Some of you may want to become aware of a new rule

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Eightball, my intent was not to offend you, for that you have my apology, sincerely. I offer no explanation, just an apology.
Eightball, my intent was not to offend you, for that you have my apology, sincerely. I offer no explanation, just an apology.

I also apologize for interpreting your reply in the wrong way too.

You are most kind for publically expressing such a contrite, and kind post. :)
No apology is necessary. One of the unfortunate aspects of message boards is, sometimes humor doesn't translate in print. No harm done.
Since early April there's been one individual that has negative rep'ed me on a few occassions.

As most of you know, I am a Christian, and I write comments or replies that are not vitreolic, or bashing to others, yet I've been haranged by a certain newbie poster, whom I believe lives in land other than the U.S.A., and loves to lay into me with such hatred filled posts. I tried my darndest to be civil, but this individual seems to want to hate me through his/her's posts. I refuse to negative rep this person back, as I don't believe one bad move deserves another, or that retaliation in this case serves a constructive purpose.

In fact, I almost think this harasser of my faith and me personally, wants me to drop down to their level, and play, manure throwing. I refuse.

It's one thing to not "like" another's religion, it's another to spill out written hatred, that makes holocaust advocates seem tame.
Anyway, the vein or complexion of this forum has changed rather dramatically in the last few months. I don't mind the influx of new and additional liberal leaning posters, but I do "mind" the liberality that is allowed in the posts in regards to the verbal intercourse. I think that a lot of disrespectful posting is going on, and its hurting this forum.

I really don't care if I have a lot of rep points or a few. I just plain liked the atmosphere of the exchange of ideas and the debate that had a high class way about it in this forum.
I would like to make one plea as a member. Please don't allow folks to disrespect other folks with their replies or verbal intercourse anymore. I'm really tired of intelligent folks acting following the "eye for an eye" method of communication or debate technique.

If someone doesn't like what I express about my faith, please be civil, as I really think that allowing people to degrade another's faith in a public forum in a way that is very personal, and vitreolic, is not appropriate or constructive to anyone.:)

If someone ( maybe an adminstrator) could review back to my topic that I started in the religion section about an amazing little girl that painted like a grown up professional painter, and had a very vibrant Christian faith, though her mother was an atheist. It can be seen and read, that a certain poster has been allowed much liberality to defame and bash my faith in a way that borders on just plain hatred towards me, and my system of belief. In addition it can be observed that my respectful replies, are thrown back at me in a most disgraceful way, with additional personal attack and mockery.

Again, I refuse to neg. rep this individual, but I have wondered if I can even participate in this forum without this "person" haranging me wherever I might post.
I'm not a whiner by nature, but am concerned about how things are going. I think this has been one of the best forums that I've ever been a member of, and I want to be able to post without what has been happening to me in the last month or so.

I know a lot of people disagree with my "take" on things, yet I know that most respect me, as I, them, but there's some who are not of that vain, and I think there needs to be some monitoring in this area, or this forum will become a bastion with little political, and anti-religious "cliques". I've seen this happen in other forums, and sadly seen the demise of those forums, as a group seemed to start savaging others whom they disagreed with, and nothing in the area of discipline was carried out.

Eightball, ask yourself why it is always religious folk who seek protection on message boards. Yet they are always the first to represent "sinful" others, such as Muslims, as devil's spawn fit only for forceful conversion or virtual extermination.

Don't you find it odd, especially in a country with so many "Christians" and so few atheists as America, that this is so? Democratically speaking, shouldn't it be the other way around?

When you've pondered this, then go back and read the TYPICALLY patronizing tone of your post about the poor little atheistic painter, that you have even kept up here in your simpering plea for protection against them damnable atheistic meanies. :rolleyes:

Wake up and smell reality, Joe. It is a fact that if you publicly expressed the religious and racial hatred built-in to your beloved Bible in an ever increasing number of countries, YOU would be fined or jailed for inciting hatred.

Christianity's days of sanctimoniously impugning sinful "pagans" with supercilious impunity, simply because of the theocratic immunity they have enjoyed for millenia, are numbered, pal.

