Some happy news for 2019

Indeed. It takes a sick f••• like Tainted Tommy to celebrate an innocent child being placed under the control of mentally- and morally-defective sexual deviants. Of course, it fits right in with his defense of the Islamist child-rape gangs that infest his country.

This is what evil looks like.
I guess it's for the best that when tour nation has been judged, that the population be oblivious to its near future.

The libs, including the homos will be the first casualties
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.

Do you pitch or catch Tammy?
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.
Yep. congratulations.
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.

I have a son and a daughter...we are quite blessed. Both need a loving mother, but particularly a daughter does. The person a child most relates to in life, and most looks up to, is the same sex parent. When there is no same sex parent there--I can't imagine what goes on.
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.

I have a son and a daughter...we are quite blessed. Both need a loving mother, but particularly a daughter does. The person a child most relates to in life, and most looks up to, is the same sex parent. When there is no same sex parent there--I can't imagine what goes on.
Family life I would think.
Such is rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.
They are happy to see kids killed at the border but froth over a baby welcomed into a loving family. Classy.
yours is a very stupid post
gays raise their kids as the same crap as the blacks:
we are VICTIMS/oppressed/etc
our civil rights are violated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the gays raise their kids to be HATEFUL and intolerant
so their kids grow up to be jackasses
Like other minority groups, people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender (LGBT) may experience prejudice and discrimination. Research indicates that mental health problems, misuse of alcohol and other drugs, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors are more common in this group than in the general population.1
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Transgender People | Suicide Prevention Resource Center
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Such is rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.
They are happy to see kids killed at the border but froth over a baby welcomed into a loving family. Classy.
Could it be something else, Tommy? In 200 years, people will forget the ones who brought migrants over here. These people already prefer to live in communities that speak a language that is foreign, who remain a lifetime hanging with only people who speak that language. The black people who came over here had no choice, but after being freed, they had no one to cling to except each other, and to this day, we have ghettos in which respected elders, who remember parents who were not allowed to stay in the same hotels, eat in the same restaurants, and even who could be singled out for disaster if even one of them looked sideways at a white woman, and while they were at it, their white adversaries bonded together and would harass black voters to the point they'd not care to vote again for years to come, if not forever.

Some fear the induction of people who don't care for English and who regard whites as gringos would lead to a future war over their civil rights. It's criminal when a native group bonds together and fights back at human fear, mass groupthink, etc. A race war just isn't something people want to write home about, not to mention that nature is profound in its bonding with like kinds. We see groups of birds that share DNA that have beautiful blue bodies and narrow beaks, and they do not form bonds with red birds that squawk at other birds when provoked (visit the same bird feeders) for that free food. And they do not mate between subgroups.

Some people are blonde with blue eyes, which in America, resulted in a kind of male cult desire to be permanently with blonde-haired, blue-eyed women, so other women just dyed their hair blonde, wore sunglasses, and later on purchased eyewear that made their eyes appear any shade of color they chose. When the children didn't turn out to be blonde-haired blue eyed replicas of the cult objective, well, a lot of divorces went down in human society in America, and importing blonde-haired women from Nordic and Russian backgrounds became the vogue for satisfying this cult desire, And--I'm sorry, this is difficult for me to bring up--disappointed some women with darker hair and eyes that did not refract the color of the clear day, since they went unnoticed by the blond guys they were attracted to, and they felt close to the adults who brought them into the world, at least one of whom shared hair color not like autumn wheat and eyes that were not crystal skies. Like a blue bird born red, they'd wind up outside the flock they grew up in.

The fear some have of inducting massive numbers of people who don't look the norm is just like the bird world--a lot of disappointment when a white person falls in love with a person of another color because the heart doesn't always look on the color of skin or the color of eyes, but in how one is treated by another person. Others, it's the blond hair blue eyes bond of attachment that produces young that also are blue-eyed blondes. The world saw a WWII that let a lot of blood because a group of dark-eyed, dark-haired people of Jewish extraction earned or inherited so much wealth by their hard work, inventions, intellect, and enthusiasm, who generally learned to interact with only the members of their own kind based on wealth, which angered others who were not invited into the Aryan community in central Europe, so killing them all, especially by taking away their wealth resulted in a plan to rid them of non-Aryan blooded people who seemed to pool all of the wealth, leaving them anger with the flip flop of monetary wealth to foreigners who'd learned to intermarry only with each other, did not open their bank accounts to give away surpluses based on being blond-headed, blue-eyed Aryans, etc. etc. etc.

Some people can't adapt to takeover by a group that is smart. Look again at the people coming over the border. Black hair. Dark eyes. Intelligence of being bilingual. Strong family ties that make them think of their parents back home in another country, so they mail 3/4 of their paychecks back to "help" which results in going to America by the younger family members who now have an anchor family in a land that accepts everyone, but individuals who want their young to have blue eyes, blond hair, etc., and they don't have to bother with relatives who irritate them by rattling off interpersonal insults in another tongue.

