Some stupid air head liberal girl marries hippy murderer Charles Manson.

You really didn't "prove" anything except for the fact that you are annoying. :)

We aren't discussing whether or not I'm "annoying" you...
I merely asked who did manson personally murder?

It's not a hard question.

Well, you are . . . annoying me that is.

Sorry for that.

Who did manson personally kill?

Why do you keep dodging that simple question?

He killed that one guy, I think his name was Shay, or something like that. He did that before the Tate murders.

I think it was Shorty Shea

There it is!
Can you imagine a conservative naming their daughter "Star?" Lol! Most people I've known with "earthy" or nature-type names are the children of liberals. :)

I agree. Why, Star is just as liberal a name as Mia, for instance.

Oh, wait, Mia Love is a Conservative.....

Mia means different things depending on where you come from.

It means feminine Michael in Israel, rebellion in Italy, and Maria in Scandinavia. Fairly conservative if you ask me.
Give me a break. Names are not conservative or liberal.

Michael is the named after the archangel Michael, Maria is named after the virgin Mary.

Sounds religious, which is synonymous with conservatives.

Calling someone Star is a pubic-hair from being Moon-unit which is the kind of names potheads in the 60s and 70s loved to use.

Danica means morning star.
Ester/Esther means star.

Danica Patrick is a female NASCAR driver. NASCAR is pretty conservative.
Esther is a biblical name, which (according your definition) means conservative.

Star means Star.

What's your point?

Do you think DP's parents were automatically NASCAR fans just because they saw in their Crystal ball that she would be in NASCAR? Besides, DP didn't start out racing in NASCAR. she sort of drifted there because she would be a novelty and had problems winning in Indy races.
Must I define the difference between charity and forced taxation?

Taxes are used by Democrats to punish and oppress and to buy votes. That isn't charity by any stretch.

No, no. Please don't. I know the difference.

How "oppressed" are you? Do you find "oppression" by government-built roads to be less punitive than "oppression" to feed the hungry? How about that "oppression" to help the Iraqis get out from under their oppression? How "oppressed" have you been to educate our American children?

I, too, could feel "oppressed," but I just see it as investing in my own country, rather than nitpick at the recipients of SOME tax-money and giving others a pass.

You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look
Must I define the difference between charity and forced taxation?

Taxes are used by Democrats to punish and oppress and to buy votes. That isn't charity by any stretch.

No, no. Please don't. I know the difference.

How "oppressed" are you? Do you find "oppression" by government-built roads to be less punitive than "oppression" to feed the hungry? How about that "oppression" to help the Iraqis get out from under their oppression? How "oppressed" have you been to educate our American children?

I, too, could feel "oppressed," but I just see it as investing in my own country, rather than nitpick at the recipients of SOME tax-money and giving others a pass.

You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look

I'd like to return the diagnosis of "brainwashed" to you if you think that taxes are meant to punish you or impoverish you.

Don't like the things your taxes go toward? Elect new representatives. I don't like some of those things, either.
Must I define the difference between charity and forced taxation?

Taxes are used by Democrats to punish and oppress and to buy votes. That isn't charity by any stretch.

No, no. Please don't. I know the difference.

How "oppressed" are you? Do you find "oppression" by government-built roads to be less punitive than "oppression" to feed the hungry? How about that "oppression" to help the Iraqis get out from under their oppression? How "oppressed" have you been to educate our American children?

I, too, could feel "oppressed," but I just see it as investing in my own country, rather than nitpick at the recipients of SOME tax-money and giving others a pass.

You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look

I'd like to return the diagnosis of "brainwashed" to you if you think that taxes are meant to punish you or impoverish you.

Don't like the things your taxes go toward? Elect new representatives. I don't like some of those things, either.

I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.
CORCORAN, Calif. (AP) — Mass murderer Charles Manson plans to marry a 26-year-old woman who left her Midwestern home and spent the past nine years trying to help exonerate him.

