Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Another bullshit lie.

Dude, the terms of the Velasco treaties are online.
Treaties of Velasco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no stipulation that Texas not join the US, in fact, most Texans didnt want to, they wanted independence from everyone. The Velasco treaty was the only treaty signed by both parties though the Mexican government refused to ratify it. It was only after the Mexican-American War that a treaty was signed and ratified by both governments in full.

Joe, your lies are getting ever more lurid, stupid and crude.

Whatever, guy... Fact is, we were in the wrong.

For that matter, so were the assholes at the Alamo. They wanted to turn Texas into a Slave Nation, when Mexico had outlawed slavery. Man, that's something to be proud of.

"I'm fighting for the freedom to own other human beings!"
History isn't liberal or conservative, dipstick...

Let's listen to what some Great Republicans said about what we did to Mexico..

Read more at Suite101: Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101 Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101
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U.S. Grant was even more explicit-

The Mexican American War . U.S. Grant: Warrior . WGBH American Experience | PBS

We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

We even paid for it.

We paid them nothing near what it was worth, and you know it.

SO if the government goes into your house, takes all your shit by force, and then pays you $10.00 for it, which I think would cover cab fare, you'd be totally cool with that, right?

If find it amusing the the same idiots who SCREAM if the government talks about taking their guns are just ooooh soooo cooool with the fact we took half of Mexico's land by force.
We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

We even paid for it.

We paid them nothing near what it was worth, and you know it.

SO if the government goes into your house, takes all your shit by force, and then pays you $10.00 for it, which I think would cover cab fare, you'd be totally cool with that, right?

If find it amusing the the same idiots who SCREAM if the government talks about taking their guns are just ooooh soooo cooool with the fact we took half of Mexico's land by force.

I think we should take the other half and tax hell out of their wet backs and asses. Save 'em the trip.
First, lets look at the most recent track record, the Afghanistan War.

Afghanistan is a nation of a fairly backward population of 30 million who have only recently begun to modernise at all. The insurgency there consists of about 25,000 Taliban.

The US has put about 100,000 troops there alongside about 450,000 fully trained and equipped Afghan national forces. One soldier for every 60 AFghans, roughly.

So, outnumbering the Taliban nearly 20 to 1 and fighting for nearly twelve long years, we have been bled financially, morally and physically to the point that regardless of the likely collapse of the freindly regime, we are pulling out no matter what by end of next year.

So the taliban will win and any honest analysis would show this.

But here in the US, we have well over 300 million people who are tech savy and who own more than 270 million firearms and the ratio of Americans to US standing forces is like one to a hundred. And Americans have a highly trained cadre of experienced military that many of whom would be very effective at fighting a partisan war against a President that most of them hate and despise.

Anyone who cant see the dangers frought with a civil war in such a context is either ignorant, stupid or a fucking traitor who wants to see our nation destroyed from the ground up.

nice rant, but what does that have to do with gun control?

PS gun control does NOT mean take away all guns.

PPS the US Army will not invade the US , even if the POTUS ordered it,which he will not.

If find it amusing the the same idiots who SCREAM if the government talks about taking their guns are just ooooh soooo cooool with the fact we took half of Mexico's land by force.

Indulging in your tender little emotions doesn't cover for your ignorance of history, Mary. You really are a mindless, anti-American fool.
In a war that wasn't actually justified.

LOL! Want to enlighten us on any war you find "justified"? Obviously it was justified, since it happened. Can't change history...sorry.

Well,I could explain it to you, but since you are like a crazy person, what would be the point.

My view on justifiable wars- A war where we were attacked first and were taking action to defend ourselves or bringing the perpetrators to justice.

Sorry, I don't want to be a victim of your "justified" war. My idea is to prevent myself and others from being killed in the first place. And, so, using your logic, how many people would have to die in a nuke attack before you find justification in doing something? But, that's the typical stupid ass logic of the left...isn't it? Wait until thousands, if not more, people are dead before they finally find the backbone to act? That's like saying I'll wait until I run head on into a speeding car until I find justification in putting a seat belt on or until the robber shoots me in the face before I find justification in defending myself against the robber. But, curiously enough, this doesn't appear to be the same tact you want to take with respect to gun owners. Although you weren't attacked first, you want to take folks' guns away from them who have done nothing whatsoever to you. Or, anyone else for that matter. So, if we use your logic, since Japan attacked America in 1941, this gives us the right to take the world's weapons away from them, since if Japan can attack Pearl Harbor, the rest of the world can't be trusted to own weapons either, whether they've attacked us or not.

Have you ever seen the movie Final Countdown? I've got to wonder if you'd be like the character James Farentino played who, even though he knew how history had played out, wanted to wait until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor before he would want to take any defensive action.
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Avoiding tyranny is far more important than a few human lives, just read a few things authored by our Founding Fathers... Oh, I forgot... You aren't an American. Nope... I would rather go down fighting than be a slave to people who think they know what is in my best interest, and want to usurp my Rights... It's called Freedom.
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Avoiding tyranny is far more important than a few human lives, just read a few things authored by our Founding Fathers... Oh, I forgot... You aren't an American. Nope... I would rather go down fighting than be a slave to people who think they know what is in my best interest, and want to usurp my Rights... It's called Freedom.

No one is going to enslave you. This isnt some third world shit hole trapped in the 17th century lol
We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

We even paid for it.

We paid them nothing near what it was worth, and you know it.

SO if the government goes into your house, takes all your shit by force, and then pays you $10.00 for it, which I think would cover cab fare, you'd be totally cool with that, right?