Eightball, ask yourself why it is always religious folk who seek protection on message boards. Yet they are always the first to represent "sinful" others, such as Muslims, as devil's spawn fit only for forceful conversion or virtual extermination.

Don't you find it odd, especially in a country with so many "Christians" and so few atheists as America, that this is so? Democratically speaking, shouldn't it be the other way around?

When you've pondered this, then go back and read the TYPICALLY patronizing tone of your post about the poor little atheistic painter, that you have even kept up here in your simpering plea for protection against them damnable atheistic meanies. :rolleyes:

Wake up and smell reality, Joe. It is a fact that if you publicly expressed the religious and racial hatred built-in to your beloved Bible in an ever increasing number of countries, YOU would be fined or jailed for inciting hatred.

Christianity's days of sanctimoniously impugning sinful "pagans" with supercilious impunity, simply because of the theocratic immunity they have enjoyed for millenia, are numbered, pal.

Must I say more? No. The evidence delivered on a plate.
From here, I'll just let the forum adminstrators evaluate and respond or anyone else. I've nothing more to say. It's pointless. You don't desire to have any friendly dialogue. I'm sure there are others in here that like a good "scrap" with you. I don't. :)
By the way, I've never touched your rep points either.:)
Must I say more? No. The evidence delivered on a plate.
From here, I'll just let the forum adminstrators evaluate and respond or anyone else. I've nothing more to say. It's pointless. You don't desire to have any friendly dialogue. I'm sure there are others in here that like a good "scrap" with you. I don't. :)
By the way, I've never touched your rep points either.:)

As a so-called bible-believin' "Christian," it is up to you to apologise to me for the biblical ill-will you bear toward me before we can go anywhere. :eusa_naughty:

Ya see, your beliefs were and are, highly insulting to me, and the billions of other non-Christians, that make up the true moral majority, even before I met you.

So stop playing the injured party, Joe. The shoe is patently on the other foot. You are the offensive minority that ought to be shutting its snidely supercilious, insufferably insulting trap.

What upsets you most about me is I purposely play your direct non-Christian counterpart. Listening to you demonic doppelganger is real fucking annoying, ain't it!

When you irrevocably renounce your Christian "right" to judge your fellow man, as follows, we can have some "friendly dialogue."

I don't give someone a few million free shots to start with before I dialogue. I always respond in kind first up.

What gives you the right to "judge" the CCM stars?

The Word of God.

One of the most misunderstood and misapplied verses in the Bible is Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, that ye be not judged".

Webster’s Dictionary defines judge as 1. The presiding official in a court having power 1. To decide 2. To determine; (Webster’s Dictionary p.330)

While we as Christians are NOT definition ONE — 1. The presiding official in a court having power. That authority belongs only to God.

"So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God."
Romans 14:12
But – we as Christians are commanded to "1. To decide 2. To determine" what is "right" and "wrong" according to the word of God.

If you do not "judge" – "right" from "wrong" – you are traveling a blazing "one-way" course to "perversion" and "degradation" that will eventually land you in a "lake of fire"! Revelation 21:8

A lot of Christians read Matthew 7:1 and say, "See, we’re not supposed to judge between right and wrong". And any sense of declaring someone, especially other Christians, to be wrong, is "judging" that person.

There are some serious problems with this interpretation. . .

For instance, if you keep reading Matthew 7, you’ll soon read in verse 15:

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Matthew 7:15
Notice these false prophets "come to you in sheep's clothing"-- in other words they are "masquerading" as Christians! And yet, according to the Lord Jesus Christ – "they are ravening wolves." According to the Lord Jesus Christ – Beware: some "so-called" Christians – are "ravening wolves"!

How can we tell the "sheep" from the "wolves" unless we "judge" or "determine"?

How can we do as our Lord commanded and "beware of false prophets" unless we "judge" them by the word of God?

If we do not "judge" or "decide" their error by the word of God, how do we even know they are in error?

