Some happy news for 2019

I wonder how long until that little girl is crying for her mommy and her mommy's milk since a baby most definitely can't get such a thing from a guy...or another guy.

God bless you and her always!!!


So do you say the same thing about adopted children? Are adopted children crying for their mommy's milk and are the adoptive parents denying them?

What about the millions of other women who can't produce milk for their babies?

What about my whole generation? Our mothers were given pills to dry them up and told to not breast feed, use formula. Were our mom's denying us?

Do you realize what you say when you type it?

Just because you don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle doesn't give you the right to post such garbage lies.

That girl will not be crying for her mommy or her mommy's milk. She will be loved and cherished. All her needs will be provided and more. As all children should be.

Obviously you're too full of hate to see how down right disgusting your words are.
Wow, if I am considered to be such a hateful person, what kind of name do we give the guy who opened fire at that club place made for homosexual people down in Florida a couple of years ago? Have you ever seen me cheer lead his choice of action? Never and so therefore maybe I am not the hateful person that you are trying to paint me.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for me spewing garbage lies as you call them, what makes you think that kids who are stuck with same gender parents don't go crying at least once for whoever is missing in their lives? How can two male parents be enough for a girl who is starting to go through her period for example when them two guys have never once experienced such a thing?
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I wonder how long until that little girl is crying for her mommy and her mommy's milk since a baby most definitely can't get such a thing from a guy...or another guy.

God bless you and her always!!!



So do you say the same thing about adopted children? Are adopted children crying for their mommy's milk and are the adoptive parents denying them?

What about the millions of other women who can't produce milk for their babies?

What about my whole generation? Our mothers were given pills to dry them up and told to not breast feed, use formula. Were our mom's denying us?

Do you realize what you say when you type it?

Just because you don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle doesn't give you the right to post such garbage lies.

That girl will not be crying for her mommy or her mommy's milk. She will be loved and cherished. All her needs will be provided and more. As all children should be.

Obviously you're too full of hate to see how down right disgusting your words are.
Marginalization of events is how a liberal will justify the 2 faggots having a baby girl. Just because "some" women cant, means that men who cant are okay.
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.
Hey Tommy, you better get your country in order soon, that Allah ooh akbar is going to be the death of you. 1 is born 3 stabbed. Net -2 Muslims will be the majority in parliament and then you will really be fucked...Rag head lover.

Manchester stabbings: UK police raid house, quiz suspect
LONDON — Police in the English city of Manchester are quizzing a suspect and searching a house for clues about the "terror-related" stabbings of three people at a train station on New Year's Eve.

The attack Monday night by a knife-wielding man yelling Islamic slogans brought terrorism back to Manchester after a 19-month hiatus. It took place at a key transport hub right next to the Manchester Arena, where 22 people were killed in an attack on an Ariana Grande concert in May 2017.

Stay safe you cowardly fuck. 13 gun deaths already this year in the US.

I just wonder how twisted you have to be to not celebrate this event ?

Worry about your own country murder rate...
Worried that it may hit 50% of the American rate.
You know Tommy, you call me chicken, yet I know when I walk out my front door, I have nothing to worry about if some Radical Moooslim decides to go "Allah ooh Akbar" on my ass, while you , who cannot be armed, has to be chicken shit by calling me a name, because your government doesnt allow you to be free. I see it all the time from pansy ass liberals who have their rights denied in the inner cities of America where most of the killing fields are. So have fun in that Islamic city, but watch out for Box Trucks, and Machete wielding Brits. In America, if someone has a desire to force their radical religion of Islam on me, I will gladly send them to Allah...
I wonder how long until that little girl is crying for her mommy and her mommy's milk since a baby most definitely can't get such a thing from a guy...or another guy.

God bless you and her always!!!


So do you say the same thing about adopted children? Are adopted children crying for their mommy's milk and are the adoptive parents denying them?

What about the millions of other women who can't produce milk for their babies?

What about my whole generation? Our mothers were given pills to dry them up and told to not breast feed, use formula. Were our mom's denying us?