Afton Elaine Burton, the raven-haired bride-to-be, said she loves the man convicted in the notorious murders of seven people, including pregnant actress Sharon Tate.

No date has been set but a wedding coordinator has been assigned by the prison to handle the nuptials, and the couple has until early February to get married before they would have to reapply.

The prospective bride and groom have near-matching carvings on their foreheads. Hers is an "X'' and his is an "X'' that was turned into a swastika after he carved it during his trial to show he was "X'ed out of society."

The Kings County marriage license, viewed Monday by The Associated Press, was issued Nov. 7 for the 80-year-old Manson and Burton, who lives in Corcoran — the site of the prison — and maintains several websites advocating his innocence.

Burton, who goes by the name "Star," told the AP that she and Manson will be married next month.

"Y'all can know that it's true," she said. "It's going to happen."

"I love him," she added. "I'm with him. There's all kinds of things."

However, as a life prisoner with no parole date, Manson is not entitled to family visits, a euphemism for conjugal visits.

So why would Burton marry him under those conditions?

She said she is interested in working on his case, and marrying him would allow her to get information not available to non-relatives.

"There's certain things next of kin can do," she said without elaborating.

Burton gave an interview a year ago to Rolling Stone magazine in which she said she and Manson planned to marry. But Manson, who became notorious in 1969 as the leader of a roving "family" of young killers, was less certain about tying the knot.

AP Exclusive Charles Manson gets marriage license - Yahoo News



Just when you thought you could not possibly hate liberals more........

Anarchism and liberalism are not the same thing. Anyone believing so is not real bright.
I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

Fair enough.

Interestingly, mudwhistle didn't put those things on the list.

Mudwhistle is being punished, apparently, by taxes that go toward illegals. I doubt it is to dissuade him/her (sorry, I honestly don't know) from interacting with illegals.
Must I define the difference between charity and forced taxation?

Taxes are used by Democrats to punish and oppress and to buy votes. That isn't charity by any stretch.

No, no. Please don't. I know the difference.

How "oppressed" are you? Do you find "oppression" by government-built roads to be less punitive than "oppression" to feed the hungry? How about that "oppression" to help the Iraqis get out from under their oppression? How "oppressed" have you been to educate our American children?

I, too, could feel "oppressed," but I just see it as investing in my own country, rather than nitpick at the recipients of SOME tax-money and giving others a pass.

You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look

I'd like to return the diagnosis of "brainwashed" to you if you think that taxes are meant to punish you or impoverish you.

Don't like the things your taxes go toward? Elect new representatives. I don't like some of those things, either.

I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

So it is a bad thing to dissuade people from smoking cigarettes, a product that cigarette companies have lied to the public about for decades? BTW, the real reasoning behind the high cigarette taxes is not to stop those who already smoke; it is to keep young people from starting, and guess what? It is working.
Actually, another difference with those "sin taxes" is that they aren't automatically paid by every person. They are sales tax. One must buy something in order to pay it.
Must I define the difference between charity and forced taxation?

Taxes are used by Democrats to punish and oppress and to buy votes. That isn't charity by any stretch.

No, no. Please don't. I know the difference.

How "oppressed" are you? Do you find "oppression" by government-built roads to be less punitive than "oppression" to feed the hungry? How about that "oppression" to help the Iraqis get out from under their oppression? How "oppressed" have you been to educate our American children?

I, too, could feel "oppressed," but I just see it as investing in my own country, rather than nitpick at the recipients of SOME tax-money and giving others a pass.

You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look

I'd like to return the diagnosis of "brainwashed" to you if you think that taxes are meant to punish you or impoverish you.

Don't like the things your taxes go toward? Elect new representatives. I don't like some of those things, either.

I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

So it is a bad thing to dissuade people from smoking cigarettes, a product that cigarette companies have lied to the public about for decades? BTW, the real reasoning behind the high cigarette taxes is not to stop those who already smoke; it is to keep young people from starting, and guess what? It is working.

