Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

First, lets look at the most recent track record, the Afghanistan War.

Afghanistan is a nation of a fairly backward population of 30 million who have only recently begun to modernise at all. The insurgency there consists of about 25,000 Taliban.

The US has put about 100,000 troops there alongside about 450,000 fully trained and equipped Afghan national forces. One soldier for every 60 AFghans, roughly.

So, outnumbering the Taliban nearly 20 to 1 and fighting for nearly twelve long years, we have been bled financially, morally and physically to the point that regardless of the likely collapse of the freindly regime, we are pulling out no matter what by end of next year.

So the taliban will win and any honest analysis would show this.

But here in the US, we have well over 300 million people who are tech savy and who own more than 270 million firearms and the ratio of Americans to US standing forces is like one to a hundred. And Americans have a highly trained cadre of experienced military that many of whom would be very effective at fighting a partisan war against a President that most of them hate and despise.

Anyone who cant see the dangers frought with a civil war in such a context is either ignorant, stupid or a fucking traitor who wants to see our nation destroyed from the ground up.

This president that most of the military hate and despise you say is Obama? Why is it that Obama received more donations from military members than Romney did?

Military Personnel Campaign Funds Favor Obama Over Romney - Businessweek

Yeah, from a military that despises obama. This is from your article, "Defense Department personnel led the list, giving $176,121 to Obama", here's some FYI for you son, the Defense Dept. is largely made up of CIVILIAN govt employees, not military personnel and in the Army he got a lot of donations from the sodomites and lesbians who placed their own personal benefits over what was best for the nation and their service, much like liberal scum everywhere do.
Some of you right wingers must live in some crummy low income, crime ridden neighborhoods to be so afraid of having your guns taken away.

Which other Constitutional rights are you willing to give up? You ok wth the govt telling you can't go to the church you want to? You ok with them forcing you to house soldiers in yours and your wife's bedroom? You ok with govt agents kicking in your door in the middle of the night to search your home for "contraband"? You ok with the Police holding you for months without a trail, while they make a case against you? Or is it just our right to arm ourselves that you have a problem with? Thanks to 9/11 and our own meekness and weakness we have given up a large portion of our 4th amendment rights, how many more rights are you willing to surrender? Here's a fact son, without a well armed populace, history has shown us that the citizen is at the mercy of their governments and governments have not proven to be very merciful and the 1st thing they try to do, prior to turning their population from citizens to subjects, is to try to disarm them. No thanks. Any govt mandatory buy back as many are suggessting, or out right confiscation will be met with harsh resistance and will result in more bloodshed than we saw during the War of Northern Aggression.

Science has proven that men that obsess over the size of other men's penis' are faggots.

gun grabbers always equate guns with dicks, they must be some of the biggest faggots worthless scum on earth.
Scared little boys who get their "validation" through gunplay instead of sex.

The ability to fuck gives you your validation? lolololol

The things that give a man validation in my book:
1. Being responsible for those things he has taken responsibility for.
2. Being able to protect himself and those he loves.
3. Acting like a gentleman (except in response to libtards)
4. Being generous to those in need.
5. Knowing in your heart that Chrissy Matthews and Piss Morgan are barely human let alone NOT men.

You're wasting your time trying to tell a pussy what it takes to be a man.

Science has proven that men that obsess over the size of other men's penis' are faggots.

gun grabbers always equate guns with dicks, they must be some of the biggest faggots worthless scum on earth.

Well you said it all when you said gun "grabber". They equate guns with penises, therefore they are obsessed with grabbing them.
We stole Mexico's territory .

No we didn't.

Damn the boy is one stupid fuck ain't he? We stole Mexico's territory? I'm shocked he hid that he was a liberal this long.

History isn't liberal or conservative, dipstick...

Let's listen to what some Great Republicans said about what we did to Mexico..

