Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

I wonder how many gun haters would have the courage to place a 'gun free zone' bumper sticker on their car or the front door of their residence.

Send 'em to me. I'll put them on all my cars and my house. Send me 500 if you can and I'll hand them out.

We've got to get over this John Wayne mentality and stop thinking like a collective 13-year-old.

That is ridiculous. People use guns to protect themselves all the time without having to do more than show them. I've gotten through tight scrapes several times, and I know about a dozen others who have as well.

It is the gun grabbers that are the immature pretentious collectivists, not 2A folks.
To stop a guy with a gun requires an escalation in violence.

That fallacy is the whole thing in a nutshell, right there. A classic example of treating the symptom while ignoring the disease.

I guess you're opposed to police owning guns...too? What, you think we should negotiate with him? Or, worse, bend to his will even though we're armed? What are you...a liberal?

Nice try but you can't just wish truth away by slapping a convenient label on it. This isn't political; it's social psychology; what motivates people.

As far as police having guns (I assume you mean carrying, not 'owning'), I can tell you from subjective experience that the Gardai in Ireland don't carry guns and they're seen as helpful servants rather than "here comes trouble". Gardai is short for Garda Síochána, or "Guardians of the Peace". Notice the word "peace"? It might just be that when you go looking for trouble you find it, and the same is true of peace. "Be careful what you wish for". All about attitude. More on this below.

Actually, Japan could tell us:
Gun Violence: Virtually a Thing of the Past in Japan

There it is again: Attitude. Perspective. This latter view that holds more respect for both the power of firearms and human life, is what the constant gun-on-gun escalation removes from us. And the more we do it, the farther away we get from those values.

As I posted somewhere else today, even if there's no violence-- suppose you're a gun owner, licensed, legal, trained and responsible, and you go out carrying....

Trouble comes up, you let it be known that you're armed... trouble retreats. Now, even if no shots were fired...
What exactly have you accomplished?

What a stupid comment...pure and simple. What do you THINK I would have accomplished?

Actually I answered my own question in the same post. Those sterling powers of observation again.

Again -- what you've "accomplished" is to perpetuate the silly John Wayne mentality and ensure it stays with us and continues and in your fantasy world at least, requires further and further escalation.

As I said before and I'll say again, that is a dead end. Literally.

What this ultimately comes down to is whether you're concerned about your culture as a whole, or just about numero uno. If it's the latter "every man for himself" attitude, then yes, your best answer probably is constant escalation through more and more firearms, which begets more and more violence and more and more Newtowns. Just know, if that is your quest, it's finite. A dead end. It may get you through today but it won't get us through tomorrow.

What a bunch of bullshit, pogo.

Obviously you have never had to live among criminal types with any serious risk of violence.

The shit you are suggesting is ludicrous.
Forbs Magazine: "In fact law-abiding citizens in America used guns in self-defense 2.5 million times during 1993 (about 6,850 times per day), and actually shot and killed 2 1/2 times as many criminals as police did (1,527 to 606). Those civilian self-defense shootings resulted in less than 1/5th as many incidents as police where an innocent person was mistakenly identified as a criminal (2% versus 11%).

Just how effectively have gun bans worked to make citizens safer in other countries? Take the number of home break-ins while residents are present as an indication. In Canada and Britain, both with tough gun-control laws, nearly half of all burglaries occur when residents are present. But in the U.S. where many households are armed, only about 13% happen when someone is home.

Recognizing clear statistical benefit evidence, 41 states now allow competent, law-abiding adults to carry permitted or permit-exempt concealed handguns. As a result, crime rates in those states have typically fallen at least 10% in the year following enactment."

Yep, totally true.

Merry Christmas.
What a bunch of bullshit, pogo.

Obviously you have never had to live among criminal types with any serious risk of violence.

The shit you are suggesting is ludicrous.

Oh but I have. I don't live in a city any more but I used to, for years. Not that that's the only place "criminal types" exist but that's where my experience was.

As far as "criminal types", I was just thinking about Arnie. Arnie had been a medic in Vietnam, and when I was assaulted and covered in my own blood, it was Arnie who took care of me, administered triage and got me to hospital. Probably saved my life, and I'd trust it with him under any such circumstances.

