Solemn Moment In Time: Pelosi Looked Like She Was At A Frat Party Handing Out Beers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'Prayerful’ Pelosi slammed for gloating, handing out souvenir pens used to sign articles

Pelosi has to be the most stupid, most hypocritical, most embarrassing, most Self/Party-destructive Speaker of the House in US history...bless her heart! :p

From start the Democrats have telegraphed their intent to treasonously remove the newly-elected President from office with or without cause, and throughout the process - under Speaker Pelosi's leadership - the Democrats have continued to sabotage their own arguments and case for Impeachment.

Someone should put together a GAFFE MONTAGE of their comments, actions, hypocrisy, embarrassing moments, and flat out failures over the last 3+ years, and it should be run round the clock right now, before the Senate Impeachment hearings begin and continue through the entire Senate Impeachment.

"The impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing, is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us that our votes don't count and that the election must be set aside..."
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Member - December 17, 1998

"Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached. Impeachment is imperative, not because he's going to be removed from office...but because we have to vindicate the Constitution"
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Chairman - September 16, 2019

* Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified under oath during Nadler's Judiciary Committee hearings on Impeachment and stated the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power. Nadler, who Censured the US AG for REFUSING t break US Law, still voted to Impeach.

“This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, March 6, 2019

Pelosi has violated her own publicly declared requirements for proceeding with Impeachment:

1. 'Something so compelling and overwhelming':

Again, Democrat Constitutional Expert Turley testified that the Democrats have rushed the FASTEST Impeachment in US history based on THE WEAKEST CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY. The House Impeachment hearings presented zero crimes, zero evidence of crimes committed, and zero witnesses - combined with Turley's testimony....and they STILL voted to Impeach the President.

Their justification? 'THIS IS A POLITICAL PROCESS, NOT JUDICIAL' ...AND YET THE FOUNDING FATHERS CREATED IMPEACHMENT BASED ON CRIMES / 'HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS', NOT BASED ONPOLITICAL BIAS AND HATE! The Democrat failed to produce either then publicly declared this is acceptable because 'THIS' is a 'POLITICAL' Impeachment.


Pelosi said impeachment would divide the country. She did it anyway.

Pelosi hands out souvenir pens, Dems slammed for gloating as House delivers Trump impeachment articles
Nobody, I mean not a single person ever thought the Democrats took on the impeachment with any emotion other than sheer unadulterated joy. That is why they made commemorative pin.

'Prayerful’ Pelosi slammed for gloating, handing out souvenir pens used to sign articles

Pelosi has to be the most stupid, most hypocritical, most embarrassing, most Self/Party-destructive Speaker of the House in US history...bless her heart! :p

From start the Democrats have telegraphed their intent to treasonously remove the newly-elected President from office with or without cause, and throughout the process - under Speaker Pelosi's leadership - the Democrats have continued to sabotage their own arguments and case for Impeachment.

Someone should put together a GAFFE MONTAGE of their comments, actions, hypocrisy, embarrassing moments, and flat out failures over the last 3+ years, and it should be run round the clock right now, before the Senate Impeachment hearings begin and continue through the entire Senate Impeachment.

"The impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing, is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us that our votes don't count and that the election must be set aside..."
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Member - December 17, 1998

"Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached. Impeachment is imperative, not because he's going to be removed from office...but because we have to vindicate the Constitution"
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Chairman - September 16, 2019

* Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified under oath during Nadler's Judiciary Committee hearings on Impeachment and stated the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power. Nadler, who Censured the US AG for REFUSING t break US Law, still voted to Impeach.

“This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, March 6, 2019

Pelosi has violated her own publicly declared requirements for proceeding with Impeachment:

1. 'Something so compelling and overwhelming':

Again, Democrat Constitutional Expert Turley testified that the Democrats have rushed the FASTEST Impeachment in US history based on THE WEAKEST CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY. The House Impeachment hearings presented zero crimes, zero evidence of crimes committed, and zero witnesses - combined with Turley's testimony....and they STILL voted to Impeach the President.

Their justification? 'THIS IS A POLITICAL PROCESS, NOT JUDICIAL' ...AND YET THE FOUNDING FATHERS CREATED IMPEACHMENT BASED ON CRIMES / 'HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS', NOT BASED ONPOLITICAL BIAS AND HATE! The Democrat failed to produce either then publicly declared this is acceptable because 'THIS' is a 'POLITICAL' Impeachment.