Congressman Lincoln and some of his fellow Whigs had a very different opinion of the president, Manifest Destiny, and the war. (Polk was a Democrat.) Lincoln believed that Polk had started the war based on a lie. On two notable occasions, Lincoln questioned Polk regarding his motives for going to war. Lincoln once took the House floor and asked Polk to prove that the Mexicans had crossed national borders in order to draw first blood on U.S. soil. This is what Polk claimed was the reason for the Mexican War. Upon addressing the president, Lincoln said: "Let the President [Polk] answer the interrogatories I proposed... Let him answer fully, fairly, candidly. Let him answer with facts, and not with arguments. Let him remember, he sits where Washington sat; and so remembering, let him answer as Washington would answer... so let him attempt no evasion, no equivocation."

Read more at Suite101: Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101 Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101
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U.S. Grant was even more explicit-

The act was a questionable one. Many Northerners believed that Polk, a Southerner, was trying to gain land for the slaveholding South. Other Americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from Mexico. Among those was Second Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant. Although during the war he expressed no reservations about it, he would later call the war "one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory."

The Mexican American War . U.S. Grant: Warrior . WGBH American Experience | PBS
No we didn't.

Damn the boy is one stupid fuck ain't he? We stole Mexico's territory? I'm shocked he hid that he was a liberal this long.

History isn't liberal or conservative, dipstick...

Let's listen to what some Great Republicans said about what we did to Mexico..

Congressman Lincoln and some of his fellow Whigs had a very different opinion of the president, Manifest Destiny, and the war. (Polk was a Democrat.) Lincoln believed that Polk had started the war based on a lie. On two notable occasions, Lincoln questioned Polk regarding his motives for going to war. Lincoln once took the House floor and asked Polk to prove that the Mexicans had crossed national borders in order to draw first blood on U.S. soil. This is what Polk claimed was the reason for the Mexican War. Upon addressing the president, Lincoln said: "Let the President [Polk] answer the interrogatories I proposed... Let him answer fully, fairly, candidly. Let him answer with facts, and not with arguments. Let him remember, he sits where Washington sat; and so remembering, let him answer as Washington would answer... so let him attempt no evasion, no equivocation."

Read more at Suite101: Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101 Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101
Follow us: @suite101 on Twitter | Suite101 on Facebook

U.S. Grant was even more explicit-

The act was a questionable one. Many Northerners believed that Polk, a Southerner, was trying to gain land for the slaveholding South. Other Americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from Mexico. Among those was Second Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant. Although during the war he expressed no reservations about it, he would later call the war "one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory."

The Mexican American War . U.S. Grant: Warrior . WGBH American Experience | PBS

We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.
Damn the boy is one stupid fuck ain't he? We stole Mexico's territory? I'm shocked he hid that he was a liberal this long.

History isn't liberal or conservative, dipstick...

Let's listen to what some Great Republicans said about what we did to Mexico..

Read more at Suite101: Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101 Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101
Follow us: @suite101 on Twitter | Suite101 on Facebook

U.S. Grant was even more explicit-

The act was a questionable one. Many Northerners believed that Polk, a Southerner, was trying to gain land for the slaveholding South. Other Americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from Mexico. Among those was Second Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant. Although during the war he expressed no reservations about it, he would later call the war "one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory."

The Mexican American War . U.S. Grant: Warrior . WGBH American Experience | PBS

We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

In a war that wasn't actually justified.

The treaty that Mexico signed with the REpublic of Texas SPECIFICALLY stated Texas would not join the US. We created a crisis to justify the war. People at the time recognized this like Lincoln and Grant.
History isn't liberal or conservative, dipstick...

Let's listen to what some Great Republicans said about what we did to Mexico..

Read more at Suite101: Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101 Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101
Follow us: @suite101 on Twitter | Suite101 on Facebook

U.S. Grant was even more explicit-

The Mexican American War . U.S. Grant: Warrior . WGBH American Experience | PBS

We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

In a war that wasn't actually justified.