Just because someone "sings" about the Lord Jesus Christ, are we to not "judge" their "songs", "conversation", and "testimony"? Because someone professes to be a Christian should we accept whatever they say and do as "right" and "pleasing to God"?

Who said the following?

"If we continue on this path, respectable, industrious and honest, if we fulfill our duty faithfully, it is my conviction, the Lord God will continually help us in the future. He will not leave respectable people in the lurch indefinitely. He may test them, but in the end He lets His sun shine upon them and gives them His blessing."

Billy Graham? Jack Van Impee? Billy Sunday? Dwight Moody?


Most people don’t know, but Hitler claimed to be a Christian. In fact, Hitler’s campaign was "Positive Christianity". Because Hitler professed to be a Christian, should we just "ignore" the terrible acts he did? Should we read Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, that ye be not judged" and say "What gives you the right to judge Hitler?" Nonsense. We as Christians are to expose and "judge" ERROR by the word of God.

Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t think Carman, dc Talk, Steven Curtis Chapman, Amy Grant, and other CCM’ers are another "Adolf Hitler", but I am illustrating an important Biblical principal.

When Carman portrays the Lord Jesus Christ as a "street-hippie", crucified in a street-gang fight, throws the Lord Jesus Christ in a dumpster – we as Christians, are to say, without apology, "that is wrong, that is a LIE, that is blasphemy!" That is NOT praising the Lord Jesus Christ!

When dc Talk sings songs by Nirvana, Doobie Brothers, Beatles, et al. – we as Christians, are to say, without apology, "that is wrong, we are to be separated!"

When Steve Curtis Chapman sings "Lord of the Dance" – we as Christians, are to say, without apology, "that is wrong, that is not Biblical" In the occult, Shiva is the Lord of the Dance!

Our purpose in "judging" Christian Contemporary Music is not any "personal" attack. It is not that we do not "like" CCM. It is not that we believe most CCM’ers are unsaved. It is not because of our personal taste in music.

We have spent hundreds (probably thousands) of hours researching CCM. We try to document our accusations. We try to obtain the original source. We try to be plain spoken and not "beat around the bush".

We believe very strongly that Christian rock music is doing irreparable harm to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, especially among our young people. Our purpose is to wake up Christians to this spiritual "cancer" that is eating away at the "songs of Zion".

The Bible over and over COMMANDS us to "judge".

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment"
John 7:24
"But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man."
1 Corinthians 2:15

"I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say" (1 Corinthians 10:15).

"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God:. . ."
1 Peter 4:17

The Lord Jesus Christ commanded "judging":

"Judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24)
"Why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right? "(Luke 12:57).

The Lord Jesus Christ commended Simon in Luke 7:43 for "judging" and Jesus Christ said Simon was "right" for judging:

"And he said unto him, Thou hast RIGHTLY judged" (Luke 7:43).
To illustrate the complete "spiritual insanity" and "perversion" of the "judge not" philosphy, here's an incident with Michael Sweet formerly of the group Stryper:

During one of Stryper's "Christian" concert tours, they hired the "secular" group White Lion as the opening act. During some of the concerts White Lion openly used filthy, vulgar profanity from the stage. At one concert White Lion even threw out filthy pornographic magazines into the "Christian" audience.
In an interview Michael Sweet was asked, how "did you guys deal with those things when it happened" - Sweet unbelievably replied:

"We felt that we couldn't judge any other group. If we told them hey, you can't do this you can't do that, we would be judging them." (On-Line Interview at

Here's a "ton" of Christian young people that came to hear "Christian" rockers, Stryper — and White Lion is using filthy, vulgar language and throwing pornography into the young Christian audience and Stryper doesn't have enough conviction and backbone to even tell them to stop because — that would be judging them!

What a wicked, ungodly, filthy mess! Hey, try reading the Bible for a change!

"Them that sin REBUKE BEFORE ALL, that others also may fear." 1 Timothy 5:20

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather REPROVE them." Ephesians 5:11

You parents better beware when you send your Christian young people to that "Christian Rock" concert!

