Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

ahh liberals

Proving everyday they hate America.

I would like to come here one day, just one day and see a liberal not speak poorly of America or Americans.

krist, if that happened, I'd go to church, cuz that would be proof of miracles to me.
Typical deranged mentally unhinged democrat gun grabber. Des Moines Register: Nation needs a new agenda on guns.

Here, then, is my “madder-than-hell-and-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore” program for ending gun violence in America:

• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a “well-regulated militia.” We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.

• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

• Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.
Typical deranged mentally unhinged democrat gun grabber. Des Moines Register: Nation needs a new agenda on guns.

Here, then, is my “madder-than-hell-and-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore” program for ending gun violence in America:

• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a “well-regulated militia.” We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.

• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

• Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.

That dude is deranged. Sure glad that there are no deranged Republicans out there. :eusa_eh:

yeah, us Americans are so unlike the Japanese you love a worship huh?

We're the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And the most religous...

Well 53% of you guys anyway.

By the way, we are NOT the most religous people in the world, we're not even in the top ten. Do you EVER check the facts before spewing your crap?

Most religious nations, according to WIN/Gallup polls on "People saying they think of themselves as religious"
1. Ghana
2. Nigeria
3. Armenia
4. Fiji
5. Macedonia
6. Romania
7. Iraq
8. Kenya
9. Peru
10. Brazil

Other polls have many of the same nations but also include Pakistan, Guatamala, Indonesia, Morroco and India. NOT ONE study had America in the top ten.

You wonder why nobody but other morons gives any weight to what you say.

yeah, us Americans are so unlike the Japanese you love a worship huh?

We're the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And the most religous...

i wouldn't say we're the dumbest. dumb requires a lack of ability to learn.

but yes, when 70% of a country doesn't believe in evolution, it's going to be impossible to compete in a modern world.

Lol, really? Because last I checked the belief in intelligent design as opposed to evolution never once did anything to impact business or the economy, nor did it in any way effect people's grades, obtaining degrees, starting businesses, etc, etc, etc, etc. Seems we had a much, much higher percentage of people who believed in intelligent design in the 40's and 50's than we do today, and in the 40's and 50's we led the world economically, militarily and in almost every other category you can think of. You two belong on eachother's posts, neither of you speak factually or accurately. Maybe our problem today isn't too many people believe in intelligent design, maybe it's due to the fact that too many disregard intelligent design.

yeah, us Americans are so unlike the Japanese you love a worship huh?

We're the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And the most religous...

i wouldn't say we're the dumbest. dumb requires a lack of ability to learn.

but yes, when 70% of a country doesn't believe in evolution, it's going to be impossible to compete in a modern world.

Really? And, how much of the so-called "modern world" believes in evolution? Got those statistics?

yeah, us Americans are so unlike the Japanese you love a worship huh?

We're the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And the most religous...

Well 53% of you guys anyway.

By the way, we are NOT the most religous people in the world, we're not even in the top ten. Do you EVER check the facts before spewing your crap?

Most religious nations, according to WIN/Gallup polls on "People saying they think of themselves as religious"
1. Ghana
2. Nigeria
3. Armenia
4. Fiji
5. Macedonia
6. Romania
7. Iraq
8. Kenya
9. Peru
10. Brazil

Other polls have many of the same nations but also include Pakistan, Guatamala, Indonesia, Morroco and India. NOT ONE study had America in the top ten.

You wonder why nobody but other morons gives any weight to what you say.

You did see where I said, "Industrialized world", right? Or do you not know what that word means, Cleetus?
Lol, really? Because last I checked the belief in intelligent design as opposed to evolution never once did anything to impact business or the economy, nor did it in any way effect people's grades, obtaining degrees, starting businesses, etc, etc, etc, etc. Seems we had a much, much higher percentage of people who believed in intelligent design in the 40's and 50's than we do today, and in the 40's and 50's we led the world economically, militarily and in almost every other category you can think of. You two belong on eachother's posts, neither of you speak factually or accurately. Maybe our problem today isn't too many people believe in intelligent design, maybe it's due to the fact that too many disregard intelligent design.

Back in the 1940's and 50's, we didn't have the State of Texas insisting Biology books in High School expunge all references to evolution and Darwin's theories...

