Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Yeah, like cocaine is so hard to get because of all the laws against it, lol.

JoeBlow you are such a fucking liar and a loon too it seems.

I wouldn't know where to get cocaine...

Fact is, every other industrial democracy has made gun bans work...

I find it impossible to believe we couldn't.

So despite the obvious inability of our government to ban similar things, and the fact that many other industrialized nations, even in Europe, have much higher murder rates despite their gun control laws that are stricter than ours, you just cant believe that it wont work this time?

You are an idiot.


Which European countries have higher murder rates than us?
Yeah, like cocaine is so hard to get because of all the laws against it, lol.

JoeBlow you are such a fucking liar and a loon too it seems.

I wouldn't know where to get cocaine...

Fact is, every other industrial democracy has made gun bans work...

I find it impossible to believe we couldn't.

So despite the obvious inability of our government to ban similar things, and the fact that many other industrialized nations, even in Europe, have much higher murder rates despite their gun control laws that are stricter than ours, you just cant believe that it wont work this time?

You are an idiot.

Japan has made it work
Germany has made it work
The UK has made it work
France has made it work
Italy has made it work.

Those are really the only countries that are comparable to the US.

What they don't have is an irresponsible gun lobby that opposes common sense laws.
I wouldn't know where to get cocaine...

Fact is, every other industrial democracy has made gun bans work...

I find it impossible to believe we couldn't.

So despite the obvious inability of our government to ban similar things, and the fact that many other industrialized nations, even in Europe, have much higher murder rates despite their gun control laws that are stricter than ours, you just cant believe that it wont work this time?

You are an idiot.

Japan has made it work
Germany has made it work
The UK has made it work
France has made it work
Italy has made it work.

Andthey also have : subservient populations, small mostly urban area, dominated by a single ethnicity, etc. But all that is changing as their gun restrictions are making their nations increasingly less safe from violent crime.

Those are really the only countries that are comparable to the US.

Why? They are far smaller than the US, donthave anywhere near the diversity we do or the number of immigrants that we do.

Russia is far more comparable to us than some tiny, homogeneous nation like France or Japan or Germany.

What they don't have is an irresponsible gun lobby that opposes common sense laws.

And neither do we, dumbfuck.
So despite the obvious inability of our government to ban similar things, and the fact that many other industrialized nations, even in Europe, have much higher murder rates despite their gun control laws that are stricter than ours, you just cant believe that it wont work this time?

You are an idiot.

Japan has made it work
Germany has made it work
The UK has made it work
France has made it work
Italy has made it work.

Andthey also have : subservient populations, small mostly urban area, dominated by a single ethnicity, etc. But all that is changing as their gun restrictions are making their nations increasingly less safe from violent crime.

Those are really the only countries that are comparable to the US.

Why? They are far smaller than the US, donthave anywhere near the diversity we do or the number of immigrants that we do.

Russia is far more comparable to us than some tiny, homogeneous nation like France or Japan or Germany.

What they don't have is an irresponsible gun lobby that opposes common sense laws.

And neither do we, dumbfuck.

I always love how you use the word "subserviant".... It's laughable. And then try to blame immigrants and every other factor except the really obvious one.

We have too many guns, and they are too easy to get.

Russia isn't any where NEAR comparable.. They just had a complete collapse of their society, for those playing along at home.
I wouldn't know where to get cocaine...

Fact is, every other industrial democracy has made gun bans work...

I find it impossible to believe we couldn't.

So despite the obvious inability of our government to ban similar things, and the fact that many other industrialized nations, even in Europe, have much higher murder rates despite their gun control laws that are stricter than ours, you just cant believe that it wont work this time?

You are an idiot.


Which European countries have higher murder rates than us?

Already listed, dumbass. Go look some facts up for yourself if you want to know.
I always love how you use the word "subserviant".... It's laughable.

To psychofrantic submissives like you, of course its laughable.

[/B]And then try to blame immigrants and every other factor except the really obvious one.

The obvious one is that teachers are unarmed and our schools are gun free wacko magnets.

And I didnt mention immigration, dumbshit.

We have too many guns, and they are too easy to get.

Again, only in the opinion of fascists like you.

[/B]Russia isn't any where NEAR comparable.. They just had a complete collapse of their society, for those playing along at home.