And people ask me — would you rather "Christian" young people go hear Stryper or Marilyn Manson — well, there's not much difference!

In 1 Corinthians 5, the Apostle Paul is addressing the church at Corinth, "It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you,". Paul did NOT write back and say remember Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, that ye be not judged". No. Paul does not hesitate to "judge" this "brother in the Lord":

"For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,"
1 Corinthians 5:3
And Paul goes so far as to deliver him unto Satan to kill him! And the man is a Christian (. . . that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus)!

"To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."
1 Corinthians 5:5

Paul even "rebukes" the Corinthian church for NOT "judging"!

12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not YE JUDGE them that are within?

13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?

2 Do ye not know that the saints SHALL JUDGE the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

3 Know ye not that WE SHALL JUDGE angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
(1 Corinthians 5:12 - 6:3)

The Bible CLEARLY, over and over commands the Christian to "judge" or "determine" what is right and wrong – with the light of the word of God. God gave us a book – the word of God – and we are to JUDGE anything and everything by the word of God – and that includes Christian rock and Christian rockers!

"Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear."
(1 Timothy 5:20)

"This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;" [Notice this is aimed towards Christians.]
(Titus 1:13)

The Bible says there are some who "profess to know God" (so-called Christians) but "in works they deny him, being abominable" and God says they are "disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate". How can we possibly obey our Lord without "judging" their "works"?

"They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."
(Titus 1:16)

How can we "prove" something without "judging" or "discerning" it with the word of God?

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."
(1 Thess. 5:21)

The Bible commands us to "withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly". Again, how can we know who "walks disorderly" except we "judge" or "discern" from the word of God?

"Now we COMMAND you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us."
(2 Thess. 3:6)

Jesus Christ writes to the church at Ephesus:

2:1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast TRIED THEM which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
Revelation 2:1-2)

The act of "TRIED THEM" is "JUDGING" them! When someone goes to court they are "TRIED" or "JUDGED"! And the Lord Jesus commends them for "JUDGING" them! And again, these were so-called Christians, even claiming to be apostles!

Paul writes in Romans 16:17, and again notice the application is to "judge" or "mark" other so-called Christians.

"Now I beseech you, brethren, MARK THEM which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them."
(Romans 16:17)

In Philippians 3, Paul again admonishes us to "mark" or "judge" so-called Christians:

". . . MARK THEM which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.
(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:"
(Philippians 3:17-18)

These are just a few verses that command the "child of God" to "determine" or "judge" between "right" and "wrong".

The immediate response is – How do we "judge" what is "right" and "wrong"? How can we "judge" what is "right" and "wrong"? You say CCM is "wrong" and "not from God" – others says it’s "right" and "from God" – how do I know who is "right"?

There is only one logical answer. That answer is simple, sure and steadfast. . .

By the King James Bible – the word of God.

I have read numerous (everyone I know of) books, articles, et. Al. justifying CCM and not ONE of them has as many Bible references as this ONE small ANSWER. The articles and books I’ve read justifying CCM are what someone "feels", "thinks", "believes", etc. – but what does God SAY?

My advice to anyone truly searching for the "will of God" concerning CCM or any subject is:

Do NOT believe a word, I, or anyone else says, without FIRST checking what God SAYS:

"God forbid: yea, let God be TRUE, but EVERY man a LIAR; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged."
(Romans 3:4)

May the Lord help you, as the Bereans, who "searched the scriptures daily, WHETHER THOSE THINGS WERE SO".

"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, WHETHER THOSE THINGS WERE SO."
(Acts 17:11)

What gives you the right to "judge" the CCM stars?

The Word of God.



Personal note for your friend goes here: (Optional)

Questions, Comments, Suggestions? Please tell us. . .
Copyright © 1995 Dial-the-Truth Ministries
Since early April there's been one individual that has negative rep'ed me on a few occassions.