I have no problem trying to keep people from smoking. But taxation should only be used to fund the gov't, not for social engineering.
No, no. Please don't. I know the difference.

How "oppressed" are you? Do you find "oppression" by government-built roads to be less punitive than "oppression" to feed the hungry? How about that "oppression" to help the Iraqis get out from under their oppression? How "oppressed" have you been to educate our American children?

I, too, could feel "oppressed," but I just see it as investing in my own country, rather than nitpick at the recipients of SOME tax-money and giving others a pass.

You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look

I'd like to return the diagnosis of "brainwashed" to you if you think that taxes are meant to punish you or impoverish you.

Don't like the things your taxes go toward? Elect new representatives. I don't like some of those things, either.

I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

So it is a bad thing to dissuade people from smoking cigarettes, a product that cigarette companies have lied to the public about for decades? BTW, the real reasoning behind the high cigarette taxes is not to stop those who already smoke; it is to keep young people from starting, and guess what? It is working.

I have no problem trying to keep people from smoking. But taxation should only be used to fund the gov't, not for social engineering.

So how do you suggest we keep people from smoking? I smoked for 30 years. The cigarette companies were allowed to lie to me and every other smoker about the effects of smoking. They used advertising to lure people into smoking by making it look glamorous, and by directly lying when they knew they were lying. While everyone dies eventually, the cigarette companies have been complicit in seeing to it that hundreds of millions of people have died early deaths, with many suffering greatly the final years of their life. In fact, my sister in law just died a couple of weeks ago from lung cancer. She suffered with COPD and emphysema for the past ten years. She was 47 when she died.
I'm sorry for your loss, auditor.

I think education is the best bet to keep people from smoking.
I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

Fair enough.

Interestingly, mudwhistle didn't put those things on the list.

Mudwhistle is being punished, apparently, by taxes that go toward illegals. I doubt it is to dissuade him/her (sorry, I honestly don't know) from interacting with illegals.

Nice race-card.

Go down to Mexico and try doing what they're doing here and then see if you still feel like being charitable to them. They'll lock your ass up, make you wait months for your court date, and then kick your gringo ass out of the country.
Must I define the difference between charity and forced taxation?

Taxes are used by Democrats to punish and oppress and to buy votes. That isn't charity by any stretch.

No, no. Please don't. I know the difference.

How "oppressed" are you? Do you find "oppression" by government-built roads to be less punitive than "oppression" to feed the hungry? How about that "oppression" to help the Iraqis get out from under their oppression? How "oppressed" have you been to educate our American children?

I, too, could feel "oppressed," but I just see it as investing in my own country, rather than nitpick at the recipients of SOME tax-money and giving others a pass.

You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look

I'd like to return the diagnosis of "brainwashed" to you if you think that taxes are meant to punish you or impoverish you.

Don't like the things your taxes go toward? Elect new representatives. I don't like some of those things, either.

I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

So it is a bad thing to dissuade people from smoking cigarettes, a product that cigarette companies have lied to the public about for decades? BTW, the real reasoning behind the high cigarette taxes is not to stop those who already smoke; it is to keep young people from starting, and guess what? It is working.

So, will you be happy when they do the same to marijuana? :D Because if marijuana ever becomes a legal substance like alcohol/cigarettes, they are going to TAX the crap out of it, probably even more so than any tobacco products even.

IOW, if you think that the government is taxing things because they care about you, then that is just foolish. They do it for income. They do not care about you unless they can't suck money from you anymore for some reason.
Must I define the difference between charity and forced taxation?

Taxes are used by Democrats to punish and oppress and to buy votes. That isn't charity by any stretch.

No, no. Please don't. I know the difference.

How "oppressed" are you? Do you find "oppression" by government-built roads to be less punitive than "oppression" to feed the hungry? How about that "oppression" to help the Iraqis get out from under their oppression? How "oppressed" have you been to educate our American children?

