Some Facts About Beto O'Rourke


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Is Beto O'Rourke really the kind of person we want in the White House? If you found out the facts below about someone else, would you hire them? Would you want your daughter to date them, much less marry them? Consider these facts about him:

* As a teenager, O'Rourke was a member of the computer hacker group Cult of the Dead Cow. The group "is notorious for releasing tools that allowed ordinary people to hack computers running Microsoft’s Windows." O'Rourke has admitted that he stole long-distance phone service during his teen years in order to use his dial-up modem.

* O'Rourke wrote numerous poems and other texts for Cult of the Dead Cow. One piece O'Rourke authored during this period referred to "scene sluts" who form relationships with members of bands. Another is written "from the perspective of a narrator who confronts a feeling of boredom and aimlessness by going on a killing spree, including hitting children with a car." Would you let your daughter date someone whose mind had produced such violent, sick garbage?

By the way, this damaging information about O'Rourke did not come to light until after O'Rourke lost the Texas U.S. Senate race to Ted Cruz. A Reuters reporter discovered the information but sat on it until after the election. How's that for journalistic integrity?!

* On May 19, 1995, O'Rourke and his friends jumped over a fence at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) physical plant, and were arrested by the UTEP police for burglary. He was held in jail overnight and posted bail the following day. He was initially charged with burglary, but prosecutors dropped the case against O'Rourke and his friends in February 1996 when UTEP declined to pursue the charges. The police report indicates that when police arrived O'Rourke attempted to flee from the scene.

* O'Rourke was arrested for driving while intoxicated on September 27, 1998, at 3:00 a.m. on Interstate 10 in Anthony, Texas. The charges were dismissed in October 1999 after he completed a court-recommended DWI program.

* During a TV debate in September 2018, O'Rourke was asked by the moderator about a statement by a motorist in the police report that said O'Rourke tried to leave the scene of the accident. O'Rourke denied that he had attempted to leave the scene. He claimed that the police report was in error and that the passenger in his vehicle supported his version of the events (gee, what a surprise, since otherwise that passenger could be charged as an accessory to a crime). The officer who wrote the report and the officer's supervisor stand by the report.

* While serving on the El Paso city council, O'Rourke married the daughter of real estate mogul William Sanders, and then proceeded to support his new father-in-law and business partner Sanders' plan to impose eminent domain to convert a depressed area of El Paso into a business district. The initiative faced opposition from small businesses and Chicano activists who did not want some parts of the historic El Segundo Barrio neighborhood to be gentrified. This opposition managed to block part of the plan.

* As a Representative in the U.S. House, O'Rourke was one of only eight members of the House to vote against funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, and he was one of only a handful of members who boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress.

* In 2014, O'Rourke opposed Obama's deferred action policy that used an executive order, i.e., DACA, to bypass Congress in order to spare approximately 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. He said, "the motive is noble, but the means are really hard to stomach." The motive was "noble"? It's "noble" to ignore the law and refuse to deport people who have entered our country illegally? Anyway, O'Rourke has since flip-flopped and declared that DACA was the right thing to do.

* Earlier this year, O'Rourke joined the far left in calling Benjamin Netanyahu a "racist."

* In February of this year, O'Rourke announced that he would "absolutely" take down the border wall in El Paso, even though Customs and Border Patrol agents have said the wall has made their job easier.

* A few weeks ago, after O'Rourke released his tax returns, it came to light that O'Rourke and his wife gave just 0.3% of their $366,455 income to charity in 2017, i.e., they gave one-third of 1%. In 2016, they gave only 0.2% of their income to charity, or only two-tenths of 1%. When asked about his stingy giving at a campaign event, O'Rourke actually said that his campaign appearances were a form of charitable giving! Even some liberals mocked that claim.

* After radical Muslim Ilhan Omar, a U.S. Representative from Minnesota, described 9/11 as "some people did something" while speaking to the pro-Hamas group CAIR, O'Rourke actually defended Omar and repeated his charge that Israel's prime minister is a racist.

Beto O'Rourke - Wikipedia


Beto O'Rourke thinks his "immeasurable" public service was worth a lot more than just giving to charity

Beto O'Rourke: I Would "Absolutely Take The Wall Down" In El Paso

Reuters reporter takes heat for sitting on Beto O’Rourke hacker story until after Senate race against Cruz

Brett Kavanaugh vs. Beto O'Rourke's Past -- Media Treatment Very Different | National Review
Well, that settles it...I am not voting for him...:290968001256257790-final:
* O'Rourke wrote numerous poems and other texts for Cult of the Dead Cow. One piece O'Rourke authored during this period referred to "scene sluts" who form relationships with members of bands. Another is written "from the perspective of a narrator who confronts a feeling of boredom and aimlessness by going on a killing spree, including hitting children with a car." Would you let your daughter date someone whose mind had produced such violent, sick garbage?