As most of you know, I am a Christian, and I write comments or replies that are not vitreolic, or bashing to others, yet I've been haranged by a certain newbie poster, whom I believe lives in land other than the U.S.A., and loves to lay into me with such hatred filled posts. I tried my darndest to be civil, but this individual seems to want to hate me through his/her's posts. I refuse to negative rep this person back, as I don't believe one bad move deserves another, or that retaliation in this case serves a constructive purpose.

In fact, I almost think this harasser of my faith and me personally, wants me to drop down to their level, and play, manure throwing. I refuse.

It's one thing to not "like" another's religion, it's another to spill out written hatred, that makes holocaust advocates seem tame.
Anyway, the vein or complexion of this forum has changed rather dramatically in the last few months. I don't mind the influx of new and additional liberal leaning posters, but I do "mind" the liberality that is allowed in the posts in regards to the verbal intercourse. I think that a lot of disrespectful posting is going on, and its hurting this forum.

I really don't care if I have a lot of rep points or a few. I just plain liked the atmosphere of the exchange of ideas and the debate that had a high class way about it in this forum.
I would like to make one plea as a member. Please don't allow folks to disrespect other folks with their replies or verbal intercourse anymore. I'm really tired of intelligent folks acting following the "eye for an eye" method of communication or debate technique.

If someone doesn't like what I express about my faith, please be civil, as I really think that allowing people to degrade another's faith in a public forum in a way that is very personal, and vitreolic, is not appropriate or constructive to anyone.:)

If someone ( maybe an adminstrator) could review back to my topic that I started in the religion section about an amazing little girl that painted like a grown up professional painter, and had a very vibrant Christian faith, though her mother was an atheist. It can be seen and read, that a certain poster has been allowed much liberality to defame and bash my faith in a way that borders on just plain hatred towards me, and my system of belief. In addition it can be observed that my respectful replies, are thrown back at me in a most disgraceful way, with additional personal attack and mockery.

Again, I refuse to neg. rep this individual, but I have wondered if I can even participate in this forum without this "person" haranging me wherever I might post.
I'm not a whiner by nature, but am concerned about how things are going. I think this has been one of the best forums that I've ever been a member of, and I want to be able to post without what has been happening to me in the last month or so.

I know a lot of people disagree with my "take" on things, yet I know that most respect me, as I, them, but there's some who are not of that vain, and I think there needs to be some monitoring in this area, or this forum will become a bastion with little political, and anti-religious "cliques". I've seen this happen in other forums, and sadly seen the demise of those forums, as a group seemed to start savaging others whom they disagreed with, and nothing in the area of discipline was carried out.

Same as all Abrahamic religions, particularly American “Christian” versions of it, I too have it on irreproachable authority (my grandparents) that it is the Scottish Catholic (PBUT!!) Highlanders, NOT the sub-human Scots-Irish and their satanic spawn, who are God’s Chosen Race.

Consequently, I am justifiably incensed when I come across these bestial Soupers, who cruelly Holocausted my helpless, sacred ancestors in their Highland Clearances, publicly spreading their depraved Protestantism with fucking impunity in public fora such as this! Particularly in this one that, if I understand correcthy, is run by a fellow Rat Catcher! :wtf:

However, being a trusting sort of bloke, I trust the Almighty Administrator (lick, slurp, suck!!) will bear in mind which side his mystical bread is buttered on, by banning ALL stinking Protestant Soupers from the board, not his blood brothers.

So, Mr. Administrator, when deciding who gets the arse for agitprop, remember that you will be spending eternity with decent Cafflik Herrenvolk folk like me. Not some unsaved Fundie filth that our TRUE God commands us to persecute!

Dominus vobiscum...
Same as all Abrahamic religions, particularly American “Christian” versions of it, I too have it on irreproachable authority (my grandparents) that it is the Scottish Catholic (PBUT!!) Highlanders, NOT the sub-human Scots-Irish and their satanic spawn, who are God’s Chosen Race.

