Some bad news coming from our way. (Prayers appreciated)

For whatever a thought and or prayer from me is worth? You got it.

I set my own dumb ass on fire a few years back and though mine was only my face hands and arms, I can relate.

If he's in a burn unit, I'm sure they are using Silvadene. That stuff is the best!

Here's to a speedy recovery.

Yikes! Thank you, Chuz!

Having done my time as a FF i can honestly say it's a challenge WITH all the turnout gear, fighting fire w/out it get the point. Sounds like NC stood his ground protecting his existence.....

thoughts...prayers.....and respect !


Thanks so much! That means a lot, coming from a former firefighter! I think he's brave too. And thank you for all you did as a firefighter, you (and they) have my respect! :)
For whatever a thought and or prayer from me is worth? You got it.

I set my own dumb ass on fire a few years back and though mine was only my face hands and arms, I can relate.

If he's in a burn unit, I'm sure they are using Silvadene. That stuff is the best!

Here's to a speedy recovery.

Yikes! Thank you, Chuz!

Having done my time as a FF i can honestly say it's a challenge WITH all the turnout gear, fighting fire w/out it get the point. Sounds like NC stood his ground protecting his existence.....

thoughts...prayers.....and respect !


Thanks so much! That means a lot, coming from a former firefighter! I think he's brave too. And thank you for all you did as a firefighter, you (and they) have my respect! :)

Sorry to confuse.

I wasn't a fire fighter. I just had a fire get the best of me.
Sorry to confuse.

I wasn't a fire fighter. I just had a fire get the best of me.
I know, that was to Sparky. I just replied to 2 quotes in one post. :)

thx buttercup

watching one's existence burn up is heartbreaking. i have a lot of stories ,including fighting an orphanage on fire a week before xmas. Think kids w/nothing watching what meager Xmas they have go up in smoke.

grown men don't always maintain their composure ,myself included....and then there's all of those sorts who refuse to simply watch, and run back in.....some don't come back out ......

and the burn victims , you know they can converse just like we are now, i can recall being in the back of an ambulance with a number of them.....thinking 'yeah, he'll make it' but thier metabolism does them in....

fluid shift, interstitial , the med folks here could probably spit it all out better than this has been. I'm thinking NC went down swinging ,i'm also thinking he's a very smart man and knows exactly the situation he's in.

they're probably pumpin' him full of ringers & opiods ,monitoring urine output, running a lotta labs , i wish i knew his age and % 2nd/3rd....

Sorry to confuse.

I wasn't a fire fighter. I just had a fire get the best of me.
I know, that was to Sparky. I just replied to 2 quotes in one post. :)

thx buttercup

watching one's existence burn up is heartbreaking. i have a lot of stories ,including fighting an orphanage on fire a week before xmas. Think kids w/nothing watching what meager Xmas they have go up in smoke.

grown men don't always maintain their composure ,myself included....and then there's all of those sorts who refuse to simply watch, and run back in.....some don't come back out ......

and the burn victims , you know they can converse just like we are now, i can recall being in the back of an ambulance with a number of them.....thinking 'yeah, he'll make it' but thier metabolism does them in....

fluid shift, interstitial , the med folks here could probably spit it all out better than this has been. I'm thinking NC went down swinging ,i'm also thinking he's a very smart man and knows exactly the situation he's in.

they're probably pumpin' him full of ringers & opiods ,monitoring urine output, running a lotta labs , i wish i knew his age and % 2nd/3rd....


Remind me not to go to you the next time I need encouragement.

Thinking of you both.
How is he doing, buttercup? How are you holding up?

Well there have been a few problems, but he’s getting through it. They were putting a certain cream on his legs regularly (before re-dressing them) that's supposed to help, but every time it would cause more swelling and pain… so eventually they determined that he was allergic to it, or it just didn’t work well for him. So now they’re trying a different type of cream (or gel) for his legs, and I’m hoping that this latest one will be good.

He’s lost a lot of weight, which is not good… (I don’t even want to say how much he weighs right now, but it’s way too low.) I keep telling him to eat, but I don’t think he’s eating enough. So for anyone who prays here, please pray that he won’t lose any more weight.

TBH, I’m not sure what’s going on with the surgery. He doesn’t have skin on his lower legs, it’s all raw, but I don’t know if they’re observing him to see if he will still need the surgery, or what.

I think overall he is healing, but slowly and painfully.

I’m doing OK, thank you for asking! I live one the opposite coast, but I’m going to go see him when he gets released to go home. He’ll definitely need someone to take care of him, as he recovers. He’ll also have to go to physical therapy.