Are we different from the blue birds and the red birds? You can talk till you're blue in the face about loving each other, but it's hard to assimilate different people who do not look the norm, do not speak the norm, and who may be smarter to the norm because their brains grow when they are bilingual--grow to be problem-solvers, engineers, architects, inventors, and people who overcome every difference except one--the way they look, the way they worship, the friends they make when growing up, their political popularity, and all this other part of being human.

We seem doomed to another race war, because of how people feel inside, and when a racial group separates itself either by language, by skin or eye color, by faith fueled by human arrogance/feelings of superiority, and the same feeling by educational, social, financial, personality traits, family inheritances, etc., it worries some people who have histories dating back to Neanderthal times is that too much assimilation of too many unlike kind will result in another civil war in which identification is impossible, and intermarriages are often frowned upon by both sides of the families.

There are worries that people inured into a society that has huge corruption at the top and masses of humanity at the bottom, their societal pyramid is flatter, with fewer at the top of the financial level and more masses at the poor bottom than workers in an antbed, that is bringing in something that will not be overcome without a civil war which will make the Alamo look like a fair fight.

We shouldn't be so small-minded, but human history says that we are. And present technology could make wars of the past look like humanitarian events. Just look at Russia. At one end of the spectrum there, the arts are among the most beautiful experiences known to mankind. But in WWII, their group-to-replace-all Czars, the Bolsheviks, secretly did away with 20,000,000 Russian citizens while the world was zeroing in on Hitler's blitzkrieg to eliminate all species but the Aryan race on the surface, and a kill-them-all attitude toward not only Jews, but people Hitler's hitman group decided were undesirable--people born with handicaps, deformities, mentally ill, etc. And while WWII was going on, dictatorships around the world were happy to have the watchdogs on leashes while militant groups did away with people they hated or didn't want their grandchildren associated with.

So ya, we got a lotta stuff to work out, if Mexico wants to infiltrate here, we are worried that we, too, will have 10 superrich drug lords overseeing gazabillions of peasants they would make out of Americans 300 years down the line. Remember the Aztecs? We really don'[t know what happened to them, but my guess is they had a rich king, and everybody else bowed down to him alone or had all their family sent to the human sacrificial altars high in the mountains, where nobody came back from who went there. Somehow they "disappeared." Did the peasants uprise in massive groups until only one was left to rule? Were the complex architectural structures so hated the natives left decided to let that culture go to the ruins of jungle overtake? Not sure how that happened without so little known as to how it all ended, but archaeologists have unburied buildings still standing but obfuscated for millenia by natural reclamation and human avoidance. Nature? Greed? Hatred of who ruled from there? Flat earth stuff? We speculate.

I just don't know, Tommy. All I know is what I believe about the good book--that we need to not look at people from the outside, that we should welcome the oppressed, and that we should try to get along with each other. I'm not defending what I cannot quite wrap my mind around, but the founders did. They agreed and disagreed about a lot of things, but in the long run, they determined that forming an alliance with other states unlike their own, with all their proclivities, was the one and only way they could get rid of issues like taxation without representation. They even reminded us that we'd get into a lot of trouble if we started taxing people, so they liberated Americans from paying a strong central government like a monarchy, taxes that relieved them from a chance at wealth. We preferred power to individual wealth, which also has its seamy side.

I'm not so sure how forcing everybody to pay a high price through taxation is worth it. It sure puts the not-rich and not-poor middle class at a lower level, when you take their money and chance at improvement financially away from them.You have to do that to have the power to bring millions of people a year to turn America into one huge antbed society that satisfied every little need the founders' parents never had. The prospects of being second-class citizens to people thousands of miles and over a vast sea away who were perceived as rich and fat was so repugnant to them that it even made Benjamin Franklin miserable. So miserable, he supported anti-slavery but conceded his personal wishes to accept the Southern states whose contributions were needed to fight off the Brits when America expropriated their investments the day the Declaration of Independence was signed as a precursor with war against their haughty employers of royal blood who were pinching them for cash to support wars with Continental royals.

So much for that. Pardon my essay on not very much, but the way I see it, we have a battle going on inside our hearts and minds of men who do not want to pay more taxes to support the issue of other governments to make us pay by pushing out their undesirables to prevent their own discomfort of (1) prisoner correction, (2) make somebody else feed their poor, and (3) stupid gringos deserve bad crap.

You can give me the gong now. But my heart breaks to think of how cruel it is for people who have no chance to improve themselves by staying in a country that will not employ them nor allow them to move up, and it seems that closing the door will force the kingpins of that country to share or show their true murderous colors rather than to solve their own problem civilly by eliminating peasantry and supporting their own with education and opportunities. That may mean giving up a proportion of their economy to eliminate Mexican poverty and bitterness about all that it takes away from people who mend their garments.
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.