Do you realize what you say when you type it?

Just because you don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle doesn't give you the right to post such garbage lies.

That girl will not be crying for her mommy or her mommy's milk. She will be loved and cherished. All her needs will be provided and more. As all children should be.

Obviously you're too full of hate to see how down right disgusting your words are.
Wow, if I am considered to be such a hateful person, what kind of name do we give the guy who opened fire at that club place made for homosexual people down in Florida a couple of years ago? Have you ever seen me cheer lead his choice of action? Never and so therefore maybe I am not the hateful person that you are trying to paint me.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for me spewing garbage lies as you call them, what makes you think that kids who are stuck with same gender parents don't go crying at least once for whoever is missing in their lives? How can two male parents be enough for a girl who is starting to go through her period for example when them two guys have never once experienced such a thing?

Your deflecting doesn't work with me.

Answer my questions. Or are you too dishonest and afraid to do so?

You are full of hate for anyone who isn't like you. You post such disgusting and horrible things about people who aren't like you.

However when you post such things you're also insulting heterosexual couples too,. Heterosexual moms sometimes can't produce enough milk to feed their child. Are they denying their child?

Most adoptive parents have gone through hell that fertile couples will never know. They actually wanted that child. They went through home studies and other required steps to adopt a child. They've paid thousands of dollars and emotions of going through hell just to love a child. Yet because the woman can't breast feed that child, that child is crying out for it's mommy and mommy's milk? So much for advocating adoption over abortion. According to you since that adoptive mom can't breast feed that child, she's denying that child something though you never say what it is. According to you, that adoptive mom shouldn't be able to have a child to love because she can't breast feed that child.

What about children whose mom has died? Is she denying her child their mommy and mommy's milk?

Do you see what your words mean and do to people?

Do you even know what makes a real family? DNA and blood are just liquid. What makes a family is unconditional love, commitment, trust, honesty, support and a long list of things you obviously don't have a clue about.

Being able to breast feed a child doesn't make a parent. Nor does being a heterosexual make a person a parent.

Obviously you don't understand what real love and commitment are.
I wonder how long until that little girl is crying for her mommy and her mommy's milk since a baby most definitely can't get such a thing from a guy...or another guy.

God bless you and her always!!!


So do you say the same thing about adopted children? Are adopted children crying for their mommy's milk and are the adoptive parents denying them?

What about the millions of other women who can't produce milk for their babies?

What about my whole generation? Our mothers were given pills to dry them up and told to not breast feed, use formula. Were our mom's denying us?

Do you realize what you say when you type it?

Just because you don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle doesn't give you the right to post such garbage lies.

That girl will not be crying for her mommy or her mommy's milk. She will be loved and cherished. All her needs will be provided and more. As all children should be.

Obviously you're too full of hate to see how down right disgusting your words are.
Wow, if I am considered to be such a hateful person, what kind of name do we give the guy who opened fire at that club place made for homosexual people down in Florida a couple of years ago? Have you ever seen me cheer lead his choice of action? Never and so therefore maybe I am not the hateful person that you are trying to paint me.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for me spewing garbage lies as you call them, what makes you think that kids who are stuck with same gender parents don't go crying at least once for whoever is missing in their lives? How can two male parents be enough for a girl who is starting to go through her period for example when them two guys have never once experienced such a thing?

Your deflecting doesn't work with me.

Answer my questions. Or are you too dishonest and afraid to do so?

You are full of hate for anyone who isn't like you. You post such disgusting and horrible things about people who aren't like you.

However when you post such things you're also insulting heterosexual couples too,. Heterosexual moms sometimes can't produce enough milk to feed their child. Are they denying their child?

Most adoptive parents have gone through hell that fertile couples will never know. They actually wanted that child. They went through home studies and other required steps to adopt a child. They've paid thousands of dollars and emotions of going through hell just to love a child. Yet because the woman can't breast feed that child, that child is crying out for it's mommy and mommy's milk? So much for advocating adoption over abortion. According to you since that adoptive mom can't breast feed that child, she's denying that child something though you never say what it is. According to you, that adoptive mom shouldn't be able to have a child to love because she can't breast feed that child.

