Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Really? You got statistics from when guns were legal and they had high murder rates from guns and, then, guns were made illegal and the murder rates from guns went down? don't.

In Japan, according to Transparency International, car thefts were 62,673. In the United States, according to UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). 2002. Correspondence on data on crime victims. March. Turin, car thefts were 1,246,096. Was Japan's lesser number of car thefts because Japan banned cars?


Guy, why do you keep going off on these weird ass tangents? Please try to stay on the subject.

The only one who goes off on weird ass tangents is you. You still haven't explained who the fuck Arnie is.
Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't. Wrong as usual dumbass. Most often the clerk is shot w/o the least bit of provocation and almost EVERY retail outlet fires an emplyee who does resist.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life. Tell that to the thousands of unarmed, helpless victims who where shot AFTER giving the robber the money.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.
Of course if liberal scumbags didn't keep allowing violent offenders back on our streets this wouldn't be an issue, seeing that the vast majority of murders, and other gun related crmes, are committed by men who have long and extensive criminal records, many of them proving while they were teens and in some cases pre-teens that they could not co-exist with law abiding citizens in a free society, yet the liberals won't allow us to execute these sociopaths and insist on releasing them into society. That my friend is the problem, not me or John Doe owning a semi-automatic rifle.

Do you actually have statistics about how many clerks are shot during robberies... Because I'm guessing it's very few.

Actually, most murders are committed by someone the victim knows.

Study says victims know their killers

And we lock up more people than any country in the world...

HOw it is that Japan only locks up 69,000 people and we lock up 2 million, and Japanese women can walk on the street at night and ours cant'?

Define "very few".

Further, why do you keep trying to make comparisons between the United States and Japan? It's apples and oranges and you're grasping.
Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Get yourself a couple of huge Pit Bulls like mine. My 125 lb Red Nose male is totally capable of biting an American's arm off with one chomp!

True story.
I'm really saying the opposite -- not that I "didn't have a confirming experience" but that I did have some contrary ones. Contrary to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that Geezer seems to believe in.

There is no "contrary" to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that I believe in.

What the hell are you babbling on about...screwball?

Sure it's made up of simple black/white chess pieces. It's not that complicated. A criminal with a gun is a criminal with a gun, a good guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Now, that's not to say a good guy with a gun can't turn into a bad guy with a gun but, chances are, the bad guy with the gun isn't going to turn into a good guy with the gun. And, how many good guys with guns are turning into bad guys with guns? Oh...that's right, you just plain and simply don't know and you merrily make shit up as you go along. Chances are? If they are a bad guy with a gun? They've been a bad guy with a gun all along. Now, can a bad guy with a gun seem to appear as a good guy with a gun? Well...sure. There's plenty of cops who appear to be good guys with guns, only to ultimately be bad guys with guns and that's when you need a good guy with a gun. What, you think all the police of whom might be assigned school guarding duty are going to suddenly become bad guys with guns? How many air marshals have become bad guys with guns when they started putting air marshals in airplanes? Can you name any? How many air marshals have hijacked airplanes since we started putting good guys with guns on airplanes and they turned into bad guys with guns on airplanes?

On that note, really gotta go. There are chimneys to traverse. Happy holidays to all.

I don't want you anywhere near my chimney. And, if I see you near it, you might get shot.

Ha! This is great stuff right here :clap2: What a great present to find under my tree.

Geez, I want to thank you for this post - it sez it all. I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it.

It would appear my work is done. There's nothing to add. It's perfect. :D

Ho Ho Ho!

That is another thing libtards like you dont get; life is not nearly as complicated as you would like to think it is.
Really? You got statistics from when guns were legal and they had high murder rates from guns and, then, guns were made illegal and the murder rates from guns went down? don't.

In Japan, according to Transparency International, car thefts were 62,673. In the United States, according to UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). 2002. Correspondence on data on crime victims. March. Turin, car thefts were 1,246,096. Was Japan's lesser number of car thefts because Japan banned cars?


Guy, why do you keep going off on these weird ass tangents? Please try to stay on the subject.

He was on subject. You are just fleeing the field again.
Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't. Wrong as usual dumbass. Most often the clerk is shot w/o the least bit of provocation and almost EVERY retail outlet fires an emplyee who does resist.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life. Tell that to the thousands of unarmed, helpless victims who where shot AFTER giving the robber the money.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.
Of course if liberal scumbags didn't keep allowing violent offenders back on our streets this wouldn't be an issue, seeing that the vast majority of murders, and other gun related crmes, are committed by men who have long and extensive criminal records, many of them proving while they were teens and in some cases pre-teens that they could not co-exist with law abiding citizens in a free society, yet the liberals won't allow us to execute these sociopaths and insist on releasing them into society. That my friend is the problem, not me or John Doe owning a semi-automatic rifle.

