Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

He was on subject. You are just fleeing the field again.

He wasn't on topic at all. Car theft isn't a violent crime. Nor is it really that big of a deal.

Fact is - Countries that restrict gun ownership. Little violent crime.

Country with foolish gun laws that let anyone have them- Lots and lots of crime.

That you think it's because of the restriction in gun ownership that there are fewer instances of violent crime? This only goes to demonstrate how weak-minded you really are. You haven't got squat to prove that it's because of restrictions in gun ownership that they have fewer instances of violent crime.

'Weak minded' is a polite way of saying 'as stupid as a cold pile of shyte'.
Ask the dead BATF agents a-hole.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, anothet Internet Tough Guy!

Which side WON the confrontation? I guess that would all depend on how you define "won" slick. I mean who do you thnk "won" at the Battle of Lexington? At Tiananmen Square? At Ruby Ridge? Just because you're killed doesn't mean you lose son. Hell, if that was the case we would look back at history and say we "won" not only the Tet Offensive, but the Vietnam war.

You'd choke. You'd be curled up in a ball on the ground. You guys are like playground bullies ................. stand up to you, and watch you cave. Nancy, I've been under fire before and didn't curl up in a ball, forget about some playground fight. I grew up on the lower east side of Manhattan, we fought for fun when we got bored playing stickball.

Join a militia group, and start the revolution. Put your butt where your big mouth is. Lol. There's more govt informers in most "militia" groups as there are Patriots, no thanks.

Scared little boys who need "protection". Projecting slick. You know you can get help with that right? There's little stigma left in seeking counseling for your mental health problems. Nobody is going to look down on you too much, some might even applaud your determination to get your mental health problems under control.

Not men at all. I don't think you know very much about what it takes to be a "man" son.[/QUOTE].

This coming from someone who poses himself in a Superman suit ............... jeez louise.

The internet is a wonderul place for liars. I doubt you've ever been anywhere dangerous.

Scared little boys who get their "validation" through gunplay instead of sex.

Compensate much?
First, lets look at the most recent track record, the Afghanistan War.

Afghanistan is a nation of a fairly backward population of 30 million who have only recently begun to modernise at all. The insurgency there consists of about 25,000 Taliban.

The US has put about 100,000 troops there alongside about 450,000 fully trained and equipped Afghan national forces. One soldier for every 60 AFghans, roughly.

So, outnumbering the Taliban nearly 20 to 1 and fighting for nearly twelve long years, we have been bled financially, morally and physically to the point that regardless of the likely collapse of the freindly regime, we are pulling out no matter what by end of next year.

So the taliban will win and any honest analysis would show this.

But here in the US, we have well over 300 million people who are tech savy and who own more than 270 million firearms and the ratio of Americans to US standing forces is like one to a hundred. And Americans have a highly trained cadre of experienced military that many of whom would be very effective at fighting a partisan war against a President that most of them hate and despise.

Anyone who cant see the dangers frought with a civil war in such a context is either ignorant, stupid or a fucking traitor who wants to see our nation destroyed from the ground up.

This president that most of the military hate and despise you say is Obama? Why is it that Obama received more donations from military members than Romney did?

Military Personnel Campaign Funds Favor Obama Over Romney - Businessweek
Same old shit. Liberals think wackos and thugs are going to follow gun control laws when they've decided to commit murder.

If you liberals really want to protect children in schools, then protect them with an armed man standing guard, just like we do for everything else we choose to protect.

We could take all the funds we use to pay for useless TSA agents, as well as cops wasting their time on speed traps, and use them to protect schools. Throw in the funding for welfare and taxpayer funded abortions as well, that is, if you are really serious about it.

But, unfortunately we all know liberals aren't serious about protecting anyone. They just want to use the tragedy as an exuse to take away our rights and/or tax the shit out of us even more.

Carry on, dipshits.
Same old shit. Liberals think wackos and thugs are going to follow gun control laws when they've decided to commit murder.

If you liberals really want to protect children in schools, then protect them with an armed man standing guard, just like we do for everything else we choose to protect.

We could take all the funds we use to pay for useless TSA agents, as well as cops wasting their time on speed traps, and use them to protect schools. Throw in the funding for welfare and taxpayer funded abortions as well, that is, if you are really serious about it.

