Some bad news coming from our way. (Prayers appreciated)

How is he doing?

Thanks for asking. Overall he's on the road to recovery, but still dealing with the pain, even though they are giving him 2 types of pain killers through IVs, as well as antibiotics. The worst of the burns are on his legs from knee down, so he's going to have a skin graft surgery, but not right away, I think in a couple weeks from now. In the meantime he's going through the treatments, and hanging in there. I'm trying to keep encouraging him, and I told him about this thread, and he's thankful for all the kind words and encouragement. Thanks again! :)
How is he doing?

Thanks for asking. Overall he's on the road to recovery, but still dealing with the pain, even though they are giving him 2 types of pain killers through IVs, as well as antibiotics. The worst of the burns are on his legs from knee down, so he's going to have a skin graft surgery, but not right away, I think in a couple weeks from now. In the meantime he's going through the treatments, and hanging in there. I'm trying to keep encouraging him, and I told him about this thread, and he's thankful for all the kind words and encouragement. Thanks again! :)

Just help him get through today. That's enough for now.
Which hospital is he in? There are some great burn centers. Galveston has one of the best.
Which hospital is he in? There are some great burn centers. Galveston has one of the best.
Crozer (sp?) burn center in Pennsylvania. It sounds like you might have some experience with this sort of thing, do you know someone who went through it?
Which hospital is he in? There are some great burn centers. Galveston has one of the best.
Crozer (sp?) burn center in Pennsylvania. It sounds like you might have some experience with this sort of thing, do you know someone who went through it?

Yep. Ex Father in law was burned over 83% of his body. He was robbed, knocked out, and the house set on fire. He came to and had to walk across melted floor tile to get out. He was one of the strongest men I ever met. He was lucky to live through it.
I'm very sorry to hear this and hope he recovers soon and that the pain will be gone sooner.

James and I live in the boonies and this very nearly happened to him. I was in the house and had no clue he was desperately fighting a very fast moving fire. From the look on his face when he came in, neither of us will forget.
Which hospital is he in? There are some great burn centers. Galveston has one of the best.
Crozer (sp?) burn center in Pennsylvania. It sounds like you might have some experience with this sort of thing, do you know someone who went through it?

Yep. Ex Father in law was burned over 83% of his body. He was robbed, knocked out, and the house set on fire. He came to and had to walk across melted floor tile to get out. He was one of the strongest men I ever met. He was lucky to live through it.

Wow! Oh wow, that is absolutely horrible. But I'm glad to hear he lived through it, he does sound like a strong person. And yes, it is a day by day thing. Thanks!
I'm very sorry to hear this and hope he recovers soon and that the pain will be gone sooner.

James and I live in the boonies and this very nearly happened to him. I was in the house and had no clue he was desperately fighting a very fast moving fire. From the look on his face when he came in, neither of us will forget.

It is very scary. I'm glad that it wasn't worse for you guys. Especially living out in the sticks where it might be hard to get help. And thank you for the kind words!
Hopefully they can get his pain under control. He is going to need you as it is a long road to recovery. He will continuously be in our prayers for a speedy recovery.

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Thanks so much!
Bump for more news....I hope that our friend is recovering from his horrifying injuries...Burns are the worst of all.

I don't know if you saw it, but someone asked and I did an update in post #24. Well, not really an update, as not a lot changed. Anyway, thank you!
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For whatever a thought and or prayer from me is worth? You got it.

I set my own dumb ass on fire a few years back and though mine was only my face hands and arms, I can relate.

If he's in a burn unit, I'm sure they are using Silvadene. That stuff is the best!

Here's to a speedy recovery.
Having done my time as a FF i can honestly say it's a challenge WITH all the turnout gear, fighting fire w/out it get the point. Sounds like NC stood his ground protecting his existence.....

thoughts...prayers.....and respect !


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