Pelosi said impeachment would divide the country. She did it anyway.

Pelosi hands out souvenir pens, Dems slammed for gloating as House delivers Trump impeachment articles

Pelosi had no choice, if you believe in the Constitution you would agree with her.
So solemn and so somber!

Hey, here is your commemorative pen! It’s got Nancy’s signature on it!

So solemn and so somber!
She actually believes that it will help get Biden the DNC nod and make him more paliatable to voters.
Myself I think she not only handed over the house and the senate but when Dem supporters of Bernie see him screwed over again they may at the very least vote for Trump, they may even change political parties permanently.
"unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country"
-- Speaker Nancy Pelosi

2. 'Bipartisan':

Speaker Pelosi also failed to meet her 2nd requirement for proceeding with Impeachment - PARTISANSHIP. Pelosi admitted she knew proceeding with Impeachment without it would divide the country but did so anyway.

Pelosi not only failed to get bipartisanship on Impeachment in the House, failing to convince any Republican that Impeachment was warranted, 2 Democrats refused to vote for Impeachment....and one felt so disgusted with the assault on the Constitution - specifically the Founding Fathers intent for Impeachment, Pelosi was leading that he left the Democratic Party to join the Republican Party. 1

Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard, a 2020 Presidential candidate hopeful, committed the most cowardly / despicable act of all the Democrats during the Impeachment vote - to protect herself and her ability to be elected / her ability to claim she either supported or opposed Impeachment based on the crowd she might be speaking to later, she chose to vote 'Present'. In life there is a saying, 'Lead, follow, or GTF Out Of The Way!'. Being a former member of the military, one would think Gabbard would be a leader - she proved she was NOT She did not 'lead' by going her own way as the 2 Democrats did by doing what they thought was right no matter the pressure / consequences. She did not FOLLOW the rest of the Democrats. She cowardly stepped to the side and let the lemmings plunge off the cliff by themselves, taking the best 'tactical option' for her own 2020 goals.

Which Democrats voted against Trump's impeachment
Pelosi had no choice, if you believe in the Constitution you would agree with her.
Thank you very much for your butt-hurt, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating, TDS-suffering OPINION, but I think I will choose to believe the DEMOCRATS' own CONSTITUTIONAL EXPERT, Jonathon Turley. Turley testified that, despite not being a Trump supporter, the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power....but he testified that the DEMOCRATS - especially Pelosi - have and continue to do so.

Turley said more recently that Pelosi overplayed her hand and right into McConnell's hands by delaying sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, proving his earlier testimony abut how SHE has been abusing her power. He specifically pointed out how Pelosi single-handedly destroyed her own false narrative of claiming, like you, that she had no choice to not only Impeach but had to RUSH to Impeach BY THEN DELAYING SENDING OVER THE ARTICLES.

Pelosi FAILED to meet her own requirements of 'Compelling and Overwhelming Evidence' AND 'Bipartisanship' for Impeachment then destroyed the Democrats' claim that Impeachment had to be rushed because the President had to be removed IMMEDIATELY.

Whether it has been the Weissman-Mueller Report's debunking of the 'Collusion Delusion 1: Russia' coup narrative OR the continuous stream of evidence released proving Democrat / Obama administration coup attempts OR Nancy's hypocrisy regarding Impeachment and declaring Americans can not be trusted with carrying out their admitted POLITICAL coup OR Schiff being exposed for lying for 2+ years claiming to have evidence he did NOT OR Nadler's willingness to CENSURE the US AG for REFUSING to break the law OR Schiff getting caught attempting to present self-authored fictional accounts as 'evidence' in during his Intel-Committee coup hearings OR the fact that Democrats officially declared 'The Impeachment of Donald Trump starts NOW' 5 minutes after he took his oath o foffice OR it was Pelosi failing to meet her own requirements for proceeding with recognized nation-dividing, admitted POLITICAL Impeachment, the Democrats have continuously destroyed their own false narratives and accusations the entire last 3+ years!

