Zone1 Some people... even if they see someone raised from the dead, will not believe!!


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I refer to St Luke 16:19

The Parable of he Rich Man and the Poor Man

The poor man was VERY poor... a homeless beggar

The rich man walked by him a lot of the time and gave him nothing.

the rich man went to Hell (see Mt 25:31...) and the poor one went to Abraham's bosom

The rich man in Hell was thirsty and begged the poor man to give him a drop of water but was told (by Abraham?) that there is a great divide btwn those 2 places and no one can go from one side to the other

The rich man pleaded for his brothers still on Earth, said that if the poor man returned from the dead, they would listen to him

But Abraham said that "They have the prophets. If they will not listen to the prophets, they will not listen even were one to return from the dead"
I refer to St Luke 16:19

The Parable of he Rich Man and the Poor Man

The poor man was VERY poor... a homeless beggar

The rich man walked by him a lot of the time and gave him nothing.

the rich man went to Hell (see Mt 25:31...) and the poor one went to Abraham's bosom

The rich man in Hell was thirsty and begged the poor man to give him a drop of water but was told (by Abraham?) that there is a great divide btwn those 2 places and no one can go from one side to the other

The rich man pleaded for his brothers still on Earth, said that if the poor man returned from the dead, they would listen to him

But Abraham said that "They have the prophets. If they will not listen to the prophets, they will not listen even were one to return from the dead"
When was the last person raised from the dead?
Fear and control as usual .
When you get to the bottom of these Cult Religions you always find the same threats .
Here with the good hearted Essene Priest thrown in as Control opposition .
Nothing changes

"I don't understand Catholicism, which should be obvious, but will pretend I do"

I refer to St Luke 16:19

The Parable of he Rich Man and the Poor Man

The poor man was VERY poor... a homeless beggar

The rich man walked by him a lot of the time and gave him nothing.

the rich man went to Hell (see Mt 25:31...) and the poor one went to Abraham's bosom

The rich man in Hell was thirsty and begged the poor man to give him a drop of water but was told (by Abraham?) that there is a great divide btwn those 2 places and no one can go from one side to the other

The rich man pleaded for his brothers still on Earth, said that if the poor man returned from the dead, they would listen to him

But Abraham said that "They have the prophets. If they will not listen to the prophets, they will not listen even were one to return from the dead"
Have you seen anyone raised from the dead?
Fear and control as usual .
When you get to the bottom of these Cult Religions you always find the same threats .
Here with the good hearted Essene Priest thrown in as Control opposition .
Nothing changes
Fear can be a good thing used properly. It causes one to concentrate more effectively. Too much fear paralyzes a person. They get tunnel vision and cannot properly react. If one loses their free moral agency. then they are controlled by evil. Many cannot see this because of their tunnel vison. However, choosing wrong over right, evil over good will also cause one to lose their free moral agency causing them to be controlled by evil or the devil and will have an overwhelming amount of fear. It's why we have laws and punishments. It's why God then should be allowed to have laws and punishments as well. We need parameters put in place or we will fall into evil and live in fear.
I refer to St Luke 16:19

The Parable of he Rich Man and the Poor Man

The poor man was VERY poor... a homeless beggar

The rich man walked by him a lot of the time and gave him nothing.

the rich man went to Hell (see Mt 25:31...) and the poor one went to Abraham's bosom

The rich man in Hell was thirsty and begged the poor man to give him a drop of water but was told (by Abraham?) that there is a great divide btwn those 2 places and no one can go from one side to the other

The rich man pleaded for his brothers still on Earth, said that if the poor man returned from the dead, they would listen to him

But Abraham said that "They have the prophets. If they will not listen to the prophets, they will not listen even were one to return from the dead"
Symbolic not literal.
If you want to learn how to bring people back from the dead study CPR. Lots more effective than just praying for them.
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Lazarus was a real person. He rose from being dead. Not resurrected, just was healed and brought back to life by Jesus Christ. So, not just symbolic. Ridiculous JWs
Fact--If one could look down and see loved ones suffering, they couldn't find happiness unless they turned selfish. Ones who have love would be in pain inside to be able to see that, thus it is symbolism.
Fact--If one could look down and see loved ones suffering, they couldn't find happiness unless they turned selfish. Ones who have love would be in pain inside to be able to see that, thus it is symbolism.
Dumbest reason to say it never happened. Sad things happen all the time.
I refer to St Luke 16:19

The Parable of he Rich Man and the Poor Man

The poor man was VERY poor... a homeless beggar

The rich man walked by him a lot of the time and gave him nothing.

the rich man went to Hell (see Mt 25:31...) and the poor one went to Abraham's bosom

The rich man in Hell was thirsty and begged the poor man to give him a drop of water but was told (by Abraham?) that there is a great divide btwn those 2 places and no one can go from one side to the other

The rich man pleaded for his brothers still on Earth, said that if the poor man returned from the dead, they would listen to him

But Abraham said that "They have the prophets. If they will not listen to the prophets, they will not listen even were one to return from the dead"

That is the Biblical definition of where you go when you die. Paradise on one side of the chasm, Hell on the other. Notice that the souls were still recognizable as the people they looked like with their bodies on. They spoke, they thirst, they remembered their lives. Those in Paradise were those that belonged to God, but had not been redeemed by the blood of Christ yet. Christ went there with the thief on the cross. He preached to those in Hell about who He was, and emptied out Paradise. They showed up with Him when He returned. The stones that rolled away from certain graves were for those in Paradise and needed their now glorified bodies back. And they ascended with Christ 40 days later. In the absence of Paradise since it was emptied, and having our sins covered by the blood of the Lamb, means we can go straight up now if you belong to Jesus.
Those in hell are still there and will be until the White Throne Judgment.

Matthew 27:52-53 and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection​

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The new earth= Not a new planet but, Gods kingdom rule in full control of all on earth. No more satan influences ever.
Well, that hasn’t happened. Your false prophet stole that idea from the true Church and the true prophet, Joseph Smith long before the establishment of the JWs.
Well, that hasn’t happened. Your false prophet stole that idea from the true Church and the true prophet, Joseph Smith long before the establishment of the JWs.
Actually its Gods truth written over 1700 years prior to Mr. Smith.

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