Consequently, I am justifiably incensed when I come across these bestial Soupers, who cruelly Holocausted my helpless, sacred ancestors in their Highland Clearances, publicly spreading their depraved Protestantism with fucking impunity in public fora such as this! Particularly in this one that, if I understand correcthy, is run by a fellow Rat Catcher! :wtf:

However, being a trusting sort of bloke, I trust the Almighty Administrator (lick, slurp, suck!!) will bear in mind which side his mystical bread is buttered on, by banning ALL stinking Protestant Soupers from the board, not his blood brothers.

So, Mr. Administrator, when deciding who gets the arse for agitprop, remember that you will be spending eternity with decent Cafflik Herrenvolk folk like me. Not some unsaved Fundie filth that our TRUE God commands us to persecute!

Dominus vobiscum...
You need to see a psychologist and get some therapy.
Same as all Abrahamic religions, particularly American “Christian” versions of it, I too have it on irreproachable authority (my grandparents) that it is the Scottish Catholic (PBUT!!) Highlanders, NOT the sub-human Scots-Irish and their satanic spawn, who are God’s Chosen Race.

Consequently, I am justifiably incensed when I come across these bestial Soupers, who cruelly Holocausted my helpless, sacred ancestors in their Highland Clearances, publicly spreading their depraved Protestantism with fucking impunity in public fora such as this! Particularly in this one that, if I understand correcthy, is run by a fellow Rat Catcher! :wtf:

However, being a trusting sort of bloke, I trust the Almighty Administrator (lick, slurp, suck!!) will bear in mind which side his mystical bread is buttered on, by banning ALL stinking Protestant Soupers from the board, not his blood brothers.

So, Mr. Administrator, when deciding who gets the arse for agitprop, remember that you will be spending eternity with decent Cafflik Herrenvolk folk like me. Not some unsaved Fundie filth that our TRUE God commands us to persecute!

Dominus vobiscum...

I would like to point out to you that the Highland Clearances had nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with modernization in the form of Clan Chiefs/landlords consolidating their land holdings to shift from sporadic sheep herding to mass agriculture.
I would like to point out to you that the Highland Clearances had nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with modernization in the form of Clan Chiefs/landlords consolidating their land holdings to shift from sporadic sheep herding to mass agriculture.


Try feeding that version of victor’s history to the contemporary Catholic inhabitants of the Highlands and their ethnically cleansed counterparts around the world.

Better still; try telling it to present-day Celtic and Rangers soccer supporters. See how long you last in a Celtic supporter’s pub in Scotland trying to spread that kind of Proddie propaganda!

Please try to de-programme yourself from such patent Proddie pap by punching "Catholic+Highland+Clearances" into Goggle, do some study, then come back and apologise for your racist Highland Holocaust-denying remarks! :omg:

The 18th century would again see religion of the Scottish people used in war, throughout the Jacobite uprisings of 1715 and 1745. While common modern perception was of a war between Scots and English people, it was more accurately between Protestants and Catholics. The protestant Scots standing with the protestant Hanoverian King's red coats while the Catholic, and mainly highland, Scots stood with the Catholic Jacobite pretenders.

The Highland Clearances followed the Culloden Massacre.


Despite your vile Holocaust denial, my point remains. Because of my ill-treated ancestry it is clear that I, the scion of Scottish Holocaust survivors, deserve special indulgence from administrators, moderators, indeed, ALL people here.

The only difference between my ethnically-cleansed ancestors, and that universally sanctified, globally protected Semitic species of perpetual victims, is degree.

I have presented more than enough proof of my historical victim-hood to justify my abhorrence of humanity hating, fundie-fascists like Oddball. Whose Presbyterian founded fundamentalism is, as far as I’m concerned, the underpinning of all my and the world’s problems. At least that MY story and I’m sticking to it. ;)

Oddball's spineless Presbyterian ancestors, who sold their obsequious souls and honour for a bowl of Pommie broth, hence the name "Souper," were to make a mockery of this solemn CATHOLIC oath,

"...for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

In other words, if Oddball can collectively blame what his rabid religion sees as sub-human unbelievers for all the evils that beset his bigoted world, why in fuck can’t I? :cool:

Try feeding that version of victor’s history to the contemporary Catholic inhabitants of the Highlands and their ethnically cleansed counterparts around the world.