And, yes, the fact we are so ignorant does have an impact...

U.S. Teens Trail Peers Around World on Math-Science Test

Every year, Corporations go to the government and insist on bringing in 1.25 milllion foreign workers because they can't find Americans to fill technical jobs.

Sorry, I don't want to be a victim of your "justified" war. My idea is to prevent myself and others from being killed in the first place. And, so, using your logic, how many people would have to die in a nuke attack before you find justification in doing something? But, that's the typical stupid ass logic of the left...isn't it? Wait until thousands, if not more, people are dead before they finally find the backbone to act? That's like saying I'll wait until I run head on into a speeding car until I find justification in putting a seat belt on or until the robber shoots me in the face before I find justification in defending myself against the robber. But, curiously enough, this doesn't appear to be the same tact you want to take with respect to gun owners. Although you weren't attacked first, you want to take folks' guns away from them who have done nothing whatsoever to you. Or, anyone else for that matter. So, if we use your logic, since Japan attacked America in 1941, this gives us the right to take the world's weapons away from them, since if Japan can attack Pearl Harbor, the rest of the world can't be trusted to own weapons either, whether they've attacked us or not.

Have you ever seen the movie Final Countdown? I've got to wonder if you'd be like the character James Farentino played who, even though he knew how history had played out, wanted to wait until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor before he would want to take any defensive action.

Wow, guy, I usually ignore you because you go frequently into crazy land...

Okay, Movies aren't reality.

Oh, fuck it, frankly, you're so nutz your posts kind of speak for themselves...
We even paid for it.

We paid them nothing near what it was worth, and you know it.

SO if the government goes into your house, takes all your shit by force, and then pays you $10.00 for it, which I think would cover cab fare, you'd be totally cool with that, right?

If find it amusing the the same idiots who SCREAM if the government talks about taking their guns are just ooooh soooo cooool with the fact we took half of Mexico's land by force.

Doesn't matter if you think we didn't pay nothing near what it was worth. It's what they agreed to and, if later on, all of a sudden, they had an epiphany and decided they had been gypped, that was their own problem.

So if the ATF busts into your house, catches you by surprise when you are sleeping, take all your guns (do they let you have guns? that's scary), and gives you $1.00 for that AR-15 you paid $1000.00 for, you'd be totally cool with that, right?
We paid them nothing near what it was worth, and you know it.

SO if the government goes into your house, takes all your shit by force, and then pays you $10.00 for it, which I think would cover cab fare, you'd be totally cool with that, right?

If find it amusing the the same idiots who SCREAM if the government talks about taking their guns are just ooooh soooo cooool with the fact we took half of Mexico's land by force.

Doesn't matter if you think we didn't pay nothing near what it was worth. It's what they agreed to and, if later on, all of a sudden, they had an epiphany and decided they had been gypped, that was their own problem.

So if the ATF busts into your house, catches you by surprise when you are sleeping, take all your guns (do they let you have guns? that's scary), and gives you $1.00 for that AR-15 you paid $1000.00 for, you'd be totally cool with that, right?

If that's the price I agreed to? Yeah, I guess I'd have no other choice than to be totally cool with that. What part of that's the price they agreed to is it you're having an extremely difficult time comprehending?

Sorry, I don't want to be a victim of your "justified" war. My idea is to prevent myself and others from being killed in the first place. And, so, using your logic, how many people would have to die in a nuke attack before you find justification in doing something? But, that's the typical stupid ass logic of the left...isn't it? Wait until thousands, if not more, people are dead before they finally find the backbone to act? That's like saying I'll wait until I run head on into a speeding car until I find justification in putting a seat belt on or until the robber shoots me in the face before I find justification in defending myself against the robber. But, curiously enough, this doesn't appear to be the same tact you want to take with respect to gun owners. Although you weren't attacked first, you want to take folks' guns away from them who have done nothing whatsoever to you. Or, anyone else for that matter. So, if we use your logic, since Japan attacked America in 1941, this gives us the right to take the world's weapons away from them, since if Japan can attack Pearl Harbor, the rest of the world can't be trusted to own weapons either, whether they've attacked us or not.

