Some bad news coming from our way. (Prayers appreciated)

Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.
Today wasn't a good day. I didn't like the way they wrapped and treated my leg burns on my follow-up visit after my release fro mthe hospital.

Apparentely my suspicions were founded as infection set in and the pain was undescribable. I had to get to the hospital quick.

I removed the wrap myself prior to calling and telling them I was coming in. The puss was oozing out. You can't sit around with that kind of thing because you get blood poisoning quickly.

Anyway, I cleaned the wound and smothered it in raw honey til I got to the hoispital. That raw honey ate all of the surface infection away.

So, after sitting around the hospital doing blood work to check for poisoning they put an iv in my arm and shot me full of morphine. They left the honey and filled in with some other goo and rewrapped me.

Close call today, for sure.

Here's a couple of photos I took for my primary care physician since he's out of town and he's been taking lots of pictures for himself for some study he's doing.

Be warned. These are disturbing pictures, so, don't click on em if you have a queezy stomach for this sort of thing. But it's what you all have been supporting me through, and I appreciate it more than you know, this is really a downer, ya know? So you may as well know how it really is.

First picture is right after I removed the unsatisfactory dressing, there's some puss, sorry. -

The second picture is after I got to the hispital, you can see how that raw honey killed that puss really fast. It hollowed everything out so it culd be retreated and rewrapped. -
I know you as one of the best forum users.
my mother is a doctor. she is a soviet doctor.
if you're interested, I'll show her your photos ...
Frankly, what you wrote about the American treatment is shocking to me.
you know me too on construction issues in this forum

Thanks, Kit. I remember your threads. You're a craftsman through and through. I went looking for your threads a couple of times to see if you were still on here. Thing is, man, just have to blend in like we're on a bus. Ya know? Being Russian, you're gonna get a hard time from some folks. Take it on the chin and move along, they're useless quarrels. I get along lovely with Russians, they're the only people who gave our candidate any air time in two consecutive general elections. Which was better in hind sight, at least the actual issues were discussed on air rather than a monopoly of the pablum that the cable news entertainment silliness here in America peddling.

But yeah. You had some good threads. You're the one who posted those pictures of the house you built? Oldschool carpenter, right?

Actually, the burn unit was awseome. Top notch. Really, the very first follow-up at the new place I had to go in a different building was out-patient. That was the first time they'd ever seen the wound at that place. When I go back, I'll tell em how I want it done.
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.
Last edited:
Sounds like it’s a good thing you had found that article! So glad it is helping. I hope it is smooth sailing from here on out compared to what you have been through.
Funny, isn’t it, they left it on. Glad they got you some pain relief.
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.
N.M. seems like I knew you on another forum. Not that its important but if so you are a man of character. Anyway whoever you are still thinking of you and praying you heal soon.

That's very kind, thanks. But I'm not without my own faults. Were you on DA before it closed down? You write like RodRob. We're not permitted to discuss other forums if they're still active, and I've only ever been on one other one, that was more of a grassroots hole in the wall. Shoot me a pm if you want.

I thought that was you, and yes it is closed down for good for past maybe 3 or 4 years now. I'm not RodRob. I'm a woman. An old one,haha.
get well N.C..
Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know that Natural Citizen was involved in a pretty bad fire accident. A few days ago, a fire accidentally started in his backyard, and he was trying to put it out to save his house and he ended up getting third degree burns on both legs, his arms and his face. He is currently in the burn unit, being treated, and he has been in severe pain ever since this happened. :( His legs are swollen right now about four times the normal size. His heart rate is also high, which is not good. A surgery for his legs is likely.

For those of you who pray, we would really appreciate your prayers. Or if you want to just send some encouragement and get well wishes, I'm sure that that would really lift his spirits. ❤️

Thanks so much you, you all!

I only just find this thread now did not know. Natural Citizen I send you my prayers and keep you in my thoughts I hope you can recover and are happy that you are alive and that your friends and loved ones can continue to have you in this world. I will ask Our Lord to shine His Light on you and also I will ask St. Raphael The Archangel who is the Roman Catholic Patron Saint of Healing that he heals you to the best of his ability :smiliehug:

St. Raphael the Prince of Heavenly Healing, I ask for healing, I ask for vibrant health for our brother Natural Citizen, please wrap his body in your emerald green light until there is no illness, until there is no pain and let him be whole again. Amen.

Also I offer this:

Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know that Natural Citizen was involved in a pretty bad fire accident. A few days ago, a fire accidentally started in his backyard, and he was trying to put it out to save his house and he ended up getting third degree burns on both legs, his arms and his face. He is currently in the burn unit, being treated, and he has been in severe pain ever since this happened. :( His legs are swollen right now about four times the normal size. His heart rate is also high, which is not good. A surgery for his legs is likely.