Better still; try telling it to present-day Celtic and Rangers soccer supporters. See how long you last in a Celtic supporter’s pub in Scotland trying to spread that kind of Proddie propaganda!

Please try to de-programme yourself from such patent Proddie pap by punching "Catholic+Highland+Clearances" into Goggle, do some study, then come back and apologise for your racist Highland Holocaust-denying remarks! :omg:

The Highland Clearances followed the Culloden Massacre.


Despite your vile Holocaust denial, my point remains. Because of my ill-treated ancestry it is clear that I, the scion of Scottish Holocaust survivors, deserve special indulgence from administrators, moderators, indeed, ALL people here.

The only difference between my ethnically-cleansed ancestors, and that universally sanctified, globally protected Semitic species of perpetual victims, is degree.

I have presented more than enough proof of my historical victim-hood to justify my abhorrence of humanity hating, fundie-fascists like Oddball. Whose Presbyterian founded fundamentalism is, as far as I’m concerned, the underpinning of all my and the world’s problems. At least that MY story and I’m sticking to it. ;)

Oddball's spineless Presbyterian ancestors, who sold their obsequious souls and honour for a bowl of Pommie broth, hence the name "Souper," were to make a mockery of this solemn CATHOLIC oath,

"...for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

In other words, if Oddball can collectively blame what his rabid religion sees as sub-human unbelievers for all the evils that beset his bigoted world, why in fuck can’t I? :cool:

Other than being QUITE liberal with a shared celtic ancestry that makes the eyebow raise about two inches when reading your accounting of it, I find ii completely reasonable to blame all ills that befell the scots on 8-ball.

After all, somebody's got to go down for it ......:cool:
Living on the north side of Hadrians wall I am confused as to which ancestry I should claim as my own.Those pesky Romans have a lot to answer :lol: for.
Other than being QUITE liberal with a shared celtic ancestry that makes the eyebow raise about two inches when reading your accounting of it, I find ii completely reasonable to blame all ills that befell the scots on 8-ball.

After all, somebody's got to go down for it ......:cool:

From the article I supplied,
The 18th century would again see religion of the Scottish people used in war, throughout the Jacobite uprisings of 1715 and 1745. While common modern perception was of a war between Scots and English people, it was more accurately between Protestants and Catholics. The protestant Scots standing with the protestant Hanoverian King's red coats while the Catholic, and mainly highland, Scots stood with the Catholic Jacobite pretenders

I trust you aren't descended from any of these cowardly Calvinist turncoats, especially the despicable Campbells? :shock:

Being a Henderson-McDonald-Lindsay-(the Highland variety!)-Maynard (Welsh Gael) the Campbells are my mortal enemies.

(Massacre, 13th Feb., 1692) As sung by MacGregor Kennedy

Ye loyal MacDonalds awaken, awaken,
Why sleep ye sae soundly in face of the foe?
The clouds pass away and the dawn it is breaking,
But when shall awaken the sons of Glencoe?

Ye lay down to rest with your thoughts on the morrow,
Nor dreamt that lives visions were melting like snow,
But daylight has dawned on the silence of sorrow,
And ne'er shall awaken the sons of Glencoe.

The winds howl a warning, the red lightning flashes,
They heap on the faggots a welcome to show,
But traitors are brooding on death o'er the ashes,
Now cold are the hearths of the sons of Glencoe.

O dark was the omen that brought to our sheiling,
The Black-hearted Campbell wi' treacherous smile,
We gave them our food with a brother's own feeling,
For when we believed there was truth in Argyle.

My clansmen strike boldly, let none of you count
On the mercy of cowards who wrought us such woe.
The wail of their spirits when heard on the mountain,
Must surely awaken the sons of Glencoe.

