Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

Why is it that trump can get all these courts to look at his lawsuits and get them to block any evidence from being released against him.

But neither trump or any (R) can get the courts to hear or see this FAKE evidence you say actually exists.

Scads of evidence for the latter, moonbat fuckwit.

Ignoring doesn't make it go away.
Then answer my question about the courts.
"Update please…..anyone charged with INSURRECTION yet?"
I honestly don't know.
I don't follow those charging sheets offered up by various news organizations.
However, and more pragmatically speaking, would we all be OK if the insurrectionists were NOT convicted of 'insurrection'...but with assaulting a federal officer? or disrupting an official proceedings?

Hell, as long as they get 6 to 10yrs in the slammer, we all should be OK? No?

True, to the insurrecitonists the 10yrs in the slammer is a reality that is likely a lot more traction-ful than exactly what they were charged with. No?

Lastly, a note out of curiosity. An inquiry. Not necessarily to the good poster Nostra, but perhaps to any attorneys who visit this site.

My query: Say I am a Capitol officer and I was injured...lost an eye, lost a couple fingers, or worse, suffered some long lingering pain and disability.

Well, can I sue a private citizen.....the Dick that is proven to have inflicted the injury upon me?

Amen! Which is why those responsible must be held accountable!

None of the Trump goons who criminally attacked the Capitol on January 6 was murdered by the outnumbered police defending it.

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"What are you doing? Take back the Senate!
You've got guns. Use them!

We give you guns for a reason! Use them!"
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The orange jihadis are desperate to sweep the historic failed insurrection under the carpet, or to blame someone else for it.

It's up to the committee and Garland to expose them for the law breaking cult they are.

I wish I could say I was confident that will happen.
The orange jihadis are desperate to sweep the historic failed insurrection under the carpet, or to blame someone else for it.

It's up to the committee and Garland to expose them for the law breaking cult they are.

I wish I could say I was confident that will happen.

Yes, AG Garland has been a disappointment - so far...
This the Patriot that the Negro Capitol Police asshole murdered.

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Some Trump toadies have been whining that the police defending the Capitol from the Cry Baby Loser's violent goon invasion should be charged with crimes.

Please list all the Republican senators and congressmen whom the police were protecting from Trump's goons that are calling for such indictments.

Fact Check: Did Trump Say to 'Peacefully and Patriotically' March to the Capitol?​

The president did say that the crowd was going to march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol. After the attack, Trump said he does not condone violence.

However, it does not necessarily mean the president did not incite violence with the rest of his speech or in his rhetoric prior to January 6.

Investigations into the riot are ongoing.

Others point to conflicting lines of the speech that seem to suggest a call for the crowd to takes matters into their own hands to correct this injustice through a more active or violent approach:
  • "We're gathered together in the heart of our nation's Capitol for one very, very basic and simple reason, to save our democracy."
  • "We will not let them silence your voices. We're not going to let it happen. Not going to let it happen."
  • "Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that's what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal."
  • "That's what they've done and what they're doing. We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved."
  • "When you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules."
  • "Let them get out. Let the weak ones get out. This is a time for strength....It's all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy and the American people to finally standing up and saying, 'No.' This crowd is again a testament to it."
  • "You will have an illegitimate president, that's what you'll have. And we can't let that happen."
  • "We will not be intimidated into accepting the hoaxes and the lies that we've been forced to believe over the past several weeks. We've amassed overwhelming evidence about a fake election."
  • "We're going to see whether or not we have great and courageous leaders or whether or not we have leaders that should be ashamed of themselves throughout history, throughout eternity, they'll be ashamed. And you know what? If they do the wrong thing, we should never ever forget that they did. Never forget. We should never ever forget."

There is no doubt that Trump incited an insurrection and mob violence to overturn a presidential election - that he lost.
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The anniversary of the "INSURECTION" is coming up. Things are just heating up well by elite, this is big news. I saw a report just yesterday how the anniversary is the biggest news for 2022, essentially, as spoken by a left-informational source.