Lol, they did not have a collapse of their society, only of the Soviet state. But then again, fascist like you probably cant see the difference anyway.
By region
UNODC murder rates most recent year
Region Rate Count
Africa 17.0 169,105
Americas 15.4 144,648
Asia 3.1 127,120
Europe 3.5 24,025
Oceania 2.9 1,180
World 6.9 466,078

JimBowie is a fascist liar.

. . . and the fact that many other industrialized nations, even in Europe, have much higher murder rates despite their gun control laws that are stricter than ours, you just cant believe that it wont work this time?

You are an idiot.
Frankly, if I'm in a convience store, the last thing I want to be is in the middle of a gun battle between a robber and clerk over $50.00 in the register.

Most convience stores never keep that much money outside the safe to start with.

Yet convience store clerks are gunned down on a regular basis in this nation. You're a real dumbass.

Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.

Of course $50.00 isn't worth your life and this is a time in which assessing the situation is warranted. If the guy seems as if he's going to kill you anyway, even if you give him the $50.00? Then, you assess the situation and if given the opportunity, you blow his brains out. Have you seen his face? Have you seen any identifying features? And, do you sense the perpetrator knows this and, thus, gives you a sense that he's going to kill you anyway? The $50.00 in and of itself is not worth your life. But, your life is worth your life...isn't it? And, if you sense that you're going to be killed anyway, even after you've given him the $50.00? Then, it's a 50/50 chance. Either he's going to kill you or, you're going to kill him. Unless, you're just dumbass weenie relying entirely on "hope" that the guy isn't going to kill you. Most thugs aren't afraid of "hope".
Yet convience store clerks are gunned down on a regular basis in this nation. You're a real dumbass.

Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.

Of course $50.00 isn't worth your life and this is a time in which assessing the situation is warranted. If the guy seems as if he's going to kill you anyway, even if you give him the $50.00? Then, you assess the situation and if given the opportunity, you blow his brains out. Have you seen his face? Have you seen any identifying features? And, do you sense the perpetrator knows this and, thus, gives you a sense that he's going to kill you anyway? The $50.00 in and of itself is not worth your life. But, your life is worth your life...isn't it? And, if you sense that you're going to be killed anyway, even after you've given him the $50.00? Then, it's a 50/50 chance. Either he's going to kill you or, you're going to kill him. Unless, you're just dumbass weenie relying entirely on "hope" that the guy isn't going to kill you. Most thugs aren't afraid of "hope".

Most thugs aren't thinking that far ahead and know that their chances of being chased that far over a stick up are thin, but if they kill someone, the police might take that shit seriously.

Which is why most companies tell you to just hand over the money...
I wouldn't know where to get cocaine...

Fact is, every other industrial democracy has made gun bans work...

I find it impossible to believe we couldn't.

So despite the obvious inability of our government to ban similar things, and the fact that many other industrialized nations, even in Europe, have much higher murder rates despite their gun control laws that are stricter than ours, you just cant believe that it wont work this time?

You are an idiot.

Japan has made it work
Germany has made it work
The UK has made it work
France has made it work
Italy has made it work.

Those are really the only countries that are comparable to the US.

What they don't have is an irresponsible gun lobby that opposes common sense laws.

Really? You got statistics from when guns were legal and they had high murder rates from guns and, then, guns were made illegal and the murder rates from guns went down? don't.

In Japan, according to Transparency International, car thefts were 62,673. In the United States, according to UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). 2002. Correspondence on data on crime victims. March. Turin, car thefts were 1,246,096. Was Japan's lesser number of car thefts because Japan banned cars?

In Japan, according to International Centre for Prison Studies - World Prison Brief, rape victims were reported at 0.1%, as compared to 0.4% for the United States according to UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). 2002. Correspondence on data on crime victims. March. Turin. Is this lower incidence of rape victims in Japan due to a ban on penises? In Japan, the percentage of property crime victims was 3.40%, while the percentage of property crimes in the U.S. was 10%. Was Japan's lower property crime percentage due to a ban on owning property? There's lots of incidents in which the numbers are lower for Japan than they are in the United States and what conclusions you want to draw from that is probably only limited by your imagination. What can we draw from this? In the United States, the suicide rate per 100,000 people for those above 75 was 22. In Japan, however, it was 42.3. Wonder what that means. Hmmmm? In Germany, the suicide rate for those over 75 was 45.9 per 100,000 people. So, we can sit here and draw conclusions all day and make all kinds of stuff up as to the reasons why certain things are higher in Japan than in the United States and why certain things are lower in Japan than in the United States and try to make baseless claims that it's due to some ban on something that's causing it to be lower.

