Soldier killed in racially charged incident!

What does this have to do with being a victim? If he killed the guy for no reason other than he was white then he deserves whatever he gets. My point is that the Aryan nation is pretty big in that area and tends to make some of the white soldiers that are racist a little more brave.

Let me get this right.... 5 blacks confront 3 whites and murder one and you claim it is the whites fault? Got that about right?

Before I call you stupid please read my statement again.

Your statement is that in your opinion the whites started a confrontation and that we should not judge the blacks on the murder.
"Detectives had been investigating whether the crime was racially motivated but said Monday that it does not appear that race was a factor."

Three soldiers arrested in fatal stabbing of JBLM soldier | Army Times |

I wouldnt be surprised if it was a result of a racial incident. i was stationed at Ft Lewis for 3 years and the Aryan nation actively recruits the white soldiers up there. I wonder how this is going to turn out and who started what?
Ah, the eternal victim. give it up. things have become much more evident since the race pimp mishandling of the Martin case.. the narrative has certainly changed.

You race pimps fucked up badly.

I would neg him, but I'm out for a while.

I do hope the one who stabbed the soldier gets the death penalty. Well, first, I guess I have to hope they have the death penalty in that state.
Let me get this right.... 5 blacks confront 3 whites and murder one and you claim it is the whites fault? Got that about right?

Before I call you stupid please read my statement again.

Your statement is that in your opinion the whites started a confrontation and that we should not judge the blacks on the murder.

From the article:

Police are trying to determine who killed Geike, who they said was walking with two other soldiers in Lakewood after 2 a.m. Saturday when someone in a passing car yelled a comment about them being white.
Before I call you stupid please read my statement again.

Your statement is that in your opinion the whites started a confrontation and that we should not judge the blacks on the murder.

From the article:

Police are trying to determine who killed Geike, who they said was walking with two other soldiers in Lakewood after 2 a.m. Saturday when someone in a passing car yelled a comment about them being white.

The person I responded to claims that in his opinion the whites probably made that up. He implies that the three white soldiers are racists that probably called the passing blacks names to start an altercation.
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Your statement is that in your opinion the whites started a confrontation and that we should not judge the blacks on the murder.

From the article:

Police are trying to determine who killed Geike, who they said was walking with two other soldiers in Lakewood after 2 a.m. Saturday when someone in a passing car yelled a comment about them being white.

The person I responded to claims that in his opinion the whites probably made that up. He implies that the three white soldiers are racists that probably called the passing blacks names to start an altercation.

Yeah, no doubt they ran up to the vehicle drug it to a halt, drug the blacks out of it, and guided the knife into the soldier. They are so fucking lame it just makes me want to puke. That scum is what our enlisted men are there to fight for. Go figure.
Before I call you stupid please read my statement again.

Your statement is that in your opinion the whites started a confrontation and that we should not judge the blacks on the murder.

From the article:

Police are trying to determine who killed Geike, who they said was walking with two other soldiers in Lakewood after 2 a.m. Saturday when someone in a passing car yelled a comment about them being white.

Whats that supposed to mean? Are you saying the white guys wouldnt lie?
Three soldiers arrested in fellow soldier's stabbing death - U.S. News

Officials said they had no information on a motive but it appeared from their interviews that race was not a factor.

So does this mean the white guys lied or the police were wrong in not believing their version of events and making it a hate crime? This oughta be good.

Don't you ever get tired of defending piece of shit criminals? Every time I turn around I see you defending black people who attack white people. Do you honestly think anyone will ever buy into your racist idiocy? Give it up already. You look like a fool.
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Yes it was. Of course a racist like you wouldn't bother to do their homework.

Sez the black former mod.

and you wonder why people call you a know full and well she is not black...not that that should matter....but you just toss that out there...a lie....

Actually I don't know that. Perhaps she can clear it up and tell us her race. I will start I am white of European descent. With a little Indian, not enough to matter legally though. Family came over in 1608 as I recall Or there abouts.

So does this mean the white guys lied or the police were wrong in not believing their version of events and making it a hate crime? This oughta be good.

Don't you ever get tired of defending piece of shit criminals? Every time I turn around I see you defending black people who attack white people. Do you honestly think anyone will ever buy into your racist idiocy? Give it up already. You look like a fool.

I dont defend criminals. I want them off the street. Thats why I said they get whatever they deserve if they in fact killed the guy.
So does this mean the white guys lied or the police were wrong in not believing their version of events and making it a hate crime? This oughta be good.

Don't you ever get tired of defending piece of shit criminals? Every time I turn around I see you defending black people who attack white people. Do you honestly think anyone will ever buy into your racist idiocy? Give it up already. You look like a fool.

I dont defend criminals. I want them off the street. Thats why I said they get whatever they deserve if they in fact killed the guy.

Riiiiiiiiight, but in the mean time you'll float nutty ideas about it being the white peoples fault. You are a mess dude.
Don't you ever get tired of defending piece of shit criminals? Every time I turn around I see you defending black people who attack white people. Do you honestly think anyone will ever buy into your racist idiocy? Give it up already. You look like a fool.

I dont defend criminals. I want them off the street. Thats why I said they get whatever they deserve if they in fact killed the guy.

Riiiiiiiiight, but in the mean time you'll float nutty ideas about it being the white peoples fault. You are a mess dude.

You seem to be the only one that is a mess. You assume all the time and have yet to be correct. Where did I say it was the white persons fault? The only thing I said is that it could be. Why is that so offensive to you? I personally think it speaks to your latent racism if you have a problem with it. In your mind its ok to immediately think the Black guys were wrong but if any doubt is cast upon the white guys then I must be racist. Is that how it works?

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