What about children whose mom has died? Is she denying her child their mommy and mommy's milk?

Do you see what your words mean and do to people?

Do you even know what makes a real family? DNA and blood are just liquid. What makes a family is unconditional love, commitment, trust, honesty, support and a long list of things you obviously don't have a clue about.

Being able to breast feed a child doesn't make a parent. Nor does being a heterosexual make a person a parent.

Obviously you don't understand what real love and commitment are.
You do understand that there is a bonding between a newborn and its natural parents? That an adoptive child may love its adopted parents but cannot have a complete bond because of the chemical underlaying, which is why later on adopted children look for their biological parents.

Maternal bond - Wikipedia
Production of oxytocin during childbirth and lactation increases parasympathetic activity. Thus, anxiety is theoretically reduced. Maternal oxytocin circulation is said to predispose women to bond and show bonding behavior,[5][6] although this has been disputed.[7]

Breastfeeding is also strongly believed to foster the bond, via touch, response and mutual gazing.[8]
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.
Hey Tommy, you better get your country in order soon, that Allah ooh akbar is going to be the death of you. 1 is born 3 stabbed. Net -2 Muslims will be the majority in parliament and then you will really be fucked...Rag head lover.

Manchester stabbings: UK police raid house, quiz suspect
LONDON — Police in the English city of Manchester are quizzing a suspect and searching a house for clues about the "terror-related" stabbings of three people at a train station on New Year's Eve.

The attack Monday night by a knife-wielding man yelling Islamic slogans brought terrorism back to Manchester after a 19-month hiatus. It took place at a key transport hub right next to the Manchester Arena, where 22 people were killed in an attack on an Ariana Grande concert in May 2017.

Stay safe you cowardly fuck. 13 gun deaths already this year in the US.

I just wonder how twisted you have to be to not celebrate this event ?
Knowing that these children will grow up in a degenerate and perverted household is nothing to celebrate. How twisted do you have to be to be happy that these children will never know the touch of a loving mother? That's pretty damn twisted.
I wonder how long until that little girl is crying for her mommy and her mommy's milk since a baby most definitely can't get such a thing from a guy...or another guy.

God bless you and her always!!!


So do you say the same thing about adopted children? Are adopted children crying for their mommy's milk and are the adoptive parents denying them?

What about the millions of other women who can't produce milk for their babies?

What about my whole generation? Our mothers were given pills to dry them up and told to not breast feed, use formula. Were our mom's denying us?

Do you realize what you say when you type it?

Just because you don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle doesn't give you the right to post such garbage lies.

That girl will not be crying for her mommy or her mommy's milk. She will be loved and cherished. All her needs will be provided and more. As all children should be.

Obviously you're too full of hate to see how down right disgusting your words are.
Wow, if I am considered to be such a hateful person, what kind of name do we give the guy who opened fire at that club place made for homosexual people down in Florida a couple of years ago? Have you ever seen me cheer lead his choice of action? Never and so therefore maybe I am not the hateful person that you are trying to paint me.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for me spewing garbage lies as you call them, what makes you think that kids who are stuck with same gender parents don't go crying at least once for whoever is missing in their lives? How can two male parents be enough for a girl who is starting to go through her period for example when them two guys have never once experienced such a thing?
Your deflecting doesn't work with me.

Answer my questions. Or are you too dishonest and afraid to do so?

You are full of hate for anyone who isn't like you. You post such disgusting and horrible things about people who aren't like you.

However when you post such things you're also insulting heterosexual couples too,. Heterosexual moms sometimes can't produce enough milk to feed their child. Are they denying their child?

Most adoptive parents have gone through hell that fertile couples will never know. They actually wanted that child. They went through home studies and other required steps to adopt a child. They've paid thousands of dollars and emotions of going through hell just to love a child. Yet because the woman can't breast feed that child, that child is crying out for it's mommy and mommy's milk? So much for advocating adoption over abortion. According to you since that adoptive mom can't breast feed that child, she's denying that child something though you never say what it is. According to you, that adoptive mom shouldn't be able to have a child to love because she can't breast feed that child.