O cruel as adders, ye struck us while sleeping,
But vengeance shall haunt ye wherever ye go.
Our loved ones lie murdered, no sorrow nor weeping
Can ever awaken the sons of Glencoe

So please, Gunny, tell me that your people aren't Scots-Irish Presbyterian. Those turncoat Catholics who acted as concentration camp guards for their fellow Gaels in the infamous Ulster Plantation! :eusa_pray:

Finally,The Highland Clearances should be a sovereign lesson for all on what happens when you put your trust in capitalistic leaders.
From the article I supplied,

I trust you aren't descended from any of these cowardly Calvinist turncoats, especially the despicable Campbells? :shock:

Being a Henderson-McDonald-Lindsay-(the Highland variety!)-Maynard (Welsh Gael) the Campbells are my mortal enemies.

(Massacre, 13th Feb., 1692) As sung by MacGregor Kennedy

Ye loyal MacDonalds awaken, awaken,
Why sleep ye sae soundly in face of the foe?
The clouds pass away and the dawn it is breaking,
But when shall awaken the sons of Glencoe?

Ye lay down to rest with your thoughts on the morrow,
Nor dreamt that lives visions were melting like snow,
But daylight has dawned on the silence of sorrow,
And ne'er shall awaken the sons of Glencoe.

The winds howl a warning, the red lightning flashes,
They heap on the faggots a welcome to show,
But traitors are brooding on death o'er the ashes,
Now cold are the hearths of the sons of Glencoe.

O dark was the omen that brought to our sheiling,
The Black-hearted Campbell wi' treacherous smile,
We gave them our food with a brother's own feeling,
For when we believed there was truth in Argyle.

My clansmen strike boldly, let none of you count
On the mercy of cowards who wrought us such woe.
The wail of their spirits when heard on the mountain,
Must surely awaken the sons of Glencoe.

O cruel as adders, ye struck us while sleeping,
But vengeance shall haunt ye wherever ye go.
Our loved ones lie murdered, no sorrow nor weeping
Can ever awaken the sons of Glencoe

So please, Gunny, tell me that your people aren't Scots-Irish Presbyterian. Those turncoat Catholics who acted as concentration camp guards for their fellow Gaels in the infamous Ulster Plantation! :eusa_pray:

Finally,The Highland Clearances should be a sovereign lesson for all on what happens when you put your trust in capitalistic leaders.

My eyes must be deceiving me. I could swear you mentioned me and "Campbell" in the same sentence without any mention of the latter being skewered by the former.:wtf:

this ought to help you out in how I feel about Clan Campbell.

And as far as my previous comment, I did not say the Jacobite Uprising was not about religion. I said the Highland Clearances were not.
My eyes must be deceiving me. I could swear you mentioned me and "Campbell" in the same sentence without any mention of the latter being skewered by the former.:wtf:

this ought to help you out in how I feel about Clan Campbell.

And as far as my previous comment, I did not say the Jacobite Uprising was not about religion. I said the Highland Clearances were not.

Ceud Mile Failte!

Of course The Clearances, of the predominantly Catholic clans, had an economic motive.

Just as Luther’s fascistic reformation was Machiavellianly funded and run by the capitalistic German princes. The same as America’s supposed altruistic world policing and decency role is a cover for its real goal of global conquest.

But try telling that to the poor silly bastards that have died/die for the Papacy, or the paper Pope of Protestantism, down the centuries.

Religion has always played/plays a crucial role in motivating the poor mindless peons to do Massa’s materialistic bidding. More often than not, in our supposedly sophisticated “West,” each side killing their “unbelieving” foes on behalf of the same mad dog Abrahamic God.

ALL religions were founded by establishment figures to control the fearful, feeble-minded fuckwits that kept/keep these capitalistic \!/’s in clover. Anyone who tells you he is religious out of his selfless love for mankind, rather than their essentially narcissistic fear of extinction upon their death, is a fucking liar.

Religion and greed go hand in glove.

Obviously the baseless fear of their biblical bogeyman is the only thing that keeps the religious in line. The fact is, take away their genocidal Jewish god and his genitally based religion, and these frauds would fuck a queer dog on a chain in a high wind! :shock:
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