Some Hispanic Americans hope law deters illegal immigration


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Sue Schwartz says she's been called a racist so many times she doesn't mind the label anymore. If wanting immigrants to enter the country legally, like her great-grandparents from Mexico, and obey the laws of the land makes her racist, then so be it, she says firmly.

"I'm getting to the point I wear it with pride," says Schwartz, a lifelong Arizonan who has warily watched the growth of the illegal immigrant population in the state over the course of her life.

About 500,000 unauthorized immigrants were believed to live in Arizona in 2008, and 11.9 million nationwide, up from 3.5 million nationwide in 1990, according to a Pew Hispanic Center report published in 2009.

This year, the tide is finally turning in her favor, she says, with the passage of SB 1070, aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration.

The new law requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they're in the United States illegally.

Read the full text of Senate Bill 1070 (PDF)

"I hope it makes a lot of them leave on their own, self-deportation. Hopefully that'll open up more jobs. There's a lot of people here who will do menial jobs -- maybe not pick lettuce, but these people aren't just picking lettuce any more," says Schwartz.

The new law also targets those who hire illegal immigrant day laborers or knowingly transport them.
Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Sue Schwartz says she's been called a racist so many times she doesn't mind the label anymore. If wanting immigrants to enter the country legally, like her great-grandparents from Mexico, and obey the laws of the land makes her racist, then so be it, she says firmly.

"I'm getting to the point I wear it with pride," says Schwartz, a lifelong Arizonan who has warily watched the growth of the illegal immigrant population in the state over the course of her life.

About 500,000 unauthorized immigrants were believed to live in Arizona in 2008, and 11.9 million nationwide, up from 3.5 million nationwide in 1990, according to a Pew Hispanic Center report published in 2009.

This year, the tide is finally turning in her favor, she says, with the passage of SB 1070, aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration.

The new law requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they're in the United States illegally.

Read the full text of Senate Bill 1070 (PDF)

"I hope it makes a lot of them leave on their own, self-deportation. Hopefully that'll open up more jobs. There's a lot of people here who will do menial jobs -- maybe not pick lettuce, but these people aren't just picking lettuce any more," says Schwartz.

The new law also targets those who hire illegal immigrant day laborers or knowingly transport them.

This isn't suprising at all. I can imagine the backlash she has suffered just because she looks like the illegals. It's like if someone is white they must be racist or because someones black they must be a thug... I'm certain this is a common feeling among most Hispanic Americans.
Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Sue Schwartz says she's been called a racist so many times she doesn't mind the label anymore. If wanting immigrants to enter the country legally, like her great-grandparents from Mexico, and obey the laws of the land makes her racist, then so be it, she says firmly.

"I'm getting to the point I wear it with pride," says Schwartz, a lifelong Arizonan who has warily watched the growth of the illegal immigrant population in the state over the course of her life.

About 500,000 unauthorized immigrants were believed to live in Arizona in 2008, and 11.9 million nationwide, up from 3.5 million nationwide in 1990, according to a Pew Hispanic Center report published in 2009.

This year, the tide is finally turning in her favor, she says, with the passage of SB 1070, aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration.

The new law requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they're in the United States illegally.

Read the full text of Senate Bill 1070 (PDF)

"I hope it makes a lot of them leave on their own, self-deportation. Hopefully that'll open up more jobs. There's a lot of people here who will do menial jobs -- maybe not pick lettuce, but these people aren't just picking lettuce any more," says Schwartz.

The new law also targets those who hire illegal immigrant day laborers or knowingly transport them.

This isn't suprising at all. I can imagine the backlash she has suffered just because she looks like the illegals. It's like if someone is white they must be racist or because someones black they must be a thug... I'm certain this is a common feeling among most Hispanic Americans.

The mainstream media is not reporting the many, many hispanics that are FOR this law. It's time many who put ALL hispanics under the same umbrella to take note - just because it is not reported, does NOT mean that many hispanics are NOT AGAINST illegal entry!!! Many of you don't want to understand that 70% of the people in AZ are FOR this law - and among that percent, are many, many hispanics........since AZ has about 1,950,000 plus.......and AZ having 6,595,000 plus inhabitants.

Total Hispanic Population in Arizona 1,965,000
Hispanics as Percent of State Population 30%
Hispanics as Percent of U.S. Hispanic Population 4.2%
Native-Born Hispanics (Percent of Hispanics) 67%
Foreign-Born Hispanics (Percent of Hispanics) 33%
Mexican Origin (Percent of Hispanics) 91%
Non-Mexican Origin (Percent of Hispanics) 9%
Listen to any of the conservative talk shows and you will hear Latinos, including Mexican-Americans, call all the time and say they are sick of illegal immigration.

Once Mexican American stated his problem:
(1) They lower wages for ALL Latinos
(2) They take job from illegal Latinos, because of the non-benefits and taxes thing.
(3) They is a disproportionate amount of crime committed by illegal latinos vs legal one's. I saw the statistic and is insane to ignore these facts.
(4) They drug war has lead to an enormous amount of kidnapping of Latinos.
(5) They burden the schools and hospital (funny sounds like a white complaint), but the Latino I heard on the Medved stated it impacts Latinos a heck of a lot more, because they tend to burden the schools and hospitals where Legal Latino immigrates' kids go to school.

They are fed up also! However, the Democrats and Open-border traitors will portray it as a race issue and sway people without providing all the facts!
'They are fed up also! However, the Democrats and Open-border traitors will portray it as a race issue and sway people without providing all the facts!'

And therein lies the problem.....and with the mainstream media and spanish media fueling these fires, one has to make sure the facts gets out.

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