to science, while parroting the talking points of bloggers paid to lie to you. No, the "grand minimum" will not offset global warming. Yes, you are wrong.
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288

This cooling will not be enough to offset global warming. And when it's done, the globe will be hotter again and still warming.
Got to call your post a pile of BS.. Prove your assertions..
That's fine, you can call it anything you like. You already call the scientific consensus a pile of BS, so I doubt I would change your mind if I buried you in facts or not. I learned that here pretty quickly. Anyone who truly wants to know the truth of my post will look it up themselves.
Fort Fun, you should know that when dealing with Silly Billy, you dealing with someone totally out of touch with reality. He has been 180 degrees wrong on the ENSO three times, insisting even when the reports of water temperatures were out, that he was still correct.

Your argument are ridiculous, your "evidence" misrepresented, and you are spreading lies. You cherry pick data to create a general argument about theories supported my more data than you cherry pick by a factor of millions. You imply the absurd claim that climate scientists labor under the ignorance of their own discoveries. You completely ignore the work of the community dedicating their lives to science, while parroting the talking points of bloggers paid to lie to you. No, the "grand minimum" will not offset global warming. Yes, you are wrong.

I post empirically observed evidence and you all post up conjecture and failed modeling.... got to love it.. You and Old Crock can have each other.. your so devoid of reality it isn't funny... Drive on in your fantasy modeling world... The facts show you fools.. Karl Et Al .. hook, line, and sinker...
Your argument are ridiculous, your "evidence" misrepresented, and you are spreading lies. You cherry pick data to create a general argument about theories supported my more data than you cherry pick by a factor of millions. You imply the absurd claim that climate scientists labor under the ignorance of their own discoveries. You completely ignore the work of the community dedicating their lives to science, while parroting the talking points of bloggers paid to lie to you. No, the "grand minimum" will not offset global warming. Yes, you are wrong.

So, I ask you (and all the other man-made climate change/global warming proponents) this same, very simple question.....

How can you have a benchmark for what the global temp is when geo-engineering is not figured into the equation and why is it that we have "global dimming" where up to 20 percent less sunlight is reaching the surface of the earth?

Unless you figure in all the factors? Why should I buy what you are selling?????? And if you don't know about geo-engineering? Then you are simply spewing U.N talking points given to them by the IPCC that works at the leisure of the U.N???
Your argument are ridiculous, your "evidence" misrepresented, and you are spreading lies. You cherry pick data to create a general argument about theories supported my more data than you cherry pick by a factor of millions. You imply the absurd claim that climate scientists labor under the ignorance of their own discoveries. You completely ignore the work of the community dedicating their lives to science, while parroting the talking points of bloggers paid to lie to you. No, the "grand minimum" will not offset global warming. Yes, you are wrong.

So, I ask you (and all the other man-made climate change/global warming proponents) this same, very simple question.....

How can you have a benchmark for what the global temp is when geo-engineering is not figured into the equation and why is it that we have "global dimming" where up to 20 percent less sunlight is reaching the surface of the earth?

Unless you figure in all the factors? Why should I buy what you are selling?????? And if you don't know about geo-engineering? Then you are simply spewing U.N talking points given to them by the IPCC that works at the leisure of the U.N???
Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat..........................................................................................................
If I put a station in a corn field in 1930 and by 2017 a city is there you will get temperatures rise
The planet is comprised of so much water and open spaces and forests that urban heat centers, which surely will be warmer than 1930, just don't warm the planet but do give you "warmer" data
Your argument are ridiculous, your "evidence" misrepresented, and you are spreading lies. You cherry pick data to create a general argument about theories supported my more data than you cherry pick by a factor of millions. You imply the absurd claim that climate scientists labor under the ignorance of their own discoveries. You completely ignore the work of the community dedicating their lives to science, while parroting the talking points of bloggers paid to lie to you. No, the "grand minimum" will not offset global warming. Yes, you are wrong.

So, I ask you (and all the other man-made climate change/global warming proponents) this same, very simple question.....