Do you actually have statistics about how many clerks are shot during robberies... Because I'm guessing it's very few.

Actually, most murders are committed by someone the victim knows.

Study says victims know their killers

Yeah, because 'known to the victim' also includes pimps, unpaid drug dealers, scorned ex-lovers and most anyone who might possibly have a motive to kill anyone. What a fucking surprise...
Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Get yourself a couple of huge Pit Bulls like mine. My 125 lb Red Nose male is totally capable of biting an American's arm off with one chomp!

True story.

I won't argue that having a big dog isn't great? However, no matter how big of dog you've got, it can't stop a bullet. I'd recommend both. And, hopefully, the dog will suffice. But, if all else fails? Then you've got an option. Big dogs, in a lot of instances, are a pretty good deterrent.
I'm really saying the opposite -- not that I "didn't have a confirming experience" but that I did have some contrary ones. Contrary to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that Geezer seems to believe in.

There is no "contrary" to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that I believe in.

What the hell are you babbling on about...screwball?

Sure it's made up of simple black/white chess pieces. It's not that complicated. A criminal with a gun is a criminal with a gun, a good guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Now, that's not to say a good guy with a gun can't turn into a bad guy with a gun but, chances are, the bad guy with the gun isn't going to turn into a good guy with the gun. And, how many good guys with guns are turning into bad guys with guns? Oh...that's right, you just plain and simply don't know and you merrily make shit up as you go along. Chances are? If they are a bad guy with a gun? They've been a bad guy with a gun all along. Now, can a bad guy with a gun seem to appear as a good guy with a gun? Well...sure. There's plenty of cops who appear to be good guys with guns, only to ultimately be bad guys with guns and that's when you need a good guy with a gun. What, you think all the police of whom might be assigned school guarding duty are going to suddenly become bad guys with guns? How many air marshals have become bad guys with guns when they started putting air marshals in airplanes? Can you name any? How many air marshals have hijacked airplanes since we started putting good guys with guns on airplanes and they turned into bad guys with guns on airplanes?

On that note, really gotta go. There are chimneys to traverse. Happy holidays to all.

I don't want you anywhere near my chimney. And, if I see you near it, you might get shot.

Ha! This is great stuff right here :clap2: What a great present to find under my tree.

Geez, I want to thank you for this post - it sez it all. I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it.

It would appear my work is done. There's nothing to add. It's perfect. :D

Ho Ho Ho!

You know? It's quite easy to make snide remarks which really doesn't amount to anything more than verification that you're incapable of putting up a stout defense in adding any substance to your claims but, it's entirely another thing to actually qualify your claims that I somehow have a simplistic myopic obtuse point of view with respect to this matter. I mean, other than the fact that you were able to actually use the words "simplistic myopic obstusity" in a sentence, this doesn't make you extraordinarily deep thinking. You didn't do squat in lessening my claim that not many bad people turn into good people and, you didn't do squat in lessening my claim that there haven't been an abundance of good people turning bad because they were placed in an armed position of protection. You haven't done squat in lessening my claim that there aren't a great deal of folks of whom are good people with guns, who suddenly become bad people with guns. So, this only goes to demonstrate your intellectual capacity only allows you to come off with a snide remark, rather than actually address the claims I made and put up a defense to disqualify those claims.

So, I ask you. How many people who appear to be good guys with guns, are actually bad guys with guns? And, how many good guys with guns who are put in an armed position of protection, are turning into bad guys with guns? For instance, how many air marshals are hijacking airplanes because they turned into bad guys with guns? How many armored car guards are robbing armored cars because they turned into bad guys with guns? How many armed security guards are engaging in sinister deeds, because they turned into bad guys with guns? I mean, you can come up with a better defense than " I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it."...can't you?
There is no "contrary" to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that I believe in.

What the hell are you babbling on about...screwball?

Sure it's made up of simple black/white chess pieces. It's not that complicated. A criminal with a gun is a criminal with a gun, a good guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Now, that's not to say a good guy with a gun can't turn into a bad guy with a gun but, chances are, the bad guy with the gun isn't going to turn into a good guy with the gun. And, how many good guys with guns are turning into bad guys with guns? Oh...that's right, you just plain and simply don't know and you merrily make shit up as you go along. Chances are? If they are a bad guy with a gun? They've been a bad guy with a gun all along. Now, can a bad guy with a gun seem to appear as a good guy with a gun? Well...sure. There's plenty of cops who appear to be good guys with guns, only to ultimately be bad guys with guns and that's when you need a good guy with a gun. What, you think all the police of whom might be assigned school guarding duty are going to suddenly become bad guys with guns? How many air marshals have become bad guys with guns when they started putting air marshals in airplanes? Can you name any? How many air marshals have hijacked airplanes since we started putting good guys with guns on airplanes and they turned into bad guys with guns on airplanes?