Brief information about Crime in United States

Crime in Japan Data
Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.

Of course $50.00 isn't worth your life and this is a time in which assessing the situation is warranted. If the guy seems as if he's going to kill you anyway, even if you give him the $50.00? Then, you assess the situation and if given the opportunity, you blow his brains out. Have you seen his face? Have you seen any identifying features? And, do you sense the perpetrator knows this and, thus, gives you a sense that he's going to kill you anyway? The $50.00 in and of itself is not worth your life. But, your life is worth your life...isn't it? And, if you sense that you're going to be killed anyway, even after you've given him the $50.00? Then, it's a 50/50 chance. Either he's going to kill you or, you're going to kill him. Unless, you're just dumbass weenie relying entirely on "hope" that the guy isn't going to kill you. Most thugs aren't afraid of "hope".

Most thugs aren't thinking that far ahead and know that their chances of being chased that far over a stick up are thin, but if they kill someone, the police might take that shit seriously.

Which is why most companies tell you to just hand over the money...

Who said anything about being chased?
You do realize that your experince of not having a confirming experience does not prove that such things do not happen. I have had the exact opposite experience.

Anyway, Merry Christmas.

I'm really saying the opposite -- not that I "didn't have a confirming experience" but that I did have some contrary ones. Contrary to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that Geezer seems to believe in.

There is no "contrary" to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that I believe in.

What the hell are you babbling on about...screwball?

At base I'm saying the world isn't made up of simple black/white chess pieces that we can merrily fit into whatever puzzle holes life presents us with. And the simplistic idea of arming to the teeth in order to overwhelm "the bad guys" suffers from exactly that kind of rigid obtuse thought.

Sure it's made up of simple black/white chess pieces. It's not that complicated. A criminal with a gun is a criminal with a gun, a good guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Now, that's not to say a good guy with a gun can't turn into a bad guy with a gun but, chances are, the bad guy with the gun isn't going to turn into a good guy with the gun. And, how many good guys with guns are turning into bad guys with guns? Oh...that's right, you just plain and simply don't know and you merrily make shit up as you go along. Chances are? If they are a bad guy with a gun? They've been a bad guy with a gun all along. Now, can a bad guy with a gun seem to appear as a good guy with a gun? Well...sure. There's plenty of cops who appear to be good guys with guns, only to ultimately be bad guys with guns and that's when you need a good guy with a gun. What, you think all the police of whom might be assigned school guarding duty are going to suddenly become bad guys with guns? How many air marshals have become bad guys with guns when they started putting air marshals in airplanes? Can you name any? How many air marshals have hijacked airplanes since we started putting good guys with guns on airplanes and they turned into bad guys with guns on airplanes?

On that note, really gotta go. There are chimneys to traverse. Happy holidays to all.

I don't want you anywhere near my chimney. And, if I see you near it, you might get shot.

Ha! This is great stuff right here :clap2: What a great present to find under my tree.

Geez, I want to thank you for this post - it sez it all. I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it.

It would appear my work is done. There's nothing to add. It's perfect. :D

Ho Ho Ho!
Frankly, if I'm in a convience store, the last thing I want to be is in the middle of a gun battle between a robber and clerk over $50.00 in the register.

Most convience stores never keep that much money outside the safe to start with.

Yet convience store clerks are gunned down on a regular basis in this nation. You're a real dumbass.

Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't. Wrong as usual dumbass. Most often the clerk is shot w/o the least bit of provocation and almost EVERY retail outlet fires an emplyee who does resist.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life. Tell that to the thousands of unarmed, helpless victims who where shot AFTER giving the robber the money.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.
Of course if liberal scumbags didn't keep allowing violent offenders back on our streets this wouldn't be an issue, seeing that the vast majority of murders, and other gun related crmes, are committed by men who have long and extensive criminal records, many of them proving while they were teens and in some cases pre-teens that they could not co-exist with law abiding citizens in a free society, yet the liberals won't allow us to execute these sociopaths and insist on releasing them into society. That my friend is the problem, not me or John Doe owning a semi-automatic rifle.
Really? You got statistics from when guns were legal and they had high murder rates from guns and, then, guns were made illegal and the murder rates from guns went down? don't.

In Japan, according to Transparency International, car thefts were 62,673. In the United States, according to UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). 2002. Correspondence on data on crime victims. March. Turin, car thefts were 1,246,096. Was Japan's lesser number of car thefts because Japan banned cars?