Arnie was also a fugitive from the law. A "criminal".

On the other hand, the only people who ever pulled guns on me were cops (not the same incident or place).

Things are not so black and white as the Escalator Geezers with short observation skills would believe. The world is not made up of definitive cops and robbers dutifully wearing their white or black hat. It's slightly more complex than that. Understanding that is the first step.

Gotta go, Merry Christmas Bowie, and to all a good night.
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What a bunch of bullshit, pogo.

Obviously you have never had to live among criminal types with any serious risk of violence.

The shit you are suggesting is ludicrous.

Oh but I have. I don't live in a city any more but I used to, for years. Not that that's the only place "criminal types" exist but that's where my experience was.

As far as "criminal types", I was just thinking about Arnie. Arnie was a fugitive from the law and residing at my house. He'd been a medic in Vietnam, and when I was assaulted and walked in the door covered in my own blood, it was Arnie who took care of me, administered triage and got me to the hospital. Probably saved my life.

On the other hand, the only people who ever pulled guns on me were cops. Not the same incident.

Things are not so black and white as the Escalator Geezers with short observation skills would have us believe. The world is not made up of definitive cops and robbers dutifully wearing their white or black hat. It's slightly more complex than that. Understanding that is the first step.

Gotta go, Merry Christmas Bowie, and to all a good night.

You do realize that your experince of not having a confirming experience does not prove that such things do not happen. I have had the exact opposite experience.

Anyway, Merry Christmas.
To those saying I'm only in a convenient store for a couple of minutes, thats the whole point. The thug is going to wait till I am gone to try anything. Which is the whole reason why I carry, to protect my life and my family's life. Sounds selfish, but that's a man's job, to protect his family's life.

Um... yeah, so you need to carry a gun all the time to protect your family because we have too many people out there with too many guns...

Um...yeah. Okay. And you think more guns are really the solution?

You fucking limpwristed up and change your avatar.............

You do realize that your experince of not having a confirming experience does not prove that such things do not happen. I have had the exact opposite experience.

Anyway, Merry Christmas.

I'm really saying the opposite -- not that I "didn't have a confirming experience" but that I did have some contrary ones. Contrary to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that Geezer seems to believe in.

The point being, if I had not taken the trouble to understand who Arnie really was and classed him as a "criminal" and sent him away, then I might have bled to death for lack of anyone else there. And if I had been a gun carrier and responded to these cops who drew guns on me (they never identified themselves as cops), then I might be dead twice.

At base I'm saying the world isn't made up of simple black/white chess pieces that we can merrily fit into whatever puzzle holes life presents us with. And the simplistic idea of arming to the teeth in order to overwhelm "the bad guys" suffers from exactly that kind of rigid obtuse thought.

On that note, really gotta go. There are chimneys to traverse. Happy holidays to all.
What a bunch of bullshit, pogo.

Obviously you have never had to live among criminal types with any serious risk of violence.

The shit you are suggesting is ludicrous.

Oh but I have. I don't live in a city any more but I used to, for years. Not that that's the only place "criminal types" exist but that's where my experience was.

As far as "criminal types", I was just thinking about Arnie. Arnie had been a medic in Vietnam, and when I was assaulted and covered in my own blood, it was Arnie who took care of me, administered triage and got me to hospital. Probably saved my life, and I'd trust it with him under any such circumstances.

Arnie was also a fugitive from the law. A "criminal".

On the other hand, the only people who ever pulled guns on me were cops (not the same incident or place).

Things are not so black and white as the Escalator Geezers with short observation skills would believe. The world is not made up of definitive cops and robbers dutifully wearing their white or black hat. It's slightly more complex than that. Understanding that is the first step.

Gotta go, Merry Christmas Bowie, and to all a good night.

What the hell kind of goofy tangent are you going off about here? Who the fuck is Arnie and what the fuck does he have to do with anything?
You do realize that your experince of not having a confirming experience does not prove that such things do not happen. I have had the exact opposite experience.

Anyway, Merry Christmas.

I'm really saying the opposite -- not that I "didn't have a confirming experience" but that I did have some contrary ones. Contrary to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that Geezer seems to believe in.