Is this any different than Steven King?

or the people that go to movies like the Saw movies?

of the millions of people that watched videos of people dying that were all the craze on Youtube for a while?
Is Beto O'Rourke really the kind of person we want in the White House? If you found out the facts below about someone else, would you hire them? Would you want your daughter to date them, much less marry them? Consider these facts about him:

* As a teenager, O'Rourke was a member of the computer hacker group Cult of the Dead Cow. The group "is notorious for releasing tools that allowed ordinary people to hack computers running Microsoft’s Windows." O'Rourke has admitted that he stole long-distance phone service during his teen years in order to use his dial-up modem.

* O'Rourke wrote numerous poems and other texts for Cult of the Dead Cow. One piece O'Rourke authored during this period referred to "scene sluts" who form relationships with members of bands. Another is written "from the perspective of a narrator who confronts a feeling of boredom and aimlessness by going on a killing spree, including hitting children with a car." Would you let your daughter date someone whose mind had produced such violent, sick garbage?

By the way, this damaging information about O'Rourke did not come to light until after O'Rourke lost the Texas U.S. Senate race to Ted Cruz. A Reuters reporter discovered the information but sat on it until after the election. How's that for journalistic integrity?!

* On May 19, 1995, O'Rourke and his friends jumped over a fence at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) physical plant, and were arrested by the UTEP police for burglary. He was held in jail overnight and posted bail the following day. He was initially charged with burglary, but prosecutors dropped the case against O'Rourke and his friends in February 1996 when UTEP declined to pursue the charges. The police report indicates that when police arrived O'Rourke attempted to flee from the scene.

* O'Rourke was arrested for driving while intoxicated on September 27, 1998, at 3:00 a.m. on Interstate 10 in Anthony, Texas. The charges were dismissed in October 1999 after he completed a court-recommended DWI program.

* During a TV debate in September 2018, O'Rourke was asked by the moderator about a statement by a motorist in the police report that said O'Rourke tried to leave the scene of the accident. O'Rourke denied that he had attempted to leave the scene. He claimed that the police report was in error and that the passenger in his vehicle supported his version of the events (gee, what a surprise, since otherwise that passenger could be charged as an accessory to a crime). The officer who wrote the report and the officer's supervisor stand by the report.

* While serving on the El Paso city council, O'Rourke married the daughter of real estate mogul William Sanders, and then proceeded to support his new father-in-law and business partner Sanders' plan to impose eminent domain to convert a depressed area of El Paso into a business district. The initiative faced opposition from small businesses and Chicano activists who did not want some parts of the historic El Segundo Barrio neighborhood to be gentrified. This opposition managed to block part of the plan.

* As a Representative in the U.S. House, O'Rourke was one of only eight members of the House to vote against funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, and he was one of only a handful of members who boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress.

* In 2014, O'Rourke opposed Obama's deferred action policy that used an executive order, i.e., DACA, to bypass Congress in order to spare approximately 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. He said, "the motive is noble, but the means are really hard to stomach." The motive was "noble"? It's "noble" to ignore the law and refuse to deport people who have entered our country illegally? Anyway, O'Rourke has since flip-flopped and declared that DACA was the right thing to do.

* Earlier this year, O'Rourke joined the far left in calling Benjamin Netanyahu a "racist."

* In February of this year, O'Rourke announced that he would "absolutely" take down the border wall in El Paso, even though Customs and Border Patrol agents have said the wall has made their job easier.

* A few weeks ago, after O'Rourke released his tax returns, it came to light that O'Rourke and his wife gave just 0.3% of their $366,455 income to charity in 2017, i.e., they gave one-third of 1%. In 2016, they gave only 0.2% of their income to charity, or only two-tenths of 1%. When asked about his stingy giving at a campaign event, O'Rourke actually said that his campaign appearances were a form of charitable giving! Even some liberals mocked that claim.

* After radical Muslim Ilhan Omar, a U.S. Representative from Minnesota, described 9/11 as "some people did something" while speaking to the pro-Hamas group CAIR, O'Rourke actually defended Omar and repeated his charge that Israel's prime minister is a racist.

