Some Republican Presidential Candidates Do Not Believe in Evolution

I explained why it matters to me in the post that started this thread.

You may not care for the theory, but the preponderance of evidence supporting bio-chemical evolution on Earth is overwhelming. Almost every objective person will acknowledge that. Most people who deny the reality of evolution do so on the basis that it seems to contradict a literal interpretation of the Bible. Clearly, acceptance of the theory of evolution does not in any way contradict belief in the existence of God. There are other examples that make irrational a literal interpretation of the Bible. For example, one may not care for the theory that the Universe is older than what is indicated in the Bible, but the mass of evidence overwhelms such belief. The reality is different than what is suggested by the Book. Here is what Brownback, Huckabee, and Tancredo disregard: some things are true whether one believes in them or not.

I am an objective person and the theory raises a number of questions that just arent satisfactory to me.

But that doesnt say anything about their capabilities to handle problems.
well evolution is a theory not a fact, let's not act like evoultion is not debatable, but i don't believe "god" made us

<blockquote>Main Entry: <b>the&#183;o&#183;ry</b>
Pronunciation: 'thE-&-rE, 'thir-E
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theOria, from theOrein
<b>1</b> : the analysis of a set of <b>facts</b> in their relation to one another</blockquote>

Like so many others, you seem to believe that a theory is simply speculation devoid of any relation to the world around us. It is quite the opposite. A theory, involves the observation of events and phenomena and the relationships between them over time and the extrapolation of given principles based upon those observations. They are uncertain in that, given the limitations of human perception, we can never really be certain we've observed all the phenomena from which a given theory is derived. But even events or phenomena that seem to contradict a given theory don't necessarily do so as they may require closer scrutiny. If they do indeed contradict a given theory, that theory can be re-examined, revised and, in some cases, completely scrapped and rethought in order to account for it. Such is the nature of human knowledge. (edited 5/11/07 @ 2227)
<blockquote>Main Entry: <b>the&#183;o&#183;ry</b>
Pronunciation: 'thE-&-rE, 'thir-E
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theOria, from theOrein
<b>1</b> : the analysis of a set of <b>facts</b> in their relation to one another</blockquote>

Like so many others, you seem to believe that a theory is simply speculation devoid of any relation to the world around us. It is quite the opposite. A theory, involves the observation of events and phenomena over time and the extrapolation of given principles based upon those observations. They are uncertain in that, given the limitations of human perception, we can never really be certain we've observed all the phenomena from which a given theory is derived. But even events or phenomena that seem to contradict a given theory don't necessarily do so as they may require closer scrutiny. If they do indeed contradict a given theory, that theory can be re-examined, revised and, in some cases, completely scrapped and rethought in order to account for it. Such is the nature of human knowledge.

Your right, evolution is infact NOT debatable, and even if it was.....The religions certainly are not going to go out and analyse data to prove otherwise because there is no data to prove otherwise. A theory is widely accepted to be fact in the world of science, because theorys are tested, to the fullest extent. Religion is not.

Just look at the theory of relativity, einstien did not prove his theory to be correct, he just tested it using the laws of mathmatics and physics. It was several scientists later on who actually tested his speed of light theory to equal the exact calculations that he had predicted, yet it is still to this day called the "theory of relativity" so what everyone must realize, is that a theory must go through alot to even stand up as a true theory. Which is why theory's will always be given more credit than faith or belief.
Just look at the theory of relativity, einstien did not prove his theory to be correct, he just tested it using the laws of mathmatics and physics. It was several scientists later on who actually tested his speed of light theory to equal the exact calculations that he had predicted, yet it is still to this day called the "theory of relativity" so what everyone must realize, is that a theory must go through alot to even stand up as a true theory. Which is why theory's will always be given more credit than faith or belief.

or a hypothesis?
A hypothesis is informed speculation in a way. It can be tested though. When it's tested and found to be valid it may become a theory. I think.

Right! I think that some people, when defining the meaning of THEORY, are really defining a HYPOTHESIS, not a theory..... As said, a theory has more facts, and studies and calculations done that confirm it than a hypothesis does.... and a hypothesis can turn out to be a theory after all is said and done, but once a theory, it ususally does not ever revert back to a hypothesis.

At least that is how I understood it all many moons ago! :)

OneDomino, Superlative and Bullypulpit will be really, really bummed to know that evolutionary theory explains racial differences in intelligence.


In adapting to colder climates where resources were scattered, whites got smarter and figured out longer-range plans. They grew bigger brains to figure out things like building shelter and making clothes to stay warm. Blacks in Africa did not. You can see this at work in today's world, where whites in northern climates are technologically superior and blacks nearer to the equator are some of the most primitive on Earth.

So bracing is this idea that many on the left are "going Huckabee," if you will...
It also explains why your dick is smaller than everyone else's.

White penises do not hang as low as black penises when flaccid. When erect, the differences almost disappear, but there's still about a half-inch difference. This probably has something do with a need for retraction in the cold climate.

But if we're going to talk about this difference, we'll have to talk about other differences. But I gather it's your dick that isn't big enough for that chat. Or your brain, for that matter.
OneDomino, Superlative and Bullypulpit will be really, really bummed to know that evolutionary theory explains racial differences in intelligence.