For those of you who pray, we would really appreciate your prayers. Or if you want to just send some encouragement and get well wishes, I'm sure that that would really lift his spirits. ❤️

Thanks so much you, you all!

I only just find this thread now did not know. Natural Citizen I send you my prayers and keep you in my thoughts I hope you can recover and are happy that you are alive and that your friends and loved ones can continue to have you in this world. I will ask Our Lord to shine His Light on you and also I will ask St. Raphael The Archangel who is the Roman Catholic Patron Saint of Healing that he heals you to the best of his ability :smiliehug:

St. Raphael the Prince of Heavenly Healing, I ask for healing, I ask for vibrant health for our brother Natural Citizen, please wrap his body in your emerald green light until there is no illness, until there is no pain and let him be whole again. Amen.

Also I offer this:


^^^^ Red cross thing, WTF. Anyway if you click on Reply to the above post you can see what I have posted that the red cross is ruining.
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.
You've kicked ass before, you'll kick ass again. Stay strong bud.
I know you as one of the best forum users.
my mother is a doctor. she is a soviet doctor.
if you're interested, I'll show her your photos ...
Frankly, what you wrote about the American treatment is shocking to me.
you know me too on construction issues in this forum

Thanks, Kit. I remember your threads. You're a craftsman through and through. I went looking for your threads a couple of times to see if you were still on here. Thing is, man, just have to blend in like we're on a bus. Ya know? Being Russian, you're gonna get a hard time from some folks. Take it on the chin and move along, they're useless quarrels. I get along lovely with Russians, they're the only people who gave our candidate any air time in two consecutive general elections. Which was better in hind sight, at least the actual issues were discussed on air rather than a monopoly of the pablum that the cable news entertainment silliness here in America peddling.

But yeah. You had some good threads. You're the one who posted those pictures of the house you built? Oldschool carpenter, right?

Actually, the burn unit was awseome. Top notch. Really, the very first follow-up at the new place I had to go in a different building was out-patient. That was the first time they'd ever seen the wound at that place. When I go back, I'll tell em how I want it done.
Yes it's me.
I was banned again and I wanted the moderators to rest without me at least a month. They are very poor and unhappy people who do not have a permanent job. 1 month is the duration of their work on the forums ..
nevertheless, thanks for your reply.
In the USSR and modern Russia, a person with such burn wounds should lie for at least 20 days in a hospital for free. The government pays for treatment, medicine, food, and even 3 hours of sleep after dinner.
- In addition, the salary is saved
- You can stay in the hospital several times a year.
- Your boss has no right to fire you.
therefore, I am shocked by your out-patient phrases and the advice of American doctors to smear the wound with honey .. so they smear the corpses so that they do not rot ...
you need inpatient hospital care, antibiotics, sleep and strict medical care
I wish you a quick recovery and good health in this America!
Americans, you have no right to hurt!
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.

Hmmmm: sometimes those old wives' tales are good stuff. I put honey onto a gum after a tooth extraction not long ago; worked a treat as it was starting to get infected. the antibiotics may have helped a little bit.

But get well and all that; glad you're OK. And yes: prayers too.

Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.

Hmmmm: sometimes those old wives' tales are good stuff. I put honey onto a gum after a tooth extraction not long ago; worked a treat as it was starting to get infected. the antibiotics may have helped a little bit.

But get well and all that; glad you're OK. And yes: prayers too.


The allocation and treatment of a tooth in America costs between $ 800 and $ 1,500.
a typical American, after paying the required expenses, does not have that kind of money.

so you create a fairy tale about honey.
antibiotics are not "applied to the sore spot", but injections are made.
In addition, antibiotics for toothache are useless. You must drill or remove.
The more Americans write about medicine, the funnier ... you better shut up, right? looks like kids from kindergarten ...
- In case of a burn, if you do not have money, then the immediate remedy immediately after the burn is Urine, as well as water obtained after boiling potatoes or cabbage.
- if you did not do it in time, then you should lay bactericidal pads soaked in disinfectants. these pads allow air to pass through the wound and do not allow it to rot. At the same time, you should do antibiotic shots.
in no case, you can not use honey! Honey closes the pores in the skin. therefore smeared with honey corpses
- If you see the process of decay, you should use a special ointment. I do not know what it is called in America. In Russia, called "Vishnevsky ointment." It is cheap and very effective ...
By the way, what I wrote is not even the advice of my Mother Doctor, but a simple instruction for the soldiers of the Border Troops of the USSR.
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.

Hmmmm: sometimes those old wives' tales are good stuff. I put honey onto a gum after a tooth extraction not long ago; worked a treat as it was starting to get infected. the antibiotics may have helped a little bit.

But get well and all that; glad you're OK. And yes: prayers too.


