Some Republicans can't keep hands off others' property? or Time Magazine

HMMMM Which to believe.?

feel free to delve deeper. this somehow an excuse for what happened in Maine?

Where did I say that?

Then, can you explain why your first post (and every other post so far) in this thread doesn't even address the situation in Maine?

I am merely asking you to treat all such acts no matter who commits them equally. After all if one "outrages" you then should not they all?

No, you are not merely are going completely off topic from your very first post.

Or are you a hack hypocrite?

No...and I don't come onto threads and try to deflect from my very first post, never addressing the topic either.

(here is you libby disclaimer: You don't actually have to answer that as it was a rhetorical question. We all already know you are a hack)

So, you ask questions you already know the answer to ( or think you do) and then make a personal insult.....all while never, ever addressing the topic of the thread.

Republicans have this idea that because they are rich and own corporations, everything that is connected with them (kids school, local government, etc.), is automatically something that has to be controlled by them.

Prime example is the battle over the tea party moniker down in Florida, and because of the "it's all about me" attitude of many of the right wingnuts, that is why the tea party will never become anything important.

Shit.........yesterday the tea party was supposed to rally at a government building and circle the place to show their solidarity at wanting to take back their government.

They didn't have enough to even fill the front lawn.

They also tried to do that to a bank, and there were less than 10 that showed up.
Yeah, that's why all you ignorant lil' liberal candyasses talk about the tea partiers so much.

Fuckin' pussies!

We'll see what all of you lil' welfare sucking leaches have to say come november.
Hey, Biker! You hit a sore spot! A veritable hit! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Assholes steal crap from a teacher who is trying to play politics with 8th graders.

Plenty 'o nozzles to pass around to all the douches involved here. Start with the ones who stole the poster, and then move on to the teacher.
Assholes steal crap from a teacher who is trying to play politics with 8th graders.

Plenty 'o nozzles to pass around to all the douches involved here. Start with the ones who stole the poster, and then move on to the teacher.

Why the teacher?
Republicans have this idea that because they are rich and own corporations, everything that is connected with them (kids school, local government, etc.), is automatically something that has to be controlled by them.

Prime example is the battle over the tea party moniker down in Florida, and because of the "it's all about me" attitude of many of the right wingnuts, that is why the tea party will never become anything important.

Shit.........yesterday the tea party was supposed to rally at a government building and circle the place to show their solidarity at wanting to take back their government.

They didn't have enough to even fill the front lawn.

They also tried to do that to a bank, and there were less than 10 that showed up.
Yeah, that's why all you ignorant lil' liberal candyasses talk about the tea partiers so much.

Fuckin' pussies!

We'll see what all of you lil' welfare sucking leaches have to say come november.
Hey, Biker! You hit a sore spot! A veritable hit! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Apparently so. I think I sank his battleship!

But.......on to more important things..........throwing away PERFECTLY GOOD COPIES of the Constitution just because they are supplied by a left wing group is stupid.

Did they ever think that sometimes those places give stuff like that to schools as donations because THE SCHOOLS DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY?

It's almost as stupid as disregarding a story when it's linked to Huffington Post for some on here.

Listen y'all.........just because it comes from a source you may regard as suspect does NOT mean they are "politicizing" the class.

You rightwing nutjobs need to throttle back a bit on the crazy.
Assholes steal crap from a teacher who is trying to play politics with 8th graders.

Plenty 'o nozzles to pass around to all the douches involved here. Start with the ones who stole the poster, and then move on to the teacher.

Why the teacher?

'Cause it obvious he's using 8th graders to promote a political agenda. Then saying "Who ME?! I'm just Teeeeeeeaching them" when called on it.

When eighth grade social studies teacher Paul Clifford came into his classroom at King Middle School this past Monday, he noticed that a poster on the door had been removed. The poster, says Clifford, featured a quote from early 20th century union leader and socialist party activist Eugene Debs.

"So it has, basically, pictures of gears and trains and machinery and this type of thing, and it has a quote from Eugene Debs on it, bascially talking about in order to make social change you need to have civilized discontent," Clifford says.

....a series of collages that students had created over the last ten years as part of a recurring project on freedom of speech.

"And one of the collages had a picture of George Bush standing at a podium, and he had no eyes, and it says 'I can see evil' and it shows him throwing all these different things into a trash can, like the word 'peace' and these types of things," Clifford says.

His douchenozzleness is a completely separate issue than the thieving douchenozzleness of the GOP reps who used the room. But yeah, start with the thieves and then move on to the teacher...
So..........because it was a political poster from OUR HISTORY, you wish to take it away, because it represents something that you find wrong.

Might as well take out many quotes by Thomas Jefferson as well. What are you looking to make us into, Communist China?
Republicans have this idea that because they are rich and own corporations, everything that is connected with them (kids school, local government, etc.), is automatically something that has to be controlled by them.

Prime example is the battle over the tea party moniker down in Florida, and because of the "it's all about me" attitude of many of the right wingnuts, that is why the tea party will never become anything important.

Shit.........yesterday the tea party was supposed to rally at a government building and circle the place to show their solidarity at wanting to take back their government.

They didn't have enough to even fill the front lawn.

They also tried to do that to a bank, and there were less than 10 that showed up.
Yeah, that's why all you ignorant lil' liberal candyasses talk about the tea partiers so much.

Fuckin' pussies!

We'll see what all of you lil' welfare sucking leaches have to say come november.

Well, Wicki, we will continue to support the lazy asses of the Conservatives as we have for decades. Red states are net recipients from the Federal Government, Blue state, send in more than they recieve.

So get your lazy Conservative ass out and get a job so we liberals do not have to continue to support your indigent ass.:lol:
So..........because it was a political poster from OUR HISTORY, you wish to take it away, because it represents something that you find wrong.

Might as well take out many quotes by Thomas Jefferson as well. What are you looking to make us into, Communist China?


But nice try.

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