How can you have a benchmark for what the global temp is when geo-engineering is not figured into the equation and why is it that we have "global dimming" where up to 20 percent less sunlight is reaching the surface of the earth?

Unless you figure in all the factors? Why should I buy what you are selling?????? And if you don't know about geo-engineering? Then you are simply spewing U.N talking points given to them by the IPCC that works at the leisure of the U.N???
Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat..........................................................................................................

"Tin foil hat", dumb ass......see? You can't even lay down some cheap insults with any accuracy. Why do you even post here? You can't debate, you have no thoughts that are your own and you duck, dodge and deflect when you are cornered.......fucking sad, dude. But, it is your cyber dime.

The BEST study disproved that contention.

Human Effect
Many of the changes in land-surface temperature can be explained by a combination of volcanoes and a proxy for human greenhouse gas emissions. Solar variation does not seem to impact the temperature trend.


Summary of Findings - Berkeley Earth
If you follow the links you can find all their data.
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288

This cooling will not be enough to offset global warming. And when it's done, the globe will be hotter again and still warming.
Got to call your post a pile of BS.. Prove your assertions..
That's fine, you can call it anything you like. You already call the scientific consensus a pile of BS, so I doubt I would change your mind if I buried you in facts or not. I learned that here pretty quickly. Anyone who truly wants to know the truth of my post will look it up themselves.

Why should anyone look up the "proof" to help someone who posts personal opinion based on what?
The major difference between you and me at least is I don't want people to be influenced by MY personal opinion but by the FACTS that are substantiated with the
LINKS that provided the facts. You should do the same instead of being too lazy and asking others.
Your argument are ridiculous, your "evidence" misrepresented, and you are spreading lies. You cherry pick data to create a general argument about theories supported my more data than you cherry pick by a factor of millions. You imply the absurd claim that climate scientists labor under the ignorance of their own discoveries. You completely ignore the work of the community dedicating their lives to science, while parroting the talking points of bloggers paid to lie to you. No, the "grand minimum" will not offset global warming. Yes, you are wrong.

So, I ask you (and all the other man-made climate change/global warming proponents) this same, very simple question.....

How can you have a benchmark for what the global temp is when geo-engineering is not figured into the equation and why is it that we have "global dimming" where up to 20 percent less sunlight is reaching the surface of the earth?

Unless you figure in all the factors? Why should I buy what you are selling?????? And if you don't know about geo-engineering? Then you are simply spewing U.N talking points given to them by the IPCC that works at the leisure of the U.N???

"How can you have a benchmark for what the global temp is when geo-engineering is not figured into the equation and why is it that we have "global dimming" where up to 20 percent less sunlight is reaching the surface of the earth?

Well, first off, we know this is not an honest , truth-seeking question on your part, or you would have already gone elsewhere to find the answer.

Second, the solar scientists who taught you any and every fact you know about the solar input are the ones saying that the next solar "grand minimum" will not offset the global warming of the climate caused by man. Are you implying that they are all ignorant of their own discoveries, and need YOU to remind them of them?
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288

This cooling will not be enough to offset global warming. And when it's done, the globe will be hotter again and still warming.
Got to call your post a pile of BS.. Prove your assertions..
That's fine, you can call it anything you like. You already call the scientific consensus a pile of BS, so I doubt I would change your mind if I buried you in facts or not. I learned that here pretty quickly. Anyone who truly wants to know the truth of my post will look it up themselves.

Why should anyone look up the "proof" to help someone who posts personal opinion based on what?
The major difference between you and me at least is I don't want people to be influenced by MY personal opinion but by the FACTS that are substantiated with the
LINKS that provided the facts. You should do the same instead of being too lazy and asking others.

"Why should anyone look up the "proof" to help someone who posts personal opinion based on what?"

Because they are seeking the truth. I wasn't asking for help from anyone. I invite anyone and everyone to look for themselves and would certainly not ever demand anyone "take my word for it".

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