Solyndra Fifth Amendment Live


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
Witnesses dismissed. Hearing closed. Plead the Fifth on all questions. Where Oh Where did the 527 million go?
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If I were them I'd be grabbing the 5th like a life preserver as well.

500 Billion down the drain to these assholes. Jeeze.
Un fucking believable. Waxman is apologizing to them ala Barton.
Obama's Katrina.

Worse. Katrina was an act of God that the mere humans on the ground had a poor response to. See the pictures of NO's Mayor Ray Nagin's 300 school buses needed for the rescue of those trapped in the Superdome surrounded and immobilized by four feet of flood waters. Solyndra was aided and abetted mightily by the Obama Administration. The hysteria around the Katrina response was fueled by a willing media. The Obama obeissant media currently has its head buried deeply in the sand regarding Solyndra hoping the storm will conveniently blow by their annointed one.
(David Axelrod in Chicago, along with Rahm, denies knowing anything about Solyndra. By the way, Mr Axelrod, would you perchance know a Barack Hussein Obama?)

"Another top aide to President Obama is in Chicago talking about the bankruptcy of the solar power company Solyndra that got a big federal loan guarantee.

David Axelrod – Obama’s former senior adviser at the White House who is now back in Chicago running the president’s re-election campaign – is no joining former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in denying any knowledge of the Solyndra deal.

“I don’t know anybody associated with Solyndra and I know nothing....""

JammieWearingFool: Axelrod Denies Knowing Obama: 'I Don’t Know Anybody Associated With Solyndra'
(Solyndra Takes The Fifth. Amusing/Nauseating video at link. Committee member Henry Waxman (D-CA), aware of how damaging these refusals to testify by the Solyndra Executives would be on the evening news, brought this scene to a merciful end for the Democrats)

"Posted on September 23, 2011 by John Hinderaker in Obama Administration Scandals

Solyndra Pleads the Fifth

This morning, two top executives of Solyndra, CEO Brian Harrison and CFO W.G. Stover, appeared before a House Energy and Commerce Committee investigative panel. They didn’t testify, however. They declined to answer every question put to them on the ground that the answers might tend to incriminate them.

The Fifth Amendment, which protects witnesses against self-incrimination, is pretty much an all-or-nothing thing. The witness can identify himself and perhaps answer a few background questions, but he cannot answer any substantive questions relating to the subject matter of the investigation. If he does, he waives his right to take the Fifth. Criminal defense lawyers, like those advising Harrison and Stover, take no chances. They won’t let their clients answer anything. So this is what it looks like when witnesses plead the Fifth:"

Solyndra Pleads the Fifth | Power Line
So where's the left jumping all over Waxman like they did Barton during the BP hearing?
At least that guy had the balls to actually address the committee and answer questions.
So where's the left jumping all over Waxman like they did Barton during the BP hearing?
At least that guy had the balls to actually address the committee and answer questions.

(With the Left, its always a variant of "Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee". If its not that, they're continuously figuring out new and more novel ways to throw those that disagree with them down the abandoned well alongside the bodies of the Czar, the Czarina, and their children.)

Michelle Malkin adds her unique flavor to todays events. God bless her.

"Well, another House hearing on Solyndra came and went this morning. In another Great Moment Of Transparency in the Age of Obama, the Solyndra execs took the Fifth as promised. The Democrats’ erstwhile chief inquisitor and witch hunter of Capitol Hill, Henry Waxman, demonstrated his trademark chutzpah by complaining that the GOP was “badgering witnesses” by having them invoke the 5th.

The NYTimes has a piece underscoring how Solyndra photo-ops, not due diligence, took precedence at the White House. Doug Powers has more. Be sure to check out the Solyndra Funny Money flow chart from Reuters. And here are Team Obama members singing from the don’t-know-nuttin’ hymn book.

My column today looks at the new government loans to nowhere packed into Obama’s jobs-for-cronies bill. Enough already"

Michelle Malkin » Government Loans to Nowhere

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