Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

That's funny because I was suspended from Twitter on January 5 for harassing antifa
here's the tweet right after antifa harassed Josh Hawley wife and baby at their home when he wasn't home.

That has to b scarey

The tweet:

"I'll shoot the first motherfuker that breaks down my front door antifa or otherwise"

You'll remember this was the night before the capital demonstration matter

So I went to parlor and they were shut down for hours later so in my mind Democrats are good at wiping their feet on amendments 1 and 2 whichwe still referred to as the Bill of Rights unless something has changed.

Interesting Lee enough
if you all remember I was suspended during the exact same time as DJT.

I was asked to remove the
Tweet and never speak ill of a democratic government again this goes along well with me being the first person to be banned for life from Google
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A fact check? Are you kidding? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Retard, that Nevada case was thrown out by a judge citing the evidence presented in his court didn't show voter fraud. The plaintiff filed an appeal and the next court confirmed the lower court, with 6 judges confirming the evidence brought into court was bullshit.

You never learn.
Retard, that Nevada case was thrown out by a judge citing the evidence presented in his court didn't show voter fraud. The plaintiff filed an appeal and the next court confirmed the lower court, with 6 judges confirming the evidence brought into court was bullshit.
Which just proves we have too many liberal judges.
Retard, that Nevada case was thrown out by a judge citing the evidence presented in his court didn't show voter fraud. The plaintiff filed an appeal and the next court confirmed the lower court, with 6 judges confirming the evidence brought into court was bullshit.

You never learn.
Do I care what corrupt judges did? The answer is no. Calling the people who signed affidavits bullshitters alone should have given those people their day in court. They never got it.
Thank you for that quote from Joseph Goebbels, who was Hitler's Nazi Propaganda Minister. I wasn't familiar with the man, so I viewed his biography at Wikipedia, and his end in 1945 was chilling, but I think was a lesson for the Democrats who want to push America under the stifling covers of Communism and I quote:
"As the war drew to a close and Nazi Germany faced defeat, Magda Goebbels and the Goebbels children joined him in Berlin. They moved into the underground Vorbunker, part of Hitler's underground bunker complex, on 22 April 1945. Hitler committed suicide on 30 April. In accordance with Hitler's will, Goebbels succeeded him as Chancellor of Germany; he served one day in this post. The following day, Goebbels and his wife committed suicide, after poisoning their six children with cyanide." Source:;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1642731876/RO=10/RU=
When you follow someone who became famous for putting out the most vicious, hateful antisemitism to date, when Hitler's Germany collapsed, Hitler gave himself a ticket out by way of suicide. The following Day, Goebbels was appointed leader of the Third Reich, but the very next day, he, too, committed suicide right after he suicided his six children first, then his wife, then himself. How horrible it is if you start separating people politically and you are granted power by the big mouthed singers of the Reich lies and propaganda, your turn will come to end the endless humiliation lies put on your lap, and the public doesn't want any more enough to kill.

You who support Joe Biden are following the blind who is leading the blind into all kinds of scrapes. You better pay attention to how eliminating people through a process that starts with character assassinations of innocent people continues with sending them to "training camps" the likes of which 6 million European were known to be murdered, and this stinking untrue propaganda you're getting from the press goes as far as Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer and their adherents want it to go. :cranky:
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Do I care what corrupt judges did? The answer is no.

Prove they're corrupt...

Calling the people who signed affidavits bullshitters alone should have given those people their day in court. They never got it.

Here's the transcript from that case -- where does the judge call people who signed affidavits, "bullshitters?"

Prove they're corrupt...

Here's the transcript from that case -- where does the judge call people who signed affidavits, "bullshitters?"

I do not have to. It is common knowledge. Our whole system is corrupt. That is why incest Joe is president. Next.
I do not have to. It is common knowledge. Our whole system is corrupt. That is why incest Joe is president. Next.

You would if ya could, FruitLoops. You can't because you're hallucinating it.

Thanks for confirming what everyone here already knows about you.

You would if ya could, FruitLoops. You can't because you're hallucinating it.

Thanks for confirming what everyone here already knows about you.
Everyone is not worth a shit, just like you.
It has been proven. You do not accept the proof. That simple, Assflap.
False, it never happened. That's why you can't post proof that judge called any affidavits, "bullshit."

You lied like you always lie. Lies can't be proven which is why you can't prove your bullshit claims.
False, it never happened. That's why you can't post proof that judge called any affidavits, "bullshit."

You lied like you always lie. Lies can't be proven which is why you can't prove your bullshit claims.
He did not allow them in a court where they would have been evidence. That amounts to the same thing. Your excuses are old and tired. The evidence is all over. The corrupt system will not allow it to be heard.
He did not allow them in a court where they would have been evidence. That amounts to the same thing. Your excuses are old and tired. The evidence is all over. The corrupt system will not allow it to be heard.
Prove the plaintiff even submitted any affidavits in that case.....

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