solving the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis

..."Yes, there are going to be some refugees who are going to be very upset and have to give up their dreams of walking into some Israeli home and taking it over. Well, that's just a fantasy, and an aspiration that will ultimately undermine a final peace agreement. Native Americans aren't going to be taking Manhattan anytime soon either. That's how this world works."

In fifty years demographers calculate that Hispanics(descendants of Indians) will be a majority in America. They are a majority in Texas today, all without firing a shot!

Give it time Lip.
"There are two types of settlements that need to be dealt with. The first is the large settlement cities, which are built up and fully established. There are a few places that fall into this category (I used to live in one actually). It is doubtful that any of these will change hands."

That specifically is not true.

All the settlements of Katif were "built up and fully established". That didn't stop Ariel Sharon from uprooting them and expelling their inhabitants.

Building within the existing borders of these areas does not really have much of an impact, so long as the settlement is large enough to not be under negotiation.

Again, this was never an issue of the settlement's size.

...Then there are the smaller settlements, and even the hastily erected stick-a-flag-on-a-hill type of settlements.

That is exactly how Eilat was established. Is it under negotiation?:lol:

Jerusalem, the World's Capital. It will be good for tourism.

Yeah, for libraries, too. You could find it under "fiction".:doubt:
..."Yes, there are going to be some refugees who are going to be very upset and have to give up their dreams of walking into some Israeli home and taking it over. Well, that's just a fantasy, and an aspiration that will ultimately undermine a final peace agreement. Native Americans aren't going to be taking Manhattan anytime soon either. That's how this world works."

In fifty years demographers calculate that Hispanics(descendants of Indians) will be a majority in America. They are a majority in Texas today, all without firing a shot!

Give it time Lip.

Is it my problem?
Here's a blog with some interesting ideas about how to make peace.

What do you guys think of it?

6 'Easy' Steps to Solving the Israeli-Arab Conflict | Dan_Weiss
I like my idea better.

Send in the marines and force Israel to comply with international law.

If someone robs a bank, you don't negotiate with the bank robbers for an agreement that would allow them to keep part of the loot.

Send the marines?

You're pretty 'large' sending American troops to fight. I guess you'll be leading them?

If not, ZIP IT.
The UN doesn't authorize bank robberies.
That's right! And they don't give land to Israel, that isn't their's.

Since you are so uninformed as to think they DO - I find whatever 'ideas' you may entertain to be unworthy of consideration.
If you don't know what a metaphor is, don't come talking to me about who's uninformed.

We do not say the land is ours.

We say we have the right to live in it.

That is where you get it all wrong, Billy-boy.

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