I don't want you anywhere near my chimney. And, if I see you near it, you might get shot.

Ha! This is great stuff right here :clap2: What a great present to find under my tree.

Geez, I want to thank you for this post - it sez it all. I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it.

It would appear my work is done. There's nothing to add. It's perfect. :D

Ho Ho Ho!

You know? It's quite easy to make snide remarks which really doesn't amount to anything more than verification that you're incapable of putting up a stout defense in adding any substance to your claims but, it's entirely another thing to actually qualify your claims that I somehow have a simplistic myopic obtuse point of view with respect to this matter. I mean, other than the fact that you were able to actually use the words "simplistic myopic obstusity" in a sentence, this doesn't make you extraordinarily deep thinking. You didn't do squat in lessening my claim that not many bad people turn into good people and, you didn't do squat in lessening my claim that there haven't been an abundance of good people turning bad because they were placed in an armed position of protection. You haven't done squat in lessening my claim that there aren't a great deal of folks of whom are good people with guns, who suddenly become bad people with guns. So, this only goes to demonstrate your intellectual capacity only allows you to come off with a snide remark, rather than actually address the claims I made and put up a defense to disqualify those claims.

So, I ask you. How many people who appear to be good guys with guns, are actually bad guys with guns? And, how many good guys with guns who are put in an armed position of protection, are turning into bad guys with guns? For instance, how many air marshals are hijacking airplanes because they turned into bad guys with guns? How many armored car guards are robbing armored cars because they turned into bad guys with guns? How many armed security guards are engaging in sinister deeds, because they turned into bad guys with guns? I mean, you can come up with a better defense than " I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it."...can't you?


You strip out all of my writing from the quote, and then start crowing "incapable of putting up a stout defense"? What an abject coward.
Just like your co-wanker who posted "That is another thing libtards like you dont get; life is not nearly as complicated as you would like to think it is." -- Well no, it's not as complicated after you've removed the other guy's words, is it. Duh.


Apparently that's the only way you guys can deal with this -- dishonesty. Go ahead, have yourselves a circle jerk. I don't do business with dishonest pissants. Fuck off.
Last edited:

Do you actually have statistics about how many clerks are shot during robberies... Because I'm guessing it's very few.

Actually, most murders are committed by someone the victim knows.

Study says victims know their killers

And we lock up more people than any country in the world...

HOw it is that Japan only locks up 69,000 people and we lock up 2 million, and Japanese women can walk on the street at night and ours cant'?

Define "very few".

Further, why do you keep trying to make comparisons between the United States and Japan? It's apples and oranges and you're grasping.

This moron keeps posting his praise and worship posts about the Japanese so often I have come to the conlclusion that he is very ill informed about the Japanese history, culture, past behavior or their outlook on non-Japanese. I would like to suggest he read up some on the rape of Nanking, the Bataan deat march and the 1001 other atrociities the peace loving Japanese have inflicted on their neighbors, their fellow citizens and many others around the world, but I fear it would be useless to offer this suggestion because like most liberal dumbasses, he would prefer to base his opinion on his own very limited knowledge rather than on any facts or historical evidence.
Really? You got statistics from when guns were legal and they had high murder rates from guns and, then, guns were made illegal and the murder rates from guns went down? don't.

In Japan, according to Transparency International, car thefts were 62,673. In the United States, according to UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). 2002. Correspondence on data on crime victims. March. Turin, car thefts were 1,246,096. Was Japan's lesser number of car thefts because Japan banned cars?


Guy, why do you keep going off on these weird ass tangents? Please try to stay on the subject.

He was on subject. You are just fleeing the field again.

He wasn't on topic at all. Car theft isn't a violent crime. Nor is it really that big of a deal.

Fact is - Countries that restrict gun ownership. Little violent crime.

Country with foolish gun laws that let anyone have them- Lots and lots of crime.

This moron keeps posting his praise and worship posts about the Japanese so often I have come to the conlclusion that he is very ill informed about the Japanese history, culture, past behavior or their outlook on non-Japanese. I would like to suggest he read up some on the rape of Nanking, the Bataan deat march and the 1001 other atrociities the peace loving Japanese have inflicted on their neighbors, their fellow citizens and many others around the world, but I fear it would be useless to offer this suggestion because like most liberal dumbasses, he would prefer to base his opinion on his own very limited knowledge rather than on any facts or historical evidence.

I was referring to the Japanese as they are today... where they are a model citizen in the international community, compared to the US, which slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis over weapons tht didn't exist.

But if you want to go into the past, the US committed complete genocide against the Native Americans, we slaughtered 600,000 Filipinos in the Philippine war of 1898-1910. We stole Mexico's territory and we imposed ourselves over Latin America where most of them really hate us today for some of the governments we inflicted on them.
Guy, why do you keep going off on these weird ass tangents? Please try to stay on the subject.