LOL! Want to enlighten us on any war you find "justified"? Obviously it was justified, since it happened. Can't change history...sorry.
History isn't liberal or conservative, dipstick...

Let's listen to what some Great Republicans said about what we did to Mexico..

Read more at Suite101: Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101 Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101
Follow us: @suite101 on Twitter | Suite101 on Facebook

U.S. Grant was even more explicit-

The Mexican American War . U.S. Grant: Warrior . WGBH American Experience | PBS

We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

In a war that wasn't actually justified.

The treaty that Mexico signed with the REpublic of Texas SPECIFICALLY stated Texas would not join the US. We created a crisis to justify the war. People at the time recognized this like Lincoln and Grant.

Well good Texas can leave the union. I may just move there if they do.
Damn the boy is one stupid fuck ain't he? We stole Mexico's territory? I'm shocked he hid that he was a liberal this long.

History isn't liberal or conservative, dipstick...

Let's listen to what some Great Republicans said about what we did to Mexico..

Read more at Suite101: Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101 Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101
Follow us: @suite101 on Twitter | Suite101 on Facebook

U.S. Grant was even more explicit-

The act was a questionable one. Many Northerners believed that Polk, a Southerner, was trying to gain land for the slaveholding South. Other Americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from Mexico. Among those was Second Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant. Although during the war he expressed no reservations about it, he would later call the war "one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory."

The Mexican American War . U.S. Grant: Warrior . WGBH American Experience | PBS

We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

We even paid for it.
History isn't liberal or conservative, dipstick...

Let's listen to what some Great Republicans said about what we did to Mexico..

Read more at Suite101: Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101 Abraham Lincoln's Opposition to the Mexican War | Suite101
Follow us: @suite101 on Twitter | Suite101 on Facebook

U.S. Grant was even more explicit-

The Mexican American War . U.S. Grant: Warrior . WGBH American Experience | PBS

We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

In a war that wasn't actually justified.

The treaty that Mexico signed with the REpublic of Texas SPECIFICALLY stated Texas would not join the US. We created a crisis to justify the war. People at the time recognized this like Lincoln and Grant.

Another bullshit lie.

Dude, the terms of the Velasco treaties are online.
Treaties of Velasco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no stipulation that Texas not join the US, in fact, most Texans didnt want to, they wanted independence from everyone. The Velasco treaty was the only treaty signed by both parties though the Mexican government refused to ratify it. It was only after the Mexican-American War that a treaty was signed and ratified by both governments in full.

Joe, your lies are getting ever more lurid, stupid and crude.
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Hell, for the "mow 'em down" crowd, a gun is more valuable than a 5 year old television set.

The only lives that matter are in utero and even those are not valuable enough for a gun nut to personally save. Let children and the elderly starve in the streets.

All the rw gun nuts want is a government that has complete control over every move you make and none that he makes.
So...if anyone tried to take your guns away, the people would rise up and shoot and kill anyone who tried to take away their weapons?

Why is a gun more important than a human life?

Hell, for the "mow 'em down" crowd, a gun is more valuable than a 5 year old television set.

The "'mow 'em down' crowd"? Who are they?

The only lives that matter are in utero and even those are not valuable enough for a gun nut to personally save. Let children and the elderly starve in the streets.

No so-called "gun nut" advocates children and elderly starving in the streets...liar! Another idiot that's got nothing more than outrageous hyperbole.

All the rw gun nuts want is a government that has complete control over every move you make and none that he makes.

We didn't steal Mexico's land we took it by killing the bastards.

In a war that wasn't actually justified.

LOL! Want to enlighten us on any war you find "justified"? Obviously it was justified, since it happened. Can't change history...sorry.

Well,I could explain it to you, but since you are like a crazy person, what would be the point.

My view on justifiable wars- A war where we were attacked first and were taking action to defend ourselves or bringing the perpetrators to justice.

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