I, too, could feel "oppressed," but I just see it as investing in my own country, rather than nitpick at the recipients of SOME tax-money and giving others a pass.

You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look

I'd like to return the diagnosis of "brainwashed" to you if you think that taxes are meant to punish you or impoverish you.

Don't like the things your taxes go toward? Elect new representatives. I don't like some of those things, either.

The government tries to get the MAXIMUM amount of money from you that they possibly can. That is a fact. They aren't made to punish people, of course, but they are the government's source of income. Then they can spend money on things like turtle crossings and other such things to make their lobbyists happy, so that they continue to contribute to their campaigns amongst other things. :)
I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

Fair enough.

Interestingly, mudwhistle didn't put those things on the list.

Mudwhistle is being punished, apparently, by taxes that go toward illegals. I doubt it is to dissuade him/her (sorry, I honestly don't know) from interacting with illegals.

Nice race-card.

Go down to Mexico and try doing what they're doing here and then see if you still feel like being charitable to them. They'll lock your ass up, make you wait months for your court date, and then kick your gringo ass out of the country.

Get the fuck out. Your list was topped by 4 or 5 taxes having to do with illegals. I responded to that.

That's not a "race-card."

Do we now need a "race-card" card for you to whip out at convenient times in the discussion?
I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

Fair enough.

Interestingly, mudwhistle didn't put those things on the list.

Mudwhistle is being punished, apparently, by taxes that go toward illegals. I doubt it is to dissuade him/her (sorry, I honestly don't know) from interacting with illegals.

Nice race-card.

Go down to Mexico and try doing what they're doing here and then see if you still feel like being charitable to them. They'll lock your ass up, make you wait months for your court date, and then kick your gringo ass out of the country.

I've heard Mexico doesn't take kindly to illegals.
You're brainwashed.

I don't call it an investment when it is designed to impoverish Americans. I have to control my anger sometimes when somebody starts lecturing me on all of the good things our tax dollars go to and never mentioning the scams. Below is a partial list of some of those scams:

  1. Healthcare for illegals
  2. Identity cards for illegals
  3. Transportation for illegals
  4. Legal representation for illegals
  5. Drivers licenses for illegals
  6. Foreign-aid for enemy states
  7. Bailouts for banks
  8. Bailouts for companies too big to fail
  9. Paying billions for sub-standard work
  10. Paying billions for union pensions
  11. Paying billions for people that can't find jobs or won't look

I'd like to return the diagnosis of "brainwashed" to you if you think that taxes are meant to punish you or impoverish you.

Don't like the things your taxes go toward? Elect new representatives. I don't like some of those things, either.

I'm not taking sides between you, but some taxes are meant to punish, or at least dissuade use.

Look at all the "sin taxes". Higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and such are meant to punish users or dissuade people from using them.

So it is a bad thing to dissuade people from smoking cigarettes, a product that cigarette companies have lied to the public about for decades? BTW, the real reasoning behind the high cigarette taxes is not to stop those who already smoke; it is to keep young people from starting, and guess what? It is working.

I have no problem trying to keep people from smoking. But taxation should only be used to fund the gov't, not for social engineering.

So how do you suggest we keep people from smoking? I smoked for 30 years. The cigarette companies were allowed to lie to me and every other smoker about the effects of smoking. They used advertising to lure people into smoking by making it look glamorous, and by directly lying when they knew they were lying. While everyone dies eventually, the cigarette companies have been complicit in seeing to it that hundreds of millions of people have died early deaths, with many suffering greatly the final years of their life. In fact, my sister in law just died a couple of weeks ago from lung cancer. She suffered with COPD and emphysema for the past ten years. She was 47 when she died.

Sorry to hear that, but unless you started smoking before they put warning labels on the cigarettes by the surgeon general, then yes, you are responsible for whatever you have decided to take into your own body.

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