He was on subject. You are just fleeing the field again.

He wasn't on topic at all. Car theft isn't a violent crime. Nor is it really that big of a deal.

It is grand theft and it is a violent crime if done with threat like in a car jacking.

And it is of no concern of yours if people lose their only transportation to work and cannot afford the insurance to replace it. Real fascist of you.

Fact is - Countries that restrict gun ownership. Little violent crime.

Country with foolish gun laws that let anyone have them- Lots and lots of crime.

Back to telling the Big Lie again. I have given you lists of countries with far higher violent crime rates than the US that also place heavy restrictions on guns.

But you dont give a shit because you are a lying fascist bastard.
Ha! This is great stuff right here :clap2: What a great present to find under my tree.

Geez, I want to thank you for this post - it sez it all. I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it.

It would appear my work is done. There's nothing to add. It's perfect. :D

Ho Ho Ho!

You know? It's quite easy to make snide remarks which really doesn't amount to anything more than verification that you're incapable of putting up a stout defense in adding any substance to your claims but, it's entirely another thing to actually qualify your claims that I somehow have a simplistic myopic obtuse point of view with respect to this matter. I mean, other than the fact that you were able to actually use the words "simplistic myopic obstusity" in a sentence, this doesn't make you extraordinarily deep thinking. You didn't do squat in lessening my claim that not many bad people turn into good people and, you didn't do squat in lessening my claim that there haven't been an abundance of good people turning bad because they were placed in an armed position of protection. You haven't done squat in lessening my claim that there aren't a great deal of folks of whom are good people with guns, who suddenly become bad people with guns. So, this only goes to demonstrate your intellectual capacity only allows you to come off with a snide remark, rather than actually address the claims I made and put up a defense to disqualify those claims.

So, I ask you. How many people who appear to be good guys with guns, are actually bad guys with guns? And, how many good guys with guns who are put in an armed position of protection, are turning into bad guys with guns? For instance, how many air marshals are hijacking airplanes because they turned into bad guys with guns? How many armored car guards are robbing armored cars because they turned into bad guys with guns? How many armed security guards are engaging in sinister deeds, because they turned into bad guys with guns? I mean, you can come up with a better defense than " I could never have made the point of simplistic myopic obtusity as eloquently as you just exemplified it."...can't you?


You strip out all of my writing from the quote, and then start crowing "incapable of putting up a stout defense"? What an abject coward.
Just like your co-wanker who posted "That is another thing libtards like you dont get; life is not nearly as complicated as you would like to think it is." -- Well no, it's not as complicated after you've removed the other guy's words, is it. Duh.


Apparently that's the only way you guys can deal with this -- dishonesty. Go ahead, have yourselves a circle jerk. I don't do business with dishonest pissants. Fuck off.

I didn't strip out squat. What was posted is exactly what was quoted when I used the "Quote" button. If you want to blame someone about allegedly stripping anything out, you might want to look to US Message Boards for their "Quote" button not appropriately quoting the material. And, I notice you stripped out your own quotes when you posted your reply to me. However, unlike the chump you clearly are, I understood that it was the way US Message Board quoted the material and wasn't some intentional shenanigans on your part. So fuck off your own self.
Guy, why do you keep going off on these weird ass tangents? Please try to stay on the subject.

He was on subject. You are just fleeing the field again.

He wasn't on topic at all. Car theft isn't a violent crime. Nor is it really that big of a deal.

Fact is - Countries that restrict gun ownership. Little violent crime.

Country with foolish gun laws that let anyone have them- Lots and lots of crime.

What's car theft not being a violent crime got to do with anything? Like so many others I've encountered, you are just plain and simply too intellectually deficient to comprehend the context in those things you read. It wasn't about whether car theft is a violent crime or not. It was about you alleging that it's because Japan has banned guns that they have lesser instances of gun homicides than the United States and, using this logic, we must presume Japan's lesser instance of car theft than the United States must mean it's because they banned cars...too. Or, presume Japan's lesser instance of rape than the United States must mean it's because they banned penises.
Guy, why do you keep going off on these weird ass tangents? Please try to stay on the subject.

He was on subject. You are just fleeing the field again.

He wasn't on topic at all. Car theft isn't a violent crime. Nor is it really that big of a deal.

Fact is - Countries that restrict gun ownership. Little violent crime.

Country with foolish gun laws that let anyone have them- Lots and lots of crime.

That you think it's because of the restriction in gun ownership that there are fewer instances of violent crime? This only goes to demonstrate how weak-minded you really are. You haven't got squat to prove that it's because of restrictions in gun ownership that they have fewer instances of violent crime.

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