Guy, why do you keep going off on these weird ass tangents? Please try to stay on the subject.
Yet convience store clerks are gunned down on a regular basis in this nation. You're a real dumbass.

Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't. Wrong as usual dumbass. Most often the clerk is shot w/o the least bit of provocation and almost EVERY retail outlet fires an emplyee who does resist.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life. Tell that to the thousands of unarmed, helpless victims who where shot AFTER giving the robber the money.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.
Of course if liberal scumbags didn't keep allowing violent offenders back on our streets this wouldn't be an issue, seeing that the vast majority of murders, and other gun related crmes, are committed by men who have long and extensive criminal records, many of them proving while they were teens and in some cases pre-teens that they could not co-exist with law abiding citizens in a free society, yet the liberals won't allow us to execute these sociopaths and insist on releasing them into society. That my friend is the problem, not me or John Doe owning a semi-automatic rifle.

Do you actually have statistics about how many clerks are shot during robberies... Because I'm guessing it's very few.

Actually, most murders are committed by someone the victim knows.

Study says victims know their killers

And we lock up more people than any country in the world...

HOw it is that Japan only locks up 69,000 people and we lock up 2 million, and Japanese women can walk on the street at night and ours cant'?
Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't. Wrong as usual dumbass. Most often the clerk is shot w/o the least bit of provocation and almost EVERY retail outlet fires an emplyee who does resist.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life. Tell that to the thousands of unarmed, helpless victims who where shot AFTER giving the robber the money.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.
Of course if liberal scumbags didn't keep allowing violent offenders back on our streets this wouldn't be an issue, seeing that the vast majority of murders, and other gun related crmes, are committed by men who have long and extensive criminal records, many of them proving while they were teens and in some cases pre-teens that they could not co-exist with law abiding citizens in a free society, yet the liberals won't allow us to execute these sociopaths and insist on releasing them into society. That my friend is the problem, not me or John Doe owning a semi-automatic rifle.

Do you actually have statistics about how many clerks are shot during robberies... Because I'm guessing it's very few.

Actually, most murders are committed by someone the victim knows.

Study says victims know their killers

And we lock up more people than any country in the world...

HOw it is that Japan only locks up 69,000 people and we lock up 2 million, and Japanese women can walk on the street at night and ours cant'?

That's the million dollar question dude. Their citizens are raised to respect and obey their elders, the law and those in authority, our citizens aren't. The problem has nothing to do with the amount of guns available and everytning to do with the quality of the population there as compared to here. Get rid of the negro and every validated hispanic gang banger in this nation and out murder rates would be cut in more than half, you can find that statistic on the DOJ web site. As for statistics regarding how many store clerks are killed each year, you've got the world at your finger tips, look it up.
I'm really saying the opposite -- not that I "didn't have a confirming experience" but that I did have some contrary ones. Contrary to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that Geezer seems to believe in.

There is no "contrary" to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that I believe in.

What the hell are you babbling on about...screwball?

Sure it's made up of simple black/white chess pieces. It's not that complicated. A criminal with a gun is a criminal with a gun, a good guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Now, that's not to say a good guy with a gun can't turn into a bad guy with a gun but, chances are, the bad guy with the gun isn't going to turn into a good guy with the gun. And, how many good guys with guns are turning into bad guys with guns? Oh...that's right, you just plain and simply don't know and you merrily make shit up as you go along. Chances are? If they are a bad guy with a gun? They've been a bad guy with a gun all along. Now, can a bad guy with a gun seem to appear as a good guy with a gun? Well...sure. There's plenty of cops who appear to be good guys with guns, only to ultimately be bad guys with guns and that's when you need a good guy with a gun. What, you think all the police of whom might be assigned school guarding duty are going to suddenly become bad guys with guns? How many air marshals have become bad guys with guns when they started putting air marshals in airplanes? Can you name any? How many air marshals have hijacked airplanes since we started putting good guys with guns on airplanes and they turned into bad guys with guns on airplanes?

On that note, really gotta go. There are chimneys to traverse. Happy holidays to all.

I don't want you anywhere near my chimney. And, if I see you near it, you might get shot.

Ha! This is great stuff right here :clap2: What a great present to find under my tree.

Your life is that it?

Geez, I want to thank you for this post - it sez it all. I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it.

Yeah, but your hollow words really don't mean squat. Your virtual lips are flapping but, you're just not saying anything.

It would appear my work is done. There's nothing to add. It's perfect. :D

In other words, I win and you fell flat on your face. Got it.

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