'Prayerful’ Pelosi slammed for gloating, handing out souvenir pens used to sign articles

Pelosi has to be the most stupid, most hypocritical, most embarrassing, most Self/Party-destructive Speaker of the House in US history...bless her heart! :p

From start the Democrats have telegraphed their intent to treasonously remove the newly-elected President from office with or without cause, and throughout the process - under Speaker Pelosi's leadership - the Democrats have continued to sabotage their own arguments and case for Impeachment.

Someone should put together a GAFFE MONTAGE of their comments, actions, hypocrisy, embarrassing moments, and flat out failures over the last 3+ years, and it should be run round the clock right now, before the Senate Impeachment hearings begin and continue through the entire Senate Impeachment.

"The impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing, is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us that our votes don't count and that the election must be set aside..."
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Member - December 17, 1998

"Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached. Impeachment is imperative, not because he's going to be removed from office...but because we have to vindicate the Constitution"
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Chairman - September 16, 2019

* Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified under oath during Nadler's Judiciary Committee hearings on Impeachment and stated the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power. Nadler, who Censured the US AG for REFUSING t break US Law, still voted to Impeach.

“This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, March 6, 2019

Pelosi has violated her own publicly declared requirements for proceeding with Impeachment:

1. 'Something so compelling and overwhelming':

Again, Democrat Constitutional Expert Turley testified that the Democrats have rushed the FASTEST Impeachment in US history based on THE WEAKEST CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY. The House Impeachment hearings presented zero crimes, zero evidence of crimes committed, and zero witnesses - combined with Turley's testimony....and they STILL voted to Impeach the President.

Their justification? 'THIS IS A POLITICAL PROCESS, NOT JUDICIAL' ...AND YET THE FOUNDING FATHERS CREATED IMPEACHMENT BASED ON CRIMES / 'HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS', NOT BASED ONPOLITICAL BIAS AND HATE! The Democrat failed to produce either then publicly declared this is acceptable because 'THIS' is a 'POLITICAL' Impeachment.


Pelosi said impeachment would divide the country. She did it anyway.

Pelosi hands out souvenir pens, Dems slammed for gloating as House delivers Trump impeachment articles

They're excited. This is the culmination of all their lies and deceit attributed to the "impeach that mother******" MO campaign from day one when trump was inaugurated.

'Prayerful’ Pelosi slammed for gloating, handing out souvenir pens used to sign articles

Pelosi has to be the most stupid, most hypocritical, most embarrassing, most Self/Party-destructive Speaker of the House in US history...bless her heart! :p

From start the Democrats have telegraphed their intent to treasonously remove the newly-elected President from office with or without cause, and throughout the process - under Speaker Pelosi's leadership - the Democrats have continued to sabotage their own arguments and case for Impeachment.

Someone should put together a GAFFE MONTAGE of their comments, actions, hypocrisy, embarrassing moments, and flat out failures over the last 3+ years, and it should be run round the clock right now, before the Senate Impeachment hearings begin and continue through the entire Senate Impeachment.

"The impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing, is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us that our votes don't count and that the election must be set aside..."
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Member - December 17, 1998

"Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached. Impeachment is imperative, not because he's going to be removed from office...but because we have to vindicate the Constitution"
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Chairman - September 16, 2019

* Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified under oath during Nadler's Judiciary Committee hearings on Impeachment and stated the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power. Nadler, who Censured the US AG for REFUSING t break US Law, still voted to Impeach.

“This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, March 6, 2019

Pelosi has violated her own publicly declared requirements for proceeding with Impeachment:

1. 'Something so compelling and overwhelming':

Again, Democrat Constitutional Expert Turley testified that the Democrats have rushed the FASTEST Impeachment in US history based on THE WEAKEST CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY. The House Impeachment hearings presented zero crimes, zero evidence of crimes committed, and zero witnesses - combined with Turley's testimony....and they STILL voted to Impeach the President.

Their justification? 'THIS IS A POLITICAL PROCESS, NOT JUDICIAL' ...AND YET THE FOUNDING FATHERS CREATED IMPEACHMENT BASED ON CRIMES / 'HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS', NOT BASED ONPOLITICAL BIAS AND HATE! The Democrat failed to produce either then publicly declared this is acceptable because 'THIS' is a 'POLITICAL' Impeachment.


Pelosi said impeachment would divide the country. She did it anyway.

