Some bad news coming from our way. (Prayers appreciated)

Well you really got your t*t in a ringer this time NC

Yeah. No doubt about it, sparky. No doubt about it.

One small piece of advice , from decades of ambulance rides, it's the informed patient that makes out're the 'customer' ....& don't let 'em bs you w/med latin.....

Noted. Thanks.

Looks like surery later this week and a blood transfusion. Oughtta be hoot.
Bump for more news....I hope that our friend is recovering from his horrifying injuries...Burns are the worst of all.

I'm finally having Silvadene applied to my burns before daily redressings. The nurses performed mutiny against the doctor because it was clear the other stuff wasn't working. True story.

They're still giving me a steady flow of Dilaudid and the occasional morphine. And a bunch of other mood pills and vitamins. I've had 7 or 8 shots in the stomach to prevent blood clotting.

Now they're cutting my pain medicine because they say i'm getting too much, Of course, the doctor didn't take into consideration that I was getting so much pain medicine in the first place because the original ointment he was using was causing infection and swelling. wtf. So, they're double punishing me here.

There's a large section of completely dead flesh on outside of my thigh. It'll need surgery, not sure if they'll just cut it out and leave a very large divot or what. It's pretty long. I was wearing shorts when the fire started so pretty much all my legs got it nice and good. The back side of my right hand is pretty much sludge at the moment

My face is healing little by little.

Typing lefty here its the only semi good hand i have.

Hey! Good to see you making it! And then some! :113: You hang in there!
Natural Citizen, you can do this! Be sure to eat to help your body heal faster. Good to see you posting. Continued prayers from here.

Buttercup, don’t forget to take care of yourself, too.

Be sure to check in whenever you are able.
It's so good to hear from you! Keep up the excellent work.

Thanks, old lady. I'm in room 8 of the crozer burn unit if you got any of those sweeties extra. Heh heh.

Glad you're hungry. Good luck with your surgery.
Good to hear you are getting better and I wish you a speedy recovery, Natural Citizen :huddle:
Hi you all. NC had the surgery this morning. From what he told me they were going to do, they removed a long strip of dead flesh from his left leg and did a skin graft. I'm not sure where they got the good skin from (I don't know exactly how that works) but it was necessary. They also did blood transfusions. I heard from him earlier today after a few hours in recovery, and he was in major pain. He said they were about to give him some serious meds, so he'll be knocked for a long time.

I'm just grateful he made it through the surgery, and now he just needs to do a lot of resting and recovering.

Thanks so much again for all your encouragement and prayers!!! We both appreciate it! :smiliehug:
Hi you all. NC had the surgery this morning. From what he told me they were going to do, they removed a long strip of dead flesh from his left leg and did a skin graft. I'm not sure where they got the good skin from (I don't know exactly how that works) but it was necessary. They also did blood transfusions. I heard from him earlier today after a few hours in recovery, and he was in major pain. He said they were about to give him some serious meds, so he'll be knocked for a long time.

I'm just grateful he made it through the surgery, and now he just needs to do a lot of resting and recovering.

Thanks so much again for all your encouragement and prayers!!! We both appreciate it! :smiliehug:

Skin grafts can be removed from undamaged parts of the body leaving 2 wounds to heal. The removal point often hurts worse than the other because new nerve endings are exposed. For people burned more extensively, skin can be grown in a lab, but there is a greater chance of infection for skin grown that way than for skin harvested from other parts of the body.
So glad he has this surgery behind him. Hopefully he can sleep through the worst of the pain, with the meds.

Thanks for keeping us up-to-date, Buttercup.

Hi you all. NC had the surgery this morning. From what he told me they were going to do, they removed a long strip of dead flesh from his left leg and did a skin graft. I'm not sure where they got the good skin from (I don't know exactly how that works) but it was necessary. They also did blood transfusions. I heard from him earlier today after a few hours in recovery, and he was in major pain. He said they were about to give him some serious meds, so he'll be knocked for a long time.

I'm just grateful he made it through the surgery, and now he just needs to do a lot of resting and recovering.

Thanks so much again for all your encouragement and prayers!!! We both appreciate it!
Hi you all. NC had the surgery this morning. From what he told me they were going to do, they removed a long strip of dead flesh from his left leg and did a skin graft. I'm not sure where they got the good skin from (I don't know exactly how that works) but it was necessary. They also did blood transfusions. I heard from him earlier today after a few hours in recovery, and he was in major pain. He said they were about to give him some serious meds, so he'll be knocked for a long time.

I'm just grateful he made it through the surgery, and now he just needs to do a lot of resting and recovering.

Thanks so much again for all your encouragement and prayers!!! We both appreciate it! :smiliehug:

Skin grafts can be removed from undamaged parts of the body leaving 2 wounds to heal. The removal point often hurts worse than the other because new nerve endings are exposed. For people burned more extensively, skin can be grown in a lab, but there is a greater chance of infection for skin grown that way than for skin harvested from other parts of the body.

Gosh, I hope it doesn't hurt worse than the other. But yeah, he did mention that after the surgery his nerve endings would be exposed. Man, I can't wait til the future when his skin is as healed as it can be... but I know it takes a long time, at least for the 3rd degree burns. His face is healing, so that was actually 2nd degree, on his face. Now I just want him to eat more because they are loading him up with so many different narcotics, antibiotics, etc..and that's not good when one isn't eating much. Thanks.
I really do appreciate all of the support from everyone. A lot of prayer came my way during this ordeal. Thanks very much. I think the worst of the worst has passed. Prayer and synergy are powerful things, for sure.
I really do appreciate all of the support from everyone. A lot of prayer came my way during this ordeal. Thanks very much. I think the worst of the worst has passed. Prayer and synergy are powerful things, for sure.
So glad to hear it. Continued prayers from here, though.
I bought a MacBook Pro some time ago and stopped using Windows. So, I just now learned how to use image capture to transfer my iPhone photos to my Macbook. If anyone wants to see pictures of the actual burns, let me know. They're gruesome, though, but not anything too gory.

I got rewrapped Monday, but I asked them to not wrap my knees, I needed to do that myself so I have a good pivot. The last time they wrapped the whole knees and legs and feet and everything and it drove me crazy rubbing.

Today I walked 1.25 miles to the pharmacy and conquered a grassy hill by the pond on the way home. Certainly no plateau, but I got up it. I could have went around it, we have a nature path here, but decidee to try it out.

Here's when I was first admitted. I went to two hospitals, the first one couldn't stay because they weren't equipped for my kind of injuries, so ended up in another hospital the next state over for the remainder, about ten days I think.
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