But, unfortunately we all know liberals aren't serious about protecting anyone. They just want to use the tragedy as an exuse to take away our rights and/or tax the shit out of us even more.

Carry on, dipshits.

"Hmm... we've got this violence problem. It's even in schools now. What do we do? Everybody think... "

"Hey, I know! Let's meet guns with more guns!!"

(slaps head) "Of course! It was right in front of us -- the answer to violence is... more violence!! Great thinking Wayne. Drinks all around!"

Brilliant, dipshits.
Some of you right wingers must live in some crummy low income, crime ridden neighborhoods to be so afraid of having your guns taken away.
Same old shit. Liberals think wackos and thugs are going to follow gun control laws when they've decided to commit murder.

If you liberals really want to protect children in schools, then protect them with an armed man standing guard, just like we do for everything else we choose to protect.

We could take all the funds we use to pay for useless TSA agents, as well as cops wasting their time on speed traps, and use them to protect schools. Throw in the funding for welfare and taxpayer funded abortions as well, that is, if you are really serious about it.

But, unfortunately we all know liberals aren't serious about protecting anyone. They just want to use the tragedy as an exuse to take away our rights and/or tax the shit out of us even more.

Carry on, dipshits.

"Hmm... we've got this violence problem. It's even in schools now. What do we do? Everybody think... "

"Hey, I know! Let's meet guns with more guns!!"

(slaps head) "Of course! It was right in front of us -- the answer to violence is... more violence!! Great thinking Wayne. Drinks all around!"

Brilliant, dipshits.

Can evil be reasoned with? No, it cannot. It simply must be stopped.

If violence is to never be met with violence, as you suggest, then lets go ahead and remove all the security guards at airports, sporting events, and off the streets period. No more security anywhere.

Yea, I'm sure the world will be a better place when its run by idiots like you.
Same old shit. Liberals think wackos and thugs are going to follow gun control laws when they've decided to commit murder.

If you liberals really want to protect children in schools, then protect them with an armed man standing guard, just like we do for everything else we choose to protect.

We could take all the funds we use to pay for useless TSA agents, as well as cops wasting their time on speed traps, and use them to protect schools. Throw in the funding for welfare and taxpayer funded abortions as well, that is, if you are really serious about it.

But, unfortunately we all know liberals aren't serious about protecting anyone. They just want to use the tragedy as an exuse to take away our rights and/or tax the shit out of us even more.

Carry on, dipshits.

"Hmm... we've got this violence problem. It's even in schools now. What do we do? Everybody think... "

"Hey, I know! Let's meet guns with more guns!!"

(slaps head) "Of course! It was right in front of us -- the answer to violence is... more violence!! Great thinking Wayne. Drinks all around!"

Brilliant, dipshits.

Can evil be reasoned with? No, it cannot. It simply must be stopped.

If violence is to never be met with violence, as you suggest, then lets go ahead and remove all the security guards at airports, sporting events, and off the streets period. No more security anywhere.

Yea, I'm sure the world will be a better place when its run by idiots like you.

Excellent. When can we start?

You realize of course that the point of that was to mock your "my way or the highway" narrow thinking.
Nah, maybe you don't. Oh well.

Does "evil" even exist? Think about it.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, anothet Internet Tough Guy!

Which side WON the confrontation? I guess that would all depend on how you define "won" slick. I mean who do you thnk "won" at the Battle of Lexington? At Tiananmen Square? At Ruby Ridge? Just because you're killed doesn't mean you lose son. Hell, if that was the case we would look back at history and say we "won" not only the Tet Offensive, but the Vietnam war.

You'd choke. You'd be curled up in a ball on the ground. You guys are like playground bullies ................. stand up to you, and watch you cave. Nancy, I've been under fire before and didn't curl up in a ball, forget about some playground fight. I grew up on the lower east side of Manhattan, we fought for fun when we got bored playing stickball.

Join a militia group, and start the revolution. Put your butt where your big mouth is. Lol. There's more govt informers in most "militia" groups as there are Patriots, no thanks.

Scared little boys who need "protection". Projecting slick. You know you can get help with that right? There's little stigma left in seeking counseling for your mental health problems. Nobody is going to look down on you too much, some might even applaud your determination to get your mental health problems under control.

Not men at all. I don't think you know very much about what it takes to be a "man" son.[/QUOTE].

This coming from someone who poses himself in a Superman suit ............... jeez louise.