Pelosi hands out souvenir pens, Dems slammed for gloating as House delivers Trump impeachment articles

Pelosi had no choice, if you believe in the Constitution you would agree with her.
When has anyone ever believed in the bill of rights or the constitution unless it benefits them?

During the Clinton impeachment Dems ran around grabbing every microphone claiming impeachment must never be partisan. Yet not only was it partisan but not all that f their members voted for it.

They are retroactively wanting to add more witnesses and evidence after they voted to impeach. That in violation of rules of juris prudence that have been in place for over 250 years. Also in violation of rules about impeachment put in place when Johnson and Clinton were impeached.

In short it is nice political theater for the minions but nothing to do with the constitution.
She actually believes that it will help get Biden the DNC nod and make him more paliatable to voters.
Myself I think she not only handed over the house and the senate but when Dem supporters of Bernie see him screwed over again they may at the very least vote for Trump, they may even change political parties permanently.

They are clueless. They have no idea how they are pissing off not only the Independents, but their own constituents as well. Anybody who is working, bringing home more money, getting a higher tax refund knows that Trump is to be credited for it, and they impeached him on phony charges.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans

'Prayerful’ Pelosi slammed for gloating, handing out souvenir pens used to sign articles

Pelosi has to be the most stupid, most hypocritical, most embarrassing, most Self/Party-destructive Speaker of the House in US history...bless her heart! :p

From start the Democrats have telegraphed their intent to treasonously remove the newly-elected President from office with or without cause, and throughout the process - under Speaker Pelosi's leadership - the Democrats have continued to sabotage their own arguments and case for Impeachment.

Someone should put together a GAFFE MONTAGE of their comments, actions, hypocrisy, embarrassing moments, and flat out failures over the last 3+ years, and it should be run round the clock right now, before the Senate Impeachment hearings begin and continue through the entire Senate Impeachment.

"The impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing, is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us that our votes don't count and that the election must be set aside..."
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Member - December 17, 1998

"Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached. Impeachment is imperative, not because he's going to be removed from office...but because we have to vindicate the Constitution"
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Chairman - September 16, 2019

* Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified under oath during Nadler's Judiciary Committee hearings on Impeachment and stated the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power. Nadler, who Censured the US AG for REFUSING t break US Law, still voted to Impeach.

“This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, March 6, 2019

Pelosi has violated her own publicly declared requirements for proceeding with Impeachment:

1. 'Something so compelling and overwhelming':

Again, Democrat Constitutional Expert Turley testified that the Democrats have rushed the FASTEST Impeachment in US history based on THE WEAKEST CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY. The House Impeachment hearings presented zero crimes, zero evidence of crimes committed, and zero witnesses - combined with Turley's testimony....and they STILL voted to Impeach the President.

Their justification? 'THIS IS A POLITICAL PROCESS, NOT JUDICIAL' ...AND YET THE FOUNDING FATHERS CREATED IMPEACHMENT BASED ON CRIMES / 'HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS', NOT BASED ONPOLITICAL BIAS AND HATE! The Democrat failed to produce either then publicly declared this is acceptable because 'THIS' is a 'POLITICAL' Impeachment.


Pelosi said impeachment would divide the country. She did it anyway.

Pelosi hands out souvenir pens, Dems slammed for gloating as House delivers Trump impeachment articles

Pelosi had no choice, if you believe in the Constitution you would agree with her.

When are you on the left going to admit this phony impeachment is nothing but a dog and pony show?

President Trump sat down at a desk, picked up the official pen on-hand, and signed an HISTORIC trade deal with China that was a MASSIVE win for the United States, for Americans....

Compare that to the theatrics and celebration Pelosi and her fellow Democrats put on at the signing of the Articles of Impeachment, a dark, 'solemn' moment for the United States - according to Pelosi...a moment / event the majority of Americans did NOT want. Pelosi herself acknowledged that dragging the country down the path of Impeachment would greatly divide the nation....yet here the top Democrats celebrating their 'fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history', one admittedly POLITICAL, that had 'nothing to d with judicial rules or Constitutionally protected rights', that is based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

Somber moment?

This was a 'Democratic Party victory celebration' for the Democrats with Pelosi handing out ceremonial pens like she was handing out beer at a frat party.
Nobody, I mean not a single person ever thought the Democrats took on the impeachment with any emotion other than sheer joy. That is why they made commemorative pin.