The allocation and treatment of a tooth in America costs between $ 800 and $ 1,500.
a typical American, after paying the required expenses, does not have that kind of money.

so you create a fairy tale about honey.
antibiotics are not "applied to the sore spot", but injections are made.
In addition, antibiotics for toothache are useless. You must drill or remove.
The more Americans write about medicine, the funnier ... you better shut up, right? looks like kids from kindergarten ...
- In case of a burn, if you do not have money, then the immediate remedy immediately after the burn is Urine, as well as water obtained after boiling potatoes or cabbage.
- if you did not do it in time, then you should lay bactericidal pads soaked in disinfectants. these pads allow air to pass through the wound and do not allow it to rot. At the same time, you should do antibiotic shots.
in no case, you can not use honey! Honey closes the pores in the skin. therefore smeared with honey corpses
- If you see the process of decay, you should use a special ointment. I do not know what it is called in America. In Russia, called "Vishnevsky ointment." It is cheap and very effective ...
By the way, what I wrote is not even the advice of my Mother Doctor, but a simple instruction for the soldiers of the Border Troops of the USSR.
Hey, Selivan.
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.

Hmmmm: sometimes those old wives' tales are good stuff. I put honey onto a gum after a tooth extraction not long ago; worked a treat as it was starting to get infected. the antibiotics may have helped a little bit.

But get well and all that; glad you're OK. And yes: prayers too.

Those "old wives tales" kept the human race alive and kicking for a couple hundred thousand years. If the honey didn't have antimicrobial properties, the honey in the hive would go funky.
Garlic is full of antibiotics, too. The Brits used it to pack wounds on the battlefield during WWI.
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.

Hmmmm: sometimes those old wives' tales are good stuff. I put honey onto a gum after a tooth extraction not long ago; worked a treat as it was starting to get infected. the antibiotics may have helped a little bit.

But get well and all that; glad you're OK. And yes: prayers too.

Those "old wives tales" kept the human race alive and kicking for a couple hundred thousand years. If the honey didn't have antimicrobial properties, the honey in the hive would go funky.
Garlic is full of antibiotics, too. The Brits used it to pack wounds on the battlefield during WWI.

I have not seen you on the forum for a long time.
Are you fighting the sins of your wild American youth?
as the Russians say:
"all men are bastards, and all girls are whores?"
I'm sorry, this is a simple and rude Russian joke.
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.

Hmmmm: sometimes those old wives' tales are good stuff. I put honey onto a gum after a tooth extraction not long ago; worked a treat as it was starting to get infected. the antibiotics may have helped a little bit.

But get well and all that; glad you're OK. And yes: prayers too.

Those "old wives tales" kept the human race alive and kicking for a couple hundred thousand years. If the honey didn't have antimicrobial properties, the honey in the hive would go funky.
Garlic is full of antibiotics, too. The Brits used it to pack wounds on the battlefield during WWI.

I have not seen you on the forum for a long time.
Are you fighting the sins of your wild American youth?
as the Russians say:
"all men are bastards, and all girls are whores?"
I'm sorry, this is a simple and rude Russian joke.
I'm here same as always. You are the one who has been lurking.
Wow, NC! Hope it is doing better now. The picture before the honey and after is incredible. Had no idea it would do that! Continued prayers from here. Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks, depotoo. I didn't know about it either. But then I read a study in a medical journal where they had a little over a hundred people with second degree burns, I forget how they spit them percentage wise, but the honey healed the wounds and cured without scarring much faster (and better) versus Mepilex and collaganses santyl that I'm wearing now on the leg. It was spread between them, too, like 70 some percent versus thirty or so percent.

The doctor, just the ER doctor, said I shouldn't have tried any home remedies. It hurt like crazy, I knocked out at least once, not sure if i knocked out fully the second time, just a few seconds bith times, I was even crying. And like a baby, lemme tell ya. Ha.

Anyway. They left the honey on, though. Heh heh. They just put the mepilex and santyl over top of it. They didn't even have to clean it, the raw honey worked that well.

Hmmmm: sometimes those old wives' tales are good stuff. I put honey onto a gum after a tooth extraction not long ago; worked a treat as it was starting to get infected. the antibiotics may have helped a little bit.

But get well and all that; glad you're OK. And yes: prayers too.

Those "old wives tales" kept the human race alive and kicking for a couple hundred thousand years. If the honey didn't have antimicrobial properties, the honey in the hive would go funky.
Garlic is full of antibiotics, too. The Brits used it to pack wounds on the battlefield during WWI.

Garlic is a typical American and Indian product.
Americans eat too much garlic. I can write why you do this ....
but in this case, garlic, as well as any food that is spicy, ... is harmful.
Such food neutralizes the efficacy of athybiotics.
Therefore, in Soviet hospitals, it was always forbidden to eat
- fried food
- bread made from 1 grade of wheat
- any spices, especially garlic.
A person who has received a burn should eat only diet food.

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