Some Details of The Trump Middle East Peace Plan Leaked

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Obviously with any reported leaks, this would have to be vetted and latter proven to be true, but here is an article posted today, that I searched for, after doing my usual YouTube browsing and came across a live feed stating this specific thing. I followed up on it, and it is reported in The Times of Israel Online page.

Full Story at the link provided. Some snips below the link

Unconfirmed report: Trump plan sees 3-way peace deal between Israel, PLO, Hamas

Shared Jerusalem with a Saudi role

The report claimed Jerusalem, which the Trump administration recognized at Israel’s capital in 2017, would not be divided under the deal and would serve as a shared capital for both Israel and “New Palestine.” East Jerusalem residents, however, would become citizens of the Palestinian state, it added.

Saudi Arabia would take over custodianship of the Temple Mount from Jordan, it said, and the current status-quo there would be preserved. As part of an arrangement in place since the 1967 Six Day War, when Israel captured the Old City and East Jerusalem from Jordan and extended its sovereignty there, non-Muslims are barred from praying at the Temple Mount, which is the holiest site in Judaism and third holiest in Islam.

Land from Egypt

In Gaza, which is currently controlled by Hamas, Egypt will provide additional territories for factories, an airport and other commercial and agricultural activity but will not allow Palestinians to live in these areas, according to the report.

Egypt has in the past denied reports it will give up any land in the Sinai as part of the plan.

The alleged framework of the plan begins with the demilitarization of Hamas, which is sworn to Israel’s destruction, and its relinquishing of all its weaponry to Egypt. Members of the terror group will begin to receive monthly salaries from Arab states, and Egypt and Israel will remove the blockade on Gaza, opening it to international trade.

The Kushner-presented plan said that the economic package, if implemented, would double the Palestinians’ gross domestic product, create more than one million jobs in the territories, reduce Palestinian unemployment to single digits (it was 31 percent in 2018, according to the World Bank), and cut the Palestinian poverty rate by 50%.
I think that further prying of the West Bank away from Gaza is a good idea, but who wants to be responsible for Gaza? Egypt has enough terrorists of its own.
Did you read The Article? Israel will provide
For The Defense of Gaza and West Bank against all Foreign Forces.

The Palestinians will pay Israel to defend them, and Israel will provide utilities water and Infrastructure, and The Gulf States will kick in money and Development, Build airports and Hospitals.

Israel cannot buy Palestinian Properties and vice a versa. And Israeli Settlements will stay right where they are under Israeli control, and The Palestinians will find and run their own education system.

Hamas, PLO will lay down their arms and Saudii Arabia will provide all Palestinians with A minimum guaranteed income, and rogues will be dealt with severely. Factories Trade, will all be part of this.

Israel will be given access to The Temple Mount to build a Synagogue at first and then a Temple.

I think that further prying of the West Bank away from Gaza is a good idea, but who wants to be responsible for Gaza? Egypt has enough terrorists of its own.
Did you read The Article? Israel will provide
For The Defense of Gaza and West Bank against all Foreign Forces.

The Palestinians will pay Israel to defend them, and Israel will provide utilities water and Infrastructure, and The Gulf States will kick in money and Development, Build airports and Hospitals.

Israel cannot buy Palestinian Properties and vice a versa. And Israeli Settlements will stay right where they are under Israeli control, and The Palestinians will find and run their own education system.

Hamas, PLO will lay down their arms and Saudii Arabia will provide all Palestinians with A minimum guaranteed income, and rogues will be dealt with severely. Factories Trade, will all be part of this.

Israel will be given access to The Temple Mount to build a Synagogue at first and then a Temple.

I think that further prying of the West Bank away from Gaza is a good idea, but who wants to be responsible for Gaza? Egypt has enough terrorists of its own.
Mississip, Allahbammy and Loseryanna is gonna build hostels wiff Missipi yonder ?
Sawsidge gravy fer all !

Gawd Bless them Golf states. It'll be like post Kitrina ! Pork skins make for a fine rockin char

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