Have you ever seen the movie Final Countdown? I've got to wonder if you'd be like the character James Farentino played who, even though he knew how history had played out, wanted to wait until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor before he would want to take any defensive action.

Wow, guy, I usually ignore you because you go frequently into crazy land...

Okay, Movies aren't reality.

Oh, fuck it, frankly, you're so nutz your posts kind of speak for themselves...

No shit! Movies aren't reality? I'm glad you told me that...Sherlock! However, answer the question. Would you be like the character James Farentino played? If you had the chance to go back in time and knew how events were going to unfold and you were given the opportunity to change those events, even if it meant having to kill many people but you knew doing so might prevent a war, such as killing all the Japanese who attacked Pearl Harbor, even though they hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor yet, would you take that opportunity? Or, would you wait and see if they attacked first before you felt justified in taking action?
We're the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And the most religous...

Well 53% of you guys anyway.

By the way, we are NOT the most religous people in the world, we're not even in the top ten. Do you EVER check the facts before spewing your crap?

Most religious nations, according to WIN/Gallup polls on "People saying they think of themselves as religious"
1. Ghana
2. Nigeria
3. Armenia
4. Fiji
5. Macedonia
6. Romania
7. Iraq
8. Kenya
9. Peru
10. Brazil

Other polls have many of the same nations but also include Pakistan, Guatamala, Indonesia, Morroco and India. NOT ONE study had America in the top ten.

You wonder why nobody but other morons gives any weight to what you say.

You did see where I said, "Industrialized world", right? Or do you not know what that word means, Cleetus?

No not really as I don't pay much attention to the tripe you post.
Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Disarming Americans? No such thing. Americans are brash, full of themselves and dangerous. Americans are not subtle or charming especially if they think you live in land containing something they want.
Lol, really? Because last I checked the belief in intelligent design as opposed to evolution never once did anything to impact business or the economy, nor did it in any way effect people's grades, obtaining degrees, starting businesses, etc, etc, etc, etc. Seems we had a much, much higher percentage of people who believed in intelligent design in the 40's and 50's than we do today, and in the 40's and 50's we led the world economically, militarily and in almost every other category you can think of. You two belong on eachother's posts, neither of you speak factually or accurately. Maybe our problem today isn't too many people believe in intelligent design, maybe it's due to the fact that too many disregard intelligent design.

Back in the 1940's and 50's, we didn't have the State of Texas insisting Biology books in High School expunge all references to evolution and Darwin's theories... Not gonna fly slick. Most schools never even taught much about evolution back in the 40's and 50's in the first place. They placed very little importance on it as these studies show.http://

And, yes, the fact we are so ignorant does have an impact...

U.S. Teens Trail Peers Around World on Math-Science Test
And this has absolutely nothing to do with intelligent design vs evolution teaching in school.

Every year, Corporations go to the government and insist on bringing in 1.25 milllion foreign workers because they can't find Americans to fill technical jobs. Again, this has absolutely ZERO to do with a belief in evolution or intelligent design. The failures of the liberal american public school system has nothing to do with believing or teaching evolution vs intelligent design and everything to do with our schools focusing on social indoctrination and not on education.
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Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Disarming Americans? No such thing. Americans are brash, full of themselves and dangerous. Americans are not subtle or charming especially if they think you live in land containing something they want.

Project...much? Is this because you're brash, full of yourself and dangerous? And, not subtle or charming?
Doesn't matter if you think we didn't pay nothing near what it was worth. It's what they agreed to and, if later on, all of a sudden, they had an epiphany and decided they had been gypped, that was their own problem.

So if the ATF busts into your house, catches you by surprise when you are sleeping, take all your guns (do they let you have guns? that's scary), and gives you $1.00 for that AR-15 you paid $1000.00 for, you'd be totally cool with that, right?

If that's the price I agreed to? Yeah, I guess I'd have no other choice than to be totally cool with that. What part of that's the price they agreed to is it you're having an extremely difficult time comprehending?

The part that involved Coercion. A treaty agreed to at gunpoint isn't valid.

