Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

Your desperate attempt to divert attention from the Trump goons' attacking the Capitol and injuring 140 outnumbered police attempting to defend democracy, and unspecified social protests with no political affiliation and no politician's inciting them is rather pathetic.

Your inability to honestly confront the Trump goons' attack is embarrassingly obvious.
He brought them up, Moron.
The weird worship of one dude.

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Who can explain it, who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, wise men never try.
Diversion noted.

Try focusing on the Trump goons who attacked the Capitol, many of whom have been apprehended, prosecuted, convicted or confessed.

You mean Antifa goons working with undercover FBI to usher them into the building and set them up?

No amount of gaslighting will hide the fact that this was a government instigated operation, with help from antifa. Oh you forgot to mention the Capital doors that can only be buzzed open from the inside in your little list of bullet points. When armed conservatives, most with military experience, want a real insurrection, you will know it.
That is such disheartening news for me.
I mean by that, here we are the United States of America. A country who just put into space an incredible techological marvel that will begin working for our entire world when it is one million miles away!!
And yet, the doors of our very own Capitol have faulty 'buzzer openers"!!
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!
The suckers wouldn't open when buzzed!
Why else would those motivated patriots need to break some of them down with battering rams or break windows to sneak someone inside to open 'em up from the interior (per a video I watched.)

Really that is so disheartneing.
I mean it.

"Thursday 1-6-22 should be an interesting day: The 1st anniversary of the January 6 insurrection. The Committee will likely have some interesting news."

Personally, I hope all of the media---broadcast, print, cable, web ----- go full-on wall-to-wall coverage of January 6th all week long.
Of course, we've all seen a lot of graphic stuff....notably there were thousands of cameras capturing images all day and some of that has been distributed........but a fuller look of more MAGAHatted Dicks & Karens beating down a door, breaking a window, slugging an officer.....that stuff is important for America to see and understand fully.
That is such disheartening news for me.
I mean by that, here we are the United States of America. A country who just put into space an incredible techological marvel that will begin working for our entire world when it is one million miles away!!
And yet, the doors of our very own Capitol have faulty 'buzzer openers"!!
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!
The suckers wouldn't open when buzzed!
Why else would those motivated patriots need to break some of them down with battering rams or break windows to sneak someone inside to open 'em up from the interior (per a video I watched.)

Really that is so disheartneing.
I mean it.

Personally, I hope all of the media---broadcast, print, cable, web ----- go full-on wall-to-wall coverage of January 6th all week long.
Of course, we've all seen a lot of graphic stuff....notably there were thousands of cameras capturing images all day and some of that has been distributed........but a fuller look of more MAGAHatted Dicks & Karens beating down a door, breaking a window, slugging an officer.....that stuff is important for America to see and understand fully.

Amen! Speaker Pelosi and others have events planned for the day.
"The president could have at any moment, walked those very few steps into the briefing room, gone on live television, and told his supporters who were assaulting the Capitol to stop,"

In a nutshell-----Dereliction of duty.
But a failure of leadeship in many more ways than simple 'dereliction'.

He was the CEO of American government and law enforcement, but when our nation was being directly attacked at the seat of that governance, when our uniformed police are being savagely beat down by a mob wearing Trump gear........he merely surfed TV channels!

America very much needs the televised hearings by the Select Committee.....just as we needed the Watergate hearings.

America needs to know who were the string-pullers, the operators who discussed, planned, cooridinated ---conspired ----in this attemptd insurrection.
This the Patriot that the Negro Capitol Police asshole murdered.

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If you join in a riot in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected government, and are breaching the last barricade between the mob and members of the House of Representatives, and you ignore several warnings from a cop pointing a gun at you, try not to die with a surprised look on your retarded face.
Here is a Trump supporter who was trampled to death by the tard herd on January 6, and yet none of the Trumptards on this forum ever mention her murder. They don't even know her name.

If the insurrection is not fully exposed and aggressively punished, we're just asking for more.

Which, more than likely, are already being planned by many of the same people.
Maybe this time they'll get enough phamplets printed.

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