Solution For Illegal Immigration (residence And Entry)

Not true. Illegals CAN get welfare....foodstamps and medical for children and pregnant women, and some others (it recently changed to be more inclusive).

Afghanis and Iraqis get a free ride all the way as refugees, legal or not.
We waive citizenship requirements for Domestic Violence applicants.

So you're completely wrong when you say illegals can't get welfare. They can, and they do.

Not to mention the welfare they get while they're overburdening our prisons and jails....3 squares and a cot.

YOU ARE WRONG, PERIOD! You really should make an attempt to know what you are talking about before you "pronounce."

The citizen children of illegals are, as CITIZENS, eligible for whatever, BECAUSE THEY ARE BORN HERE, but the conditions, ILLEGAL and CITIZEN are mutually exclusive. One cannot be a citizen of the US of A and an illegal alien at the same time.

Medicaid is NOT welfare. WELFARE is cash aid.

Persons with refugee status are not ILLEGAL, they are documented as REFUGEES. They can be illegal until they get REFUGEE status, but once they are moved (adjusted) from one status to the other they are no longer illegal.

We do not waive citizenship status for victims of domestic violence; illegals who are victims of d.v. can petition to have their status adjusted from illegal to legal, and if the claim is bonafide, they become legal, first as work permission, then temporary residents, then permanent residents, and finally, on petition, and when they have passed all the other hurdles can petion to be naturalized, if all the t's are crossedand i's dotted. The trip from illegal to citizen is a process of years, and not a matter of a waiver.

As for the Afghan and Iraqi refugees, the ones who can get here who would financially qualify for any sort of aid are actually few, but likely very deserving. In consideration for what WE have done to them, and their countries, playing political games, a little help is definitely in order for the financially qualified, when there are any... I find it difficult to imagine that the tent and hovel dwellers have much in the way of resources to get here. Those who had/have money aren't asking for aid, you just fell for a bullshit story.

The other category of quasi-legals are PRUCOL. This can be a first step of refugees and asylees for status change. This does not make them eligible for aid.


You need to educate yourself on the facts!

Also, illegals do not get across, immediately become citizens, and vote. It actually takes YEARS for legal entrants to become voting citizens!

As for the incarcerated, I JUST KNOW that aliens cannot wait, I mean they are busting their butts to get here and report to a prison for free food and a shared six by ten cell, for life!

I mean, honestly, I don't care. The foodstamp program is highly funded as it is. But I can't stand it when people just outright lie about who gets foodstamps, and where the money goes. (Or, since it's Ravi....get fact and opinion confused.....)

fffffffffffffft! I never get fact and opinion confused.

It is my opinion that citizen children, even if their parents are serial killers, should get food stamps if they are needed to ensure their health.
YOU ARE WRONG, PERIOD! You really should make an attempt to know what you are talking about before you "pronounce."

The citizen children of illegals are, as CITIZENS, eligible for whatever, BECAUSE THEY ARE BORN HERE, but the conditions, ILLEGAL and CITIZEN are mutually exclusive. One cannot be a citizen of the US of A and an illegal alien at the same time.

Medicaid is NOT welfare. WELFARE is cash aid.

Persons with refugee status are not ILLEGAL, they are documented as REFUGEES. They can be illegal until they get REFUGEE status, but once they are moved (adjusted) from one status to the other they are no longer illegal.

We do not waive citizenship status for victims of domestic violence; illegals who are victims of d.v. can petition to have their status adjusted from illegal to legal, and if the claim is bonafide, they become legal, first as work permission, then temporary residents, then permanent residents, and finally, on petition, and when they have passed all the other hurdles can petion to be naturalized, if all the t's are crossedand i's dotted. The trip from illegal to citizen is a process of years, and not a matter of a waiver.

As for the Afghan and Iraqi refugees, the ones who can get here who would financially qualify for any sort of aid are actually few, but likely very deserving. In consideration for what WE have done to them, and their countries, playing political games, a little help is definitely in order for the financially qualified, when there are any... I find it difficult to imagine that the tent and hovel dwellers have much in the way of resources to get here. Those who had/have money aren't asking for aid, you just fell for a bullshit story.

The other category of quasi-legals are PRUCOL. This can be a first step of refugees and asylees for status change. This does not make them eligible for aid.


You need to educate yourself on the facts!

Also, illegals do not get across, immediately become citizens, and vote. It actually takes YEARS for legal entrants to become voting citizens!

As for the incarcerated, I JUST KNOW that aliens cannot wait, I mean they are busting their butts to get here and report to a prison for free food and a shared six by ten cell, for life!