Point was, we bullied a weaker and smaller country and stole it's land. That makes us no better than the Axis powers in WWII, really. Except we did it in a time when that sort of thing was more accepted.
Lol, really? Because last I checked the belief in intelligent design as opposed to evolution never once did anything to impact business or the economy, nor did it in any way effect people's grades, obtaining degrees, starting businesses, etc, etc, etc, etc. Seems we had a much, much higher percentage of people who believed in intelligent design in the 40's and 50's than we do today, and in the 40's and 50's we led the world economically, militarily and in almost every other category you can think of. You two belong on eachother's posts, neither of you speak factually or accurately. Maybe our problem today isn't too many people believe in intelligent design, maybe it's due to the fact that too many disregard intelligent design.

Back in the 1940's and 50's, we didn't have the State of Texas insisting Biology books in High School expunge all references to evolution and Darwin's theories... Not gonna fly slick. Most schools never even taught much about evolution back in the 40's and 50's in the first place. They placed very little importance on it as these studies show.http://

And, yes, the fact we are so ignorant does have an impact...

U.S. Teens Trail Peers Around World on Math-Science Test
And this has absolutely nothing to do with intelligent design vs evolution teaching in school.

Every year, Corporations go to the government and insist on bringing in 1.25 milllion foreign workers because they can't find Americans to fill technical jobs. Again, this has absolutely ZERO to do with a belief in evolution or intelligent design. The failures of the liberal american public school system has nothing to do with believing or teaching evolution vs intelligent design and everything to do with our schools focusing on social indoctrination and not on education.

Guy, there are plenty of Christian and private schools that do teach the Jesus on a Dinosaur theory of science, and they ain't getting those technical jobs, either...

WHich is why they keep bringing in a guy named Pradip to do them.

Now, yeah, there are a lot of problems in the Public schools... It's a place where the unions have gone too far in some ways.

But the very fact that you have the state of Texas out there telling textbook publishers to not talk about Darwin does put our kids behind.

That kid in INdia or Japan or Europe is learning hard science and our kids are learning fairy tales from the Bronze Age.
Back in the 1940's and 50's, we didn't have the State of Texas insisting Biology books in High School expunge all references to evolution and Darwin's theories... Not gonna fly slick. Most schools never even taught much about evolution back in the 40's and 50's in the first place. They placed very little importance on it as these studies show.http://

And, yes, the fact we are so ignorant does have an impact...

U.S. Teens Trail Peers Around World on Math-Science Test
And this has absolutely nothing to do with intelligent design vs evolution teaching in school.

Every year, Corporations go to the government and insist on bringing in 1.25 milllion foreign workers because they can't find Americans to fill technical jobs. Again, this has absolutely ZERO to do with a belief in evolution or intelligent design. The failures of the liberal american public school system has nothing to do with believing or teaching evolution vs intelligent design and everything to do with our schools focusing on social indoctrination and not on education.

Guy, there are plenty of Christian and private schools that do teach the Jesus on a Dinosaur theory of science, and they ain't getting those technical jobs, either... Really? Because the facts are that the students in those private christian schools CONSISTENTLY outscore their PS peers in EVERY standardized testng done, not to mention go on to 1st rate colleges at a much higher rate than their PS peers. What exactly is your point?

WHich is why they keep bringing in a guy named Pradip to do them.

Now, yeah, there are a lot of problems in the Public schools... It's a place where the unions have gone too far in some ways.

But the very fact that you have the state of Texas out there telling textbook publishers to not talk about Darwin does put our kids behind. Darwin's theories in the Origins of Species have never been proven, so teachng them as facts is deceptive to say the least.
That kid in INdia or Japan or Europe is learning hard science and our kids are learning fairy tales from the Bronze Age. Learning evolution vs intelligent design will in no way effect a person's abiltiy to get a technical job. Last I checked the ONLY techinical jobs needing a good knowledge of evoltion would be jobs associated with evolutution, and those are few and far between. besides to learn higher mathamatecs, computer skills, electronics, information technology, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc ad nasuem, you do not need evolution as a prerequiste because it is irelevent to EVERY one of those subjects, making your arguments on learing evolution vs intelligent design nonsensical and irelevent. Thanks for playing, but your agenda doesn't fit here. Carry on though, by your words you will be condemned.

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