Here's how the story goes, with facts too.

Some crazies, and others who call themselves patriots rioted, with of course great timing for the Democrats, reminds me of the Russia scandal & COVID after failing the first attempt to stop Trump.

The theme being the rioters struck the Capitol under what's supposed to be by Trump's command, which of course wasn't, but that's an important element. The rioters were in the hundreds at most. Of course it's being sold much more,, they can't say & won't, and they won't even offer a number for how many marched marched Washington that day. Apparently, only a few hundred got Trump's message to attack I guess. Who knew the left would sell a second straight "attacked our democracy".

While Trump was speaking perhaps a few thousand? marched to the Capitol. The left likes the idea they were all rioters, but of course that's wishful thinking sponsored by Carl's Jr. and those controlling Pelosi types.

So sometime later Trump Tweets knock that shit off. Nobody listened of course. I guess they figure everyone is like common leftists stuck on their smart phones. Since when are conservatives such followers anyway? After all, Trump says take the COVID shot and you know, COVID is now the Republicans fault because they're unvaccinated.

Sometime after that Trump goes on TV and says knock it off. By then it would seem the riot was already under control, after all, the mission has been most definitely accomplished.

Now the story goes how Ivanka plead with her dad to go on TV or some shit, which could be why he did, eventually. What's relevant are two things.

1. You have to assume it was Trump's fault to begin with. In other terms, the guy who called it on is the same guy who calls it off. Then you have to assume the rioters would give a shit.

2. And here's the kicker, Biden was more than President elect at the time, he was being certified, did he call it off? Let's say he did, how'd that work out? Ponder that a moment in front of a judge "Well he didn't call it off though"? Did the POTUS or POTUS to be? "Nah" :abgg2q.jpg:

Nothing will come of this Trump, it's just another witch hunt to turn up dry, their piece of foolishness like everything else the left has done since especially Trump's election. You'd think a guy would have learned by now.

Pay attention man, everything the left does is for appearances. Know one reason why Hollywood sucks now? They don't care, they've "progressed" to bring their talents into real life, full time.
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Call it whatever you like - but many have been charged with various crimes. More to come...

Oh, and Trump was impeached for "inciting an insurrection".
Most charges are for trespassing.

And Trump was 100% EXONERATED.
The orange jihadis are desperate to sweep the historic failed insurrection under the carpet, or to blame someone else for it.

It's up to the committee and Garland to expose them for the law breaking cult they are.

I wish I could say I was confident that will happen.
No one seems to be buying the fake claim that the Trump goons who are being prosecuted, convicted, or confessing are actually BLM impersonating FBI agents impersonating antifa impersonating Trump goons on a tourist visit to the Capitol.

Regarding desperate, cowardly attempts to contrive scapegoats, the guiding principle is. "Keep It Simple, Stupid" - especially for folks who so easily confuse themselves.

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"Don't try blaming the dog, again.
We don't have a dog!"
Most charges are for trespassing.

And Trump was 100% EXONERATED.

Just to add a nice spice to it, as Lakota said, Trump was impeached by the Democrats for "inciting an insurrection".

Kicker is it wasn't even an insurrection:oops: These Democrats destroy everything, including the meanings and integrity of everything.
It was a riot of course people were charged unlike BLM riots though.
"Unlike" the BLM riots?
How so?
I don't get it.....what is the point you are trying to make?
'Unlike' what way?

The theme being the rioters struck the Capitol under what's supposed to be by Trump's command, which of course wasn't, .........

The above sounds to me like the good poster WTH, isn't buying into the popular theory offered by Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, and Jim Jordan, and any number of Rightfielders on this venue.....that is was ANTIFA and the FBI who did the insurrection-thingy on Janauary 6th?

So, poster WTH...if it wasn't ANTIFA or the FBI....well, who did it?

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