In adapting to colder climates where resources were scattered, whites got smarter and figured out longer-range plans. They grew bigger brains to figure out things like building shelter and making clothes to stay warm. Blacks in Africa did not. You can see this at work in today's world, where whites in northern climates are technologically superior and blacks nearer to the equator are some of the most primitive on Earth.

So bracing is this idea that many on the left are "going Huckabee," if you will...

What explains why racists have lower intelligence on average?
Yes, that's quite a reliable report. I wonder how exactly you conduct a study of "racist" IQ's. "Excuse, me, if I could get all racists to sit down for an IQ test..."


Talk about low intelligence.

From the "report" Hamiltonian refers us to, written by... who?

Since the average IQ of a racist is less than the average, racists have two-digit IQs, while normal people have three-digit IQs, on the average. This applies to Nazi skinheads, American Nazis, the oxymoronic Aryan supremacists, Christian Identity fanatics, anti-semites, non-denominational bigots, and other such social rejects.

Uh huh. Because so many respectable studies use the term "social rejects."
OneDomino, Superlative and Bullypulpit will be really, really bummed to know that evolutionary theory explains racial differences in intelligence.

In adapting to colder climates where resources were scattered, whites got smarter and figured out longer-range plans. They grew bigger brains to figure out things like building shelter and making clothes to stay warm. Blacks in Africa did not. You can see this at work in today's world, where whites in northern climates are technologically superior and blacks nearer to the equator are some of the most primitive on Earth.

So bracing is this idea that many on the left are "going Huckabee," if you will...

Your own feelings of inferiority and inadequacy show clearly every time you spew your racist claptrap across the bandwidth, you know. Why else would you feel threatened by someone different from yourself, other than being plagued by your own self-doubt? Someone, such as yourself, would benefit form some intensive talk therapy to work through these inferiority complexes you have. But like so many of your ilk, Sweet William, you lack the courage and stamina to do so. You would rather wallow in the cesspool that is your mind and fantasize about triumphs over imagined inferior foes...You know those of less sterling racial pedigree than yourself. You are pathetic. Dismissed.
Right! I think that some people, when defining the meaning of THEORY, are really defining a HYPOTHESIS, not a theory..... As said, a theory has more facts, and studies and calculations done that confirm it than a hypothesis does.... and a hypothesis can turn out to be a theory after all is said and done, but once a theory, it ususally does not ever revert back to a hypothesis.

At least that is how I understood it all many moons ago! :)


And that clarifies it for me as well - actually that makes a heck of a lot of sense, when you put "hypothesis" up against "theory" (the latter in the scientific sense - not that I have any idea about science I hasten to add) it shows the strength of the term "theory" when applied in these circumstances.

OneDomino, Superlative and Bullypulpit will be really, really bummed to know that evolutionary theory explains racial differences in intelligence.

In adapting to colder climates where resources were scattered, whites got smarter and figured out longer-range plans. They grew bigger brains to figure out things like building shelter and making clothes to stay warm. Blacks in Africa did not. You can see this at work in today's world, where whites in northern climates are technologically superior and blacks nearer to the equator are some of the most primitive on Earth.

So bracing is this idea that many on the left are "going Huckabee," if you will...

I do not believe this. It is a tired old saw that Elitists have tried to pull before. This time they are just using a different excuse to explain their racism.
OneDomino, Superlative and Bullypulpit will be really, really bummed to know that evolutionary theory explains racial differences in intelligence.

In adapting to colder climates where resources were scattered, whites got smarter and figured out longer-range plans. They grew bigger brains to figure out things like building shelter and making clothes to stay warm. Blacks in Africa did not. You can see this at work in today's world, where whites in northern climates are technologically superior and blacks nearer to the equator are some of the most primitive on Earth.

So bracing is this idea that many on the left are "going Huckabee," if you will...

What about the Egyptians? They were pretty smart for their time, no?
White penises do not hang as low as black penises when flaccid. When erect, the differences almost disappear, but there's still about a half-inch difference. This probably has something do with a need for retraction in the cold climate.

But if we're going to talk about this difference, we'll have to talk about other differences. But I gather it's your dick that isn't big enough for that chat. Or your brain, for that matter.

BWAHAHAHA! I bet you believe in Thompson's nose rule and support the findings in The Bell Curve too.

But by all means, let's discuss it logically. Just the premise of the statement you cite is flawed:

"In adapting to colder climates where resources were scattered, whites got smarter and figured out longer-range plans. They grew bigger brains to figure out things like building shelter and making clothes to stay warm. Blacks in Africa did not. You can see this at work in today's world, where whites in northern climates are technologically superior and blacks nearer to the equator are some of the most primitive on Earth."

Living in colder climates doesn't make one smarter. Think about it, why would people need to make clothes to stay warm if they live near the equator in warm weather? Duh.

Also, you don't "grow" bigger brains. If one could "grow" a brain someone would have done it and given you one out of pity.
BWAHAHAHA! I bet you believe in Thompson's nose rule and support the findings in The Bell Curve too.

But by all means, let's discuss it logically. Just the premise of the statement you cite is flawed:

Living in colder climates doesn't make one smarter. Think about it, why would people need to make clothes to stay warm if they live near the equator in warm weather? Duh.

Also, you don't "grow" bigger brains. If one could "grow" a brain someone would have done it and given you one out of pity.

A few years ago one of our federal politicians stood up in parliament and said that our aboriginal people were primitive becuase in their forty thousand years of history they had never invented the wheel.

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