Some of Abraham Lincoln's crimes

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
We have scratched the surface of Lincoln's many crimes. We hit on the mass of his troops he sent to be killed.
Today we want to check out his slaughter of 38 indians.

Yes, but did he have White House documents in his house that all Presidents have, but it only matters when Trump does?

Hmm? These are the only high-level crimes we go after Presidents for.
Yes, but did he have White House documents in his house that all Presidents have, but it only matters when Trump does?

Hmm? These are the only high-level crimes we go after Presidents for.
This is a good time to bring up classified documents. So I checked the history. And found:

The contents of the classified information could be raw intelligence, personnel information, an assessment from some element of American national security or correspondence among analysts, intelligence-gatherers or decision-makers. It could also include procedures, such as the process and codes for launching America’s arsenal of nuclear weapons – among the country’s most guarded secrets and generally the subject of the first questions that government investigations and public speculation seek to answer about known security breaches.
The earliest examples of classification in the U.S. government date black to sessions of the First Continental Congress, which in 1774 adopted a resolution under “obligations of honor, to keep the proceedings secret until the majority shall direct them to be made public.” George Washington himself in 1790 sent an update to Congress on negotiations with certain Indian tribes with the explicit notation that the information contained "confidential communications."
The first peacetime procedures for classification within the civilian government were disseminated in 1869, and the system currently in place began during the lead-up to World War II.
More on classified documents.


Sam Lebovic | Jul 5, 2016
Amid the recent hubbub about leaks and whistleblowers and Hillary Clinton’s rogue server, it has been easy to forget what a state secret actually is. Legal commentators and political pundits tend to think about state secrecy in the abstract terms of political philosophy. Perhaps secrecy is always undemocratic, appropriate only for absolutist or totalitarian states. Perhaps it is an unavoidable necessity in a hostile world—democratic governments find themselves forced to keep secrets to protect the security of the public. Or perhaps, if we follow Max Weber, secrecy is an essential trait of modern, bureaucratic governance.

The Office of War Information (pictured above) created the Security Advisory board during World War II to coordinate government classification policies that would protect state secrets. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Whatever the truth of these broader musings, all of them make it difficult to remember that the “secrets” at stake in modern controversies were not dreamt up as thought experiments for political philosophy. They were produced by quite specific acts: the stamping of a document, the development of bureaucratic methods and logics of classification, the enforcement of physical and legal protections against prying eyes. State secrecy, in other words, should be understood as an institution. Which means that it has an institutional history.
In the United States, that history is remarkably short. The modern classification system was created in September 1951, in an executive order issued by Harry Truman

American Crime Case #37: December 26, 1862: The Lynching of 38 Dakota Men―The Largest Mass Execution in U.S. History​

July 23, 2018



On December 26, 1862, in the midst of the U.S. Civil War (April 1861-May 1865), and in the same week that the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, President Abraham Lincoln ordered 38 Dakota Santee Sioux men sent to the gallows in Mankato, Minnesota. They were hooded and hanged simultaneously from a single scaffold, surrounded by 1,500 Union troops and a howling lynch mob of 4,000 white settlers. It was the largest mass execution in U.S. history.

The 38 had been taken prisoner after the Dakota people rose up against the U.S. government on August 17 in the Dakota Uprising of 1862. The Dakota people had been under relentless assault for 10 years—with deceitful and broken treaties, their reservations encroached on, their annuities unpaid, promised goods late or never delivered, price gouging and other abuses by the U.S. government and their agents. In 1858, the government took half the Dakota people’s reservation and opened it to white settlement. During the 1850s, over 160,000 settlers flooded the area, seizing and clearing the Native Dakota people’s lands to the point where their hunting and fishing virtually ended and starvation loomed.

On August 15, when half-starved Dakota people asked for food from a well-stocked warehouse, the government food trader Andrew Jackson Myrick replied: “f they are hungry, let them eat grass or their own dung,” which was cited by Dakota Chief Little Crow as the last straw in provoking the Dakota to revolt. Myrick was one of the first killed and his body found with his mouth stuffed with grass. The uprising was sparked off when four starving Dakota youths, on an egg-stealing foray, impulsively killed five white settlers.

The 38 condemned men were told of their impending deaths on December 22 while shackled in pairs and bolted to the prison floor. They were among the 303 condemned to die in a mass trial of 392 Dakota men. Each defendant had five to 10 minutes in which to defend himself before a military court. On one day alone, 40 were tried, charged, and convicted for “murder and outrages.” A law professor later noted: “Most of them did not speak English. They did not even know they were being tried for crimes. Most also did not have counsel defending them.” Little evidence of their “crimes” existed. So the U.S. government used some defendants, who faced charges and execution themselves, to testify against other Dakotas in multiple trials. One such defendant-turned-witness provided evidence in 55 cases.
Is NOW the Time to dis on (R) favorite POTUS?

Abe, a (R), is NOW your target?
What's up?
It is not so much he is a target, but of course I understand your remark, it is to be honest about Abe and his presidency.
Abe was in place to avoid the Civil war. Had he avoided it, 630,000 Americans would not have died such awful deaths.
It is not so much he is a target, but of course I understand your remark, it is to be honest about Abe and his presidency.
Abe was in place to avoid the Civil war. Had he avoided it, 630,000 Americans would not have died such awful deaths.
And's trump lovers are talking CIVIL WAR, depending on the Outcome/Treatment/ of such a character named DJT.

If DJT wasn't such a LIAR and Cult Leader, this talk of a 2024-2025 Civil War wouldn't be an issue.
Your boy Trump is the root of all Current CIVIL WAR talk.

Do you want another Civil War Robert W ?

Abe was in place to avoid the Civil war. Had he avoided it, 630,000 Americans would not have died such awful deaths.
Same can be said about djt. Trump is leading us into ANOTHER avoidable Civil War.
Lincoln sent god knows how many poor Irish Catholics to die in this war, while allowing protestant draft dodgers not to die for $500. That was the cost to avoid the draft. It's why Irish in NYC got mad and engaged in the draft riots often targeted blacks who were not drafted. Similar stuff happened in New Orleans where Irish died by the thousands building the canals there.
Only Southern crackers who have no lives whatsoever, care. His only fault is that he did not hang the government and all officers of the CSA.
Only Southern crackers who have no lives whatsoever, care. His only fault is that he did not hang the government and all officers of the CSA.

Lincoln was nice enough to allow Native tribes to keep their black slaves lol. So toss Native Crackers in there too leftist idiot retard.

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