The internet is a wonderul place for liars. I doubt you've ever been anywhere dangerous.

Scared little boys who get their "validation" through gunplay instead of sex.

Compensate much?

And what validation is it you presume you get from sex?
Same old shit. Liberals think wackos and thugs are going to follow gun control laws when they've decided to commit murder.

If you liberals really want to protect children in schools, then protect them with an armed man standing guard, just like we do for everything else we choose to protect.

We could take all the funds we use to pay for useless TSA agents, as well as cops wasting their time on speed traps, and use them to protect schools. Throw in the funding for welfare and taxpayer funded abortions as well, that is, if you are really serious about it.

But, unfortunately we all know liberals aren't serious about protecting anyone. They just want to use the tragedy as an exuse to take away our rights and/or tax the shit out of us even more.

Carry on, dipshits.

"Hmm... we've got this violence problem. It's even in schools now. What do we do? Everybody think... "

"Hey, I know! Let's meet guns with more guns!!"

(slaps head) "Of course! It was right in front of us -- the answer to violence is... more violence!! Great thinking Wayne. Drinks all around!"

Brilliant, dipshits.

Can evil be reasoned with? No, it cannot. It simply must be stopped.

If violence is to never be met with violence, as you suggest, then lets go ahead and remove all the security guards at airports, sporting events, and off the streets period. No more security anywhere.

Yea, I'm sure the world will be a better place when its run by idiots like you.

How about Obama set an example and the left can cheer him on?

School Obama's Daughters Attend Has 11 Armed Guards
December 24, 2012

Some interesting news has broken in the wake of the latest push for gun control by President Obama and Senate Democrats: Obama sends his kids to a school where armed guards are used as a matter of fact.

The school, Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., has 11 security officers and is seeking to hire a new police officer as we speak.

If you dismiss this by saying, "Of course they have armed guards -- they get Secret Service protection," then you've missed the larger point.

The larger point is that this is standard operating procedure for the school, period. And this is the reason people like NBC's David Gregory send their kids to Sidwell, they know their kids will be protected from the carnage that befell kids at a school where armed guards weren't used (and weren't even allowed).

Shame on President Obama for seeking more gun control and for trying to prevent the parents of other school children from doing what he has clearly done for his own. His children sit under the protection guns afford, while the children of regular Americans are sacrificed.
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Scared little boys who get their "validation" through gunplay instead of sex.

The ability to fuck gives you your validation? lolololol

The things that give a man validation in my book:
1. Being responsible for those things he has taken responsibility for.
2. Being able to protect himself and those he loves.
3. Acting like a gentleman (except in response to libtards)
4. Being generous to those in need.
5. Knowing in your heart that Chrissy Matthews and Piss Morgan are barely human let alone NOT men.
This coming from someone who poses himself in a Superman suit ............... jeez louise.

The internet is a wonderul place for liars. I doubt you've ever been anywhere dangerous.

Scared little boys who get their "validation" through gunplay instead of sex.

Compensate much?

And what validation is it you presume you get from sex?

His vagina still works? (He hates to think he wasted all that money on surgery)
Some of you right wingers must live in some crummy low income, crime ridden neighborhoods to be so afraid of having your guns taken away.

You don't have to be in a "low income" neighborhood to become a victim of home invasion.

Happens all the time in San Antonio.

Take for example this man who fought off two home invaders with a shotgun.

Home invasion leads to fatal gunfight - San Antonio Express-News

Wait, are you expecting a libtard to pay any attentio to REALITY?

Dude, they dont even admit that thing exists if you listen to them in the faculty lounges, lolol.
First, lets look at the most recent track record, the Afghanistan War.

Afghanistan is a nation of a fairly backward population of 30 million who have only recently begun to modernise at all. The insurgency there consists of about 25,000 Taliban.

The US has put about 100,000 troops there alongside about 450,000 fully trained and equipped Afghan national forces. One soldier for every 60 AFghans, roughly.

So, outnumbering the Taliban nearly 20 to 1 and fighting for nearly twelve long years, we have been bled financially, morally and physically to the point that regardless of the likely collapse of the freindly regime, we are pulling out no matter what by end of next year.

So the taliban will win and any honest analysis would show this.