Now that's just crazy talk. Next you'll be telling me the guy that put my roof on is my employee.
if that guy is an illegal alien he will be your employee.

and, dancing around rationalizing HOW illegals get social social progrm benefits doesn't erase the FACT that they DO.

feel free to email either of my .gov pieces of evidence and tell them otherwise. You know, kinda like that I9 you still have no idea how to apply.
Now that's just crazy talk. Next you'll be telling me the guy that put my roof on is my employee.

If he falls off that roof, you will surely find out just how attached you are to each other, :eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

In California there have previously been some issues about financial eligibility but generally this can be traced back to either very stupid employees, or those whose political bent leads them to bend and adjust rules. Most of those workers have now been adjusted. But now, in Cali, all income counts.

The name game and the absent but not absent daddy were part of that, as well as those Eligibility workers who do not speed it up and who never make a home visit. A recertification that should take fifteen minutes takes four hours when the EW holds the applicant captive for four hours while that same EW whines about how miserable her own life is! Happened to a friend..... lol.....
if that guy is an illegal alien he will be your employee.

and, dancing around rationalizing HOW illegals get social social progrm benefits doesn't erase the FACT that they DO.

feel free to email either of my .gov pieces of evidence and tell them otherwise. You know, kinda like that I9 you still have no idea how to apply.

I didn't read your first post, but the second one is talking about non-citizens. That isn't quite the same as illegal aliens, is it?
why don't you call em and ask em. Feel free to ask for the number to La Migra too. Maybe you can share a few of your ideas about employment.
why don't you call em and ask em. Feel free to ask for the number to La Migra too. Maybe you can share a few of your ideas about employment.

I figured you didn't know the answer. Also, your previous C&P was information that was twelve years old. I'm gonna have to agree with the Contessa on this one.
i've been telling you the answers, Ravi. dont blame me if your cheapass desire for a driveway makes you insist that the I9 is lying to you.

agree with whomever you want to yo. an anchor baby doesn't erase the FACT of their illegal parent benefiting from tax payers.
hey, im sure there are plenty of pederasts that wonder why on gods green earth THEY are persecuted for didling little boys when there are murderers out there too. Feel free to take your outrage south of the border.

by the way, how feminist of you to rationalize illegals Breeding for benefits, yo. I can't honestly remember the last time I saw a latina both speak engrish AND not be at least 4 months along. indeed, im sure your bra burning ancestors are proud of you
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hey, im sure there are plenty of pederasts that wonder why on gods green earth THEY are persecuted for didling little boys too. Feel free to take your outrage south of the border.

I didn't realized you believed being undocumented was the same thing as being a pedophile. No wonder you get so upset about this subject.

it's a crime even if YOU can rationalize it like a pederast member of nambla can rationalize, ravi. Feel free, again, to take your outrage back accross the border where your baby daddy's genetics swam from.
it's a crime even if YOU can rationalize it like a pederast member of nambla can rationalize, ravi. Feel free, again, to take your outrage back accross the border where your baby daddy's genetics swam from.

I'm not rationalizing it you stupid retard. I agree it's a crime to be in the country without documents. But I think it's a stupid crime to get your panties in a twist about. Equating it with sexually abusing children is as fucking stupid as those morons that think gay marriage is going to lead to bestiality.

no, in THEIR case they are projecting. IM reminding you, despite your bleeding heart disregard, that illegals aliens are STILL illegal. a crime, while not deserving the death penalty, DOES deserve our laws to be enforced. Specifically, immediate deportation.

Im sure someone just hasn't figured out yet that federal requirements don't apply to illegals at all anyway.. you know, because ravi says so.
no, in THEIR case they are projecting. IM reminding you, despite your bleeding heart disregard, that illegals aliens are STILL illegal. a crime, while not deserving the death penalty, DOES deserve our laws to be enforced. Specifically, immediate deportation.

Im sure someone just hasn't figured out yet that federal requirements don't apply to illegals at all anyway.. you know, because ravi says so.

Sure it does. But it doesn't if one of them strolls into my yard and offers to redo my driveway because he wouldn't be my employee. Change the law if it bugs you so much. And good luck getting anyone to pay for mass deportation.
Sure it does. But it doesn't if one of them strolls into my yard and offers to redo my driveway because he wouldn't be my employee. Change the law if it bugs you so much. And good luck getting anyone to pay for mass deportation.

tell it to wal mart, ravi.

and, THE LAW is in place... it's not being enforced. paying for mass deportation would bay exponential dividends in vacant jobs and reduced TAX burden. But hey, as long as there are Ravi's out there who are absolutely convinced that the laws don't apply to illegals.

tell it to wal mart, ravi.

and, THE LAW is in place... it's not being enforced. paying for mass deportation would bay exponential dividends in vacant jobs and reduced TAX burden. But hey, as long as there are Ravi's out there who are absolutely convinced that the laws don't apply to illegals.


Walmart is not a private citizen, once again.

btw, do you have any figures on how much a mass deportation of 11 mil would cost?

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