Some San Francisco residents may receive $5 million in reparations after Board expresses ‘unanimous' support

Get the word out so all of the segregationist socialist sloth blacks will move to SF like it’s a new gold rush and then we can build a wall around the place and lock them in.
If the city of San Francisco and state of California have the money to pay for this have at it. Just make sure all the money comes from the taxpayers living in California and no one else.

If there is ANY way the figure out how to pull this off, you, the taxpayer will be forced to foot the bill. Democrats in power will make absolutely sure of that. You should know how they operate by now.
Not some, every black shakedown artist in the city, around 100,000 of them! On top of that they get to buy houses in perpetuity at a buck apiece, and if I recall correctly $200,000 yearly for 250 years!

If they so much as even attempt to do this, if they genuinely move to do this, we will go in their and eliminate them all out of hand, I am not even kidding, California and its psychotic population will be annihilated! :banana:

If this becomes a viable way for Democrats to get rich(er) and it serves their virtue signaling and America destroying agenda, it WILL happen.

And yes, YOU WILL pay for it all one way or the other. Just like you will pay for the failed woke banks one way or another.

People mistakenly thought they could sit back and do nothing and it wouldn't affect them. I've known for years that was stinkin thinkin. For the millionth's going to get worse.....MUCH worse. Buckle your seat belt and enjoy the Do-Nuthin" ride.
If there is ANY way the figure out how to pull this off, you, the taxpayer will be forced to foot the bill. Democrats in power will make absolutely sure of that. You should know how they operate by now.
For me to have to pay any of it Congress will have to force the issue. The one thing politicans in Washington want more than anything is to hold to their seat in Congress voting in favor of something that would force the people of their state to help pay for the stupidity of California would not be a good way to do that.
Respectfully, take it up w/ Stalin. This is a story about Americans deciding whether or not to acknowledge America's mistreatment of American minorities.

Black people were brought over here in bondage, and then deliberately bred for the purposes of being human property. And then after that, they were systematically targeted for apartheid and oppression. For the majority of this country's history, Black people have been subjugated.

Respectfully, take up "reparations" with a bunch of dead slave owners.

I hope the recipients will not include robbers, sucker punchers, looters, rapists, and murderers.

Their $5,000,000 checks should go to those predators' victims!!!
.Respectfully, take up "reparations" with a bunch of dead slave owners.

Hmmm...your post got me to thinking. In civil/real estate law, people can sue over title and estates going back many, many years if they can establish legal standing to sue and that there was some kind of tort.

There's probably no way that this is legally possible under existing civil law, but conceptually, states could possibly come up with a legal framework that operates in a similar way. If, say, a person can come up with family records establishing that they are likely the descendant of a black person born in 19th Century America, then they could qualify for some sort of special benefit, whatever that is. Could be a small monthly or yearly tax-free stipend, free community college or vocational training, low-interest loans, or whatever.

But the SF idea is just...dumb.
Hmmm...your post got me to thinking. In civil/real estate law, people can sue over title and estates going back many, many years if they can establish legal standing to sue and that there was some kind of tort.

There's probably no way that this is legally possible under existing civil law, but conceptually, states could possibly come up with a legal framework that operates in a similar way. If, say, a person can come up with family records establishing that they are likely the descendant of a black person born in 19th Century America, then they could qualify for some sort of special benefit, whatever that is. Could be a small monthly or yearly tax-free stipend, free community college or vocational training, low-interest loans, or whatever.

But the SF idea is just...dumb.


Respectfully, take it up w/ Stalin. This is a story about Americans deciding whether or not to acknowledge America's mistreatment of American minorities.

Black people were brought over here in bondage, and then deliberately bred for the purposes of being human property. And then after that, they were systematically targeted for apartheid and oppression. For the majority of this country's history, Black people have been subjugated.
Sold by whom, let them pay the reparations
$5 million dollars would last for over 50 years if you withdrew $97,000 per year, and that is without interest
so actually they would be getting about $194,000 per year
And then add in they won’t have to pay the $3000 a month mortgage for a house, and it’s $230,000 a year. Since they won’t be paying income tax on that amount, it’s like $275,000 a year in earnings.

Besides, this will bankrupt all the white families, so the purpose of this is twofold: to turn every black in the state into a multimillionaire, and to turn the newly impoverished whites into their slaves.
And then add in they won’t have to pay the $3000 a month mortgage for a house, and it’s $230,000 a year. Since they won’t be paying income tax on that amount, it’s like $275,000 a year in earnings.

Besides, this will bankrupt all the white families, so the purpose of this is twofold: to turn every black in the state into a multimillionaire, and to turn the newly impoverished whites into their slaves.

This will not happen. Do not believe that this will ever happen. It is just a political ploy.

What is likely to happen is that they will keep using it as a carrot and stick to keep the blacks worked up and eventually get them worked up enough to start that war which will, unfortunately, destroy the blue cities and lead to the deaths of many innocent white folks, but a whole lot more innocent black folks.

Margaret Sanger would be proud.

Those of us who will be safe are the folks in small towns in flyover country.


This will not happen. Do not believe that this will ever happen. It is just a political ploy.

What is likely to happen is that they will keep using it as a carrot and stick to keep the blacks worked up and eventually get them worked up enough to start that war which will, unfortunately, destroy the blue cities and lead to the deaths of many innocent white folks, but a whole lot more innocent black folks.

Margaret Sanger would be proud.

Those of us who will be safe are the folks in small towns in flyover country.


I am also wondering with the requirements they are setting, how many people are actually part of this?

Of course if we are talking only a few percentage points of the population, how are the excluded people going to take it?

The other thing is San Francisco proper's black population percentage is 5.3%.

Do you think the black population of Oakland thinks they are part of this, and if so, what happens when they realize it's only for San Francisco proper?
I am also wondering with the requirements they are setting, how many people are actually part of this?

Of course if we are talking only a few percentage points of the population, how are the excluded people going to take it?

The other thing is San Francisco proper's black population percentage is 5.3%.

Do you think the black population of Oakland thinks they are part of this, and if so, what happens when they realize it's only for San Francisco proper?

Like I said, Ms. Sanger would be thrilled.

She looks down at Chicago, Baltimore and Philadelphia, as well as every abortion clinic, and laughs.

She doesn't care how they get killed -- just that they do.


Like I said, Ms. Sanger would be thrilled.

She looks down at Chicago, Baltimore and Philadelphia, as well as every abortion clinic, and laughs.

She doesn't care how they get killed -- just that they do.


My other question is do the realize what this could result in and don't care, or are they obvious to the potential outcomes?
My other question is do the realize what this could result in and don't care, or are they obvious to the potential outcomes?

Oh, I think they WANT it to happen in the worst way possible. I think it is being DESIGNED to get more black ripping one another's throats out.

I can't imagine it otherwise.


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