But here in the US, we have well over 300 million people who are tech savy and who own more than 270 million firearms and the ratio of Americans to US standing forces is like one to a hundred. And Americans have a highly trained cadre of experienced military that many of whom would be very effective at fighting a partisan war against a President that most of them hate and despise.

Anyone who cant see the dangers frought with a civil war in such a context is either ignorant, stupid or a fucking traitor who wants to see our nation destroyed from the ground up.

This president that most of the military hate and despise you say is Obama? Why is it that Obama received more donations from military members than Romney did?

Military Personnel Campaign Funds Favor Obama Over Romney - Businessweek

1. I was refering to EXmilitary, i.e. those that got out, many in part because they are sick of the current PResidents policies.

2. The article you quote essplains it all,Lucy:
Obama’s advantage probably comes in part because some of the personnel are political appointees of his administration, said Peter Feaver, a political science professor at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who has studied military personnel and their impact on elections.
The contracting company execs and top DoD officers that get promoted by Obamas political appointees and who get the lions share of salary and benefits are backing OBama; now that's a shock! /s

3. With Romney promising more wars and overseas 'excersizes' shit, who is surprised that they dislike Romney even more than Obama?
First, lets look at the most recent track record, the Afghanistan War.

Afghanistan is a nation of a fairly backward population of 30 million who have only recently begun to modernise at all. The insurgency there consists of about 25,000 Taliban.

The US has put about 100,000 troops there alongside about 450,000 fully trained and equipped Afghan national forces. One soldier for every 60 AFghans, roughly.

So, outnumbering the Taliban nearly 20 to 1 and fighting for nearly twelve long years, we have been bled financially, morally and physically to the point that regardless of the likely collapse of the freindly regime, we are pulling out no matter what by end of next year.

So the taliban will win and any honest analysis would show this.

But here in the US, we have well over 300 million people who are tech savy and who own more than 270 million firearms and the ratio of Americans to US standing forces is like one to a hundred. And Americans have a highly trained cadre of experienced military that many of whom would be very effective at fighting a partisan war against a President that most of them hate and despise.

Anyone who cant see the dangers frought with a civil war in such a context is either ignorant, stupid or a fucking traitor who wants to see our nation destroyed from the ground up.

This president that most of the military hate and despise you say is Obama? Why is it that Obama received more donations from military members than Romney did?

Military Personnel Campaign Funds Favor Obama Over Romney - Businessweek

Oh expect me to buy this pure and simple BS?

November 4, 2012

Roughtly 500 senior military officials are endorsing Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in a full-page ad set to run in the Washington Times on Monday, the Washington Free Beacon reports.

"We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation's next President and Commander-in-Chief," the add reads, followed by a staggering list of names and titles. Many of the signatories are former generals and admirals.

TheBlaze was sent an advanced copy of how the ad is expected to appear:


The group is making it clear that they are not directly affiliated with the Romney campaign -- these 500 senior military leaders created and paid for the ad themselves.

The Washington Free Beacon concludes:

The [group's] spokesman added that 389 of the individuals on the list are on the Romney Military Advisory Council, too. The Romney campaign has already announced these individuals' endorsement.

"They have 389 on their list," the spokesman said, while "we have almost 500."

The list comes as a Military Times survey revealed that active duty, National Guard, and military reserve members support Romney over Obama by a two to one margin.

October 28, 2012

The battle-hardened veterans of the military favor Mitt Romney over Barack Obama by a huge margin, 66% to 22%, according to an October poll conducted by the Military Times -- and the two issues most important to the voters were the economy and the character of the candidate. 66% of the respondents said that either the economy or the character of the candidate was the deciding issue.

The group surveyed was comprised of 3,100 respondents who were roughly two-thirds active-duty and one-third reserve component members. Almost 29% have spent more than two cumulative years deployed since 9/11, and another group that size has spent one to two cumulative years deployed.

One 28-year-old Army captains said:
"When I talk to my soldiers, it's not social issues. It's almost not even military issues. What it comes down to is pocketbook issues. They currently see Mitt Romney as being stronger for their pocketbook. It comes down to taxes -- how much are they going to have to pay -- and are they going to be able to find jobs if they leave the military."

Romney's business acumen resonated with the veterans. Capt. John Bowe, a Marine military policeman, said he's voting for Romney because Obama has failed with the economy. "You cannot add $6 trillion to the [national] debt in 3 1/2 years and not expect massive repercussions," he said.