I told him about everyone's get well wishes and concern, and I know he really appreciates all the kind words and prayers. So thank you again!

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Bump for more news....I hope that our friend is recovering from his horrifying injuries...Burns are the worst of all.

I'm finally having Silvadene applied to my burns before daily redressings. The nurses performed mutiny against the doctor because it was clear the other stuff wasn't working. True story.

They're still giving me a steady flow of Dilaudid and the occasional morphine. And a bunch of other mood pills and vitamins. I've had 7 or 8 shots in the stomach to prevent blood clotting.

Now they're cutting my pain medicine because they say i'm getting too much, Of course, the doctor didn't take into consideration that I was getting so much pain medicine in the first place because the original ointment he was using was causing infection and swelling. wtf. So, they're double punishing me here.

There's a large section of completely dead flesh on outside of my thigh. It'll need surgery, not sure if they'll just cut it out and leave a very large divot or what. It's pretty long. I was wearing shorts when the fire started so pretty much all my legs got it nice and good. The back side of my right hand is pretty much sludge at the moment

My face is healing little by little.

Typing lefty here its the only semi good hand i have.
Thanks for the encouragement and thoughts and prayers everyone, And thanks, dear, for mentioning the accident.
Bump for more news....I hope that our friend is recovering from his horrifying injuries...Burns are the worst of all.

I'm finally having Silvadene applied to my burns before daily redressings. The nurses performed mutiny against the doctor because it was clear the other stuff wasn't working. True story.

They're still giving me a steady flow of Dilaudid and the occasional morphine. And a bunch of other mood pills and vitamins. I've had 7 or 8 shots in the stomach to prevent blood clotting.

Now they're cutting my pain medicine because they say i'm getting too much, Of course, the doctor didn't take into consideration that I was getting so much pain medicine in the first place because the original ointment he was using was causing infection and swelling. wtf. So, they're double punishing me here.

There's a large section of completely dead flesh on outside of my thigh. It'll need surgery, not sure if they'll just cut it out and leave a very large divot or what. It's pretty long. I was wearing shorts when the fire started so pretty much all my legs got it nice and good. The back side of my right hand is pretty much sludge at the moment

My face is healing little by little.

Typing lefty here its the only semi good hand i have.
It's so good to hear from you! Keep up the excellent work.
Bump for more news....I hope that our friend is recovering from his horrifying injuries...Burns are the worst of all.

I'm finally having Silvadene applied to my burns before daily redressings. The nurses performed mutiny against the doctor because it was clear the other stuff wasn't working. True story.

They're still giving me a steady flow of Dilaudid and the occasional morphine. And a bunch of other mood pills and vitamins. I've had 7 or 8 shots in the stomach to prevent blood clotting.

Now they're cutting my pain medicine because they say i'm getting too much, Of course, the doctor didn't take into consideration that I was getting so much pain medicine in the first place because the original ointment he was using was causing infection and swelling. wtf. So, they're double punishing me here.

There's a large section of completely dead flesh on outside of my thigh. It'll need surgery, not sure if they'll just cut it out and leave a very large divot or what. It's pretty long. I was wearing shorts when the fire started so pretty much all my legs got it nice and good. The back side of my right hand is pretty much sludge at the moment

My face is healing little by little.

Typing lefty here its the only semi good hand i have.

Well you really got your t*t in a ringer this time NC, but i sense you've your lucidity. One small piece of advice , from decades of ambulance rides, it's the informed patient that makes out're the 'customer' ....& don't let 'em bs you w/med latin.....
Bump for more news....I hope that our friend is recovering from his horrifying injuries...Burns are the worst of all.

I'm finally having Silvadene applied to my burns before daily redressings. The nurses performed mutiny against the doctor because it was clear the other stuff wasn't working. True story.

They're still giving me a steady flow of Dilaudid and the occasional morphine. And a bunch of other mood pills and vitamins. I've had 7 or 8 shots in the stomach to prevent blood clotting.

Now they're cutting my pain medicine because they say i'm getting too much, Of course, the doctor didn't take into consideration that I was getting so much pain medicine in the first place because the original ointment he was using was causing infection and swelling. wtf. So, they're double punishing me here.

There's a large section of completely dead flesh on outside of my thigh. It'll need surgery, not sure if they'll just cut it out and leave a very large divot or what. It's pretty long. I was wearing shorts when the fire started so pretty much all my legs got it nice and good. The back side of my right hand is pretty much sludge at the moment

My face is healing little by little.

Typing lefty here its the only semi good hand i have.
Carry on bravely amigo.

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