What about children whose mom has died? Is she denying her child their mommy and mommy's milk?

Do you see what your words mean and do to people?

Do you even know what makes a real family? DNA and blood are just liquid. What makes a family is unconditional love, commitment, trust, honesty, support and a long list of things you obviously don't have a clue about.

Being able to breast feed a child doesn't make a parent. Nor does being a heterosexual make a person a parent.

Obviously you don't understand what real love and commitment are.
Why should I answer anything that you throw out here if you are not going to give anything that I ask the time of day which leads me to another question. If any of Ricky's other kids are boys, how can him and his "other half" teach them boys how to treat a lady when they themselves do not know how to do such a thing? How is them staying within their own a way to treat a woman? To me, staying within your own gender is like saying that creating the other gender was a complete and total waste of time which in my opinion makes it the worst form of prejudice to ever exist on this planet.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I will however address one thing that you have asked. Are mothers who are dead denying their children? If suicide is the reason why they are dead, then yes. If their passing takes place in any other way, then that right there is just fate stepping in sadly which in my opinion is where the dad comes in. Right then is when its time for him to go looking for his kids another lady to be a female presence in their lives.
The boys raised in male single sex households grow up to be confused and dysfunctional men needing extensive therapy. They will simply never learn how to accept and deal with women. They can and do eventually learn the common courtesies of treating women but they can never learn the intracasies of women dealing with one another. Especially a woman and her mother.
Just because you don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle…

Agreeing or disagreeing with an immoral deviant sexual lifestyle is one thing, when it only involves consenting adults.

All sane, decent people ought to be able to agree that under no circumstances is it ever appropriate or acceptable to drag children into that filth.
Knowing that these children will grow up in a degenerate and perverted household is nothing to celebrate. How twisted do you have to be to be happy that these children will never know the touch of a loving mother? That's pretty damn twisted.

He's more twisted than that. You are lecturing someone who has openly taken the side of organized Islamist child-rape gangs in his own country; and condemned one of his own countrymen a a “nazi” and a “bigot” and similar terms, for exposing these gangs and the complicity of the corrupt government over there with those gangs.

Twisted is as twisted does.
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.
Hey Tommy, you better get your country in order soon, that Allah ooh akbar is going to be the death of you. 1 is born 3 stabbed. Net -2 Muslims will be the majority in parliament and then you will really be fucked...Rag head lover.

Manchester stabbings: UK police raid house, quiz suspect
LONDON — Police in the English city of Manchester are quizzing a suspect and searching a house for clues about the "terror-related" stabbings of three people at a train station on New Year's Eve.

The attack Monday night by a knife-wielding man yelling Islamic slogans brought terrorism back to Manchester after a 19-month hiatus. It took place at a key transport hub right next to the Manchester Arena, where 22 people were killed in an attack on an Ariana Grande concert in May 2017.

Stay safe you cowardly fuck. 13 gun deaths already this year in the US.

I just wonder how twisted you have to be to not celebrate this event ?

Worry about your own country murder rate...
Worried that it may hit 50% of the American rate.

America is the third largest population in the World. It is made up of fifty states that are ran by Republicans and Democrats.

So as you sit there making your snide remarks what you forget the size of America and deaths will happen.

Now do you have something better to troll with?
Ricky Martin and husband Jwan Yosef welcome baby daughter

Ricky Martin has announced the birth of a baby daughter.

The “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer announced the birth of his first child on New Year’s Day.
The singer, who has been married to Jwan Yosef since January 2018, announced in an Instagram post that the pair had welcomed daughter Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Ricky Martin already has two ten-year-old twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born in 2008 via a surrogate.

In an Instagram post, he said: “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef.

Congratulations to the happy couple.
Why should i care? Millions of people beome parents every day. Oh wait, its because theyre gay, right? I still dont care.

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