'Prayerful’ Pelosi slammed for gloating, handing out souvenir pens used to sign articles

Pelosi has to be the most stupid, most hypocritical, most embarrassing, most Self/Party-destructive Speaker of the House in US history...bless her heart! :p

From start the Democrats have telegraphed their intent to treasonously remove the newly-elected President from office with or without cause, and throughout the process - under Speaker Pelosi's leadership - the Democrats have continued to sabotage their own arguments and case for Impeachment.

Someone should put together a GAFFE MONTAGE of their comments, actions, hypocrisy, embarrassing moments, and flat out failures over the last 3+ years, and it should be run round the clock right now, before the Senate Impeachment hearings begin and continue through the entire Senate Impeachment.

"The impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing, is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us that our votes don't count and that the election must be set aside..."
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Member - December 17, 1998

"Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached. Impeachment is imperative, not because he's going to be removed from office...but because we have to vindicate the Constitution"
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Chairman - September 16, 2019

* Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified under oath during Nadler's Judiciary Committee hearings on Impeachment and stated the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power. Nadler, who Censured the US AG for REFUSING t break US Law, still voted to Impeach.

“This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, March 6, 2019

Pelosi has violated her own publicly declared requirements for proceeding with Impeachment:

1. 'Something so compelling and overwhelming':

Again, Democrat Constitutional Expert Turley testified that the Democrats have rushed the FASTEST Impeachment in US history based on THE WEAKEST CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY. The House Impeachment hearings presented zero crimes, zero evidence of crimes committed, and zero witnesses - combined with Turley's testimony....and they STILL voted to Impeach the President.

Their justification? 'THIS IS A POLITICAL PROCESS, NOT JUDICIAL' ...AND YET THE FOUNDING FATHERS CREATED IMPEACHMENT BASED ON CRIMES / 'HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS', NOT BASED ONPOLITICAL BIAS AND HATE! The Democrat failed to produce either then publicly declared this is acceptable because 'THIS' is a 'POLITICAL' Impeachment.


Pelosi said impeachment would divide the country. She did it anyway.

Pelosi hands out souvenir pens, Dems slammed for gloating as House delivers Trump impeachment articles

Pelosi had no choice, if you believe in the Constitution you would agree with her.

When are you on the left going to admit this phony impeachment is nothing but a dog and pony show?

View attachment 300696

I believe in the Constitution, and apparently you do not.
President Trump sat down at a desk, picked up the official pen on-hand, and signed an HISTORIC trade deal with China that was a MASSIVE win for the United States, for Americans....

Compare that to the theatrics and celebration Pelosi and her fellow Democrats put on at the signing of the Articles of Impeachment, a dark, 'solemn' moment for the United States - according to Pelosi...a moment / event the majority of Americans did NOT want. Pelosi herself acknowledged that dragging the country down the path of Impeachment would greatly divide the nation....yet here the top Democrats celebrating their 'fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history', one admittedly POLITICAL, that had 'nothing to d with judicial rules or Constitutionally protected rights', that is based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

Somber moment?

This was a 'Democratic Party victory celebration' for the Democrats with Pelosi handing out ceremonial pens like she was handing out beer at a frat party.

Funny thing is that the MSM barely covered this historic deal with China. They were all focused on this clown show instead.
Nobody, I mean not a single person ever thought the Democrats took on the impeachment with any emotion other than sheer joy. That is why they made commemorative pin.

'Prayerful’ Pelosi slammed for gloating, handing out souvenir pens used to sign articles

Pelosi has to be the most stupid, most hypocritical, most embarrassing, most Self/Party-destructive Speaker of the House in US history...bless her heart! :p

From start the Democrats have telegraphed their intent to treasonously remove the newly-elected President from office with or without cause, and throughout the process - under Speaker Pelosi's leadership - the Democrats have continued to sabotage their own arguments and case for Impeachment.

Someone should put together a GAFFE MONTAGE of their comments, actions, hypocrisy, embarrassing moments, and flat out failures over the last 3+ years, and it should be run round the clock right now, before the Senate Impeachment hearings begin and continue through the entire Senate Impeachment.

