some hard facts about Israel

Real Americans are for Israel.

Loser communists are not.

Israel attacked a US ship on purpose then tried to conspire with the us president to sink it and blame it on Egypt. The US ass kissing of Israel has done nothing but create problems for the US
What these neoconservatives seek is to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel. They want the peace of the sword imposed on Islam and American soldiers to die if necessary to impose it."
Try reading a book buy 2 professors on how much power a foreign country has over US politics and elections how not being pro Israel enough can get you taken out of office by aipac cutting off your funding and supporting your opponent. It needs to be AMERICA FIRST your ONLY loyalty should be to America and Americans absolutely no loyalty for a foreign government. He'll look up how many dual Israeli/US citizens are in congress

Hard facts about Israel

Not admissable as evidence as any moron can post any lie on facebook. I could take pictures of children laying dead in the street and claim they are the result of palestinian violence against Jews.
Israel is a terrorist base camp, ruled by sadistic criminals called zionists. ...... :cool:

According to sunni troll who revel's in the blood of the millions of slaughtered innocents by his fellow islamonazi terrorists.

When will you produce the evidence of your claims then sunni troll, or cant you find any yet
So you claim you are getting "hard facts" from Facebook.

Joke of the day.
Do ALL morons troll instead of trying to debate their side of the argument?

Isnt that what you are doing presenting these LIES as hard facts withou any supporting evidence. Most of the video is pallywood productions and shows other than palestinians and Jews
Yet another anti-semitic diatribe attempting to gain legitimacy by claiming to be "factual". Sigh. It hardly deserves a response. But let's take a look at some of these "facts", shall we? Here they are:

Israel was established on the ruins of another nation that she destroyed.

Israel holds the record for the number of villages she ethnically cleansed: 500

Israel holds the record for the number of refugees she deported: 4 million

Israel holds the record for the number of homes she has destroyed: 60,000+

Israel holds the highest number of UN condemnations: 500+

Israel has killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country: 50,000+

Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country: 250,000

Israel has rendered more innocent civilians handicapped per capita than any other country: 50,000

Israel has injured more innocent civilians per capita than any other country: 200,000+

Israel is the only country in the world who denies the right of return of refugees.

Israel is the only country in the world which occupies a whole other country.

Israel is the only country in the world which publicly steals the water of its neighbors.

Israel is the only country in the world which legalized demolishing houses as collective punishment.

Israel is the only country on Earth that deliberately targets civilian infrastructure and justifies it.

Israel is the only country on Earth that has legalized assassination.

Israel is unique in using human shields in military operations.

Israel is the only country to have legalized torture.

Israel is the only country on Earth to build settlements on occupied land.

Israel is the only country on Earth that publicly jails activists without trial.

Israel is the only country in the world on whose checkpoints women, denied access to hospital, give birth, babies usually die.

Israel is the only country on whose checkpoints patients die due to denied access to hospitals.

Israel is one of only two countries to use cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs.

Israel is the only country on whose checkpoints school children, denied access to school, end having their classes.

Israel holds the world's record for the number of soldiers refusing to serve in the army.

Israel is the only country which is building a segregation wall (other than Germany).

Israeli engineers developed the world's first cities turned into jails with gates and opening hours.

Israel developed the world's first "eyes specific" rubber bullets.

Israel developed the world's first abortion efficient, infant killing, tear gas.

Israel is the only country on earth which has a political party that publicly advocates ethnic cleansing of native citizens.

Israel is the only country which still has racist laws which discriminate against its native citizens.

Israel is the only country known to have a memorial to a terrorist.

I left out some of the stupider ones -- like turnstiles being "human cages". Give me a break.

Wrong it was created out of the need for a homeland for the Jews

EVIDENCE from a non partisan unbiased source

EVIDENCE from an unbiased non partisan source

WRONG it is part and parcel of the Geneva Conventions and the USA also does it in iraq, Syria, afghanistan and other areas.

WRONG as the pakistanis are known to have mass murdered 10 million in their land thefts, even Jordan mass murdered more in one month than Israel has managed to kill defending against acts of war in 68 years

WRONG look at the prison population of Russia, China, USA and Saudi


All you are doing is spouting LIES, BLOOD LIBELS and islamonazi propaganda without any supporting evidence, hoping to turn just one person into a raving lunatic to do what you are afraid of doing. You have no hard facts just made up fantasies spread by nazi scum and white supremacists like yourself.
Try reading a book buy 2 professors on how much power a foreign country has over US politics and elections how not being pro Israel enough can get you taken out of office by aipac cutting off your funding and supporting your opponent. It needs to be AMERICA FIRST your ONLY loyalty should be to America and Americans absolutely no loyalty for a foreign government. He'll look up how many dual Israeli/US citizens are in congress

You must be an islamonazi judging by your spelling and lies

The muslims hold more power in the US as shown by the whole wing of F16's given to them along with training to fly them. Then having US military service the wing free of charge.

While you are at it see how many dual or triple islamonazi citizens there are in the US
Real Americans are for Israel.

Loser communists are not.

You can't even give one decent reason the USA should be allies with Israel

For the intelligence that is passed on from Israel so the US is better able to defend against attack, then the R&D they get at cut prices to develop better weapons and armour
Try reading a book buy 2 professors on how much power a foreign country has over US politics and elections how not being pro Israel enough can get you taken out of office by aipac cutting off your funding and supporting your opponent. It needs to be AMERICA FIRST your ONLY loyalty should be to America and Americans absolutely no loyalty for a foreign government. He'll look up how many dual Israeli/US citizens are in congress

You must be an islamonazi judging by your spelling and lies

The muslims hold more power in the US as shown by the whole wing of F16's given to them along with training to fly them. Then having US military service the wing free of charge.

While you are at it see how many dual or triple islamonazi citizens there are in the US

Odious is a real Nazi.
Try reading a book buy 2 professors on how much power a foreign country has over US politics and elections how not being pro Israel enough can get you taken out of office by aipac cutting off your funding and supporting your opponent. It needs to be AMERICA FIRST your ONLY loyalty should be to America and Americans absolutely no loyalty for a foreign government. He'll look up how many dual Israeli/US citizens are in congress

You must be an islamonazi judging by your spelling and lies

The muslims hold more power in the US as shown by the whole wing of F16's given to them along with training to fly them. Then having US military service the wing free of charge.

While you are at it see how many dual or triple islamonazi citizens there are in the US

Odious is a real Nazi.

Of course and like the other real nazi's he will whinge and whine when he is dealt with in the same manner that he advocates we should deal with the Jews. He will cry long and hard over the unfair treatment he is recieving because he is just following orders. There should be an international law to make it illegal to follow the nazi ideology in regards to the minorities like the Jews, disabled and those afflicted with a mental disorder. The punishment should be loss of all property, minimal citizenship rights and a term in prison of not less than 2 years solitary working for the benefit of the home nation.

A large treadmill/wheel connected to an alternator feeding the grid would be suitable exercise, and 6 hour shifts driving the power generator would not be too harsh

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