If find it amusing the the same idiots who SCREAM if the government talks about taking their guns are just ooooh soooo cooool with the fact we took half of Mexico's land by force.

Doesn't matter if you think we didn't pay nothing near what it was worth. It's what they agreed to and, if later on, all of a sudden, they had an epiphany and decided they had been gypped, that was their own problem.
First, lets look at the most recent track record, the Afghanistan War.

Afghanistan is a nation of a fairly backward population of 30 million who have only recently begun to modernise at all. The insurgency there consists of about 25,000 Taliban.

The US has put about 100,000 troops there alongside about 450,000 fully trained and equipped Afghan national forces. One soldier for every 60 AFghans, roughly.

So, outnumbering the Taliban nearly 20 to 1 and fighting for nearly twelve long years, we have been bled financially, morally and physically to the point that regardless of the likely collapse of the freindly regime, we are pulling out no matter what by end of next year.

So the taliban will win and any honest analysis would show this.

But here in the US, we have well over 300 million people who are tech savy and who own more than 270 million firearms and the ratio of Americans to US standing forces is like one to a hundred. And Americans have a highly trained cadre of experienced military that many of whom would be very effective at fighting a partisan war against a President that most of them hate and despise.

Anyone who cant see the dangers frought with a civil war in such a context is either ignorant, stupid or a fucking traitor who wants to see our nation destroyed from the ground up.

nice rant, but what does that have to do with gun control?

PS gun control does NOT mean take away all guns.

PPS the US Army will not invade the US , even if the POTUS ordered it,which he will not.

Is this something your crystal ball told you? Or, are you just guessing?
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Avoiding tyranny is far more important than a few human lives, just read a few things authored by our Founding Fathers... Oh, I forgot... You aren't an American. Nope... I would rather go down fighting than be a slave to people who think they know what is in my best interest, and want to usurp my Rights... It's called Freedom.

No one is going to enslave you. This isnt some third world shit hole trapped in the 17th century lol

Really? Is this something your crystal ball told you? Or, are you just guessing? And, one doesn't need to be trapped in the 17th Century to be a victim of a tyrannical government. There will be tyrannical governments from now until the end of time. Are you really that clueless as to what's going on in the world?
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Avoiding tyranny is far more important than a few human lives, just read a few things authored by our Founding Fathers... Oh, I forgot... You aren't an American. Nope... I would rather go down fighting than be a slave to people who think they know what is in my best interest, and want to usurp my Rights... It's called Freedom.

No one is going to enslave you. This isnt some third world shit hole trapped in the 17th century lol

Neither was Russia before the Bolshevik comies took over and started starving people to death and then shooting millions of them.
Avoiding tyranny is far more important than a few human lives, just read a few things authored by our Founding Fathers... Oh, I forgot... You aren't an American. Nope... I would rather go down fighting than be a slave to people who think they know what is in my best interest, and want to usurp my Rights... It's called Freedom.

No one is going to enslave you. This isnt some third world shit hole trapped in the 17th century lol

Really? Is this something your crystal ball told you? Or, are you just guessing? And, one doesn't need to be trapped in the 17th Century to be a victim of a tyrannical government. There will be tyrannical governments from now until the end of time. Are you really that clueless as to what's going on in the world?

I think it is because he firmly believes that God will continue to guide us through the night with a light from above.
No one is going to enslave you. This isnt some third world shit hole trapped in the 17th century lol

Really? Is this something your crystal ball told you? Or, are you just guessing? And, one doesn't need to be trapped in the 17th Century to be a victim of a tyrannical government. There will be tyrannical governments from now until the end of time. Are you really that clueless as to what's going on in the world?

I think it is because he firmly believes that God will continue to guide us through the night with a light from above.

No I firmly believe God gave up on the us years ago

I do however believe in the us military. They wont allow the kind of take over you chicken litt les fear
No one is going to enslave you. This isnt some third world shit hole trapped in the 17th century lol

Really? Is this something your crystal ball told you? Or, are you just guessing? And, one doesn't need to be trapped in the 17th Century to be a victim of a tyrannical government. There will be tyrannical governments from now until the end of time. Are you really that clueless as to what's going on in the world?

I think it is because he firmly believes that God will continue to guide us through the night with a light from above.

God will continue to guide us through the night with a light from above. A muzzle flash from a sniper rifle as it takes out oppressors.
Another bullshit lie.

Dude, the terms of the Velasco treaties are online.
Treaties of Velasco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no stipulation that Texas not join the US, in fact, most Texans didnt want to, they wanted independence from everyone. The Velasco treaty was the only treaty signed by both parties though the Mexican government refused to ratify it. It was only after the Mexican-American War that a treaty was signed and ratified by both governments in full.

Joe, your lies are getting ever more lurid, stupid and crude.

Whatever, guy... Fact is, we were in the wrong.

For that matter, so were the assholes at the Alamo. They wanted to turn Texas into a Slave Nation, when Mexico had outlawed slavery. Man, that's something to be proud of.

"I'm fighting for the freedom to own other human beings!"

yeah, us Americans are so unlike the Japanese you love a worship huh?

yeah, us Americans are so unlike the Japanese you love a worship huh?

We're the dumbest people in the industrialized world. And the most religous...

i wouldn't say we're the dumbest. dumb requires a lack of ability to learn.

but yes, when 70% of a country doesn't believe in evolution, it's going to be impossible to compete in a modern world.

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