"The impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing, is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us that our votes don't count and that the election must be set aside..."
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Member - December 17, 1998

"Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached. Impeachment is imperative, not because he's going to be removed from office...but because we have to vindicate the Constitution"
-- D-Jerry Nadler, Judiciary Committee Chairman - September 16, 2019

* Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified under oath during Nadler's Judiciary Committee hearings on Impeachment and stated the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power. Nadler, who Censured the US AG for REFUSING t break US Law, still voted to Impeach.

“This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, March 6, 2019

Pelosi has violated her own publicly declared requirements for proceeding with Impeachment:

1. 'Something so compelling and overwhelming':

Again, Democrat Constitutional Expert Turley testified that the Democrats have rushed the FASTEST Impeachment in US history based on THE WEAKEST CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY. The House Impeachment hearings presented zero crimes, zero evidence of crimes committed, and zero witnesses - combined with Turley's testimony....and they STILL voted to Impeach the President.

Their justification? 'THIS IS A POLITICAL PROCESS, NOT JUDICIAL' ...AND YET THE FOUNDING FATHERS CREATED IMPEACHMENT BASED ON CRIMES / 'HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS', NOT BASED ONPOLITICAL BIAS AND HATE! The Democrat failed to produce either then publicly declared this is acceptable because 'THIS' is a 'POLITICAL' Impeachment.


Pelosi said impeachment would divide the country. She did it anyway.

Pelosi hands out souvenir pens, Dems slammed for gloating as House delivers Trump impeachment articles

Pelosi had no choice, if you believe in the Constitution you would agree with her.

When are you on the left going to admit this phony impeachment is nothing but a dog and pony show?

View attachment 300696

I believe in the Constitution, and apparently you do not.

The Constitution says impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump did. But you believe in the Constitution.
I believe in the Constitution, and apparently you do not.
You have proven you are completely ignorant of the Constitution, especially what it says about 'Impeachment'. You have also demonstrated your refusal to listen to and accept the words of TRUE Constitutional Experts.

As Pointed Out, DEMOCRAT Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified - during the House Judicial Committee Impeachment hearing, which Nadler chaired - that the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break any laws, and did NOT abuse his power, according to the Constitution.

YOU, 'apparently' believe yourself to be more of a Constitutional Expert than ACTUAL Constitutional Expert Turley.

Furthermore, you demonstrate your rabid partisan hatred while simultaneously showing your inability rto accept reality / acknowledge what your own preferred Party leaders say / have said:

"Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Jerrold Nadler have said in the past that impeachment must be bipartisan to be credible, and they have achieved their goal—against impeachment. In the actual vote, two Democrats voted against both articles and a third voted with them against one. New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew voted no and may switch to the GOP. All Republicans voted against impeachment."
* Opinion | This Impeachment Folly

"The problem isn’t GOP consciences, it’s the weak and dishonest Democratic case for impeachment."

1. Democrat Constitutional Expert Turley testified that the Democrats rushed the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the WEAKEST case for Impeachment in US history,

2. The Democrats claimed Impeachment is a 'solemn' process that demands 'overwhelming evidence' and 'bipartisanship'...yet the House failed to present any crime committed by the President, no evidence of a crime, and no witnesses. As pointed out, there was no bipartisanship, as seen by both Democrats voting against Impeachment - even defecting to the GOP - and not one single Republican in the group at the official Democrat Party celebratory signing of the Articles of Impeachment.

3. Democrats made no effort that their House Impeachment was both partisan and UNFAIR. The House wanted to correct the mistakes made in the Mueller witch hunt, which was to allow a fair process - their mission was to affect Impeachment, preventing any chance that it could be stopped:

"One issue is the unfair House process. Democrats refused GOP witness requests in the Intelligence Committee, denied the GOP a hearing day in the Judiciary Committee"

Americans are not blind and they are not stupid, as Jonathon Gruber professed the Democrats think they are and count on them to be.

Opinion | This Impeachment Folly
I like the constitution too------but would not spit on the floor in a church during
the sermon
Did taxpayers pay for HER personalized pens? Then arrest Pelosi and charge her with a crime. Also where the hell did the House get silver platters?? WTF are they wasting OUR taxpayer money on seems like the Dem controlled House is spending like there's no tomorrow.

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