Beto O'Rourke - Wikipedia


Beto O'Rourke thinks his "immeasurable" public service was worth a lot more than just giving to charity

Beto O'Rourke: I Would "Absolutely Take The Wall Down" In El Paso

Reuters reporter takes heat for sitting on Beto O’Rourke hacker story until after Senate race against Cruz

Brett Kavanaugh vs. Beto O'Rourke's Past -- Media Treatment Very Different | National Review

Congratulations. You've convinced all the right wing nut bags. Now, you should try to come up with something to convince sane people to not vote for him.
O'Rourke was one of only eight members of the House to vote against funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, and he was one of only a handful of members who boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress. Earlier this year, O'Rourke joined the far left in calling Benjamin Netanyahu a "racist.
^^^^^ That makes me want to vote for him. .... :cool:
O'Rourke was one of only eight members of the House to vote against funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, and he was one of only a handful of members who boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress. Earlier this year, O'Rourke joined the far left in calling Benjamin Netanyahu a "racist.

^^^^^ That makes me want to vote for him. .... :cool:

That's because you're a radical. I'm guessing you have nothing critical to say about the murderous thugs who run Hamas and Hezbollah, much less about the thousands of Palestinians they have killed because those Palestinians did not buy into their anti-Semitic racism and hatred of Israel.
O'Rourke has admitted that he stole long-distance phone service during his teen years in order to use his dial-up modem.
Such an awful human being.

He should be in prison doing life. .... :rolleyes:

Of course, who cares about stealing?! Right?

How about his lyrics about killing kids? No problem for you, right? I mean, since you back Hamas, you must not have any problem with blowing up buses with school kids in them, as long as they are Jewish kids, right?

How about his DWI and leaving the scene of the accident? No biggie for you, right?
How about his DWI and leaving the scene of the accident? No biggie for you, right?

One witness said he thought that Beto was leaving the scene of the accident. He was not charged with it, it is just a blurb in the report.
How about his DWI and leaving the scene of the accident? No biggie for you, right?
Charges against him leaving the scene were dropped.

Try again...... :cool:

Oh, well! Since the charges were dropped, that must mean it never happened! The police just got it all wrong. Yeah, right. Jussie Smollett is innocent too, right?

Let me see: Mueller declines to recommend indictment against Trump, but he's still guilty, whereas the fact that the charges were dropped against O'Rourke means he's innocent. Got it.
How about his DWI and leaving the scene of the accident? No biggie for you, right?
Charges against him leaving the scene were dropped.

Try again...... :cool:

Oh, well! Since the charges were dropped, that must mean it never happened! The police just got it all wrong.

The police never said it happened, a single witness said he thought it looked like Beto was leaving...even the witness was not sure.
Beto’s Latest Campaign Rally


35 people!

At the University of Las Vegas, Nevada

I never saw one mention of his coming here on local TV. Not one.

Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV,” Emma Kinery, a Bloomberg reporter tweeted. “The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school.”

Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV. The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school. — Emma Kinery (@EmmaKinery) April 26, 2019
And the media is beginning to ignore him.

More @ A Couple Dozen People Go To Beto Campaign Event
Beto’s Latest Campaign Rally


35 people!

At the University of Las Vegas, Nevada

I never saw one mention of his coming here on local TV. Not one.

Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV,” Emma Kinery, a Bloomberg reporter tweeted. “The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school.”

Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV. The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school. — Emma Kinery (@EmmaKinery) April 26, 2019
And the media is beginning to ignore him.

More @ A Couple Dozen People Go To Beto Campaign Event

did anyone really think he had a chance at the nomination?
Is Beto O'Rourke really the kind of person we want in the White House? If you found out the facts below about someone else, would you hire them? Would you want your daughter to date them, much less marry them? Consider these facts about him:

* As a teenager, O'Rourke was a member of the computer hacker group Cult of the Dead Cow. The group "is notorious for releasing tools that allowed ordinary people to hack computers running Microsoft’s Windows." O'Rourke has admitted that he stole long-distance phone service during his teen years in order to use his dial-up modem.

* O'Rourke wrote numerous poems and other texts for Cult of the Dead Cow. One piece O'Rourke authored during this period referred to "scene sluts" who form relationships with members of bands. Another is written "from the perspective of a narrator who confronts a feeling of boredom and aimlessness by going on a killing spree, including hitting children with a car." Would you let your daughter date someone whose mind had produced such violent, sick garbage?