There is no "contrary" to the black-and-white "good vs. evil" dichotomy that I believe in.

The point being, if I had not taken the trouble to understand who Arnie really was and classed him as a "criminal" and sent him away, then I might have bled to death for lack of anyone else there. And if I had been a gun carrier and responded to these cops who drew guns on me (they never identified themselves as cops), then I might be dead twice.

What the hell are you babbling on about...screwball?

At base I'm saying the world isn't made up of simple black/white chess pieces that we can merrily fit into whatever puzzle holes life presents us with. And the simplistic idea of arming to the teeth in order to overwhelm "the bad guys" suffers from exactly that kind of rigid obtuse thought.

Sure it's made up of simple black/white chess pieces. It's not that complicated. A criminal with a gun is a criminal with a gun, a good guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Now, that's not to say a good guy with a gun can't turn into a bad guy with a gun but, chances are, the bad guy with the gun isn't going to turn into a good guy with the gun. And, how many good guys with guns are turning into bad guys with guns? Oh...that's right, you just plain and simply don't know and you merrily make shit up as you go along. Chances are? If they are a bad guy with a gun? They've been a bad guy with a gun all along. Now, can a bad guy with a gun seem to appear as a good guy with a gun? Well...sure. There's plenty of cops who appear to be good guys with guns, only to ultimately be bad guys with guns and that's when you need a good guy with a gun. What, you think all the police of whom might be assigned school guarding duty are going to suddenly become bad guys with guns? How many air marshals have become bad guys with guns when they started putting air marshals in airplanes? Can you name any? How many air marshals have hijacked airplanes since we started putting good guys with guns on airplanes and they turned into bad guys with guns on airplanes?

On that note, really gotta go. There are chimneys to traverse. Happy holidays to all.

I don't want you anywhere near my chimney. And, if I see you near it, you might get shot.
I'm talking about if I am in the convienant store as a customer, not as an employee. Criminals are like electricity, they will take the path of least resistance and an obvious .40 glock on my side is a hell of a lot of resistance. I promise.

Frankly, if I'm in a convience store, the last thing I want to be is in the middle of a gun battle between a robber and clerk over $50.00 in the register.

Most convience stores never keep that much money outside the safe to start with.

Yet convience store clerks are gunned down on a regular basis in this nation. You're a real dumbass.

Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.
Frankly, if I'm in a convience store, the last thing I want to be is in the middle of a gun battle between a robber and clerk over $50.00 in the register.

Most convience stores never keep that much money outside the safe to start with.

Yet convience store clerks are gunned down on a regular basis in this nation. You're a real dumbass.

Usually because they are dumbasses who fight the robber over $50.00 because the boss will fire them if they don't.

GIve the guy the money. It isn't worth your life.

Of course, if idiots like you didn't make guns so easy to get, this wouldn't be an issue.

Yeah, like cocaine is so hard to get because of all the laws against it, lol.

JoeBlow you are such a fucking liar and a loon too it seems.
Rambo, you are not, simply a faceless coward in the nazi ranks. You never got out of anything except by running away.

I've gotten through tight scrapes several times, and I know about a dozen others who have as well..
Rambo, you are not, simply a faceless coward in the nazi ranks. You never got out of anything except by running away.

I've gotten through tight scrapes several times, and I know about a dozen others who have as well..

Lol, dumbass Starkey the Liar, a person does not have to be Rambo to run off stupid crooks who think you are defenseless. Plenty of disabled and women and children and out of shape old fucks like me can still defend ourselves if we are armed.

Which is EXACTLY why you RINOs and libtards want to disarm us.
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Yeah, like cocaine is so hard to get because of all the laws against it, lol.

JoeBlow you are such a fucking liar and a loon too it seems.

I wouldn't know where to get cocaine...

Fact is, every other industrial democracy has made gun bans work...

I find it impossible to believe we couldn't.

So despite the obvious inability of our government to ban similar things, and the fact that many other industrialized nations, even in Europe, have much higher murder rates despite their gun control laws that are stricter than ours, you just cant believe that it wont work this time?

You are an idiot.

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