But Obama's performance in foreign affairs also failed to impress; Bowe said Obama's performance in Libya after Muammar Gadhafi was deposed was poor, saying, "If you're not an effective manager ... you can't run anything else."

Obama's performance as Commander in Chief was strongly criticized; 62% of the voters rated his handling of the defense budget as only fair or poor, while 57% said his handling of the war in Afghanistan was poort.

Most significantly, the military appears as if they are poised to turn out the vote, as Bowe asserted:
"You kind of expect your soldiers to go home at night and play Xbox and drink beer -- which they do -- but I've heard them talk about [the election] quite a bit. They're more dialed in than some might thing."

This right here is a big reason why I still find Obama's re-election shady and even though I can't put my finger on it, some serious shenanigans were going on and I'm not buying he was legitimately elected. Not only were jobs and the economy the most important issues on the minds of those in the military, it was the most important issue on the minds of nearly every American voter and there was barely a poll one that showed Americans were more confident Obama could improve the economy and the jobs situation than they were in Romney. Sorry...something is stinkowith.

"Hmm... we've got this violence problem. It's even in schools now. What do we do? Everybody think... "

"Hey, I know! Let's meet guns with more guns!!"

(slaps head) "Of course! It was right in front of us -- the answer to violence is... more violence!! Great thinking Wayne. Drinks all around!"

Brilliant, dipshits.

Can evil be reasoned with? No, it cannot. It simply must be stopped.

If violence is to never be met with violence, as you suggest, then lets go ahead and remove all the security guards at airports, sporting events, and off the streets period. No more security anywhere.

Yea, I'm sure the world will be a better place when its run by idiots like you.

How about Obama set an example and the left can cheer him on?

School Obama's Daughters Attend Has 11 Armed Guards
December 24, 2012

Some interesting news has broken in the wake of the latest push for gun control by President Obama and Senate Democrats: Obama sends his kids to a school where armed guards are used as a matter of fact.

The school, Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., has 11 security officers and is seeking to hire a new police officer as we speak.

If you dismiss this by saying, "Of course they have armed guards -- they get Secret Service protection," then you've missed the larger point.

The larger point is that this is standard operating procedure for the school, period. And this is the reason people like NBC's David Gregory send their kids to Sidwell, they know their kids will be protected from the carnage that befell kids at a school where armed guards weren't used (and weren't even allowed).

Shame on President Obama for seeking more gun control and for trying to prevent the parents of other school children from doing what he has clearly done for his own. His children sit under the protection guns afford, while the children of regular Americans are sacrificed.

Welcome to the elitist "do as I say, not as I do" world, where they are worthy of all the best and we are worthy only to foot their bills.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, anothet Internet Tough Guy!

Which side WON the confrontation? I guess that would all depend on how you define "won" slick. I mean who do you thnk "won" at the Battle of Lexington? At Tiananmen Square? At Ruby Ridge? Just because you're killed doesn't mean you lose son. Hell, if that was the case we would look back at history and say we "won" not only the Tet Offensive, but the Vietnam war.

You'd choke. You'd be curled up in a ball on the ground. You guys are like playground bullies ................. stand up to you, and watch you cave. Nancy, I've been under fire before and didn't curl up in a ball, forget about some playground fight. I grew up on the lower east side of Manhattan, we fought for fun when we got bored playing stickball.

Join a militia group, and start the revolution. Put your butt where your big mouth is. Lol. There's more govt informers in most "militia" groups as there are Patriots, no thanks.

Scared little boys who need "protection". Projecting slick. You know you can get help with that right? There's little stigma left in seeking counseling for your mental health problems. Nobody is going to look down on you too much, some might even applaud your determination to get your mental health problems under control.

Not men at all. I don't think you know very much about what it takes to be a "man" son.[/QUOTE].

This coming from someone who poses himself in a Superman suit ............... jeez louise. Actually you need to clean your glasses son, that's not an S on the t-shirt.

The internet is a wonderul place for liars. I doubt you've ever been anywhere dangerous. I grew up on the lower east side of NYC boy, EVERYWHERE I went after that, including Beruit was less dangerous.

Scared little boys who get their "validation" through gunplay instead of sex. Weak pathetic little man who thinks validation comes from sex, lol. Here's a hint son, no matter how many men you have sex with, it don't make you any more of a man.

Compensate much? Project much?

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