By the way, this damaging information about O'Rourke did not come to light until after O'Rourke lost the Texas U.S. Senate race to Ted Cruz. A Reuters reporter discovered the information but sat on it until after the election. How's that for journalistic integrity?!

* On May 19, 1995, O'Rourke and his friends jumped over a fence at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) physical plant, and were arrested by the UTEP police for burglary. He was held in jail overnight and posted bail the following day. He was initially charged with burglary, but prosecutors dropped the case against O'Rourke and his friends in February 1996 when UTEP declined to pursue the charges. The police report indicates that when police arrived O'Rourke attempted to flee from the scene.

* O'Rourke was arrested for driving while intoxicated on September 27, 1998, at 3:00 a.m. on Interstate 10 in Anthony, Texas. The charges were dismissed in October 1999 after he completed a court-recommended DWI program.

* During a TV debate in September 2018, O'Rourke was asked by the moderator about a statement by a motorist in the police report that said O'Rourke tried to leave the scene of the accident. O'Rourke denied that he had attempted to leave the scene. He claimed that the police report was in error and that the passenger in his vehicle supported his version of the events (gee, what a surprise, since otherwise that passenger could be charged as an accessory to a crime). The officer who wrote the report and the officer's supervisor stand by the report.

* While serving on the El Paso city council, O'Rourke married the daughter of real estate mogul William Sanders, and then proceeded to support his new father-in-law and business partner Sanders' plan to impose eminent domain to convert a depressed area of El Paso into a business district. The initiative faced opposition from small businesses and Chicano activists who did not want some parts of the historic El Segundo Barrio neighborhood to be gentrified. This opposition managed to block part of the plan.

* As a Representative in the U.S. House, O'Rourke was one of only eight members of the House to vote against funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, and he was one of only a handful of members who boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress.

* In 2014, O'Rourke opposed Obama's deferred action policy that used an executive order, i.e., DACA, to bypass Congress in order to spare approximately 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. He said, "the motive is noble, but the means are really hard to stomach." The motive was "noble"? It's "noble" to ignore the law and refuse to deport people who have entered our country illegally? Anyway, O'Rourke has since flip-flopped and declared that DACA was the right thing to do.

* Earlier this year, O'Rourke joined the far left in calling Benjamin Netanyahu a "racist."

* In February of this year, O'Rourke announced that he would "absolutely" take down the border wall in El Paso, even though Customs and Border Patrol agents have said the wall has made their job easier.

* A few weeks ago, after O'Rourke released his tax returns, it came to light that O'Rourke and his wife gave just 0.3% of their $366,455 income to charity in 2017, i.e., they gave one-third of 1%. In 2016, they gave only 0.2% of their income to charity, or only two-tenths of 1%. When asked about his stingy giving at a campaign event, O'Rourke actually said that his campaign appearances were a form of charitable giving! Even some liberals mocked that claim.

* After radical Muslim Ilhan Omar, a U.S. Representative from Minnesota, described 9/11 as "some people did something" while speaking to the pro-Hamas group CAIR, O'Rourke actually defended Omar and repeated his charge that Israel's prime minister is a racist.

Beto O'Rourke - Wikipedia


Beto O'Rourke thinks his "immeasurable" public service was worth a lot more than just giving to charity

Beto O'Rourke: I Would "Absolutely Take The Wall Down" In El Paso

Reuters reporter takes heat for sitting on Beto O’Rourke hacker story until after Senate race against Cruz

Brett Kavanaugh vs. Beto O'Rourke's Past -- Media Treatment Very Different | National Review

Wouldn't it be fun to watch Trump knock this guy around....considering that guy couldn't even beat Ted Cruz with the entire left wing, Borg Collective pumping money and resources into the race?
I already hate ROBERT O'Rourke (I fucking refuse to play his self-hating-white fake Mexican game) for his open borders, self-loathing-American guilt. I don't need to know anything more about that puerile son of a syphilitic whore, I 100% oppose that pig for that reason alone.
I almost forgot another reason to hate O'Rourke: that stupid vapid, vacant, distant-eyed, bubble-brained liberal grin. You know the "liberal grin" I mean, Justin Trudeau and Pope Franny-the-Foot-Fetishist wear it like a tattoo. It's that bullshit grin of someone trying to sell you something that you don't need, you can't afford, that's overpriced and doesn't work.
I am less concerned about his past than I am about what he wants for America.

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