Some advice for the left wing

Wow, that website needs some serious help design-wise. That whole visual experience sucked. I almost couldn't read that ass whooping....:biggrin:
Wow, that website needs some serious help design-wise. That whole visual experience sucked. I almost couldn't read that ass whooping....:biggrin:

Granted their artistry is not much, but some of the writers have some good columns I use from time to time.
Blog: Some unsolicited advice for left-wing elitists

I do not expect they would consider any of this (though some more flexible thinkers might), since most are in reflex action mode so to speak and have the IQ of a handball at the moment.
I read the article. It seems that the things put in there are equally applicable to right wing people. And some things are plain wrong. For instance.
-Its modus operandi has migrated to the far left of the bell curve of political ideology. The far left of the bell curve is Communism. I've yet to see even people like Bernie Sanders espouse the virtues of Communism.
-the total rejection of his presidency as the ultimate act of patriotism. The Republican party made it a point to obstruct Obama on everything. Things both big and small. Debt ceiling, Scotus and so on. Up to the point that the current president tried to argue Obama wasn't even an American. It's not a bit hypocritical to now expect everyone to sing kumbaya. Especially since the current president has the tendency to speak, act and cry like a 5 year old.
-Put a lid on the self-righteousness. I agree on that one on the other hand read this blog from a left perspective and I promise it would come over terribly self-righteous.
-Ditch the groupthink. Read the posts of those people defending Trump on this board. You will find the same arguments from any of them. So again this applies equally to left and right.
-Promotes finger-pointing divisiveness rather than pragmatic problem-solving. The NRA did not cause 4,368 people to be shot. What's not pragmatic about saying, hey lets limit the type of guns and the type of people who have access to guns, both measures are opposed by the NRA.
-The great recession was not caused by five bankers on Wall Street. No it was caused by deregulation of banks who then started a policy were short term profit superseded long term solvency.
-P.C., intimidation, sit-ins, protests, civil disturbances, riots, vandalism, and petulance will not accelerate their agenda. Violent channeling of their unresolved subconscious anger won't win friends and influence people. Throughout history violence has been the catalyst of the most dramatic changes. I don't advocate it but that part is plain wrong.
-A campaign to advance and impose their own narrow agenda – precludes their ability to address a wider spectrum of socioeconomic issues.
Pretty ironic don't you think considering the fact that the GOP has hardly done any legislative work since they got control of everything.
-These thoughts are advanced in the spirit of unification and compromise. Correct me if I'm wrong but is Mcconell not doing his utmost to make the new health care plan in such a way that democrats are precluded to give input?
In conclusion this blog is written by someone who clearly never as heard of self criticism.
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So long as the Democrats support the unjustifiable genocide of millions of innocent unborn babies, they will be wrong on every other issue, and I will oppose them with every breath in my body.
The article says I should cool my jets because the reforms I want will never happen in my lifetime. What a stupid article.

Another thing I thought would never happen in my lifetime? Donald Trump, the punchline of every U.S. idiocracy joke, becoming President. The OP offers terrible advice.
Well said by the writer...except he was way too polite to these hate-filled, demented, pathological assholes.

Plus, he wasted his time. They never learn and they never accept responsibility. Right this minute, they are looking for a Republican to Scapegoat for the mess that Bolsheviks masquerading as Democrats have made in Illinois...over decades.

"Elitist" is a most inappropriate appellation. That's what they think they are.

Normal People...Productive Americans...Working Americans...think they are Numbskulls who are too poorly educated to realize that they are nearly pure Marxists and garden variety Control Freaks.

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