So, you live your life vicariously through celebrities.
Not really, but Ricky Martin is a good bloke and I am pleased for him and his partner.
I almost fell out of my seat knowing that 2 faggots in England have very little time left before the Radical Muslims catch up with them and do what radicals do. I wonder if they will be tossed off the Parliament building or Tower of London?
Gay hating Muslims differ from gay hating Republicans in what way?
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.
Hey Tommy, you better get your country in order soon, that Allah ooh akbar is going to be the death of you. 1 is born 3 stabbed. Net -2 Muslims will be the majority in parliament and then you will really be fucked...Rag head lover.

Manchester stabbings: UK police raid house, quiz suspect
LONDON — Police in the English city of Manchester are quizzing a suspect and searching a house for clues about the "terror-related" stabbings of three people at a train station on New Year's Eve.

The attack Monday night by a knife-wielding man yelling Islamic slogans brought terrorism back to Manchester after a 19-month hiatus. It took place at a key transport hub right next to the Manchester Arena, where 22 people were killed in an attack on an Ariana Grande concert in May 2017.

Stay safe you cowardly fuck. 13 gun deaths already this year in the US.

I just wonder how twisted you have to be to not celebrate this event ?

Worry about your own country murder rate...
So, you live your life vicariously through celebrities.
Not really, but Ricky Martin is a good bloke and I am pleased for him and his partner.
I almost fell out of my seat knowing that 2 faggots in England have very little time left before the Radical Muslims catch up with them and do what radicals do. I wonder if they will be tossed off the Parliament building or Tower of London?

Well you wont be there to see it will you ya cowardly fuck ?
Nope, wont be anywhere near that shithole city called London. Why on earth would I go to a place that caters to radical Muslims? I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, got my fill of Muslims, and I sure dont need to be around their smelly shit anymore. You rag head lover, who wants faggots to die by death from falling...
You wont go because you are a scaredy cat. I can smell you from over here.
Not scared, just very wise. Big difference you fucking worthless retard...
Such is rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.
They are happy to see kids killed at the border but froth over a baby welcomed into a loving family. Classy.

Are you trying to say that I'm "happy" to see kids killed at the border, Tommy the Tick-brain? No consternation over the actual people who took little kids on such journeys with no food, water, transportation or shelter? Can I come there and invade your country solely on the excuse that if you don't let me in and let me then rob your houses and rape your women, it might cause me some discomfort or even get me killed, so better to just let me do it? Is that what is left of the once great British Empire? Seems to me that the wall would prevent all that because then they would be dying on Mexican soil making it THEIR problem;---- ---- then you could be moaning that Mexico should have given them greater access to aid, water, food and healthcare at THEIR expense. Never mind the governments of the countries where these people came from, no responsibility THERE, right, ass bag?

But we froth over a baby welcomed into a loving family? WAIT A MINUTE, are you talking about all the babies aborted by the Left never given a chance to even live? BETTER WAKE UP, Tom Tom, it is the terrible Right Wing that always fights against Planned Parenthood defending children, not you. Just remember, all we need to do is cut off or disrupt the Gulf Stream and we can turn your lousy little rainy island into hip-deep snow-bound northern Canada. Suck on that, Limey.
I wonder how long until that little girl is crying for her mommy and her mommy's milk since a baby most definitely can't get such a thing from a guy...or another guy.

God bless you and her always!!!



So do you say the same thing about adopted children? Are adopted children crying for their mommy's milk and are the adoptive parents denying them?

What about the millions of other women who can't produce milk for their babies?

What about my whole generation? Our mothers were given pills to dry them up and told to not breast feed, use formula. Were our mom's denying us?

Do you realize what you say when you type it?

Just because you don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle doesn't give you the right to post such garbage lies.

That girl will not be crying for her mommy or her mommy's milk. She will be loved and cherished. All her needs will be provided and more. As all children should be.

Obviously you're too full of hate to see how down right disgusting your words are.
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.
Hey Tommy, you better get your country in order soon, that Allah ooh akbar is going to be the death of you. 1 is born 3 stabbed. Net -2 Muslims will be the majority in parliament and then you will really be fucked...Rag head lover.

Manchester stabbings: UK police raid house, quiz suspect
LONDON — Police in the English city of Manchester are quizzing a suspect and searching a house for clues about the "terror-related" stabbings of three people at a train station on New Year's Eve.

The attack Monday night by a knife-wielding man yelling Islamic slogans brought terrorism back to Manchester after a 19-month hiatus. It took place at a key transport hub right next to the Manchester Arena, where 22 people were killed in an attack on an Ariana Grande concert in May 2017.

Stay safe you cowardly fuck. 13 gun deaths already this year in the US.

I just wonder how twisted you have to be to not celebrate this event ?

Worry about your own country murder rate...
Worried that it may hit 50% of the American rate.

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