Some bad news coming from our way. (Prayers appreciated)

OMG! Natural Citizen! ^^^^ your photo!

I hope you are much better now!

Thank You, Skye! Good news, my face healed completely, aside from a little red dot on the tip of my nose. My hands are almost completely heeled as well, they were bad, too. Legs are still bad, that'll be months.

But better is right, all things considered. It's all of those prayers of yours that kept me in there, Skye. Thanks.

Here's my hand, just bandaged. They're almost completely healed, too. What is it, two weeeks? That's pretty fast seeing as you haven't seen the in-between pics. Not pretty. Ha.

So glad to hear you are doing better, NC. I know this has been tough. Hang in there!

Thank You! It was certainly a life event.

I'm trying to figure out what those red lights are on my toes, I could see em at night through the socks. Some kind of monitors.
I just noticed that myself. I suspect some type of monitoring of tissue oxygenation or venous doppler. I’d be curious to find out what the tell you. How are the nerve endings in your leg feeling? I hope they are getting better. So glad to hear your face is better and your hand.
Continued prayers for you from here as well.

So glad to hear you are doing better, NC. I know this has been tough. Hang in there!

Thank You! It was certainly a life event.

I'm trying to figure out what those red lights are on my toes, I could see em at night through the socks. Some kind of monitors.
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So glad to hear you are doing better, NC. I know this has been tough. Hang in there!

Thank You! It was certainly a life event.

I'm trying to figure out what those red lights are on my toes, I could see em at night through the socks. Some kind of monitors.

To keep you from stumping your toe when you get up in the middle of the night to piss?
To keep you from stumping your toe when you get up in the middle of the night to piss?

No, I peed in a bottle in my bed pretty much the whole time except the last two days. The bottle hanged from the iv machine, so pretty handy bar on it for storing the pee bottle at arm's reach. I dunno what they were. The whole time was being pumped dilaudid and anxiety pills and all sorts of other things, I was out of it a while. lol.
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Today wasn't a good day. I didn't like the way they wrapped and treated my leg burns on my follow-up visit after my release fro mthe hospital.

Apparentely my suspicions were founded as infection set in and the pain was undescribable. I had to get to the hospital quick.

I removed the wrap myself prior to calling and telling them I was coming in. The puss was oozing out. You can't sit around with that kind of thing because you get blood poisoning quickly.

Anyway, I cleaned the wound and smothered it in raw honey til I got to the hoispital. That raw honey ate all of the surface infection away.

So, after sitting around the hospital doing blood work to check for poisoning they put an iv in my arm and shot me full of morphine. They left the honey and filled in with some other goo and rewrapped me.

Close call today, for sure.

Here's a couple of photos I took for my primary care physician since he's out of town and he's been taking lots of pictures for himself for some study he's doing.

Be warned. These are disturbing pictures, so, don't click on em if you have a queezy stomach for this sort of thing. But it's what you all have been supporting me through, and I appreciate it more than you know, this is really a downer, ya know? So you may as well know how it really is.

First picture is right after I removed the unsatisfactory dressing, there's some puss, sorry. -

The second picture is after I got to the hispital, you can see how that raw honey killed that puss really fast. It hollowed everything out so it culd be retreated and rewrapped. -
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Today wasn't a good day. I didn't like the way they wrapped and treated my leg burns on my follow-up visit after my release fro mthe hospital.

Apparently my suspicions were fouded as infection set in and the pain was undescribable. I had to get to the hospital quick.

I removed the wrap myself prior to calling and telling them I was coming in. The puss was oozing out. You ca'nt sit around with that kind of thing because you get blood poisoning quickly.

Anyway, I cleaned th wond and smothered it in raw honey til I got to the hspital. That raw honey ate all of the surface infection away.

So, after sitting around the hospital doing blood work to check for poisoning they put an iv in my arm and shot me full of morphine. They left the honey and filled in with some other goo and rewrapped me.

Close call today, for sure.

Here's a couple of photos I took for my primary care physician since he's out of town and he's been taking lots of pictures for hmself for some study he's doing.

Be warned. These are disturbing pictures, so, don't click on em if you have a queezy stomach for this sort of thing. But it's what you all have been supporting me through, and I appreciate it more than you know, this is really a downer, ya know? So you may as well know how it really is.

First picture is right after I removed the unsatisfactory dressing, there's some puss, sorry. -

The second picture is after I got to the hispital, you can see how that raw honey killed that puss really fast. It hollowed everything out so it culd be retreated and rewrapped. -

Churches Chicken would call that crispy.
N.M. seems like I knew you on another forum. Not that its important but if so you are a man of character. Anyway whoever you are still thinking of you and praying you heal soon.

That's very kind, thanks. But I'm not without my own faults. Were you on DA before it closed down? You write like RodRob. We're not permitted to discuss other forums if they're still active, and I've only ever been on one other one, that was more of a grassroots hole in the wall. Shoot me a pm if you want.
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Today wasn't a good day. I didn't like the way they wrapped and treated my leg burns on my follow-up visit after my release fro mthe hospital.

Apparentely my suspicions were founded as infection set in and the pain was undescribable. I had to get to the hospital quick.

I removed the wrap myself prior to calling and telling them I was coming in. The puss was oozing out. You can't sit around with that kind of thing because you get blood poisoning quickly.

Anyway, I cleaned the wound and smothered it in raw honey til I got to the hoispital. That raw honey ate all of the surface infection away.

So, after sitting around the hospital doing blood work to check for poisoning they put an iv in my arm and shot me full of morphine. They left the honey and filled in with some other goo and rewrapped me.

Close call today, for sure.

Here's a couple of photos I took for my primary care physician since he's out of town and he's been taking lots of pictures for himself for some study he's doing.

Be warned. These are disturbing pictures, so, don't click on em if you have a queezy stomach for this sort of thing. But it's what you all have been supporting me through, and I appreciate it more than you know, this is really a downer, ya know? So you may as well know how it really is.

First picture is right after I removed the unsatisfactory dressing, there's some puss, sorry. -

The second picture is after I got to the hispital, you can see how that raw honey killed that puss really fast. It hollowed everything out so it culd be retreated and rewrapped. -

I know you as one of the best forum users.
my mother is a doctor. she is a soviet doctor.
if you're interested, I'll show her your photos ...
Frankly, what you wrote about the American treatment is shocking to me.
you know me too on construction issues in this forum
NC my cyber friend you are a much better man than I am... The stamina that you have to have to endure pain of this nature says so much about your character...

Bless you and your loved ones...

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