Some Of Marvel’s SJW Comics Are Getting Cancelled


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
"Retailers have been complaining to Marvel all year long about awful sell-throughs for the sociopolitically-charged (and basically full-Left leaning) comic books that have done little more than turn fans away from their favorite hobby. Well, reports have surfaced indicating that some of Marvel’s most notorious SJW comic books are getting canceled heading into the new year.

The website i09 is speculating that among the cancelled SJW comic books is America Chavez, a comic book about a strong, independent, inter-dimensional, lesbian Latina who doesn’t need a man. The comic book has been derided all across comic book fandom by actual comic book readers, but Chavez has been put front and center in the comic book and social marketing space by Marvel’s comic book heads". - Source

I've been an avid comic book collector since my uncle willed me his collection of over 6,000 comics when I was a teenager. I have quadrupled the collection since and keep them in a special temperature/humidity controlled area I had built just for them. I don't have time to read even a fraction of what I collect but I also have CBR scans of every comic I own if I do decide to read any.

When I do read comics however, I do it for escapism and absolutely shun comics with a major social message, like with "American Chavez." Now Marvel has always had a social bend to them, (aside from the Golden Age comics) going back to the 60's and the Vietnam war. But it wasn't so in-your-face as the current run of SWJ Marvels, which as the article mentions, are all poor sellers and are being removed.

Since Disney bought out Marvel, I've noticed a steady decline in writing vs the social message they want to push and quite frankly, the comic buying public has stopped buying them. It's about time.

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Since Disney bought out Marvel, I've noticed a steady decline in writing vs the social message they want to push and quite frankly, the comic buying public has stopped buying them. It's about time.

None of this is a good thing.

Here's the real problem Marvel has. The money is in the TV shows and Movies, not in the actual comic books. The Comic books are only being written for collectors.

So Marvel recently cancelled The Fantastic Four? Why? Because they don't own the movie rights to it and the people who do have made some truly awful movies about them. They've been slowly killing off the X-Men in the comics because they don't own them, either.

Now, what you bewail as "Social Justice Warriors" is really just Marvel trying to expand the comics beyond their base of white guys. So of course, a character like America Chavez is going to drive the base right up the flue.
Since Disney bought out Marvel, I've noticed a steady decline in writing vs the social message they want to push and quite frankly, the comic buying public has stopped buying them. It's about time.

None of this is a good thing.

Here's the real problem Marvel has. The money is in the TV shows and Movies, not in the actual comic books. The Comic books are only being written for collectors.

So Marvel recently cancelled The Fantastic Four? Why? Because they don't own the movie rights to it and the people who do have made some truly awful movies about them. They've been slowly killing off the X-Men in the comics because they don't own them, either.

Now, what you bewail as "Social Justice Warriors" is really just Marvel trying to expand the comics beyond their base of white guys. So of course, a character like America Chavez is going to drive the base right up the flue.

Yep, JoeB131 is wrong this year, too!
None of this is a good thing.Here's the real problem Marvel has. The money is in the TV shows and Movies, not in the actual comic books. The Comic books are only being written for collectors.So Marvel recently cancelled The Fantastic Four? Why? Because they don't own the movie rights to it and the people who do have made some truly awful movies about them. They've been slowly killing off the X-Men in the comics because they don't own them, either.Now, what you bewail as "Social Justice Warriors" is really just Marvel trying to expand the comics beyond their base of white guys. So of course, a character like America Chavez is going to drive the base right up the flue.

Note Well;
It's a lot more complicated than that. Disney/Marvel still own the rights to create and produce comics....and in many cases, the movie rights too. But not all of them; Superheroes That Marvel Does Not Own the [Movie] Rights to Anymore - Movies have become the big cash cows now, not the comics per se. While Marvel may be dropping their comic line of X-Men and Fantastic Four, they still own the titles and that is being done by Disney in their tit-for-tat war with Sony. Comic sales have nothing to do with it.

However, with SWJ comic titles, sales have always been lackluster and its actually the comic book distributors that want then to drop certain SWJ titles. It has NOTHING to do with white boys or comics aggregate audience at all.
However, with SWJ comic titles, sales have always been lackluster and its actually the comic book distributors that want then to drop certain SWJ titles. It has NOTHING to do with white boys or comics aggregate audience at all.

Who do you think the "Comic Book Distributors" are, exactly?


Oh, yeah, THIS GUY^^^^^^

White, male, overweight. Totally offended by a character who is Hispanic AND a lesbian!!!
Since Disney bought out Marvel, I've noticed a steady decline in writing vs the social message they want to push and quite frankly, the comic buying public has stopped buying them. It's about time.

None of this is a good thing.

Here's the real problem Marvel has. The money is in the TV shows and Movies, not in the actual comic books. The Comic books are only being written for collectors.

So Marvel recently cancelled The Fantastic Four? Why? Because they don't own the movie rights to it and the people who do have made some truly awful movies about them. They've been slowly killing off the X-Men in the comics because they don't own them, either.

Now, what you bewail as "Social Justice Warriors" is really just Marvel trying to expand the comics beyond their base of white guys. So of course, a character like America Chavez is going to drive the base right up the flue.
This the one and Only Superhero in search of a Comic Book

Oh, yeah, THIS GUY^^^^^^White, male, overweight. Totally offended by a character who is Hispanic AND a lesbian!!!
If you use TV cartoon characters as your source for information, then you are tragically misinformed.
Don the Con uses Right wing videos for information and recommends those sites LOL

Twitter Suspends Britain First Leaders Who President Trump ...
Fortune-Dec 18, 2017
President Donald Trump caused an uproar last month when he retweeted several of Fransen's posts that contained anti-Islam videos. ... that American Nazi Party, the Traditionalist Working Party and other neo-Nazi or alt-right accounts have been suspended for failing to comply with Twitter's new policy.
White Nationalists and Other Extremists Are Disappearing From Twitter
New York Magazine-Dec 18, 2017
Twitter suspends far-right British figure retweeted by Trump
Let's try to get this thread back on topic.

The topic is SJW Marvel, which has produced comic books like America Chavez and reimagined Iceman (Bobby Drake) as being gay.

These comics have not gone over well with the comic book community, but you have to give Marvel some credit for trying to expand the superhero universe beyond, "a bunch of white guys".

Personally, I have mixed feelings about it. I think it's great that they are increasing diversity, but not at the point of bastardizing existing characters like making Thor a chick.

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